It's not a spoiler and very vague, but I can imagine people don't want to read what the quest is like yet.Can you detail the NG+ quest a bit? How long is it?
Sorry Bros across the pond :/
Youll get through it!
"Bounce vectors" huh Crow? lol
Show dem titties
Currently in chapter 4 field study, still haven't found time to play it this week, maybe tomorrow...
Elise made a terrible first impression on me, hate that kind of character. First one I disliked, actually.
I don't like her Voice :/
It sounds like a preppie girl
I didn't need the 300,000 Mira bonus to get the trophy. Just sold everything I had, including sepith. I reached 1 mil while selling my fire quartz, so it's really not that hard after nearly two playthroughs haha.
Went with the advice here and managed to get the trophy. Rather annoying that it required having at least 1,000,000 Mira right on the spot instead of being cumulative, but whatever. If nothing else, it served as useful trivia by showing just how much everything that I had collected up until that point was worth.Just save then sell everything you have, if the trophy pops, re-load the last save. You should have plenty, especially if you have a bunch of rare Quartzes.
From what I've seen I'm pretty sure review copies are out there nowCopies in the wild? Review copies?
The latter.Copies in the wild? Review copies?
Review copies are out? Man I wish I had a bigger youtube channel to get in on that >.<
For those who haven't followed XSEED on Twitter the US VA for Rean donated some keychains of characters for CS2 and they started giving them away this week, I won the Emma one! So follow XSEED if you want a chance to get one of those, they generally just want you to retweet the post they put up about it.
For those who haven't followed XSEED on Twitter the US VA for Rean donated some keychains of characters for CS2 and they started giving them away this week, I won the Emma one! So follow XSEED if you want a chance to get one of those, they generally just want you to retweet the post they put up about it.
That moment when you realize that not only did you miss two hidden side quests in the first chapter (putting you completely out of the running for top rank) BUT also that you missed one of the book chapters...
Utter sadness...
Nice! I've been retweeting them when they go out.Review copies are out? Man I wish I had a bigger youtube channel to get in on that >.<
For those who haven't followed XSEED on Twitter the US VA for Rean donated some keychains of characters for CS2 and they started giving them away this week, I won the Emma one! So follow XSEED if you want a chance to get one of those, they generally just want you to retweet the post they put up about it.
Been retweeting them but haven't won any. Still want one though, anyone know where I could buy them?For those who haven't followed XSEED on Twitter the US VA for Rean donated some keychains of characters for CS2 and they started giving them away this week, I won the Emma one! So follow XSEED if you want a chance to get one of those, they generally just want you to retweet the post they put up about it.
AmiAmi had them up in stock for a while, but I see they're out of stock now. I got mine through Chara-Ani themselves.Been retweeting them but haven't won any. Still want one though, anyone know where I could buy them?
AmiAmi had them up in stock for a while, but I see they're out of stock now. I got mine through Chara-Ani themselves.
Honestly unless you have no intention of doing a second playthrough ever (you can't get Plat in a single playthrough FYI) I wouldn't worry to much about it, I missed a lot in the first two chapters before I ever saw a guide for the game and just used a guide the second playthrough.
Yeah it bugs the shit out of me too.I didn't like it that in the drama cd thing that takes place during CS1even Rean & Elise's parents are pairing the two and being almost like "Dad: hahahaha, wouldn't it be awesome if Rean would fuck her brains out! Mom: SO awesome." That whole relationship just feels icky since Elise feels more like the adoring little sister than some potential, serious love interest.
It's unlikely I will ever be able to complete a second playthrough (unless there is a speed up mechanic). Too many games to replay 40+hour RPGs these days... Thanks for the recommendation on a second playthrough being required for the plat, I guess there is some sort of new game + option?
It's unlikely I will ever be able to complete a second playthrough (unless there is a speed up mechanic). Too many games to replay 40+hour RPGs these days... Thanks for the recommendation on a second playthrough being required for the plat, I guess there is some sort of new game + option?
You can do everything on NG+, though it's advisable to split the bonding events equally between both.Gu4n: In CS2, can I pretty much play blind my first playthrough and get platinum on NG+, or is there anything I'll have to do in both playthroughs?
*dies*Sean Chiplock is an awesome dude. When I was part of Sanctuary Crew, we actually got him on to do commentary during a preview stream of Cold Steel before it released in English. He was hysterical and I'd love to get involved with him in something like that again.
We ended up getting stuff like this from this clip:
So I'm not sure if this has been asked and / or answered already, but I got a question:
I bought CS from the US store, but I want to get the EU version for the sequel. Is it still possible to import my save data this way? If not I will obviously get the US version again. for bruteforce for for something called PS3 save resigner, tool I've never used written guide for bruteforce, I think you can skip the account blanking step if you want to weird explanation on how to do it manually if you want to do it that way for some reason
Take your pick, I guess.
Man, finally got through CS1. Those last couple of chapters really dragged on. I liked the game quite a bit. The game had some lows but it wasn't too bad for the most part. What I liked:
The world(building):
After hearing how many installments there have been in the Trails franchise, I was initially a bit hesitant to buy the game as many people remarked that CS1 is not the best starting point in the franchise. Still, I wasn't as lost as I was expecting to be: The game did a decent enough job of introducing me to the world and all the various factions (although I have a feeling I missed out a ton of references and callbacks). I was impressed with how much detailed every faction was, with internal politics to boot.
You'll understand the main plot of CS1 well enough without playing the previous games, but I doubt CS2 will be the same. Also, in CS1, you won't pick up on the subtext of some scenes or the significance of a few revelations, and playing CS1 before Sky SC casually spoils a late-game plot twist. I know you may not want to go back now with CS2 so close, but playing both Sky FC and SC before it may be a good idea.
The gameplay:
It's always a good sign when I'm at the end of an RPG and the gameplay still has its hooks in me. I liked that I could customize what character would have what arts equipped, it gave me some real flexibility when it came to how I wanted my party to function.The mech battle at the end was also pretty fucking badass. Definitely hope to see more of that in the next game.
If you liked the orbment customization system in CS1, you'd love it in the Sky games, where it's actually more complex.
Now for the stuff I didn't like too much:
Quest design (and how you obtain them)
The schoolhouse quests got old real quick. It just felt like filler to me. After I found out what the schoolhouse's secret was,I was left feeling really unsatisfied.(Why is a mech in the basement of an old schoolhouse, anyway?)
The field study quests varied from shitty fetch quests to actually interesting stuff that revealed more about the world.
The fact thatit hides a mech isn't even close to the most interesting/suspicious thing about the old schoolhouse, and I hope to get more info on this in CS2. Unfortunately, this is something that will almost certainly go over your head if you haven't played the previous games, particularly Trails in the Sky the 3rd.
Thoughts in bold.
Your thoughts mirror a lot of feedback here in the thread.
I also recommend going back and playing FC and SC. The reveals you saw at the end of CS1 are going to be more multifaceted in CS2. I understand if you're too hype for CS2 to wait to do that though.![]()
I'm currently reading an LP of FC and am hoping I'll have that finished by the time CS2 comes out. Hopefully I'll be able to sneak in SC in there as well somehow.
On a side note: Estelle grew on me really quick. Like, I hadn't even finished the first chapter and I already liked her a lot.
Estelle is the best.