couldn't access that green ! first evening near the cafeteria. i hope that won't bite me in the ass in the future.
Another problem, I've had a couple times (not exclusive to chapter 4 though) was that sometimes randomly gain all their health back.
Like an enemy might be down to 30% or less, but then it hits me and gets all it's health back.
I initially noticed it with the golem and other big enemies in Chapter 3 and it happened a couple times in Chapter 4 (including the sharkodiles) as well.
I initially thought this might've been an attack, but I don't think so, because I haven't noticed any special names or anything.
Is this just me getting the worst experience, or has anyone else been seeing this?
Nope, there's no indication of them getting health back.You're sure they're not hitting the 'turns' where they get health back?
Turn order and management is a thing in these games. If the bosses happen to be landing on a 'turn' where they get HP back then yes, they do. If you delay them, you'll be healed on that turn instead. Look for special indications on the far left turn order bar.
Nope, there's no indication of them getting health back.
It's not a special turn or anything, they just randomly get all their health back.
Even for those turns, they usually don't get all their health back.
This was the case with the golem, where it was at 10,000 and then randomly goes back to 30,000.
Yeah thats what I did. Also increased her evasion and dealing double dmg on first strike.Alisa's final craft (I'm assuming) raises her usefulness significantly. Plus I turned Fie into an evasion machine and gave her the quartz that grants Criticals upon counters. The chapter 6 practice day boss couldn't touch a single person.
Im sorry guys
But Rean needs to start mackin on these ladies
Stop taking the damn high road man!
Holy shit chapter 6 has bitches throwing themselves at him and he doesnt even try to have fun with it lol
Its not that bad playing FC coming from Cold Steel. Theres a few things I do miss but is natural. Since its mostly what improves on the older game. For the most part its still a fun play.And done, Platinum is mine. It was a hard fought battle but absolutely worth it. I really think the second time through the final chapter was better then the first. Absolutely amazing game, possibly pushing into my top 10 of all time.
I guess I'll try to get into FC (so hard after playing this with the nicer graphics, updated gameplay, voiceacting and what not) to tide me over until Febuary when Xcom and FE come out, hope we end up getting some idea of when Cold Steel 2 will be coming out before too long, I know its pretty much impossible but my god I could die happy it came out before June (it won't)
Final chapter spoilerslove the song for the concert, but it would've been cool if they'd used Whereabouts of Light instead. It's mentioned earlier in the game and its mentioned a few times in Sky that it's an Erebonian song, but still a fun scene.
What exactly was the song they used? Is it from another game?
What exactly was the song they used? Is it from another game?
Yeah thats what I did. Also increased her evasion and dealing double dmg on first strike.
Cause anime harem?I hate harem..
Its not that bad playing FC coming from Cold Steel. Theres a few things I do miss but is natural. Since its mostly what improves on the older game. For the most part its still a fun play.
Yeah thats what I did. Also increased her evasion and dealing double dmg on first strike.
Cause anime harem?I hate harem..
Its not that bad playing FC coming from Cold Steel. Theres a few things I do miss but is natural. Since its mostly what improves on the older game. For the most part its still a fun play.
For the double damage Quartz, is it for the first acting turn only, or for the first turn you actually deal damage?
First turn for the character who has the quartz.
Yeah I see what you mean. I dont mind it as much since the game is well written. Its just a personal pet peeve of mineI just feel like the characters would be much more fun if they were a bit less constrained
Even Olivier seems constrained (though thankfully his personality bubbles up here and there)
The game is still well written there are just missed opportunities for fun lol
At least Crow delivers but everyone just reprimands him lol.
Its first attack used in battle for that character. In combination with evasion quartz and critical damage quartz noting could hit herFor the double damage Quartz, is it for the first acting turn only, or for the first turn you actually deal damage?
Nope, there's no indication of them getting health back.
It's not a special turn or anything, they just randomly get all their health back.
Even for those turns, they usually don't get all their health back.
This was the case with the golem, where it was at 10,000 and then randomly goes back to 30,000.
It's in 3rd. thanks!
Anyway, the event 2 years ago that brought Cassius to Erebonia... Is that explained anywhere or am I just forgetting it? 3rd maybe?
Anyway, the event 2 years ago that brought Cassius to Erebonia... Is that explained anywhere or am I just forgetting it? 3rd maybe?
It's in 3rd.[=""]The Bracer guilds were being attacked[/].
Final chapter spoilerslove the song for the concert, but it would've been cool if they'd used Whereabouts of Light instead. It's mentioned earlier in the game and its mentioned a few times in Sky that it's an Erebonian song, but still a fun scene.
Didn'tMisty sing a few lines from it on Radio Trista?
The final series of events was so good.Jesus that ending.
The final series of events was so good.
DatholdThors facultywhile the BGMing the line.was playing.Atrocious Raid
I finally got an account here!
Okay here's my first post.
I have been reading this thread since I got the game just before new year but couldn't post anything. I'm at the start of Chapter 5. I don't have time to play it this week but I often played it for like 10 hours straight when I first got the game. (Thanks to the holiday)
I love it so far. The pace is a bit slow like expected. Only other The Legend of Heroes I have played is FC on Steam. I like them both but it took me a year to finish FC at around 60 hours and this one came out. I heard that it's a good entry point so I jumped to this one instead of SC. (I don't mind a little bit of waiting to see the conclusion of that cliffhanger.)
What I am afraid is that I might get spoiled of SC by playing this first. Well, I'm on Chapter 5 so I already know aboutPrince Olivert. But I'm fine with this because I suspected that he's someone important from FC already.
Can anyone tell me if there is any significant spoilers of SC in this game later on? It's fine if it's just some minor ones. If so, should I go back to SC first? I didn't do that at first because playing FC for 60 hours kinda burn me out a bit. This new one has many new things enough to give me the different feelings about the game. Or I should be fine playing this first then go back to SC later? I plan to Platinum this so I will come back to play this one again after I finish SC. I shouldn't miss all the references to SC on this second time.
What I am afraid is that I might get spoiled of SC by playing this first. Well, I'm on Chapter 5 so I already know aboutPrince Olivert. But I'm fine with this because I suspected that he's someone important from FC already.
Can anyone tell me if there is any significant spoilers of SC in this game later on? It's fine if it's just some minor ones. If so, should I go back to SC first? I didn't do that at first because playing FC for 60 hours kinda burn me out a bit. This new one has many new things enough to give me the different feelings about the game. Or I should be fine playing this first then go back to SC later? I plan to Platinum this so I will come back to play this one again after I finish SC. I shouldn't miss all the references to SC on this second time.
welcome :3I finally got an account here!
Okay here's my first post.
I have been reading this thread since I got the game just before new year but couldn't post anything. I'm at the start of Chapter 5. I don't have time to play it this week but I often played it for like 10 hours straight when I first got the game. (Thanks to the holiday)
I love it so far. The pace is a bit slow like expected. Only other The Legend of Heroes I have played is FC on Steam. I like them both but it took me a year to finish FC at around 60 hours and this one came out. I heard that it's a good entry point so I jumped to this one instead of SC. (I don't mind a little bit of waiting to see the conclusion of that cliffhanger.)
What I am afraid is that I might get spoiled of SC by playing this first. Well, I'm on Chapter 5 so I already know aboutPrince Olivert. But I'm fine with this because I suspected that he's someone important from FC already.
Can anyone tell me if there is any significant spoilers of SC in this game later on? It's fine if it's just some minor ones. If so, should I go back to SC first? I didn't do that at first because playing FC for 60 hours kinda burn me out a bit. This new one has many new things enough to give me the different feelings about the game. Or I should be fine playing this first then go back to SC later? I plan to Platinum this so I will come back to play this one again after I finish SC. I shouldn't miss all the references to SC on this second time.
Ch. 6:The sending of these kids into Field Studies in places waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too hot is really gutsy there, faculty. Wooooooo.
Really liking Alisa in this one; it's sad the brief flat note moments pop up now and then though. It's been a problem here and there in this game. Luckily Crow and Fie are there for some much less dull inappropriate banter.
Wow it took me way too long to realize that there was a Move command lol.
Do you guys reccomend bonding with NPCs or prioritize class 7?
It's up to your preference.
I went with 2 NPCs and most of Class VII
Chapter 7, on the hunt for master Quartz. What do you all think is the best? I missed the fishing spot by the mine so am trying to catch a ghost crayfish in the student pond (painful), deciding if it's worth jumping heavily into cooking now considering I've ignored it, and also wondering if I made the right reward choice from Vandyckwhat's chevalier like?
Only bonding trophy and you can get more info about their side of the story. Other than that, none.Is there a benefit to bonding with the NPCs?
Is there a benefit to bonding with the NPCs?