The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom |OT| The Legend of Link? Tri Harder!


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.




Physical editions are available at most retailers that sell Nintendo products. There is no collector's edition.

There is a gold Zelda-themed Switch Lite available now




Played it for an hour, it’s okay so far, felt like a newb getting hit by during the opening fight. The echoes should have been different categories, even just objects and enemies so it’s quicker to get to what you need. I’ll get properly stuck in when I wake up


Played it for an hour, it’s okay so far, felt like a newb getting hit by during the opening fight. The echoes should have been different categories, even just objects and enemies so it’s quicker to get to what you need. I’ll get properly stuck in when I wake up
This is the only real issue I have with the game after 10 hours or so. It's so short sighted that I bet it's one of those things that the devs brought to the director but were constantly shut down because they didn't want to admit they were wrong. How you gonna have 100 items and not have categories.


Just played an hour. Performance is painful, really detracts from the experience. Smudge decal on the bottom sixth of the screen is still there from LA, very unconvincing attempt at making a DOF effect; and especially silly since it doesn't change at all when you put the camera in the overhead view.
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Just played an hour. Performance is painful, really detracts from the experience. Smudge decal on the bottom sixth of the screen is still there from LA, very unconvincing attempt at making a DOF effect; and especially silly since it doesn't change at all when you put the camera in the overhead view.
Thank God for Ryujinx until switch 2 drops. Got those shit DoF effects modded out at a solid 120fps


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I am glad my insomnia got me out of bed early this morning and that I took today off work, because I forgot I had preordered this game. Fired up the Switch and the game was ready to go.

This opening sequence with Link is great. The game overall is Legend of Zelda as fuck. It is a love letter to the overhead games in every way, with all of the great bits of the games that came after them mixed in (thematically and such). It's also great fun finally playing as Zelda.

My only gripe is that on my OLED I had to disable auto brightness and jack the brightness nearly all the way up. It's just too dark by default for me.
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This game looks very good. I'm assuming this will be available on the next system, next year. Would be awesome if Nintendo would do some more discounts and much more frequently
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It's surprising how much freedom it gives you if you experiment. Minor spoilers I'm in the Gerudo town and decided to climb all over the back of it with object echoes and found a piece of heart. It's not as simple to climb as BOTW but I'm sure by the end I'll be able to go pretty much anywhere.
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Golgo 13

The Man With The Golden Dong
Usually I’ll wait for reviews on a game but I had my game voucher about to expire, so I used it on this. Look forward to playing a bit later, and reading more GAF impressions.


I've played about 5 hours and I like it quite a lot. Though the echos list is already ballooned beyond control and that is so far my only gripe with it. Tri is a charming companion and performance is not as bad as some have said here, I've noticed one instance of slowdown and I just entered the second dungeon.


I've played about 5 hours and I like it quite a lot. Though the echos list is already ballooned beyond control and that is so far my only gripe with it. Tri is a charming companion and performance is not as bad as some have said here, I've noticed one instance of slowdown and I just entered the second dungeon.
It's really annoying that when you are on the screen of them it doesn't loop from the bottom so you have to scroll all the way up each time if you need a box or bed.


performance is not as bad as some have said here, I've noticed one instance of slowdown and I just entered the second dungeon.

*watches Digital Foundry video*

uh... yeah...
and that's why without empirical data noone should ever trust anyone talking about performance lol.
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It's really annoying that when you are on the screen of them it doesn't loop from the bottom so you have to scroll all the way up each time if you need a box or bed.
Yeah that really could've been done better. It's so strange, they've had this issue since BOTW - 7 years ago now. Game is really good despite that, I'd recommend it to anyone.

*watches Digital Foundry video*

uh... yeah...
and that's why without empirical data noone should ever trust anyone about performance lol.
I'm just saying, I haven't had any bad slowdowns playing in the initial forest and the gerudo desert. Might be worse further ahead but so far I'd say it's hyperbole. Though I grew up playing PC games on 386 CPUs and N64, I never was a stickler for fps as long as it is playable so each their own I guess.
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I'm just saying, I haven't had any bad slowdowns playing in the initial forest and the gerudo desert. Might be worse further ahead but so far I'd say it's hyperbole. Though I grew up playing PC games on 386 CPUs and N64, I never was a stickler for fps as long as it is playable so each their own I guess.

in Digital Foundry's video it's very obvious that nearly every time you move around the overworld the game drops to 30fps. when you stop moving it goes back up to 60, and once you start moving it drops back down to 30 again.

so near constant slowdown. only in dungeons is it actually 60fps, and even there it can drop during boss battles.
the performance seems like something is seriously broken and they should have never used this engine
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Parody of actual AJUMP23
Game looks really fun. I am still on the fence about it, but I will see if I will use some gift cards for it.


in Digital Foundry's video it's very obvious that nearly every time you move around the overworld the game drops to 30fps. when you stop moving it goes back up to 60, and once you start moving it drops back down to 30 again.

so near constant slowdown. only in dungeons is it actually 60fps, and even there it can drop during boss battles.
the performance seems like something is seriously broken and they should have never used this engine
Oh, I don't give a shit about 30fps, I'm talking about sub 30. If it's mostly stable 30 in the overworld thats absolutely fine for me. Just to be clear, 30FPS is NOT a "slowdown" in my book. Fucking hell it's still the standard in console gaming isnt it? Certainly was the previous two generations.
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Another title that makes me more and more eager to get a Switch. I've been telling myself I'll just wait until the Switch 2 comes out but I don't even know when that will be...


Ok, I'm a huge Zelda fan, never miss one and I'm interested in this. Performance seems fine to me. I'm more worried about the gameplay loop satisfaction. It seems that you just summon guys and sit there while they do the fighting/work. I'm sure there's more to it than that, but what am I missing?


lol 120fps , no chance.
I don't want to derail this thread with emulation talk, but disable v-sync and you get 90 in the overworld even with a humble GPU.

Anyway, it's pretty good, with the sandboxy mechanics you often wonder if your solution to a puzzle was entirely kosher. It's probably a sequence breaker's wet dream. Game might be a bit too heavy with cutscenes and explain too much, but I like it.
There's even a lore explanation why Link is mute. Actually mute as in cannot talk at all.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Plowing through this, beat the first few dungeons. One of my favorite (somewhat unexpected) things is that the map is Link to the Past, but slightly different. In a way that everything feels extremely familiar, but new at the same time. LttP is my favorite Zelda game, so it's been a real treat.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
The game is awesome and fun so far. People bitching about the FPS have no idea what they're talking about and have their brains broken
I can’t do it man. I already bought it and tried it, but it’s just sooooooo bad. I can’t handle it going from 60 to 30 over and over. I wish it just had a 30 fps cap.

I think I’m gonna try to install it on my hacked switch and see if overclocking the memory will help. I want to play this game so badly, but that fps judder will drive me fucking insane.


The nicest person on this forum
And the thread is derailed by stupid ass culture war shit again

A pixel art character isn't attractive enough to beat off to.

Fucks sake. I mean for fucks fat incel virgin shit
I’m also getting sick of BS culture crap we getting these days.

This no different than resetera calling everything and anything “problematic” but now here is everything and anything is “woke”…..same fucking shit.


Neighbours from Hell
Ok I’m playing and early in the only way to attack enemies is to throw objects at them? The spinning move only seems to cut down grass and stuff. Hopefully this changes later on, I don’t like that.


Ok I’m playing and early in the only way to attack enemies is to throw objects at them? The spinning move only seems to cut down grass and stuff. Hopefully this changes later on, I don’t like that.
I prefer her spin for cutting grass, it's quicker than links sword in previous games. You'll get some pretty strong echoes quite quickly, but throwing rocks is sometimes useful even further in.


Ok I’m playing and early in the only way to attack enemies is to throw objects at them? The spinning move only seems to cut down grass and stuff. Hopefully this changes later on, I don’t like that.
Throw stones, pots and summon echoes of enemies, you will get more ways to attack with later.


Neighbours from Hell
I prefer her spin for cutting grass, it's quicker than links sword in previous games. You'll get some pretty strong echoes quite quickly, but throwing rocks is sometimes useful even further in.
Is there any way to directly attack enemies with the staff itself?
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