TSA did that for his impressions in the review thread. He didn't, however, do it in any of his posts here. The proof is in the pudding: http://neogaf.net/forum/showpost.php?p=32690057&postcount=802. He's also mentioned things in our discussions together.ShockingAlberto said:Just out of curiosity, have you made room for the idea that some people didn't because he specifically warned of spoilers, Feep said "TSA put a bunch of spoilers up there," and he went back and spoiler tagged a lot of it?
Like, had that thought gone through your head at all? Or was it just "I HATE TSA SO MUCH THAT I BET EVERY LIVING PERSON HAS READ HIS POST THAT STUPID JERK"?
I'm not hating on TSA here I'm just saying a straight up fact. Anyone expecting anything outside of TSA's or jarsh's impressions might be disappointed.