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The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword |OT| Home of Punkin' Chunkin' Champion 2011


I really wish I didn't pre-order from Amazon....

Moved my Wii to the family plasma TV as I read plasma is better producing good looking SD pictures, tried SMG2 on it and it looked amazing. My body is ready, hurry up and ship Amazon!


Last night I found out that no store in my area was doing a midnight launch, so The_Technomancer and I bribed my roommate to drive us to GameStop this morning to get our copies.

My thoughts on the game so far are summarized thusly: sogood.gif

That is all.


Anyone else have trouble
flying? Seems like every 5 seconds, the camera looks down, the bird flaps its wings, and I can't see where I'm going.

That's because your bird can only glide. When that happens, it means he lost too much speed. To regain the speed, flick the controller upwards or downwards to generate thrust.
Yes, he did. He said stuff would "make up for it", implying what I was wondering was true.

I don't want to know, that's the point!


If you don't want to know, don't ask.

And thanks for the flying tips, guys.
Crap, was hoping for a LE as I don't have a motionplus. The Gamestop here had some but they were all reserved, and it appears Wal-Mart is holding their copies for black friday. Guess I'd better order online... hate living in a small city.
That's because your bird can only glide. When that happens, it means he lost too much speed. To regain the speed, flick the controller upwards or downwards to generate thrust.

Good Lord I was so close to rage-quitting because I couldn't figure out why my bird wasn't ascending. I somehow completely missed the part about flapping the wiimote.
I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask, but I tried ripping Skyward Sword with CFG and when I go to run it it crashes. I wonder if it has to do with the FW update on the disc.


Aaaaaaaaaand done with 39 hours. REALLY beautiful ending with awesome music.

The game has some obvious issues (pacing, stupid quests, stupid motion controllers, Fi, pointless upgrade system, barren overworld) but I enjoyed the game A LOT. The artstyle and the Zelda/Link desings are probably my favourites in the series and I love the "one seamless dungeon" concept.

Majora's Mask remains as my favourite Zelda :p

Now it's Newgame + time!
I didn't ask.

But anyway, it's not a big deal. It's just pretty ridiculous I stated not to confirm or deny and he did just that. Some people are incapable of reading.

I could state not to reply to this post, but you would go and do it anyway. Ridiculous? No, it's human nature. My rules don't bound you, and yours don't bound him, either. Suck it up and stop asking questions (Or dancing around asking questions) you don't want answered.


Kills Photobucket
Finished Dungeon 5. Awesome boss still didn't save that terrible dungeon.

Backtracking a half dozen times to hit that stupid time switch was worse than TOoT Water Temple water levels


My local store should be getting it in tomorrow. Cannot waaait
Wii, may your DVD drive hold out just for this one last game at least... can't be bothered to do that Letterbomb thing
I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask, but I tried ripping Skyward Sword with CFG and when I go to run it it crashes. I wonder if it has to do with the FW update on the disc.
Hmmm, mines runs, but I ended up just playing from the disk honestly. Not sure if this is the case with everyone, but when I run it from the HDD, the music sometimes skips and certain menu/area transitions lag slightly. More than playable, but that irritated me, so off the disk is best from my experience.
I could state not to reply to this post, but you would go and do it anyway. Ridiculous? No, it's human nature. My rules don't bound you, and yours don't bound him, either. Suck it up and stop asking questions (Or dancing around asking questions) you don't want answered.
It's just common decency to avoid spoiling something for someone when they stated they were just thinking out loud about something. I've seen posts where people have pondered questions they don't want to know the answer to and I've never felt the need to quote them and tell them something they don't want to know. It's an asshole thing to do.

But that's my final word on that.
Hmmm, mines runs, but I ended up just playing from the disk honestly. Not sure if this is the case with everyone, but when I run it from the HDD, the music sometimes skips and certain menu/area transitions lag slightly. More than playable, but that irritated me, so off the disk is best from my experience.

I wouldn't mind running from the disc, but it says there is a system update and I don't want to fuck up Homebrew Channel.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
Welp I'm headed off on the real adventure now!!!

The beginning area (tutorial) probably takes about 30 minutes to get through. Personally, I took my time and explored everything. Nintendo is always so great at adding little touches to bring the world alive, and they didn't slouch here. Skyloft is already winning me over, with great design and quirky characters throughout. Zelda is already the best Zelda in a Legend of Zelda game. Period. I mean..... wow. I laughed at Groose's expression when she was around, but dammit I almost felt the same way
on top of the Goddess Statue after the Ceremony

Speaking of Groose, I loved the interactions between Link and him (along with his little minions). Very funny stuff, and hopefully I get to see more of them throughout the game. After hearing rumors of Skyloft
being the only major town
, I'm hoping Skyloft gets the Majora Mask treatment where you spend a lot of time with these characters and get to know them.

Things I like:
- So far sword-fighting is everything I ever hoped for, controls almost flawlessly.
- The NPCs/Zelda. Some great interactions already.
- The artstyle. Loving the painting look, and :0 at nighttime Skyloft!
- Dialogue tree! Even if it isn't adding much, loving the addition of SOMETHING new to NPC interactions.
- The music! Already a ton of memorial tunes, especially
the tune playing while chasing Fi
- Stamina meter just because you can't spam the roll anymore!
- Link being MUCH MORE Agile.
- Jumping of the cliff and calling your bird; Just Genius.
- The little nods to other Zeldas. Some people my find them "too similar" but I love the deja Vu feeling of
rescuing my Guardian Bird, very Winderwaker-ish way to get into the mini-dungeon/ Parachute looking very similar to Windwaker's Sail
- The whole Beginning. Honestly I think think this was the most refined and epic beginning to a Zelda game yet
- IGN's hyperbole of "Disney-like" presentation being the fricken truth!
- Good ole magical Legend of Zelda feeling!

Things I'm iffy about:
- Bird controls feel too loose compared to Wii Sports Resort airplane mode. Disliked the thrust to speed up there, dislike the flap here as well.
- Motion for no good reason: Shake to leap up a ladder while climbing? A simple button press would of done the job well enough.
- The sky area seems a bit TOO empty, but I need to explore it more to make a final judgement.
- Camera is a bit wonky so far, it seems to have trouble keeping up with Link's new speed.
- Fi....... I have a feeling she could get annoying, and I figured I would be digging the sarcastic personality by now... but I'm not. Still need to spend more time with here though.

Things I'm already disappointed in:
- I'm nitpicking, but lack of voice acting is bothering me more then I thought it would. The presentation is awesome, so VA could of potentially even helped more in immersing you in the world.
- No fault to the game, but I can't help but imagine what this would look like in HD. Still looks really good on my TV set, but I can't but wonder "what if"

By the way, go into Groose's room if you haven't already.
LMAO at Link's face being pasted on the punching bag!


Good Lord I was so close to rage-quitting because I couldn't figure out why my bird wasn't ascending. I somehow completely missed the part about flapping the wiimote.

I missed it too. Come to think of it, she did say that to gain speed, you have to move the wiimote up and then down. But I figured that she meant it in the way you fly in Super Mario World (dive and then gain altitude, etc). I guess they should've said 'waggle the wiimote', but Nintendo was probably too selfconscious about that.


brazen editing lynx
I've gotten all the way to the entrance of the first dungeon. I plan to do some more exploring both in Skyloft and
Faron Woods
before I start the first dungeon. Anyway, here are my early impressions.

+ It looks so damn gorgeous. I especially love the DOF effect. I'll probably have to say this is my favorite art style of any Zelda game. Nighttime Skyloft had me saying "WOW" repeatedly the first time I saw it.
+ DAT MUSIC. My current favorite is tied between the music that plays when you're flying and
the music that plays when you meet Fi. It got even better when multiple versions of the same song played.
I've yet to encounter a song that turned me off. From playing the leaked demo, I know the first dungeon's music is weak, but it's probably an exception compared to the entire game.
+ This is definitely one of the funnier Zelda games. It's mostly small moments that crack me up. The funniest part had to be
when you get the sailcloth. Link raises it in the air in the "Item Get" stance right in front of Zelda. Zelda then tells him to stop goofing.
. There's plenty of other great moments, but I won't spoil them.
+ Groose. I can't stop laughing at him. The moment that sealed the deal was when I entered his room.
He has a picture of himself hanging on the wall. There's also a poorly drawn picture of Link on his punching bag.
I can't wait to see what he gets up to later.
+ Zelda actually has some character. She's easily my favorite Zelda. (Note: I did not really care for Spirit Tracks Zelda. She was funny, but she acted a little too much like a spoiled princess side.)
+ Flying around feels so good. It controls perfectly in my opinion.
+ Rupees are useful? What is this blasphemy?! I can already hold 600 rupees, and there are several items that cost more than that. I'm so glad Nintendo fixed that issue.
+ Beedle!! I love him so much. I also see that he has some expensive items that could come in handy later on.
+ The shield mechanics are wonderful. I can't just sit there and block the entire time now. A wooden shield breaks in only 4 hits, which I found out the hard way. Then I learned I had to buy another damn shield. Those shield repairing potions are mighty useful right now. Speaking of shields...
+ Holy higher difficulty Batman! I haven't died yet, but I've already had some close calls. It's so good that hits from enemies usually take a full heart out, not the quarter-heart bullshit in TP.

~ I'm still having to get used to swinging the sword. I keep trying to do quick wrist movements, so I don't always swing in the correct direction. Currently, I'm neutral on it. It does add a lot to the combat which I enjoy.
~ Fi. As a character, I love her. As the player's guide, she needs to STFU more often. I'll probably like her more as the game goes on.

- The sky really is empty. There's only
major islands, and
of them are mini-games. I was looking forward to exploring the entire sky. Such a wasted opportunity.
- The hand-holding is a little annoying. I know how to push a box dude. No need to tell me when I'm right in front of it. I know Nintendo wants younger kids to be able to play it, but they could have at least included an option to tell NPC's to shut their pieholes.
- Those goddamn trolling black birds in
Faron Woods
. They are the bane of my existence. After one of them dropped a
Monster Claw
, I tried farming them for more. But they are so damn irritating to kill. Trying to hit them with
the Slingshot is difficult due to having to still aim while locked on
. Hitting them with the sword can be tricky as they tend to fly right out of my reach. They also love to shit on my head. After finally getting into a rhythm, I was killing them with less trouble. But not single damn one out of probably twenty dropped another
Monster Claw
. Fuck those birds.

Apart from those few quirks (of which only the first one is a true downside), I really love the game. I can't rank it as I haven't even completed a full dungeon yet, but so far, the wait for Skyward Sword was well worth it.
WHAT?! It looks unbelievably good on my 40" Sony Bravia with component cables hooked to the Wii.

edit: Ask Corky too! ♥
Through emulation most probably :)

In reality it doesn't look good in big screen HD tvs. A 480P crt does a wonderfulll nob with the game's picture quality.


Kills Photobucket
Silly question.

Trying to find the guys party wheel. I'm dowsing int eh desert near the desert entrance and get a good signal, it's on a cliff. But how do I get up there?
It's just common decency to avoid spoiling something for someone when they stated they were just thinking out loud about something. I've seen posts where people have pondered questions they don't want to know the answer to and I've never felt the need to quote them and tell them something they don't want to know. It's an asshole thing to do.

But that's my final word on that.
It's no surprise to me that it's Big One who was the one who answered what you didn't want any answer for. He's a good guy, but currently on mine and a lot of others ignore list because of spoilers.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
god this game looks terrible on a 42" HDTV :(

Really? I mean obviously it's not HD so it's not crystal clear or anything, but compared to other Wii games it looks great. Much better then Donkey Kong Country Returns or even Super Mario Galaxy. Like I said earlier, for whatever reason this and Epic Yarn's style lend really well to the stretching and what not (imo).

In some ways it almost makes it look MORE like a painting lol. Anyways, looks great on my 45 inch Samsung LED HDTV!
I wouldn't mind running from the disc, but it says there is a system update and I don't want to fuck up Homebrew Channel.
Yeah, I have two Wii consoles, so I guess I should have stated that. I was paranoid as hell when modding my wii, so I just picked up a cheap used one just in case.

Also, the combat in here feels so damn good. It didn't really hit me until I fought the spiders, but wow. Nintendo really did a great job here, and it only gets better as the game and enemies progress.

Ok, back to gaming...


I'm just into the
Skyview Temple
and loving how much more
this game is.

Anyone else have trouble
flying? Seems like every 5 seconds, the camera looks down, the bird flaps its wings, and I can't see where I'm going.

I freakin' LOVE
in this game!
Really dig the controls and fluent animations of the Loftwing. <3


Silly question.

Trying to find the guys party wheel. I'm dowsing int eh desert near the desert entrance and get a good signal, it's on a cliff. But how do I get up there?

Don't read spoilers unless you've don dungeon 3.

Near the entrance should be a
time stone for you to hit
the rest is elementary once the
time bubble
takes effect.

Anyone done the Fledge side quest yet. i've
given him a stamina potion
but every night he's still doing and saying the same things. What up with that?


Nintendo is always so great at adding little touches to bring the world alive, and they didn't slouch here.

Coming off Skyrim, where you talk to your companion, deplete the dialog options and then nothing changes for half or most of the game, I really love the fact that every time something happens the NPCs are able to react to this. It's really simple, just a single sentence, but it adds so much to the world building. You keep going back to the same characters thinking "I wonder what their opinion on all this is".


Game looks absolutely gorgeous on my 55" dinosaur of an HDTV. The fact that it's rear projection and thus has no native resolution and helps a lot.


Kills Photobucket
Don't read spoilers unless you've don dungeon 3.

Near the entrance should be a
time stone for you to hit
the rest is elementary once the
time bubble
takes effect.

Ugh, how did I not see that.... There's even an open chest up there meaning I got up here the first time you go to the desert ><
Put in a cheat to get infinite collectables. Fuck that, I ain't doing that stuff no more in a Zelda. Just experiencing the dungeons and story, that's enough for me. So much less frustration :-D
Yeah, I have two Wii consoles, so I guess I should have stated that. I was paranoid as hell when modding my wii, so I just picked up a cheap used one just in case.

Also, the combat in here feels so damn good. It didn't really hit me until I fought the spiders, but wow. Nintendo really did a great job here, and it only gets better as the game and enemies progress.

Ok, back to gaming...
Oh. :(


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
Coming off Skyrim, where you talk to your companion, deplete the dialog options and then nothing changes for half or most of the game, I really love the fact that every time something happens the NPCs are able to react to this. It's really simple, just a single sentence, but it adds so much to the world building. You keep going back to the same characters thinking "I wonder what their opinion on all this is".

Haha OH YES I know. It's actually one of my MAJOR complaints about Skyrim. You finish a quest for someone, they acknowledge it once, then when you talk to them again they act like they have never seen you before.

Zelda has always been pretty good about having new things to say when something major happens and this one looks to be even better about that! It's another reason why I loved Arkham City so much, the chatter you pick up from gangs is always changing and is aware of what just happened in the story. Was really amazed at how good it was there.
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