About the only genuinely bad thing I've seen so far is the scenes where
. They just look really cheap, no good characterisation/animation to be seen there, contrary to most other cut scenes. It's hardly an issue but the camera does focus on them much.
The pointer I still wish used the sensor bar but meh, whatever, it's a non issue in the end. The combat and the various items are all a joy to use. Even bug catching is fun in this game. It's been fairly easy so far but it's also been a joy to see through.
The intro was excellent imo. Quick, with some purely optional tutorials and enough hints of action at the same time it was setting the mood for what's to come. I'm not really seeing how it could be any more straightforward without just dropping you in a dungeon as soon as the game starts with no explanation whatsoever. it's nothing like TP.
I like all the dungeons and puzzles so far, some are inventive enough to think other developers would just pad them into whole Portal style adventure/puzzle games, yet Nintendo keeps coming up with new stuff around every corner. It also packs a lot more variety than the map suggested (too much brown was my fear).
I even liked the first
trial, though perhaps later ones might feel like a chore if they're too hard. It's like they've used Super Mario Galaxy style challenges.
Oh, and I love how as you go through an area you keep altering the layout making shortcuts for yourself to make future runs much speedier, you don't have to go through the same environmental challenges every time you visit the area and you make even more shortcuts as you go with tools you get later.
I'm just where I have to start returning to previously visited areas for story purposes and it really doesn't feel like backtracking, with the shortcuts in place and the new abilities and tools you reach the newly accessible areas in no time at all, while there were new enemy types to fight even where I had gone through before. Oh, and an awesome boss. If that's how the rest of the backtracking is, it's like faulting Metroid style games if they make you go 5 rooms back or whatever after defeating a boss to then go through a previously blocked path that leads to yet new areas and bosses.
All in all so far there's been seemingly no boring downtime or even slowdown like in TP. It's very condsensed Zelda. You have side quests that might take some time with the whole day/night switch but it's a choice. And yes, it's obviously a light hearted fairy tale you can have your kids play/watch too, not something like DarkSiders or even Skyrim. That's not a flaw either in my book but I guess your opinion may vary.