The 3DS is a portable system you know.
There is no way to convey "Dreadfully sorry, but I need to pee. Would you mind waiting a minute or two?" via the 6 available lobby emotes.
I am setting up a friend room again.
Just went to add you back but I still don't see your friend code.Somehow my friend code got erased from the NA goodle doc, so I readded it, and I've added everyone on the list
The 3DS is a portable system you know.
Can you go back and do missions whenever? I want to play this with my kids, but also would like to check it out over the Internet. Can I do a mission on the Internet and then go back and do it with them later?
Just went to add you back but I still don't see your friend code.
That's really weird.
I can swear I read that somewhere!
Just searched & people are talking about it on Reddit..You read somewhere that you don't get the theme when you buy it off eShop?
¯\ (º_o) /¯
Guess your game is European huh.If you buy the eshop version you get a download code for the theme on the receipt at checkout. It doesn't automatically show up which is really weird.
To view the code after purchase if you missed it, go to the eshop and view your account activity, and view the receipt from there. Scroll w-a-y down and you'll find the code. Enter the code into the themes app from the menu in the top right (hamburger icon).
I'm sure I've just automatically gotten themes before, maybe they messed up the deal somehow.
So the game is good? I have my order to pick up from BB on my way home from work.
The reviews didn't look too hot but I love coop games.
Is there room for me?Creating another room for NA people if anyone wants to play
Is there room for me?
I'd love to join.
Just searched & people are talking about it on Reddit..
It's Europe only.
Guess your game is European huh.
Sure, no problem.I might just get a random for the last player, since I want to have time
Oh? I guess I'm not sure then. I just assumed PAL is thrown into one bucket.
I just read the PAL game manual, on page 12 it says that you can only play with players from Europe and Oceania, so in this game it's indeed possible.
The fact that Europeans can play with Australians makes the region lock even more stupid since that's one of the worst geographical match-ups for lag. At least in Mario Tennis Open the restriction made sense.
I can play, created a roomI'll probably be online for the next few hours if anyone from NA wants to play.
I can play, created a room
Mind if I join you guys?
Sweet. I'll be online in a minute. I'm only in the first zonr still. Will that hold you back? If we can just jump ahead to wherever you are that would work for me.I can play
Sweet. I'll be online in a minute. I'm only in the first zonr still. Will that hold you back? If we can just jump ahead to wherever you are that would work for me.
I don't know why but I think the Princess looks sexy in the leotard... :|
Just created a room for European gaffers. Feel free to join if you want to.
I will join. We need one more. But I only play the first level so far
EDIT: seems that its too late. Europeans to start the game? I created a room
Was on the last part of the Fire Temple and then one guy just bailed.
Is this room still up?