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The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power - Season 1


He didn't. Not in the books anyway ASAIK. After Isildur took the ring on the battlefield, Elrond and Cirdan were the only ones who saw what he did. They tried to advise him to destroy the ring, but Isildur was having none of it.

‘”This I will have as weregild for my father, and my brother,”

Elrond and Cirdan had little choice but to let him walk off with it. It's not as if they could strike him down in front of his men and take it by force.

In the movie, the prologue shows the defeat of Sauron and Isildur acquiring the ring on the battle field.

Then later when Frodo and co reach Rivendell, Elrond tells the story of Isildur and the ring and you see a flashback of Isildur and Elrond in the mouth of the volcano.
Elrond says "Evil was allowed to endure". Because he himself sat there and did absolutely nothing.

How can he sit there and blame men when he did nothing. Crazy.

If they didn't go to the volcano in the book then it's Peter Jackson that did a poor job of the adaptation.

Lord Panda

The Sea is Always Right
Watched the extended version of Fellowship of the Ring last night with the wife for the first time. No idea why, but I just realised how up his own arse Elrond was. He blames their current predicament on mankind as a whole. Then the movie shows a flashback where Elrond just watches Isildur walk away and not destroy the ring. Elrond could have ended things right there. lol

You know, I don’t think even Elrond or Cirdan - or anyone really - would have been capable of casting the Ring into the fire. The Ring’s influence was strongest in Mt. Doom.

Even Galadriel would have been slipping it on her finger quick smart.

So yeah Elrond is full of shit blaming it on the weakness of men for letting the One Ring ‘live’.
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Lord Panda

The Sea is Always Right
RoP just looks mass produced and cheap in comparison

I really like Dwarven city but for some reason I found Numenor a bit underwhelming and disappointing.

I remember being floored when seeing Minas Tirith for the first time. Heck I think all the locations in PJ’s adaptation were either spot on or surpassed my imagination. For all of the movies liberties, they nailed Middle-earth and all the people/creatures.

Anyway speaking of CGI, I thought this video was pretty funny because I really hated RoP’s Wargs:

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I really like Dwarven city but for some reason I found Numenor a bit underwhelming and disappointing.

I remember being floored when seeing Minas Tirith for the rest time. Heck I think all the locations in PJ’s adaptation were either spot on or surpassed my imagination. For all of the movies liberties, they nailed Middle-earth and all the people/creatures.

Anyway speaking of CGI, I thought this video was pretty funny because I really hated RoP’s Wargs:

Ya the dwarves city is beautiful and I find myself slightly disappointed with numenor as well. Loved the boat ride and statues on the hillside and landscape. But the I’m not really a fan of the citys look itself all that much.

I think the warg looked pretty good but different. I think they were going for an earlier breed look to them. Not fully evolved like the ones we see in the third age
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He didn't. Not in the books anyway ASAIK. After Isildur took the ring on the battlefield, Elrond and Cirdan were the only ones who saw what he did. They tried to advise him to destroy the ring, but Isildur was having none of it.

‘”This I will have as weregild for my father, and my brother,”

Elrond and Cirdan had little choice but to let him walk off with it. It's not as if they could strike him down in front of his men and take it by force.
I forgot that Cirdan fought in the last Alliance of Elves and Men. Has he been cast in the TV show or was he Celeborn’d?


Come on, GoT isn’t that convoluted. And no, it certainly isn’t better than GoT. In fact, it’s worse than the last 2 seasons of GoT.

There have already been some memorable moments for me with LOTR, but I didn't find anything to really latch on to with GoT.

Vikings and Barbarians are much more focused and closer to the pacing of this show.
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I heard that the audio books are fantastic and have also been meaning to check it out too.

There's a soundscape produced by Phil Dragash. He meshes in sound effects, music (from the movies), and adapts his voice to every character (mostly successfully).

It's one of the more engrossing ways to experience the books.

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Cool Smoke Luke
Come on, GoT isn’t that convoluted. And no, it certainly isn’t better than GoT. In fact, it’s worse than the last 2 seasons of GoT.
ROP is pretty parallel to Season 8 in its slow trickle of disappointments.
reminds me of the footage of Ron Moore and team trying to figure out an ending for Battlestar cuz they had built it up so much and they really had no clue how to end it.. so they settled on the shitty ending we got.. GOT felt the same way..
IF you can't stick the landing no one cares about how many spinns ya did.. ya blew the ending thats what is remembered.


Is it just me or is this show getting harder and harder to sit thru?

It takes forever for something of significance to happen. Im halfway thru Ep 5 and everyone is STILL stuck on frickin Numenor trying to figure out should i go to Middle Earth? Should i not go? Urrdurrhgfjdhhfjsgs
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I kinda like it, it's relaxing to watch lol and that's clearly not what they are going for but that's the result.

The slow pace and glorious scenery makes it relaxing.

However i know the above doesn't make good show, wouldn't be surprised if its canned within next 2 years.


A lot of people are like this. Just pay attention to the people who love this, it's the same people who love Marvel movies and the new Star Wars movies. They like everything. It's no use discussing what works and what does not with them, they don't get it.
I really like the Marvel films (well, most of them). Loved Thor: Love and Thunder.

I'm hate watching this turd (and only because I already have Prime).


This show is written by people who haven't lived. People who don't understand human psyche. It's written by people who yearn to create prose and powerful metaphors, but fail at both.

This can be said of a lot of shows, more now than before even though plot-orientation has been problem before - maybe just not on current big tv shows. Characters do psychologically questionable things against their personality. Pisses me off and most often makes the show unwatchable for me - if I can't relate to the characters, why watch?


This can be said of a lot of shows, more now than before even though plot-orientation has been problem before - maybe just not on current big tv shows. Characters do psychologically questionable things against their personality. Pisses me off and most often makes the show unwatchable for me - if I can't relate to the characters, why watch?

Plot should never dictate how a character acts, characters should always dictate where the plot goes. It's a big problem in current entertainment that the former happens way too much these days.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
However i know the above doesn't make good show, wouldn't be surprised if its canned within next 2 years.

I don't think that's an option. I'm pretty sure Amazon are contractually obliged to produce five seasons.


Gold Member
This can be said of a lot of shows, more now than before even though plot-orientation has been problem before - maybe just not on current big tv shows. Characters do psychologically questionable things against their personality. Pisses me off and most often makes the show unwatchable for me - if I can't relate to the characters, why watch?
There’s a quote criticising Quentin Tarantino to the effect of ‘he knows everything about violence and nothing about pain’.

Now, I love Tarantino movies. He’s without peer in terms of snappy craft, dialogue and fizz. But there is an element of truth to it. What we are seeing these days is a triumph of style over substance. And nowhere is this clearer than with Marvel movies.

To be clear, they are almost all, uniformly, utter drivel. The characters are, quite literally, little more than doodles on a page. And yet they have been elevated to the summit of our cultural output. I think a culture gets what it deserves, and our inane, vapid times deserve the puddle thin stupidity of comic books.

It is a pity to see it with LoTR, because we know the genuine weight and magic of the books it is based upon. But it’s a show made by infants for infants. Silly bombast dressed up as profundity.


I really like the Marvel films (well, most of them). Loved Thor: Love and Thunder.

I'm hate watching this turd (and only because I already have Prime).
You get points for Love and Thunder, -5 for the rest of Marvel.
I agree the series is incredibly generic.


To be clear, they are almost all, uniformly, utter drivel. The characters are, quite literally, little more than doodles on a page. And yet they have been elevated to the summit of our cultural output. I think a culture gets what it deserves, and our inane, vapid times deserve the puddle thin stupidity of comic books.

It is a pity to see it with LoTR, because we know the genuine weight and magic of the books it is based upon. But it’s a show made by infants for infants. Silly bombast dressed up as profundity.
I never knew how to say it till you did. LotR is Tolkien for the Marvel generation - all show, no substance.

Star Trek Applause GIF


Episode 5 is out. I cannot wait for Friday Night Tights. Discovering this show is probably the best thing that came out of this disaster of a show.
I discovered Gary, Jeremy, Az, Ryan, Odin, Mauler and the Drinker when Masters of the Universe Revelation came out. It made me happy to realize I wasn't insane and that the show was total dogshit.

The critics of those critics call them grifters and scammers, but the truth is that they're not just about bashing. If they like something, they'll praise it, like Squid Games, Kobra Kai, House of Dragon ... they're not reactionaries hating everything new that comes out just for the fuck of it, they just have the standards most of us had before the last five years dropped the bar so low to the point we look at a 5/10 show and consider it an 8.


Gold Member
I hate typing long posts as it’s a bit annoying to do so on mobile but look at some of the wall of texts I posted. Way too many issues to discuss with a few sentences.
Agree, when discussing FOUR HOUR critique videos I don't think a few paragraphs of text is too much :p


Parody of actual AJUMP23
This episode was pretty good. There was a dumb line about needing to "sometimes we must touch the darkness before we feel the light".

Galadriel fighting all the guards was fun. But they really seemed to be going at it hard for what was practice.

Elrond though won't tell the king about Mithril, but Celebrembor......he can know everything, and here is the piece my friend gave me.


What a strange episode.

- Isuldur's sister, why is she so extreme that she wants to stop the entire war campaign to keep him at home? and why did her idiot boyfriend blow up those ships just because she told him to, he would get executed if caught.
- 3 ships? that's all they are sending to invade middle-earth? and their original plan was 5 ships? there are old viking battles with 250 ships fighting, why was the great Numenorian fleet only 5 ships?
- The lost king guy, he was convinced to fight just because Galadrian said something about being exiled? he was so moved by that he is willing to go back to middle-earth? huh? what a terrible arch he got.
- Galadriel doesn't feel like a elf, but more like a schoolteacher.
- Why do the orcs wait and wait before they rush the tower?
- The human women, the girlfriend of the elf, her face is pure botex and it looks weird when she speaks
- The galadriel vs guard fight was overdramatized, they were trying to chop off her head and shit

Watching this, one can't help but wonder how awesome this could have been if it was written well. There are so much cool stories here that could have been told.
Why would the kid who is racist against Elves in the 1st episode go to swear fealty to the Orcs? And they want you to feel sorry for him when he's killed? These writers have brain damage.


Every episode continues to be better than the last and this one was no exception.

I really like how they framed Galadriel in this series. It makes a lot of sense within the context of her character throughout the history of Arda. This notion that she is one of the few characters who is constantly tempted by the darkness, to the point where she may even become disoriented about her own agenda, is a prominent theme of her character. It was good of them to play on this idea from the LOTR films, where she was tempted to become a dark queen if she accepts the ring from Frodo.
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Ulysses 31

Why would the kid who is racist against Elves in the 1st episode go to swear fealty to the Orcs? And they want you to feel sorry for him when he's killed? These writers have brain damage.
The same writers who have Galadriel not express any gratitude after being saved and have her demand an army from the person in power after talking down to her. :messenger_winking_tongue:
only seen a little bit of the latest episode. i fell asleep during it. not that i thought it was boring i was just exhausted and had finally lay down.

my only thought right now is that the character everyone thought was sauron is actually played by a woman? lol.

Ulysses 31

only seen a little bit of the latest episode. i fell asleep during it. not that i thought it was boring i was just exhausted and had finally lay down.

my only thought right now is that the character everyone thought was sauron is actually played by a woman? lol.
You mean the Eminem look-a-like?

After leaks it was updated to Halbrand being Sauron.
You mean the Eminem look-a-like?

After leaks it was updated to Halbrand being Sauron.
i don't know anything about leaks but i did see some speculation he was sauron. i was thinking nobody really knew and that eminem was still a potential candidate.

i don't think he is sauron. i'm not an expert on the lore or anything but we saw sauron in episode 1 for a second so i thought he's still kicking about in his badass armor. i thought that was him after morgoth was defeated? or is he meant to be in a new form now?
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Thats not Sauron lol.
yeah i know that but i was just saying that i found it funny that people thought it could be sauron. i didn't know it was a woman playing the role until i checked out imdb when i was watching the episode.

also my other post i said:

we saw sauron in episode 1 for a second so i thought he's still kicking about in his badass armor
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