I thought that the new iPad was supposed to have a quad core CPU as well as a quad core GPU. Did things change? Seems that Vita is somewhat more powerful.
You're doing it wrong
I thought that the new iPad was supposed to have a quad core CPU as well as a quad core GPU. Did things change? Seems that Vita is somewhat more powerful.
Someone I know just ordered a white 32GB and had it engraved:
"Apple iPad"
So what's a good condition 32gb iPad 1 worth now? Thinking about selling mine.
So what's a good condition 32gb iPad 1 worth now? Thinking about selling mine.
For any Canadians (such as myself), here is a map I found on Apple's site explaining the March 16-20 delivery window.
ok So I changed my order from 16 gb wifi to 32 gb wifi after noticing that my 16 gb phone which has NO music or video has only 2 gb left
You can't fit crap on a 16gb. I have a 32gb iPhone and I'm still finding myself deleting videos and apps because I'm running out of room. I even deleted 90% of my music and just threw on the most common songs I listen to because of space issues. I really need the 64gb model.
It's a traditional USB hard drive that I can connect to my Mac and other PC's. The GoFlex as mentioned above. It works great. Full functioning external HD. Basically turns your iPad into a device with 500 GB if you have it with you. Pretty handy since its wireless.
You need to educate yourself on streaming software like plex. I have two albums on my iphone everything else can be accesses as long as i have a signal. Which is always because i never go camping or hiking or 100 feet underground.
Dropbox is the future.
I'm going 16gigs and don't foresee any problem. I have a 64gig phone that is mostly full. On the phone you really do need the media on the device.
For the iPad though, I can't imagine what you'd store locally. Photostream is the only thing I can think of. Any video content I watch will be streamed.
If you're a huge iOS gamer I could see 16gigs getting in the way, but for my uses I don't expect to have any issues.
wait is there a map like this for US ?
Is the other thread locked? I was kinda enjoying not having this thread bombarded with 'hey, look, I ordered the NEW ipad, it's processing, hey, is anyone's else's processing, i got a white one, should I get engraving?'.
Bah. I'm just bitter because I can't afford one.
There are always sperm banks bro.
what did it say?
omfg hahahahMy name Ping Fong. I trapped in
srave factory. Send herp prease!
I'm Asian, so it's okay to be casually racist. (I'm GTI Guy's friend who he referred to earlier).
How much RAM does it have and why isn't it quad core CPU?
There are always sperm banks bro.
Bah fuck I should have stuck with the 16GB. But it's probably still okay given that apps and whatnot will drive me near the limit. The cool thing about that hdd is that it should work with everything. It's effectively a portable cloud that doesn't require an internet connection.
For you guys with delivery date shipping, do you know if they require a signature? If so, I'll have to take the day off.
it does, I have mine shipping to my place of work, the secretary will sign for it and ill take it home on my lunch break.
For you guys with delivery date shipping, do you know if they require a signature? If so, I'll have to take the day off.
You can pre-sign for it by filling out a form available on the order tracking page. You leave the letter on your door, and they'll leave it.
The link won't show up until your item ships.
Just preordered mines. 32GB wifi in black. can't wait! I'm upgrading from a 16GB 1st gen ipad. Sold it on craigslist for $225. Had some minor scratches on the screen.
My engraving on the back is "Every Man Dies. Not Every Man Really Lives." =)