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The Nintendo 64 Appreciation/Collecting/Emulation Thread.


S-video doesn't handle RGB signals. That's why you need a scart cable. Alternatively you can use a component cable I think. But what he means is that you need a custom cable to get RGB signals out of it. So you need to order that from somewhere as well. Since it's going to be hooked up to a framemeister (which is made in and for Japan) I assume that means you can order a JP21 RGB cable. JP21 connectors are basically the japanese SCART standard. Even so I think you also need an adapter for the JP21 cable to hook it up to the upscaler since the framemeister doesn't have JP21 connectors on it.


So to explain like im 5.

The solution is...

1) RGB mod the system. (amplify signal)
2) Connect N64 using S-Video to Upscaler?? (this is where I get lost, he keeps talking about SCART cables yet none of his guides say how he gets SCART out of a NTSC N64)
3) Connect Upscaler to TV using the best output it has

1. Yes, baphomet on here does it if you can't do it yourself.

2. You can get Scart cables on ebay for N64 and other systems. retro_console_accessories is a seller and you can contact them before you buy to make sure you get the right cable. You don't need to do anything to a n64 to use a scart cable except the RGB mod(same cable for snes as well which doesn't need a mod)

3. Yes, most people round here will recommend a XRGB mini, I don't have one myself(I use a crt with a scart to component converter) but my buddy does and it looks great. I think we have a gaffer who sells them but it isn't cheap.

In fact the truth is none of this is cheap or easy to put together but imo it's worth the investment if you want the best possible image you can get.


I want an orange N64...a local spot has one for 70 bucks but that's a little much for me. I guess I'll keep an eye on ebay for awhile

Orange is sooo superfly though


Green seems to be the most common of the colors since it was packed in with DK 64

but look how sexxxy these babies are


Green seems to be the most common of the colors since it was packed in with DK 64

One of my regular black N64s has a green cart slot from the translucent green N64. Apparently that's not uncommon, so I guess they really were overproduced to be sourced for parts in other colors.
I wanted one of the colored N64s, but at the same time Nintendo was offering the Atomic Purple controller bundle -- the original black N64, a grey controller, and a clear ("atomic purple") controller -- for pretty much the same price. I wanted the green transparent one... but not so much as to pay the price of a controller for it over the regular system! So yeah, I got the Atomic Purple bundle. I'd like to have one of the clear green ones sometime though...
Nice thread. N64 started the trend of software droughts for Nintendo but it still has a solid library (and surprisingly now, better third party supprt than Wii U, yikes).

From OP:
Where do my save files go?: Depends, some cartridges got battery packs for saves and other needs an external memory card that goes in the controller.

I think this should be updated a bit. I'm not sure about older games but I know some titles such as OoT actually used flash/EEPROM for on cart saves.


OoT does not use flash memory last time I checked. At least not my PAL CE one. But you're right about some games using flash memory rather than battery-backed saves. I think most later games used them, like Perfect Dark and Majora's Mask.
OoT on N64 uses battery backup. If you have the security bit, take apart your cart and look for yourself.

Huh. I guess Peer Schneider lied to me in his review of the game? (man reading this sure brings back some memories):


The Zelda 64 cartridge, which is also available in a limited gold edition, comes with a built-in EEPROM that lets you save three different files on the cart. There is no need for a separate memory pak.
I've still got the Raspberry coloured one that I won as a kid sitting at home, I'm digging it out and sticking it under my TV once I'm done moving everything to my new place.


I've been getting into the N64 again recently. I bought one back in the day just for OOT but couldn't justify the game prices and sold it a few months later. I'll probably only keep the console until I've beat everything so most of my games are carts only to keep the prices down.

Anyway, I recently picked up these -


Waverace looks amazing, Shadow of the Emperor probably isn't going to be that great but I have fond memories of it. I'm replaying Goldeneye right now but I think afterwards I'll finally get round to playing through Mario 64. In the mean time I'm keeping an eye out for Snowboard Kids (I fucking love Snowboard Kids).


Snowboard Kids is one of the few remaining N64 games that I still want

I finally broke down and bought the orange console, it looks magnificent....will have to post some pics at some point soon
I randomly picked up Shadows of the Empire myself from a thrift store a few years ago, having never played it before, and, similarly to you, expecting it to have aged about as well as bread. It actually turned out to be pretty damn good, although I haven't finished it.


Shadows of the Empire was never a great game, but it was always a great experience, or something. It did have lots of variety, which helped.


IMO, looking back at it, SotE was one of the most dificult and at the same time shitiest game I ever beat. Good grief those controls were a nightmare! What he hell compelled me to grind through it?


I was a Nintendo fanboy that bought the N64 at launch. Shadows was my 2nd game and I beat it on every difficulty because not playing it would mean the N64 wasn't the best system of all time.

The beginning of the end of my brainwashing.


I guess the N64 not being the tidalwave that the PS1 was also had something to do with it.

Well sote was launch I believe. Ps1 didn't really get huge until 97. Up until then people were expecting the n64 to be the followup to the SNES that it should have been. It couldn't have been further from that unfortunately. I would give anything to see what the n64 would have been in that alternate dimension where third parties were on it instead of the ps1.
Well sote was launch I believe. Ps1 didn't really get huge until 97. Up until then people were expecting the n64 to be the followup to the SNES that it should have been. It couldn't have been further from that unfortunately. I would give anything to see what the n64 would have been in that alternate dimension where third parties were on it instead of the ps1.

Nintendo got off pretty easy, comparatively. (Love the Saturn, though. Great games. Just a shame about the sales.)



i never got far in shadows...i'd get a few levels in & reset just to play the hoth level over & over

i assumed everyone else did this too


SOTE is godlike. I beat it like 5-8 times at this point. Z aiming is the only difficult part of the game which is required to beat at-st's. It's clunky I will admit. Early analog console controls are just as bad as early pc controls. Maybe I'm just a sucker for starwars games, but I enjoyed the hell out of SOTE when it came out, and I still enjoy it to this day.

i assumed everyone else did this too

No, but I did play the swoop bike level over and over because it was so fun.

One difficult and underwhelming game I have ever had the pleasure of beating was hybrid heaven. Should of been a PC game. I see what they went for, but it didn't work. Such an underwhelming story too.

Real talk, most difficult game on the n64 was turok 2 or blast corps.



Nintendo got off pretty easy, comparatively. (Love the Saturn, though. Great games. Just a shame about the sales.)

At the time absolutely. Today the Saturn has so many good to excellent games that it has usurped the ps1 as my favorite system of that generation 20 years after the fact.
How is Pokemon Puzzle League? I like Panepon/Tetris Attack so it's a no brainer, right?
It's wonderful, and the 3D puzzle mode is pretty cool. Since you already like the original, what are you waiting for? Go for it!

My parents used to be super addicted to it, so they always hogged the N64 back in the day. Hah. It really is great.


I recently fired some games back up in project64 and I have discovered a problem that's bugging me out...
In 16:9 I have fragments of the game that flimmer on the outside of the box. After a race of MK64 when the stats show up and the camera flies around for a little bit e.g. makes it unbearable for longer play sessions and I guess that it is a problem that had to be solved by now for the super popular games at least.. Any ideas?


Following my rekindled interest in pro wrestling, thanks to Wrestlemania XXX, yesterday I received what people claim to be "the best wrestling game of all time."

Virtual Pro Wrestling 2



I couldn't sleep last night so I decided to tackel my backlog.

Starshot is an AWFUL game, I can't even run straight and I don't know what to do. Could be one of the worst games I ever played.
I couldn't sleep last night so I decided to tackel my backlog.

Starshot is an AWFUL game, I can't even run straight and I don't know what to do. Could be one of the worst games I ever played.

I don't know why a lot of people seem to hate Starshot (look up IGN's review for instance...), but I like it. Fun 3d platformer. It's got big open levels to explore and plenty to do. The controls are okay and graphics are average. You can definitely tell that it's European and not Japanese, but that's fine. It definitely isn't a great game, but I think it's an okay one.


I don't know why a lot of people seem to hate Starshot (look up IGN's review for instance...), but I like it. Fun 3d platformer. It's got big open levels to explore and plenty to do. The controls are okay and graphics are average. You can definitely tell that it's European and not Japanese, but that's fine. It definitely isn't a great game, but I think it's an okay one.

Really? I'm using my brother's pad (stick is not perfect but still does the job pretty well with every game) and I can't even run on those wood bridges or whatever you call them in english in the first level! Controls are so sluggish I can't do anything, and walking around for 30 minutes made me hate the jingle. Also, once I managed to climb high enough just to find out you had to avoid that bridge because that specific circus tent threw you back on the shore.
Note: I'm playing on an HDTV, on an European N64. The combination could be too much to handle, even if I have no lag issues with other games (not just Mario 64, I can play Mission:Impossible and others too).

While I'm here.. Is there a good way to fix the analog stick? I followed a guide a couple of years ago but it got even worse (I had to use scotch tape)..

EDIT: As I thought, I took the guide I used from the OP, so I guess that's the only way to fix it. I'll grab a replacement from ebay someday. How are the Gamecube-styled ones? Do they work?


So I've been busting out my N64 lately and it's gotten me intrigued into trying an emulator out on some games. The OP says Project 64 is the best, but I've heard 1964 is good too. Anyone have a strong opinion either way and what your reasons are?

Shadows of the Empire was never a great game, but it was always a great experience, or something. It did have lots of variety, which helped.

SotE is the closest to my ideal Star Wars game in terms of gameplay variety and setting. That being said, it's mediocre through and through. A Star Wars game with on foot battles, star fighter dogfighting, and speeder chases that's set during the original trilogy and that is actually great would be a dream come true.
Following my rekindled interest in pro wrestling, thanks to Wrestlemania XXX, yesterday I received what people claim to be "the best wrestling game of all time."

Virtual Pro Wrestling 2


This game is so damn good.

Before coming into this thread, I wasn't even thinking about a Nintendo 64...but after seeing this picture and remembering the great times I've had with this game, I now want one JUST for this game. Hands down the best wrestling game I've ever played.


VPW2 is great but No Mercy is robust in the end. It was the first game I ever imported and I loved every moment of it (even renaming everyone into English). But No Mercy made me very rarely go back. At the time though it was the most amazing thing ever and a huge upgrade.
Picked up

Shadows of the empire (pure nostalgia)

Resident Evil 2 (I know its not the best version but want to own it just because I still cant believe they were able to fit it in a cart)

Hey You Pikachu with VRU unit (just wanted to own this peripheral)

All together for $40.


Picked up

Shadows of the empire (pure nostalgia)

Resident Evil 2 (I know its not the best version but want to own it just because I still cant believe they were able to fit it in a cart)

Hey You Pikachu with VRU unit (just wanted to own this peripheral)

All together for $40.

I want RE2 for exactly that reason. It always impressed me that they managed to cram everything in.


^this too, it'd be interesting to see the final product! never did get to play it.

i think i booted it up once on an old emulator but

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