I just started playing the switch last night. This is Nintendo's best piece of hardware in, oh I don't know, at least 10 years. The screen is crisp and bright, its just the right size where( as a home console/PC gamer first and foremost) I can play in handheld mode and not feel like the experience is compromised playing on a small screen vs a large one.
My 70 year old mom who is clueless about tech, saw it on my table and said how snazzy( her words) it looks. Even with the neo controllers, its just a really smart and sleek-looking piece of tech, less 'toy-ish' than either the bulky wii U gamepad or even the 3ds. The size of the joycons took a while to get used it, but I haven't even played it in docked mode yet. I suspect most of its playtime for me will be as a handheld with occassional TV play. This is the wii U concept of offTV play done right, not tethered to a console, in a much better designed overall package. So far Ive played mario kart 8, and to think this is running on a small screen looking and playing better than its wii U predecessor is a dream.