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The Official All-Encompassing Guitar Hero SUPER THREAD

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They edited the living fuck out of Iron Maiden. It's absolutely disgusting, especially since the goddamn song is in RB just fine.
Baker said:
They edited the living fuck out of Iron Maiden. It's absolutely disgusting, especially since the goddamn song is in RB just fine.

DLC seems to get away with more in general. It's dumb though. I guess they don't want abortionish issues!


TheGreatDave said:
DLC seems to get away with more in general. It's dumb though. I guess they don't want abortionish issues!
It's rated T and teens have every right to kill their babies. :lol

Seriously, does anyone want to play because I'm bored with the game already. None of these songs are doing it for me.


Is there any way just to look at items you unlocked? I got Devil Wings but I cannot figure out where they fucking are.


My only problem with online is finding the right level of hyperspeed because all the modes are different :lol

So if you invite me and I leave fairly quickly after the song starts that's why :p
so how fuggin difficult is it to send a code via email?
Dear Valued Customer,

Thank you for ordering Guitar Hero 5 from GameStop.com. Unfortunately, due to some technical problems we are unable to send you a code to redeem your 2 free song downloads at this time. We are diligently working to correct this problem and currently expect to have the issue resolved by this Friday, September 4th. We apologize for this inconvenience and once again want to thank you for choosing Gamestop.com.

Thank you,
GameStop Customer Service
The good news is that they shipped it without telling me and it'll be here tomorrow. At least, it's in Portland now and should be out for delivery tomorrow but we'll see.


Second-rate Anihawk
Honestly, both GH and RB need an option to adjust hyperspeed on the fly. Practically every Japanese rhythm game has it.


doktorpeace said:
No new drums this year? Too bad as I'm looking for a replacement after destroying my Rock Band 2 ones.
Looks like they're saving them for Band Hero. They did redesign them, they're just sitting on them for some reason.


Whoever came up with the challenges deserves a cookie, they really are fun trying to get. Got Scatterbrain in the very last second of the song :lol
Played all today locally with a rotating cast of people. Still didn't manage to do all the songs. For some reason I think I ended up playing Du Hast like 5 times.:lol

LOVE- the new guitar (strum bar is GREAT), party mode (the game boots into it, so awesome), once again GH has introduced a lot of features I wish RB would use, the look of the game (still Tim Burton directs a hair metal vid but overall nicer and has some kind of motion blur or something going on), the venues (guitar henge is cool, especially during the encore)
LOL- using my hideous avatar, making Kurt Cobain do silly shit


TheGreatDave said:

Just plat, it's the only song I can't 5 star. You only need plat to unlock shit, diamond is just extra stars. I can 5 star it if I can get that fast riff down because I can do the rest of the song ok. Also they did a really good fucking job on hammer on chords, they were really damn nice in this game.


Played it a little bit. Love it. Biggest complaint so far is the Create a Rocker mode that has barely any options, and i think less hair options than GHWT

Game is awesome. Vox is awesome, the Chalenges are fantastic.
I got just under 4 stars the one time I played it, and the gold award.

Song is garbage to play unless you're good. It's like Spirit of Radio. Turns out, I didn't actually want it after all.
Oh yeah; hammer on chords are fantastic. They always work. I think they went a little GH3 on the timing for them, the timing for being early seems quiet forgiving.


Second-rate Anihawk
TheGreatDave said:
I got just under 4 stars the one time I played it, and the gold award.

Song is garbage to play unless you're good. It's like Spirit of Radio. Turns out, I didn't actually want it after all.
How often do you see yourself replaying DYFLWD????


DYFLWD is probably one of if not my favorite song in the game.

Also, momentum mode is pretty terrible. They need to make that scroll speed fixed to even make it remotely enjoyable.

Dave I have a question, when doing an online career can anyone pick whatever instrument or is it just traditional band play on it?
Xevren said:
DYFLWD is probably one of if not my favorite song in the game.

Also, momentum mode is pretty terrible. They need to make that scroll speed fixed to even make it remotely enjoyable.

Dave I have a question, when doing an online career can anyone pick whatever instrument or is it just traditional band play on it?

You can do whatever you want. I was working through my career with Corkscrew on guitar, me switching between guitar and bass, and Mo The Hawk on drums.

I really like Perfectionist Mode. I think it's probably the most fair of them all; there's no distractions and the way they score you is fun and adds tension.

Also, fuck Sympathy For The Devil so much.


Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
Surely you mean the album Peace Sells, which leaves Sleepwalker. That happens to be great too. Either way, you are wrong!


TheGreatDave said:
I like the song Peace Sells. Most Megadeth songs are just painful riffs repeated forever, at least Sweating Bullets isn't that.

How is the drunken partyfactor of this version? "No fail" mode?
party mode is awesome. so so so awesome. everyone needs to rip it off.

you can walk off and come back whenever you want, jump in and out at will, change difficulty, song, all that without interrupting everyone else.

GH5 will be on all night on Saturday as we have people over for stuff.

i'd have played a lot more last night if my pc wasn't fucked up and in urgent need of being fixed.

which clearly from that it was.

still party mode made it really easy to walk over to the PC and kick it every now and then, without pausing etc.

people can 'lol' all they want at the animation and other graphical improvements, but even those people are catered for.


well, you have to unlock it. forget which song it was too, but trust me, it's the venue for people that don't like venues.


NameGenerated said:
They don't censor "high" in "What I Got" but they censor "drunk" in "The Rock Show"

Makes no sense.
I still think all these bullshit games should have an "I'm 18" optional patch that removes the censorship. It really ruins the enjoyment for me, and GH5 has by far taken it to the fullest extreme.
it's not too bad if you have a singer that knows the real words.

who does the censoring anyways? the high/drunk thing makes me wonder.
I don't really give a shit about censoring. But I don't sing.

Sultans Of Swing was way more fun than I expected. Three note chords, hold me close.


TheGreatDave said:
I don't really give a shit about censoring. But I don't sing.

Sultans Of Swing was way more fun than I expected. Three note chords, hold me close.

I'd still prefer the inevitable RB version, though.


TheGreatDave said:
I don't really give a shit about censoring. But I don't sing.

Sultans Of Swing was way more fun than I expected. Three note chords, hold me close.
I only sing (or play with real life people) when I have drunken RB/GH "parties" and that's only once every couple months.

I was just playing 2 Minutes to Midnight in online competitive mode and it was still jarring and distracting when half the words are cut out.
DuckRacer said:

I'd still prefer the inevitable RB version, though.

Three note chords are better than two note chords, so I doubt I would.

NameGenerated said:
The quickplay menu and "sorting" in this game is so bad. Ugh.

I wish I could just say "sort by difficulty" and have it be for the instrument I'm on. With the yellow "page" fret, it's pretty easy to find anything if you just have it sorted by title though.


Gah, I hate those Whammy challenges.

The one especially for Coldplay is stupidly annoying and makes the song sound like utter shit. :lol


Archie said:
That isn't the whammy.
:lol :lol :lol

The game only held my interest for about 45 minutes because I don't like any of the songs. I knew that going in though so I wasn't too disappointed.

The whammy challenges are stupid though. I jiggled the damn thing on at least 85% of that John Mellencamp song and didn't even make it close to a bronze.
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