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The Official Grand Theft Auto IV thread: The World Is Yours


Those who pre-ordered GTA4 at videogamesplus.ca

(Monday april 28th)
We have begun shipping all GRAND THEFT AUTO 4 preorders. We will be working around the clock but with the vast number of preorders for this title we ask customers to be patient. Your order may have already shipped out from our facility even though it has not yet been marked shipped. All orders will be updated as quickly as possible. Once again, we thank all who have preordered this title with us.



FrenchMovieTheme said:
there were about 150 people to pick the game up in burbank ca.

anyhow, played for about an hour, awesome game. i have the 360 version and here are some opinions:

* haven't noticed any significant pop up (or pop in?). infact, i can't say that i have seen any pop up. i saw a couple times where the textues on one of the mailboxes took a sec to load in up close, but i was specifically looking for that kind of stuff. when you are just driving and actually playing the game you don't notice

* awesome cast so far!

* got my ass kicked by some douche in a suit. fucking bullcrap.

* game is fucking hilarious. i spent about 5 to 10 minutes just watching TV in the apartment. haha the 24 spoof is hilarious "Brown = Suspect!"

* graphics are awesome given the scope. i don't know how rockstar did it but damn. the outrageous cost to make this game is justified in my mind. everything is very detailed and there is so much content it's kind of hard to wrap your mind around it all.

A ++++; would play again

Cool impressions.

I had something interesting happen to me. While I was trying to get my ass kicked so I could see the load time after you are injured (comparing both versions). I picked a fight with an NPC. I was not getting hit enough by him, so I hit another NPC. So they both start wailing on me and one NPC goes to hit me and misses and knocks to other NPC on the chin. He get's pissed and the two NPC's start beating the crap out of each other. It was hillarious to see that this happened. I was routing for the bum, but he got his ass kicked by the jogger looking guy.


A LOT more people were waiting for this than there were for Mario Kart (probably triple the amount... or about 100-150 people). Line wasn't moving as fast either. Didn't pick up my copy until about 12:40 (I was last in line). Probably won't be able to put some time into it until Wednesday or Thursday, thanks to school.


The Inside Track
A coworker just came back from buying the game at "la défense" for a few of us. The standard 360 version was sold out at all 4 shops (2 micromania, virgin megastore, fnac) he tried there, the 360 LE was also sold out except at one shop. There were a few standard and LE PS3 versions still available at all shops, but not much. According to one person there, they got same shipments for both consoles.
Edit: I had asked him to buy me the PS3 version, so all is fine :)


bosx2 said:
guys its sick! my local stores got each 5 copies for each system and the ps3 version sold out in less than freakn 40 seconds!!!!!!!!! man Í´m lucky I got a copy

I had it reserved at Gamestop, but when I saw the 150 plus line I went to Blockbuster Video. Only about 10 people. In about 2 min, they sold 10 copies, 7 regular 360, 1 Spec. Edition 360 and 2 PS3 versions.

It saved me alot of time, because one of my friends was like numbre 100 and he did not get to my house till about an hour and 20 min. after I got home. Was lucky to score a Spec. Edition.

Yeah, this game is going to sell like crazy.


After about 4 hours straight, time to take my first break.

The city is really detailed. It just feels more alive and unpredictable than any city in a game has before. Hard to explain this without experiencing it yourself. It feels like I'm in Brooklyn. Not every neighborhood is where it should be, of course, but it feels like Brooklyn to a tee -- crowded, cramped and dirty, with pockets of nice neighborhoods here and there. What little I've seen of the Bronx/Bohan looks pretty accurate, too.

The game is overwhelming at first. Even though the map isn't as big as San Andreas it just feels big and confusing. Again, that's because of the level of detail present. Every street is different, where in past GTA games there was a lot of cookie cutter buildings and landscape. This game, I have a feeling after a while you'll know what neighborhood you're in just by the scenery.

The voice acting and script is just brilliant. I love every character. Roman is a riot, the Jamaican dude has the best accent ever, Michelle is a stereotypical 20-something girl... Niko is a little too much of a wuss for me right now, but I assume he gets tougher as the game goes on. I'm happily watching every cut scene where I usually skip that crap. And speaking about the writing, the stuff on the TV and talk radio channels is brilliant.

Taking a cab around the city, especially after you've been out drinking, just feels toooo real. Creepy real. Getting drunk is hilarious. Also, my mediocre dates with Michelle featuring bouts of stunted conversation feel all too real as well. :/

Of course, the radio stations are typical GTA excellence. Most enjoying the jazz fusion station and Tuff Gong Reggae. Plus the hardcore station is a riot, remembering song after song I haven't heard in 20 years.

A few negatives, Niko is hard to control. He's slow as shit and makes wide, loping turns like a garbage truck. I also don't like the car control. Bouncy, jerky and the handbrake is really exaggerated. I'm getting more used to the cars as I play, though. Finally, the auto aim sucks nuts, too. There's a free aim mode, though, right? Auto aim is just too easy.

In a lot of ways the game has overshot my expectations, particularly how dynamic the city is and the quality of voice acting. Disappointing the character and car controls are still last gen GTA, though. That's the one area they didn't up their game. Still, though, I'll get used to them and probably put a couple hundred brilliant hours into this game by the time I put it away.


Danielsan said:
So is this officially the biggest game release in the history of gaming or what?

It might be. I think the lines for Halo 3 were longer, but not sure. Most of the time it is something that is exclusive for only one system. This is the first MAJOR title to come out at the same time/day etc for two popular systems, so the chances of it shattering the records of Halo 3 is up for debate (or until the npd numbers come in). I know COD4 came out for both, but the hype going in was not has big as Halo3 or GTA4.

I think it is going to take Halo 3 out for the biggest launch.
Jirotrom said:
its one thing... just the eating the hotdog part, and honestly you didn't even have to do it.
What I was trying to ask is, how the hell do you advance the story from there? I haven't gotten a call or anything in well over an hour.


Just saw the first show at Perestoika with Michelle. This game is amazing. The second act was, er, interesting.

It really is like an awkward early date.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
About an hour and a half in, just did the first chase mission.

The Radio stations are AMAZING, The Journey hasn't played song I wasn't in love with yet. :lol

I can drive ok, but it's gonna take a few days to really get a handle on the new physics.

My purchase experience was pretty poor there was no one there I wanted to associate myself with, so after establishing my place in line (4th) I moved about 20 feet away from the crowd all alone and read a book.

I just checked on Google maps and it was 6 miles in all I walked to get it. :lol


I got a pretty good deal from EB yesterday (Melbourne, AU).

When you bought the game you received a slip which informs you that you get back almost the full amount if you trade it in by May 6th (and a bit less on further two dates).

Who in the hell would trade in GTA4 you say? Well, people like me who has ordered a second US copy for uncensored glory (should arrive later this week). I practically didn't loose anything by buying a AU copy on launch date in this case.


I am having fun with it, but I am slightly underwhelmed thus far. 2 hours in it feels like GTA in HD, which isn't really a bad thing, perhaps I was just expecting too much.

Euphoria seems to be a mixed bag so far, definetely better then ragdoll, but still not as convincing as canned anims.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Vlad: Get my coffee
Nico: what?
Vlad: Get me some fucking coffee!
*zoom dolly shot on Nico*

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol



Oh and this... end of a mission I accidentally get stuck like this... try to work my way outta it... but mission ends... and still can't get myself unstuck.



Wow, this game is so epic. It feels like an infinitely bigger GTAIII, I didn't think it was going to be this fun. Three hours just disappeared, it made the shitty waiting in line thing worth it, sooooooo worth it.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Wow, here is my major gripe.
When I drive I always have the joystick pressed up and roll it along the edge of the rim.
But in this game when you have the joystick pressed up it pans the camera right up to the bumper.

And the ambient sounds on the pause screen are brillian.


Fuck this game is biiiiiiig. So far, love the visuals, voice acting, driving, hate the way Niko controls. What the fuck is the deal with lock on and free aim being on the same fucking trigger? Can I change that?


Rezbit said:
Fuck this game is biiiiiiig. So far, love the visuals, voice acting, driving, hate the way Niko controls. What the fuck is the deal with lock on and free aim being on the same fucking trigger? Can I change that?

i hope so, or else its fucking confusing.

plus the PS3 triggers are meh.


Whats everyone favourite radio stations so far?

I feel like Rockstar has catered to me personally with a couple:

Being a jazz musician(sax) I love that they included a jazz station... JNR - Jazz Nation Radio (Its appropriate being New York too - the heart of the intl. jazz scene).

Also Im a die hard funk music fan so Fusion FM gets my adrenalin going nuts.

Great fucking work Rockstar.


More than a member.
Blimblim said:
A coworker just came back from buying the game at "la défense" for a few of us. The standard 360 version was sold out at all 4 shops (2 micromania, virgin megastore, fnac) he tried there, the 360 LE was also sold out except at one shop. There were a few standard and LE PS3 versions still available at all shops, but not much. According to one person there, they got same shipments for both consoles.
Edit: I had asked him to buy me the PS3 version, so all is fine :)
well , for me @ micromania "centre sega" , 360 / PS3 were both available without preorder. 30min after the opening , 14 PS3 version and 8 X360 version sold without preorder.


y'all should be ashamed
The graphics are absolutely amazing...my friend and I were playing, and we'd constantly look out the side to the city and just take it all in. The "soft" picture of the PS3 conveys such a strange, surreal look...like it's realistic in its own terms. Insane.


Alright I'll give my impressions real quicklike.

-- Wow, this is easily my favorite city so far and I'm only two hours in!

-- I'm currently watching the Republican Space Ranger show and it is HILARIOUS. Ohhhh my god.
Seriously it's been a long time since I've laughed this hard.

-- Controls work really well. I love the free aim and the cover system.

-- Really beautiful!

I really really really like this game and it was worth dealing with the gigantic line that was over at Gamestop.


chubigans said:
The graphics are absolutely amazing...my friend and I were playing, and we'd constantly look out the side to the city and just take it all in. The "soft" picture of the PS3 conveys such a strange, surreal look...like it's realistic in its own terms. Insane.

I'm going to murder you if you start bringing in your comparison thread into this one. I'm serious!
Hot damn there was like a line of 100 people last night in Philadelphia when I went to pick up my copy. I thought I was just going to waltz in and out, but little did I know it was going to be waiting in the line like with the Wii. I still have yet to even play the game yet.


FafaFooey said:
Anyone else annoyed by the very "loose" camera angles when you're driving a car? It's fine on a bike though...

I think I noticed something like that, but didn't know if it was camera or what...Bike controls were very easy to get used to, while car controls are still hard for me. I thought it was just the new physics system for the cars being more demanding, no?


nofi said:
There's an option for 'handbrake cam' isn't there? Try switching it off for a tighter camera when driving.


I know theres 3 different distances you can set the camera to be behind the car, but I don't get what you mean by handbreak cam...what is the effect that camera angle has?


zaidr said:
I know theres 3 different distances you can set the camera to be behind the car, but I don't get what you mean by handbreak cam...what is the effect that camera angle has?

Try it. I don't know. I just remember seeing the option last night.


Well my first impressions:

- The city does feel alive. You can not 'feel' or experience that by watching gameplay movies. People talk alot, do stuff and the atmospheric sounds of the city just make the city feel so alive.

- Graphics are very nice. The light feels real, but sometimes it feels a bit too dark or something.

- Controls take some time to get used to, but I'm liking them more and more.

- The whole atmosphere is just great.

- The only problem I have is that my PS3 controller doesn't seem to react well sometimes, I dunno why. Like when I go to the Pause Menu, I enter the Map menu and try to zoom, but sometimes it doesn't work. Anyone else experiencing this?

Oh yeah
turning on the TV and seeing Bas Rutten
was fucking awesome. By the way, are the Playstation servers down or is there too much activity? I wanna go free roam with my bufddies!!! :D :D

This game rocks! Now on with playing again! Cheers.
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