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The Official Grand Theft Auto IV thread: The World Is Yours


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Packie has grown on me. Guy knows no fear and kills for fun, BUT he still lives with his mom and sister.

Not a big fan of the rest of the family though


McBacon said:

I did click. Nothing happened.
Argh, I take
out for a date and we get to the comedy club, the taxi stops, bumps her and apparently I scared her and she went home, cheers taxi, first you bump my lovely new shiny Turismo and now you scare my date and due to the date I had to turn down drinking with
, annoying.


I'm so fucking pissed.

The mission I was working was the Destruction for Beginners I believe.
So I take out everyone except for one guy. I decided instead of using my sniper that I would go up to that piece of shit and toss a grenade his way. On my way to the last guy tons of stupid construction workers started shooting at me from the same spot. I thought to myself to use a grenade and I'm so friggin stupid I let go of the grenade too quickly before having the chance to toss it towards the construction works and ended up blowing myself up. AHhhhhhhhhh



Can someone tell me what happened?

I took Roman to the strip club (yeah I'm still early in the game), and got 3 consecutive lap dances. At the end of the 3rd time the stripper got up and started running away, then all the bouncers started ganging up on me and I had to run out of the joint.


Jedeye Sniv

madmook said:
Can someone tell me what happened?

I took Roman to the strip club (yeah I'm still early in the game), and got 3 consecutive lap dances. At the end of the 3rd time the stripper got up and started running away, then all the bouncers started ganging up on me and I had to run out of the joint.


Touching? :lol


MaizeRage25 said:
What is the best way to exit cover?

I hit RB but usually that just moves me to a different cover spot.
I've found that pushing left analog away from the cover gets you out of it.
Has anyone done the wall jump? It's definitely a glitch but I have a feeling it can be replicated on command with practice. Also, if you are hopping a fence or something else that Nico can''t climb up onto, you can press Y at just the right time to cancel the hop and stand on the fence.

Double D

darkpaladinmfc said:
I'm at
where you kill Francis or Derrick
and I'm at 19 hours do you think I can manage to beat it before 30 hours if I just do the main story?

I think you have a pretty good chance. I just did that last night and I'm at about 26 hours. Also, question regarding that part;
I killed Francis. What did everyone else pick? I still haven't gotten far enough to find out the repercussions, but I feel like I did the right thing at the moment.
Vik_Vaughn said:
I think you have a pretty good chance. I just did that last night and I'm at about 26 hours. Also, question regarding that part;
I killed Francis. What did everyone else pick? I still haven't gotten far enough to find out the repercussions, but I feel like I did the right thing at the moment.

I chose differently-
I killed Dereck, thinking having friends in high places could pay off later. And now I can call Francis to clear my wanted level, much like lawchick's perk. did you get anything for doing the opposite?


madmook said:
Can someone tell me what happened?

I took Roman to the strip club (yeah I'm still early in the game), and got 3 consecutive lap dances. At the end of the 3rd time the stripper got up and started running away, then all the bouncers started ganging up on me and I had to run out of the joint.


Keep your hands off the bitches, man!

Actually, im' not sure. Did you accidentally bump into one of the girls after the cut scene animation stopped? I have noticed that the people in the strip club are more sensitive to Niko's behavior in general. I have been in there a few times doing nothing in particular when people will start yelling and running out.

Also, I am currently 33 hours in, 45% complete. I can't get enough of this game, I am having so much fun with side quests and exploration, I am taking my sweet time. This is probably my personal #1 of all time. Move over Final Fantasy: Tactics, there's a new all-time great in town.


Can you only date 2 girls at a time? The website doesn't seem to be working for me anymore -- I assume there is a limit just so they don't run out of profiles/photos to fill the page on love-meet.net.
Y2Kev said:
Drinking with Packie is unbelievable. Just the conversations you hear...about Yeats and poetry. Oh god. I feel drunk just looking at the screen.

I went drinking with Brucie hoping he wouuld confess his feelings, but he never did.
Darunia said:
For real? cool. That seemed one of the only achievements insanely hard to get

In relation to that, what the hell is a viral achievment? I've never even heard the term. Excuse my term noobness.


slasher_thrasher21 said:
In relation to that, what the hell is a viral achievment? I've never even heard the term. Excuse my term noobness.
Where one person gets it...then someone kills the person who gets it and they get it...

Viral becasue it spreads...

Double D

notjackbauer said:
I chose differently-
I killed Dereck, thinking having friends in high places could pay off later. And now I can call Francis to clear my wanted level, much like lawchick's perk. did you get anything for doing the opposite?

I pretty much stopped playing last night after I did that, so I haven't seen the perk yet. I'll post the results once I find out tonight.


Junior Butler
Had an awesome experience in multiplayer the other night.

I setup a match with only rocket launchers (the pic above reminded me) as weapons and I accidentally turned off friendly fire. The resulting mayhem and confusion was classic.

You couldn't be killed by anyone else's rockets, just your own but you could be killed by your impact into other objects. It was hilarious seeing bodies flying everywhere and people's reactions at first after seeing that somehow, I wasn't killed after someone hit me being hurled over a 10 story building into an oncoming car.




I'm on the mission 'Liquidize the Assets'
and I jump up onto the roof the scene suggests and clear the Russians out
so I start making my way back when my health starts dropping really quickly - then I get smacked in the face. I see a shadow on the floor and this invisible dude is destroying me - Niko wouldn't even lock on to him! Before I even think of free-aim, I'm dead.

I wouldn't have minded if it wasn't such a long drive :lol
Scopebob Sniperpants said:
I haven't gotten too much time to play (ugh) and I want to know if there are any plastic explosive remote detonation devices in the game.

If not, then wtf.
nope, even the C4 in the cutscenes is on a timer.
Stantron said:
Why? What happens?

I think there's a skate park under the bridge. Haven't been there but it would be pretty cool with a sanchez.

As far as remote-detonated c4, you can eventually get car-bombs from Packie.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
notjackbauer said:
I chose differently-
I killed Dereck, thinking having friends in high places could pay off later. And now I can call Francis to clear my wanted level, much like lawchick's perk. did you get anything for doing the opposite?

I killed Francis awhile ago, nothing happens. The funeral dialog would change, but not much else. Derrik hasn't talked to me since, and his phone doesn't work anymore.


(minor?) Spoilers from a mission around the ~40% mark:
Just did that mission for Francis where you have to kill Clarence, or whatever that dude was called (the one you chase in those ghetto houses). I chose to spare him. What are the different outcomes for killing him or letting him live?

Eric WK

BeeDog said:
(minor?) Spoilers from a mission around the ~40% mark:
Just did that mission for Francis where you have to kill Clarence, or whatever that dude was called (the one you chase in those ghetto houses). I chose to spare him. What are the different outcomes for killing him or letting him live?

If you let him live he shows up as a random character later on, just like all of the similar decisions. They don't count towards 100% completion, though.
Papercuts said:
I killed Francis awhile ago, nothing happens. The funeral dialog would change, but not much else. Derrik hasn't talked to me since, and his phone doesn't work anymore.

i think i made the right choice.
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