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The Official Grand Theft Auto IV thread: The World Is Yours


finished Snow Storm last night, took me 4 tries. Each time something stupid happened. Started to get REALLY annoyed about the lack of check points. When I was finally in the clear, I actually hopped out of my truck, and called a cab. I wasn't taking any chances.


rhino4evr said:
finished Snow Storm last night, took me 4 tries. Each time something stupid happened. Started to get REALLY annoyed about the lack of check points. When I was finally in the clear, I actually hopped out of my truck, and called a cab. I wasn't taking any chances.

Snow Storm was a pain, and man, I pretty much only use cabs now. I either call Roman to send one, and if one isn't available, I hail one and skip the ride. Nice 'n quick.


rhino4evr said:
finished Snow Storm last night, took me 4 tries. Each time something stupid happened. Started to get REALLY annoyed about the lack of check points. When I was finally in the clear, I actually hopped out of my truck, and called a cab. I wasn't taking any chances.
Why the hell did I never think of using a cab to get away.


bish gets all the credit :)
Is there any way to make sure you get in the back of the cab? Sometimes Niko will try to jack the driver, and if there's cops around, you know what happens.

Ploid 3.0

tedtropy said:
So has anyone else just given up on the actual story objectives for the time being and jacking around using cheats? I think the game's worth the price admission just for the fun you can have with this alone.

Jumping from a helicopter at max altitude?

Blasting a rocket into 6 tightly packed police cruisers?

Sniping a dude in the middle of a conversation from 10 stories up?

Yes please.

Do you do anything else? What I ended up doing was just wandering around, or speeding. Sniping pedestrians was interesting in gta3, but by the time I tried it in GTA4 it got old after their reactions. Finding random things to do is a bit harder in this game. I'm resorting to pushing through the story because there is nothing else. The tv shows were interesting for 15mins, and the stage shows were a bit entertaining for 2 visits each (comedy and the talent/magic shows). I wish they didn't even bother with those now and just worked on the danger zones. These shows seem like a waste.

alr1ghtstart said:
Is there any way to make sure you get in the back of the cab? Sometimes Niko will try to jack the driver, and if there's cops around, you know what happens.

Hold the car jack button until you open a door and not tap it.


Weenerz said:
I love the cab systems, mainly because the entire city is so huge, I don't feel like driving around.
I used to take cab rides while I went to the kitchen to make something to eat. :lol

Other than that, I mainly used them if I was running late for appointments/dates that were on the other side of the city and a few times when I was too drunk to bother driving.


Hail to the KING baby
alr1ghtstart said:
Is there any way to make sure you get in the back of the cab? Sometimes Niko will try to jack the driver, and if there's cops around, you know what happens.

-be sure to HOLD Y, not just press it
-wait until the cab has stopped before hitting Y


alr1ghtstart said:
Is there any way to make sure you get in the back of the cab? Sometimes Niko will try to jack the driver, and if there's cops around, you know what happens.
I have that problem occasionally, but for the most part just holding down Y works.

Also, if you accidentally start jacking, the cops won't chase you until you actually get in the car (or if you set off an alarm or break a window in a parked car). So if you keep jamming the control stick away from the car, even if you've already pulled the driver out, you should be fine.

Main problem I have with cabs is that it's like impossible to catch up to a cab when I'm drunk. Even after hailing a cab, by the time I get there half the time, the cab driver has stopped waiting and driven off. ):


alr1ghtstart said:
Is there any way to make sure you get in the back of the cab? Sometimes Niko will try to jack the driver, and if there's cops around, you know what happens.

Press and hold Y instead of just pressing it.

Ploid 3.0

TheOneGuy said:
Well, to be fair, all the past GTAs had garages.

And, really, I would prefer garages. I've had a couple times where a car I parked ended up disappearing. ):

It's like Rockstar threw out a lot of GTA stuff. What were they thinking?


alr1ghtstart said:
Is there any way to make sure you get in the back of the cab? Sometimes Niko will try to jack the driver, and if there's cops around, you know what happens.

Hold down triangle. Don't just push it. (ps3 anyways)
Shit. I was waaaay to slow. lol


Ploid 3.0 said:
It's like Rockstar threw out a lot of GTA stuff. What were they thinking?
Well, you could use the shitty "mature GTA" excuse they were pushing down everyone's throats for removing other things.

Maybe garages are childish?


Hail to the KING baby
raYne said:
Hey dudes.. I heard holding Y works. IS THIS TRUE?!


The thing is, even if you hold Y but do it while the cab is moving, you will still sometimes steal it in my experience.
I'm sure this has been said many, many times before....

Last night I turned auto-aiming off, and the game suddenly became twice as good. Seriously, makes the game a whole new experience. I suggest everyone try it...


Just wait to make sure the text instruction appears before you hold Y to enter any cab and you'll be fine.

I'm so glad I get to participate in this fascinating conversation.


notjackbauer said:
I'm a few pages late, but you can rob stores. When you stand next to a register you get a prompt to press L1/LB to open it. I was really psyched that this feature returned.
Cool...how much can you pull from these?
Just completed the game

So I am guessing that getting revenge on Dimitri is the better choice, because either choice you end up losing Kate. I got both endings on a save file, so it's all good. But the ending where Roman survives is better. I take it there are only two endings right?

Ploid 3.0

Whoompthereitis said:
I'm sure this has been said many, many times before....

Last night I turned auto-aiming off, and the game suddenly became twice as good. Seriously, makes the game a whole new experience. I suggest everyone try it...

Yea I never used auto aiming.


MMaRsu said:
Snow storm is easy, you guys just suck :p

The 1st part of the mission was a cake walk, but stupid crap kept happening on the 2nd part. That parked truck is one of the worst driving vehicles in the game. At one point I went down an alley way that was full of explosives. Whoops...

edit: not to mention that the event takes place all the way across town. and uses up a lot of ammo. I ended up just reloaded my auto-save file and taking cabs everywhere. Driving from location to location takes way too long in this game. It's too much like real life. ha ha.
Whoompthereitis said:
I'm sure this has been said many, many times before....

Last night I turned auto-aiming off, and the game suddenly became twice as good. Seriously, makes the game a whole new experience. I suggest everyone try it...


Multiplayer also plays much better with auto aim turned off.
I think San Andreas was better in some ways, and IV in others.

+I like how much more real and alive the city is in IV
+The level of detail is astounding. Watching little things like stop lights sway in the wind during a thunder storm is amazing, and really adds to the realism.
+I like the characters more than SA.
+Gameplay better
+Physics way better

-Radios stations were better to me in SA
-I really miss the countryside and small towns. I felt I was in a world I could explore, not just a city.
-Who didn't love having their own airfield and flying planes? That was awesome.
-Buying property to me was like passing milestones in a way. One place costs a million dollars? Well now I have a goal to reach and better reasons for acquiring my cash as well as spending it.


I beat "The Snow Storm" and "Three Leaf Clover" on my first tries.

Three Leaf Clover is the best mission out of all the GTA's. :D

Ploid 3.0

super-heated plasma said:
I think San Andreas was better in some ways, and IV in others.

+I like how much more real and alive the city is in IV
+The level of detail is astounding. Watching little things like stop lights sway in the wind during a thunder storm is amazing, and really adds to the realism.
+I like the characters more than SA.
+Gameplay better
+Physics way better

-Radios stations were better to me in SA
-I really miss the countryside and small towns. I felt I was in a world I could explore, not just a city.
-Who didn't love having their own airfield and flying planes? That was awesome.
-Buying property to me was like passing milestones in a way. One place costs a million dollars? Well now I have a goal to reach and better reasons for acquiring my cash as well as spending it.

Turf wars, the best side game in gta. Wonder how much more awesome it would have been with GTA IV's controls. Having to protect zones, and fight for zones was a great challenge. They should release a GTA SA turfwar HD game on PSN and Xbox with the gta 4 controls, and not just the same map from GTA SA, but a straight up new game that's based around the turfwar with puzzles and challenges (only use flame thrower, capture this territory within X minutes, etc.). I'd buy it!


super-heated plasma said:
I think San Andreas was better in some ways, and IV in others.

+I like how much more real and alive the city is in IV
+The level of detail is astounding. Watching little things like stop lights sway in the wind during a thunder storm is amazing, and really adds to the realism.
+I like the characters more than SA.
+Gameplay better
+Physics way better

-Radios stations were better to me in SA
-I really miss the countryside and small towns. I felt I was in a world I could explore, not just a city.
-Who didn't love having their own airfield and flying planes? That was awesome.
-Buying property to me was like passing milestones in a way. One place costs a million dollars? Well now I have a goal to reach and better reasons for acquiring my cash as well as spending it.
I agree.

Safe Bet

Whoompthereitis said:
Last night I turned auto-aiming off, and the game suddenly became twice as good. Seriously, makes the game a whole new experience. I suggest everyone try it...
I've been using auto-aim and enjoying it but have been considering turning it off.

I find it damn near impossible to switch from auto-aim to free-aim as needed.

The "hold trigger half way down" thing just isn't clicking with my brain for some reason.

The only reason I haven't turned it off yet is because aiming speed in the game is so slow auto-aim really helps at times.


Safe Bet said:
I've been using auto-aim and enjoying it but have been considering turning it off.

I find it damn near impossible to switch from auto-aim to free-aim as needed.

The "hold trigger half way down" thing just isn't clicking with my brain for some reason.

The only reason I haven't turned it off yet is because aiming speed in the game is so slow auto-aim really helps at times.

I read that you can adjust sensitivity on the aiming. Try that. I like my auto aim, Im lazy.


Ok, little confusion. I'm on "Pest Control". I took out the first target in a convoy. They said they are going to be calling with more targets. I've gotten drunk a lot of times, watched TV, all the comedy shows, done side missions. Nobody is calling me, all the story contacts are on voice mail and there are no more story mission icons on the map. The only workable thing is the Assassin pay-phone. What's up, what do I need to do to continue the mission?


super-heated plasma said:
I think San Andreas was better in some ways, and IV in others.

+I like how much more real and alive the city is in IV
+The level of detail is astounding. Watching little things like stop lights sway in the wind during a thunder storm is amazing, and really adds to the realism.
+I like the characters more than SA.
+Gameplay better
+Physics way better

-Radios stations were better to me in SA
-I really miss the countryside and small towns. I felt I was in a world I could explore, not just a city.
-Who didn't love having their own airfield and flying planes? That was awesome.
-Buying property to me was like passing milestones in a way. One place costs a million dollars? Well now I have a goal to reach and better reasons for acquiring my cash as well as spending it.
Someone was wondering why this game shouldn't get a "10 out of 10".
Well, you answered them.

They cut some features from an old-gen Ps2 game.
Isn't this enough?

This game deserves a 9, imo.
super-heated plasma said:
I think San Andreas was better in some ways, and IV in others.

+I like how much more real and alive the city is in IV
+The level of detail is astounding. Watching little things like stop lights sway in the wind during a thunder storm is amazing, and really adds to the realism.
+I like the characters more than SA.
+Gameplay better
+Physics way better

-Radios stations were better to me in SA
-I really miss the countryside and small towns. I felt I was in a world I could explore, not just a city.
-Who didn't love having their own airfield and flying planes? That was awesome.
-Buying property to me was like passing milestones in a way. One place costs a million dollars? Well now I have a goal to reach and better reasons for acquiring my cash as well as spending it.
Nail on the head, bud. My feelings to a "t."

Also: Where is the built-in radio station support for our custom playlists? It was in the Xbox version of SA and playing them through the guide isn't as immersive or fun ...

Safe Bet

rhino4evr said:
I read that you can adjust sensitivity on the aiming. Try that. I like my auto aim, Im lazy.
I'll check...

Hopefully there is a way.

I'm close to 20hrs played and haven't even taken the time to check.


Wizpig said:
This game deserves a 9, imo.



super-heated plasma said:
I think San Andreas was better in some ways, and IV in others.

-Radios stations were better to me in SA
-I really miss the countryside and small towns. I felt I was in a world I could explore, not just a city.
-Who didn't love having their own airfield and flying planes? That was awesome.
-Buying property to me was like passing milestones in a way. One place costs a million dollars? Well now I have a goal to reach and better reasons for acquiring my cash as well as spending it.

1. I actually like that the radio stuff is more obscure then past titles. I haven't heard a majority of these songs, and most of them are great. I love that they didn't use the "singles" but album tracks. Jazz and Journey station are awesome.

2. The City is big enough, I really wouldn't want it any bigger. Im already taking cabs to avoid driving across town.

3. With Heli-coptors who needs planes? Where would you land them? The city is too tightly organized to allow a run way.

4. I don't care about Property, but an actual Garage where I could store multiple vehicles would have been very nice.


rhino4evr said:
1. I actually like that the radio stuff is more obscure then past titles. I haven't heard a majority of these songs, and most of them are great. I love that they didn't use the "singles" but album tracks. Jazz and Journey station are awesome.

2. The City is big enough, I really wouldn't want it any bigger. Im already taking cabs to avoid driving across town.

3. With Heli-coptors who needs planes? Where would you land them? The city is too tightly organized to allow a run way.

4. I don't care about Property, but an actual Garage where I could store multiple vehicles would have been very nice.
There are already runways in the game ;)


Achievement Questions:

Can the survive 5 min with 6 Stars and drive out of a 4 star wanted level be accomplished at the same time?

I drove my boat out of bounds and was chased for a while on 6 stars(felt like 5 minutes) . Sadly, I didn't get either achievement.

Any help here?


rhino4evr said:
finished Snow Storm last night, took me 4 tries. Each time something stupid happened. Started to get REALLY annoyed about the lack of check points. When I was finally in the clear, I actually hopped out of my truck, and called a cab. I wasn't taking any chances.
Took me 6 tries. Finally used a bus to get away so the damn cops couldnt shoot my tires out.
Caught a comedy show with Ricky Gervais. I wasn't laughing out of my seat but it was so cool that someone from the "real world" is in the game.

Snow storm, that mission name sounds familiar but I don't recall what it was about. Any way to tell me without spoiling it just in case I haven't got to it yet?

EDIT: Okay, just looked it up via Google. Snow Storm is the mission where Niko goes to the
derelict hospital
That mission was easy for me, I completed it in one try!

After I killed all of the bad guys and grabbed the drugs, I took off running like a marathon runner, ran out the back and followed the edge of the water behind some bushes, taking some shots by the cops but they were easily absorbed by the bullet proof vest I was wearing (it's on the ground in the same room as the drugs). I quickly ran to my car in the parking lot, ignoring the police best I could and absorbing their bullets. I sped away as fast as I could and barely made it out of their search zone, hiding out in a nearby graveyard. I found a pistol behind a tombstone too. Haha.


I want to declare my undying love for Perestroika. I keep going and there keeps being new stuff to see. I've seen three different Kleinman routines so far.

Love it.


Is there any way to turn the radio off in a car? The only cars that had no radio were cop/ambulances cars and fire trucks. I was disappointed there was no flamethrower in this one. The fire in this game is awesome.

I do agree that Three Leaf Clover is one of the coolest missions I've ever played.


Just completed Three Leaf Clover. It took me two tries because the first time shit went wrong and getaway car broke down on the highway from taking too many hits, and we all jump out and I jack another car. Packie was stuck under the four police cars near and the car that broke down finally blew up and killed everyone. It pissed me off, but it was fun doing it all again. Excellent mission.
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