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The Official Grand Theft Auto IV thread: The World Is Yours

pr0cs said:
To put it in context then, most game budgets aren't $50 million for a standalone game let alone that much for DLC. It seems disingenuous to discount the DLC as "not worth it" when that amount of money is being fronted. GTA:SA replication is probably not likely due to time contraints and bandwidth required but assuming "a few new weapons and a couple of missions" seems unlikely as well.
My point was simply that RStar is printing money at this point, and that they could make 50 million for MS just by giving us taxi missions and a jet pack for 800 BS Points.


Captain Glanton said:
My point was simply that RStar is printing money at this point, and that they could make 50 million for MS just by giving us taxi missions and a jet pack for 800 BS Points.
I don't know about that. With the last NPD the sales was a lot closer than most people expected (Microsoft for sure). If the sales were a lot heavier skewed towards the 360 then I'd agree with you but now I'd say the DLC will have to be awesome to make up that $50 mill otherwise Rock* is going to end up paying back a good chunk of money.


BeeDog said:
Gah, Dwayne still hasn't contacted me regarding "befriending", didn't get any call from him (I do remember one "was it you who called?" call) and he hasn't sent any e-mail. I'm around the 80% mark (finished all the Bell missions). What to do?



Captain Glanton said:
So, are you saying that when you pull up his name on your cell, you don't have any of the 'darts' options?

Nothing. I can only call him normally, and then it's that regular "I'm not here, but nobody iz callin' me you all fakez" answering machine.


Did I read in this thread last week that people were still getting calls from
Kate - even after finishing the story and Kate was

:lol if so.... cool.


voltron said:
Did I read in this thread last week that people were still getting calls from
Kate - even after finishing the story and Kate was

:lol if so.... cool.

I haven't gotten any calls like that... but that would be fucking awesome if I did!


boco77 said:
what the easiest way to get the flip car 5 times in the air achivement? I tried the runway with its ramps but its a bit crap here as i always get 4 stars whenever i try it there. Can I do it someplace highup and get like 10 flips? :p

Try the overpass in alderney, down by the prison and nuclear power plant. It has a couple guardrails knocked out that make pretty sweet jump ramps several stories off the ground.


BeeDog said:
Nothing. I can only call him normally, and then it's that regular "I'm not here, but nobody iz callin' me you all fakez" answering machine.

He is just a bit emo. Got my call a few hous after I finished the story. No idea if it is connected to the email he sends you.


Won said:
He is just a bit emo. Got my call a few hous after I finished the story. No idea if it is connected to the email he sends you.

Ah, okay. Did you also get the e-mail after you finished the story, or?
How difficult are the last couple of missions? I know I'm right near the end (don't ask, I just know) and I have 2 to go. Are they incredibly annoying or difficult? Any tips?
whatdidyousay said:
How difficult are the last couple of missions? I know I'm right near the end (don't ask, I just know) and I have 2 to go. Are they incredibly annoying or difficult? Any tips?
Brings lots and lots of M4, Sniper, and RPG ammo. Also, be ready for lots of cheap shots.
whatdidyousay said:
How difficult are the last couple of missions? I know I'm right near the end (don't ask, I just know) and I have 2 to go. Are they incredibly annoying or difficult? Any tips?
You'll b fine. Just
dont crash that damn helicopter in the water
Fistwell said:
You'll b fine. Just
dont crash that damn helicopter in the water

Wait--there's another
helicopter mission
to come? I just did the one
with Little Jacob
and I'd hate to get in another one, especially since I crashed 5 freakin' times.
Fistwell said:
You'll b fine. Just
dont crash that damn helicopter in the water
avoid that fucking bump of ground that's right in front of the motorcycle ramp that will send you popping up in the air backwards somehow and make you fail the mission over and over even though they put it right in front of the fucking ramp you have to hit.
whatdidyousay said:
Wait--there's another
helicopter mission
to come? I just did the one
with Little Jacob
and I'd hate to get in another one, especially since I crashed 5 freakin' times.
It depends which choices you make in the 'finale suite' of missions.

We're talking about the "revenge" mission branch.


BeeDog said:
Nothing. I can only call him normally, and then it's that regular "I'm not here, but nobody iz callin' me you all fakez" answering machine.

Just give it some time. I had the same thing happen, but after a few hours after beating the main story, he ended up calling me to hang out.


proposition said:
Man, the (third island spoilers)
kidnap mission makes me really damn uncomfortable.

There was something kinda similar in Vice City
where you had to assasiante a guy's wife as she leaves a jewelery store and have to make it look like an accident so you ram her car till it blows up all the while she's screaming for her life...kinda messed up

I'll Take Her though I found to be one of the best missions, it was unique and hilarious


proposition said:
Man, the (third island spoilers)
kidnap mission makes me really damn uncomfortable.
Hah, me too. Weird, eh? D:

Maybe if
Niko had been a little... understanding. Instead he just up and smacked a bitch. I was like O:.


proposition said:
Man, the (third island spoilers)
kidnap mission makes me really damn uncomfortable.

The Gracie missions had me laughing like crazy, hopefully that doesn't make me a bad person :p


Hail to the KING baby
there are definitely times (non-mission) when the game does cringeworthy shit. like you jack a car and some guy is pleading "hey man it's my kid's birthday" or a lot of the stuff people say after they're "dead." feels more manhuntish than gtaish to me and i don't remember nearly as many (any?) in the previous games.


Okay. I am losing it.

I did the revenge branch first, now I'm doing the deal ending. I'm at the part where I need to chase after Dimitri in the boat, and no matter what I do, I can't get to Jacob's helicopter fast enough. Like, WTF.... How the fuck do I get in there in time? I'm always just an inch away from him before he leaves me behind.



Dechaios said:
Okay. I am losing it.

I did the revenge branch first, now I'm doing the deal ending. I'm at the part where I need to chase after Dimitri in the boat, and no matter what I do, I can't get to Jacob's helicopter fast enough. Like, WTF.... How the fuck do I get in there in time? I'm always just an inch away from him before he leaves me behind.


Once you get in the boat hold down on the gas an never let up and drive as straight as possible. I failed that part initially because I'd let off the gas to better avoid the rockets and gunfire from the chopper


A couple of random "attention to detail" pleasantries I've noticed:

1) When you're in a cop car, you don't have to pay the toll on the bridge.

2) When you shoot someone in the car and they fall forward, the horn goes on and stays on until you pull them off.


Does anyone find themselves killing citizens out of gamer rage? I remember a few times I would be doing a motorcycle chase mission, and a car would change lanes without warning or come around a corner and knock me off my bike, ending the mission. I would get up and shout "Fuck you!" at the television and unload a whole assault rifle clip into the driver of the car, watching the blood splatter against the inside of the windshield.

I do the same thing if someone hits me while I'm trying to cross the street to get a hotdog.


X26 said:
Once you get in the boat hold down on the gas an never let up and drive as straight as possible. I failed that part initially because I'd let off the gas to better avoid the rockets and gunfire from the chopper

Ehh.... I've been doing that the whole time. It's not working for me.


Is it still possible to get 100% after doing the main mission or do I have to do stuff before finishing the main mission to get 100% ?


Beaulieu said:
Is it still possible to get 100% after doing the main mission or do I have to do stuff before finishing the main mission to get 100% ?

There should be nothing that prevents you from getting 100% after completing the story mission, no matter what decisions you make throughout the game.


AirBrian said:
A couple of random "attention to detail" pleasantries I've noticed:

1) When you're in a cop car, you don't have to pay the toll on the bridge.

2) When you shoot someone in the car and they fall forward, the horn goes on and stays on until you pull them off.
I like how when you open a car the lights turn on inside of it.


AstroLad said:
there are definitely times (non-mission) when the game does cringeworthy shit. like you jack a car and some guy is pleading "hey man it's my kid's birthday" or a lot of the stuff people say after they're "dead." feels more manhuntish than gtaish to me and i don't remember nearly as many (any?) in the previous games.

The game is rated M for a reason. M for Man, not P for pussy. Don't be such a little baby.


FightyF said:
Especially the Go Kart track, since all it required was a go kart vehicle and the same checkpoints the Race mode uses.

Which makes it ideal DLC fodder.
Heads will roll if the DLC turns out to be things that obviously should've been in the game from the get go.


I'm not the only one who hates the online component of this game am I? The way it is implemented is pure shite.

I'm in a party but everyone else has left, so I want to join a public game. Oh whats that, I can't because I'm in a party with no one? Wait, I have to quit back to single player then back into multiplayer just to join a fucking public game? Fuck off, you stupid ass!

It's pretty fucking funny how they tried to make the multiplayer seemless transition from sinlgle player, yet I have to sit staring at a black shitty loading screen just to get into multiplayer and then to go back into single player.

If you're going to copy Burnout, do it fucking right!

Oh and I can't even talk to people with my headset if they don't have their headsets on? Why the fuck did they even bother to waste ther time to code something like that?? It's completly fucking retarded!

Yes I just got off a completely shitty game of stare at the fucking host long enough until he hits ready, only to have it disconnect me right before I get to play, so I had to rant somewhere. :mad:


Do you get Romain mission percentage for the last mission, I have 93%
Does anyone know how much percent the last mission gives you I have it left and all of the pigeons left I don't want to go through all of them and beat the game and only have 99.90%, and not knowing where or how to get the remaining % thanks

anyone please


Have people still not figured out how to kick some one? This is driving me crazy. Full game, every one is checked except the host. We're left waiting for this guy instead of just booting him out and getting on with the damn game. And for the love of god patch in some damn filters. I'm tired of having to spend 10 minutes just to find a game that has auto-aim turned off.

Who ever designed the online lobby system deserves a swift kick to the nuts.
Won said:
Omg @ car handling. Why is it not spinning like crazy???

And omg @ Social club. Out of nowhere the 100% club appears! A incredible 19% jump to the finish line! Rank 763! Today is not the 19. May!
LOL I went from a high of 71, down to 0, and now I'm back up to 13. I give up.

Oh, and as expected, no response from social club support.


G-Bus said:
Have people still not figured out how to kick some one? This is driving me crazy. Full game, every one is checked except the host. We're left waiting for this guy instead of just booting him out and getting on with the damn game. And for the love of god patch in some damn filters. I'm tired of having to spend 10 minutes just to find a game that has auto-aim turned off.

Who ever designed the online lobby system deserves a swift kick to the nuts.
I'm guessing the programmers had that wonderful job. Online feels completly tacked on, it's not something I'd expect from a game that got 10's right the way round :|


Looking back at San Andreas and Vice City there have been some major updates. But they have dropped the ball on so many important features. Like where's the communication between them and us? I have no idea what's going on with the game from now on, what's up with social club? Though I still really enjoyed the game, it has its flaws but some things are done really well.


I completed this two weeks ago and haven't been back since - even for multiplayer - has anyone else had this sort of drop-off?
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