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The Official Grand Theft Auto IV thread: The World Is Yours


fucking gif! ive been avoiding gameplay... now im pissed because Niko leaping out of the car looks shit and the pop up is awful ...


y'all should be ashamed
painey said:
fucking gif! ive been avoiding gameplay... now im pissed because Niko leaping out of the car looks shit and the pop up is awful ...

I have seen dozens of videos. That gif is no where near what the game looks like 99% of the time.

Worry not, friendo.


Redmond's Baby
wow, our distributor will put game on shelves on Saturday - my preordered copy is going to mail tommorow, so I will get it on Saturday morning . Crazy world - GT5P first, and now also GTA IV.


Are people really that concerned with seeing a tiny bit of gameplay? Just glancing at it it looks like it plays just like any other GTA. It's not like it's a total surprise.
DrM said:
wow, our distributor will put game on shelves on Saturday - mine preordered copy is going to mail tommorow, so I will get it on Saturday morning . Crazy world - GT5P first, and now also GTA IV.
:lol You're far from first, friend.
Can I just say that I was the first to say there would be TV in this game :D Back in the hype thread ;) So I'm pretty happy right now :) SOMETHING I SAID WAS RIGHT :lol

Also, for all those people waiting until Tuesday for this game (I understand there are a few :lol ) listen to this:-
*sad music*
On Tuesday I was searching for a bargin PS3, my main goal was to get GTA 4 and a PS3 for under £300 (which is like $600). My mother in-law can get a 10% discount at a well known supermarket, so I can get the PS3 for £270, so I need to find GTA 4 for £30. If I get them both from the supermarket, that's £306. That's as close as it's getting, I think. But then I start to panic, all the pre-orders are taken everywhere, so what's the chance of me just walking in and buy it day one. So I search for a site that still has pre-orders, Game was still doing them yesterday, I though...but today all gone! :( Next I look at Play.com, but they too are out. BUT just as I go to find another site...there it is :) A PS3 + GTA 4 Bundle!!!!! £299.99!!!!! Mission complete *SA jazzy music* Ordered with a penny to spare :)
But for every reaction, there is an equal and opposite reaction (that's actually science) *sad music, again*, while dancing like a mad man of joy I notice due for release on......06/05/2008!!!!! But I can't go back now, what if I cancel and I can't get my hands on the game. And I've got below £300.

The moral of the story? If you're going to be cheap expect consequences. :lol

That is my story, and indeed my curse.


Why a live broadcast, why, why, why??? 12 days of temptation :(


BobFromPikeCreek said:

Niko's bail looks pretty awesome to me.

It looks like he is launched out of the drivers seat from a rocket launcher, and then he slides across the road on his arm, the natural (euphoria) motion would be to put your arms close to your body and roll, in fact the velocity of your propulsion meeting the stationary ground would result in a roll no matter what (see barrel roll dog.gif) Thats why I think it sucks, but the getting up animation looks good, just a shame about the Saints Row type limp ragdoll.
DrM said:
wow, our distributor will put game on shelves on Saturday - my preordered copy is going to mail tommorow, so I will get it on Saturday morning . Crazy world - GT5P first, and now also GTA IV.

Whats this? I've been super busy today so I haven't been able to keep up with this thread. Did I miss something?


dedhead54 said:
Are people really that concerned with seeing a tiny bit of gameplay? Just glancing at it it looks like it plays just like any other GTA. It's not like it's a total surprise.

Agreed. People are getting overly sensitive over the gameplay vids.

However, I can understand if someone wants the intro part unspoiled.
I'm done with my gameplay video fix, but if anyone is still looking, I think the big ZIP I put up on megaupload is still there, I have most of the early ones in there. Just that taste drove me nuts. Seeing the new engine in action was enough, I am already impressed.


I thought people had to call the police see you for you to get stars? In the crane video, he gets stars right away. I must have heard wrong, there goes my sniping dreams

The Chef

SolidSnakex said:
People shouldn't have to avoid this thread when there's one created for people to discuss what's going on in the videos.

Shoot sorry everyone, didn't mean to spoil anything i just thought it was hilarious.


y'all should be ashamed
Guled said:
I thought people had to call the police see you for you to get stars? In the crane video, he gets stars right away. I must have heard wrong, there goes my sniping dreams

He shot a cop first though, so that might have changed the rules a bit.


Have seen some off-screen shot of GTAIV about Chinese culture presentation(words on the shop sign) in Liberty City.

I would say R* is f* brilliant.

:lol :lol :lol

Really hope you guys would know what R* put on there.Deliberation or wrong understand?
Felix Lighter said:
I wish retailers near me didn't give a shit.

There has to be one retailer that probably doesn't know english and has no clue as to what is going on that releases the game early in Miami. People go out and look, i'll get Kendall but people here know what they are doing.
On the US list #9 is a guy named flamarlins21, he has to be from Miami, who else would give a crap about the Marlins. I dont have xbox live, someone ask him where he got the game.


hydragonwarrior said:
For the people who are on the fence of which version to buy, are you just waiting for the scores to come in to make your final decision?
I don't know, even if I wait, I still won't know what is system war BS and what's truth.


nods at old men
MiamiWesker said:
On the US list #9 is a guy named flamarlins21, he has to be from Miami, who else would give a crap about the Marlins. I dont have xbox live, someone ask him where he got the game.
He probably got it from a website.

On my other forum, 5 people are already playing it.

::waits for Amazon PS3 order::
MiamiWesker said:
On the US list #9 is a guy named flamarlins21, he has to be from Miami, who else would give a crap about the Marlins. I dont have xbox live, someone ask him where he got the game.
He probably is a dirty pirate using the NTSC bootleg.



Oh that's gonna be a photoshopper.


Any word on a store in the US releasing early?
I'm planning on a 2 day sick call and would love to be able to enjoy this during that time off.
I asked the ebgames that I reserved from..

" is there any slight change that you could sell this game early?"

she gave me this bitchy response NO we would get fined then..

* i thought to my self the fuck if I care if you get fined.


DreamMachine said:
I asked the ebgames that I reserved from..

" is there any slight change that you could sell this game early?"

she gave me this bitchy response NO we would get fined then..

* i thought to my self the fuck if I care if you get fined.

Go all Mel Gibson on her ass.




Hi all

Great thread Himuro.

It is so true that the last few days are the hardest. I just bought Vice City Stories for PSP and will be playing some STA SA on my 360 for the first time in 6 months. Way more content then i could get through in a few days, so it should hold me over till Monday night.

I am getting the PS3 version, since my 360 freezes occaisionaly and needs to be sent in. Plus from what i can tell the PS3 may have a very slight edge graphically (although it will probably not be noticable to me) and I dont really care about achievements. I also like the idea of a quit machine as GTIV will be getting alot of play and I can only play at night after my wife goes to bed usually.

The free online will be nice to as i am seriously considering canceling my xbl acount. Although i will HAVE to have xbl for Gears 2....(im really just cranky with my xbox right now)

As for the DLC, if it seems worth it to me in the fall, i can always use my Blockbuster gamepass and rent the 360 version for a while.
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