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The Official Grand Theft Auto IV thread: The World Is Yours


Does anyone know if you can turn auto-lock off for single player? I know it has been confirmed that you can in multiplayer, but what about single player?


So i'm freaking the hell out lol. I bought the game pre-order pickup in store from Best Buy.Com and paid with my credit card ( game was only $10! Woot! Thanks for dieing HDDVD!) but they said they haven't charged it, and now when I go to try to take money out of my cc it says a balance of $1.00 so im so fucking scared that i'll be $9 short :( :( :(

Hold me ;(
Tieno said:
For everyone who pre-ordered at videogamesplus.ca


Due to the high number of preorders we have received for GRAND THEFT AUTO 4 we have already begun processing all orders. All customers who have chosen the Preorder Now Pay Later Option will begin being charged tommorrow Sunday Apr 26/08 to ensure no delay in shipping out of parcels. We will not be accepting anymore preorder cancellations after 6pm eastern time today. Thanks to all who preordered this highly anticipated title with us.


Awesome, thanks.


Quincey said:
Does anyone know if you can turn auto-lock off for single player? I know it has been confirmed that you can in multiplayer, but what about single player?

Yup it's in the controls menu.
this is bullshit. Why can't Sony just release 80gig PS3s NOW!?! I don't want to have to wait until June to play this...i dont know if im gonna make it....


HOLY mother of GOD!! That artbook is incredible. Just when I had convinced myself to get the regular edition, as money is tight right now, I have once again changed my mind. I absolutely, must, at ALL FUCKING COSTS get the LE.

It will be mine. Or i'll fucking cry. I'm serious.
dedhead54 said:
HOLY mother of GOD!! That artbook is incredible. Just when I had convinced myself to get the regular edition, as money is tight right now, I have once again changed my mind. I absolutely, must, at ALL FUCKING COSTS get the LE.

It will be mine. Or i'll fucking cry. I'm serious.

Relax man, 40 bucks, come to your fckng senses already :D. The game is all that really matters.


I should get the game on Thursday or Friday.


Otherwise, it will be Monday:(

But that's ok! It means I won't burn through the game in one weekend:D


Fallout-NL said:
Relax man, 40 bucks, come to your fckng senses already :D. The game is all that really matters.

Yeah, but the artbook is almost too sexy looking to pass on. In the brief clip in that video I saw character art as well as automobiles in there. And I'm sure theres some great art from the city. It's basically a dream for me. :D


dejay said:
A little clap for 100 pages guys.

dedhead54 said:
Yeah, but the artbook is almost too sexy looking to pass on. In the brief clip in that video I saw character art as well as automobiles in there. And I'm sure theres some great art from the city. It's basically a dream for me. :D

Yeah and it's hardcover too, not bad really.


Ninja Scooter said:
yes but im gonna get rid of it when the MGS4/PS3 pack comes out.

Well, buy the 360 GTA and then sell it with your 360 later. Some games just have to be played on release.


Being an employee of a large chain electronic store has its benefits, I was able to purchase GTA4 today which was strange because no where on the box or shipping package did it say do not sell. Also usually the system does not allow you to purchase the game if you scan it (forza, bioshock, and halo3 all showed up like this at in the system at my store).

Just started playing but already noticeable is the overscan that my tv has which is usally not a problem, but for GTA the cellphone is on the corner of the screen and so is some text which causes problems. Also drunk driving is GODSEND, its so fun to go driving drunk.
dejay said:
Well, buy the 360 GTA and then sell it with your 360 later. Some games just have to be played on release.

i live with my brother though so there's another 360 in the house and im sure he'll get the game. I guess i'll just have to play through it twice.


I hope you enjoyed your little rebellion, irritant. But remember, what SHODAN gives she is more than able to take away.
Oh, this is killing me! Any confirmed street date leaks here in the US?


Tieno said:
For everyone who pre-ordered at videogamesplus.ca


Due to the high number of preorders we have received for GRAND THEFT AUTO 4 we have already begun processing all orders. All customers who have chosen the Preorder Now Pay Later Option will begin being charged tommorrow Sunday Apr 26/08 to ensure no delay in shipping out of parcels. We will not be accepting anymore preorder cancellations after 6pm eastern time today. Thanks to all who preordered this highly anticipated title with us.

Actually I just canceled it before 6pm.

I can't take having french text on the cover of my gotf.

Going to pre-order at Amazon.com.

I still have a pre-order for the Australian SE version as well which I'm picking up at midnight launch tomorrow.


Wollan said:
Actually I just canceled it before 6pm.

I can't take having french text on the cover of my gotf.

Going to pre-order at Amazon.com.

I still have a pre-order for the Australian SE version as well which I'm picking up at midnight launch tomorrow.

does amazon ship to AU?


Is there some kind of "broken street date" rule where one store fucks up and then everyone else has to sell it? Or what if it's an EB store, then do the rest of the EBs in the same area have to sell? Is there some kind of policy like that?
Xdrive05 said:
Is there some kind of "broken street date" rule where one store fucks up and then everyone else has to sell it? Or what if it's an EB store, then do the rest of the EBs in the same area have to sell? Is there some kind of policy like that?

I really wish that was the case. Sadly it is not....

Eric WK

Xdrive05 said:
Is there some kind of "broken street date" rule where one store fucks up and then everyone else has to sell it? Or what if it's an EB store, then do the rest of the EBs in the same area have to sell? Is there some kind of policy like that?

Nah, although in many cases they will.


Does anyone know what time Walmart gets their shipments?

I just called Walmart and asked them if they had GTA IV in yet, and they said no, but they usually get big games a couple days before release, and I asked them if they would put the game out before release date if they got it in on time, and they said, "Oh yeah, most definitely." Soo...


Wollan said:
Canadian version usually(always?) have dual english & french text on the cover.

The GTAIV cover has no text. Only the game's logo.
On the back, there could be a little bit...but some games actually come with 2 of those paper inserts. So you can have a full English or full French box. MotorStorm was like that.

And you'll likely have two manuals.

Anyway, as long as I have English, I'm happy. Beats having every single joke ruined by Dutch translation.

Eric WK

flunkie4455 said:
Does anyone know what time Walmart gets their shipments?

I just called Walmart and asked them if they had GTA IV in yet, and they said no, but they usually get big games a couple days before release, and I asked them if they would put the game out before release date if they got it in on time, and they said, "Oh yeah, most definitely." Soo...


Wal-Mart's point of sale won't even let items be sold prior to their street date without manager approval. Good luck, I guess.


Goldrusher said:
The GTAIV cover has no text. Only the game's logo.
On the back, there could be a little bit...but some games actually come with 2 of those paper inserts. So you can have a full English or full French box. MotorStorm was like that.

And you'll likely have two manuals.

Anyway, as long as I have English, I'm happy. Beats having every single joke ruined by Dutch translation.

Yeah usually it's just a second black&white manual that's in French, or some such.

Don't worry, they don't change the title to "Grand Vol de Voitures"


I'll ask again, is there a server browser/matchmaking for multiplayer or do I need to manually invite 16 people from my friends list if I want to play a match?


So I don't know if its been posted before, but you can pick up and hurl condiments (mustard and ketchup containers) that you find at the diner at the corner of your street (go up the containers, press LB to pick up). :D Reminded me of the crazy fun of Dead Rising.


I'm sure it's mentioned in this thread, but it's rather large:

What's the music that plays in the background for the Niko Belic trailer that went up today or yesterday? Sounds great (and familiar) and would appreciate hearing what it is.


LaneDS said:
I'm sure it's mentioned in this thread, but it's rather large:

What's the music that plays in the background for the Niko Belic trailer that went up today or yesterday? Sounds great (and familiar) and would appreciate hearing what it is.

Its by Aphex Twin. I think the song name is Z Twig.
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