You Bastard!!!Mejilan said:Not too far from finishing breeding a gold chocobo, as we speak.![]()
You Bastard!!!Mejilan said:Not too far from finishing breeding a gold chocobo, as we speak.![]()
The Memory Stick needing to be formatted is indeed the problem. Why, I don't know.greatestjediever said:It may have simply been my memory stick. I heard that formatting the stick may help but I haven't tried. I might try it out if I feel the need to pick the game up again, but right now I'm in the middle of a MGS marathon and may even replay FFVII again.
Ferrio said:I *really* wanna replay 7... but I'm convinced myself not to and wait for the eventual remake. It'll make the game that much sweeter.
jiggle said:"Theme of CRISIS CORE ''Successor''"
inner-G said:I wish I could put CFW on my PSP2K. T_T
This game makes me want to rip FFVII and play it on the go.
Mejilan said:Not too far from finishing breeding a gold chocobo, as we speak.![]()
Ferrio said:So glad I bought a 4 gig memory card before I got this game. Minimal load times ftw!
mattiewheels said:so, how am i supposed to beat angeal (when he morphs with all those animal things) when his attack does more damage than my hitpoints?
zoukka said:Fuck anyone who says VII looks bad... there's more work put in to areas you spend 5 seconds in, than all of P3:s dungeons for example :lol
Mejilan said:Gold Chocobo helping me secure some phat lewtz!
mattiewheels said:so, how am i supposed to beat angeal (when he morphs with all those animal things) when his attack does more damage than my hitpoints?
ready to give up, tried more than enough times and watched the long battle intro too many times...bad writing FTL
Theme of CRISIS CORE ''Dreams and Pride'", maybe?Ken Masters said:what's the name of that piano song that plays in the main menu and on the game select screen?
mattiewheels said:so, how am i supposed to beat angeal (when he morphs with all those animal things) when his attack does more damage than my hitpoints?
ready to give up, tried more than enough times and watched the long battle intro too many times...bad writing FTL
Ken Masters said:how does the level up system work?
I know you need a 7/7/7 to lvl up but is that slot machine just random at the end of battle?
and what is that slot machine in the top left corner during battle?
Ferrio said:RTFM?
Slot machine spins continously through battle, if it lands on 777 you level up. It's not totally random, as there's a hidden exp number that the player can't see that influences the slot machine.
Ken Masters said:so does the player have any say or influence on it during battle? and are you supposed to press something while it spins after battle?
Ferrio said:Nope, just watch them roll.
Ken Masters said:why is there a delay in action? I would attack but it would happen after a delay, what's the point of it?
joelseph said:This game suprised me with how good it is.
Ditto. I felt I would dig it before I started, but I didn't know I would like it this much.hiryu said:I'm enjoying this game way more than I expected. I guess I have a nostalgic soft spot for FFVII. Also, Zack is a pretty great main character for a game.
Fusebox said:I did the "1000 Shinra Soldiers" mission yesterday, felt like a good 45 minutes worth but it was surprisingly fun. Dud reward though.
Sorry. :lolzoukka said:Dude YOU SPOILED THAT FOR ME!!!1
You are forgiven considering how awesome that avatar is
Panda said:Finally finishedmission (9-6-6). I was talking about overpowered accessories before but the ones you get after this mission are just game-breaking. :lolThe Reigning Deity
Dot50Cal said:Say guys, whats the last "summon" DMW? I can't seem to find it and I'm at the end game, around 70% through the missions. Did I miss it somewhere?
r.pad said:Any tips for getting through this series of missions? I keep getting killed at the end of 9-6-1 with a level 74 Zack. Triple Cactuars are painful.
Scott said:Finally started this yesterday, and I've got a quick question about mission progression:
I was working on Mission 6-1-5, and I saw a Tonberry at one end and a Bomb at the other. I just assumed the harder enemy (the Tonberry) would be the boss, so I killed the bomb, which completed the mission (oops)... So I did the mission again, this time making sure I killed the Tonberry, but as far as I remember, all it did was unlock Mission 10-2-1.
greatestjediever said:Tell me about it. Costly Punch and Dash helped me out a bit on that one though.
Scott said:Finally started this yesterday, and I've got a quick question about mission progression:
I was working on Mission 6-1-5, and I saw a Tonberry at one end and a Bomb at the other. I just assumed the harder enemy (the Tonberry) would be the boss, so I killed the bomb, which completed the mission (oops)... So I did the mission again, this time making sure I killed the Tonberry, but as far as I remember, all it did was unlock Mission 10-2-1.
What I want to know is, did I miss out on a reward from the Tonberry itself, because I waited until the second go-through to kill it? And, did I mess up the mission progression in any way? I'd assume "no," but after playing FFX-2, I know Square Enix can be total bastards about that kind of thing.
For that matter, are there any "screw up" points in the missions? Like, minor things you can miss that'll permanently screw you out of unlocking future ones? Or any points of no return for missions that I need to know about (besides after heading to Nibelheim)?
Thanks for any help.![]()
Kuran said:Is there a "point of no return" in this game, where you won't be able to unlock some of the missions?