People bashing the short length, linearity and lack of multi/leveling up stuff/customization of The Order (specially if it doesn't sell) is sending a message to the devs: make more open world games with tons of hours of repetitive stuff to make it the game longer and MMORPG stuff to grind and make it even longer, even if the game doesn't need it.
Damn Sony's exclusives been shitting the bed with review scores. Maybe Bloodborne will turn the streak around.
Don't see Uncharted getting favorable reviews this gen either if reviewers are gonna be harsh on cinematic games.
That's almost like a conspiracy theory. What a joke. If the game is good, it will get good reviews.UC3 didn't deserve anywhere close to an 87 MC imo, let alone what it got. The reviews were seriously inflated because of the hype and frankly the fear of backlash. I expect similar for UC4. A lot of sites wont dare go below 90 for a game like UC4.
But it's not. That would be more akin to going into The Order OT thread and saying that you're not interested in it. Review threads are a bit different. The reviews may not impact on you personally buying the game or not, but you can still care about what score the game gets and how it's perceived by others, whether you feel the criticisms are valid or they make no sense and whether they match up to your experience when you get around to playing it. It's interesting to keep up with if anything, if nothing then for the dramaBut you're not discussing anything. You're just saying "Reviews are sometimes at odds with my tastes, thus, they don't really matter!"
You don't care what other people's professional opinions on The Order are, so I was honestly curious why you were in a thread specifically about other people's professional opinions on The Order. It's like going into a thread for The Wire and saying "Man, I don't care about The Wire."
I'm not saying you can't dislike reviews or disagree with reviews or have no opinion on them whatsoever, I just think going into a review thread to announce your ambivalence to the subject at hand is really quite curious.
Sony's exclusive output this gen has been underwhelming tbh.
People bashing the short length, linearity and lack of multi/leveling up stuff/customization of The Order (specially if it doesn't sell) is sending a message to the devs: make more open world games with tons of hours of repetitive stuff to make it the game longer and MMORPG stuff to grind and make it even longer, even if the game doesn't need it.
I guess I just don't really see what Uncharted 3 did that was "so much worse" than the other two. I thought it was about as good as Uncharted 2. It played the same to me.
I get maybe not liking it as much as the first two, but again I'm not sure where the hate stems from as it really just felt like another good Uncharted game to me. I don't see this massive dip in quality that some let on about it having.
It was not a "New thing" like Uncharted 1
It was not a "We improved everything of the previous game on this game" game.
U2 was the game that changed everything that was bad on U1. Graphics, gameplay and storywise. U3 did nothing new. It was just "another uncharted like U2".
My favorite to play is U3...but I know U2 is the best.
There's a night and day difference between a game whose filmic qualities come about as a result of player actions and choice and ones that wrest control of the player away to do so.
If Uncharted 4 plays like the gameplay reveal/target it'll do just fine.
Sony's exclusive output this gen has been underwhelming tbh.
People bashing the short length, linearity and lack of multi/leveling up stuff/customization of The Order (specially if it doesn't sell) is sending a message to the devs: make more open world games with tons of hours of repetitive stuff to make it the game longer and MMORPG stuff to grind and make it even longer, even if the game doesn't need it.
Sony's exclusive output this gen has been underwhelming tbh.
Sony's exclusive output this gen has been underwhelming tbh.
Review threads for hyped up platform-exclusive games are consistently some of the most embarrassing threads on my site.
People bashing the short length, linearity and lack of multi/leveling up stuff/customization of The Order (specially if it doesn't sell) is sending a message to the devs: make more open world games with tons of hours of repetitive stuff to make it the game longer and MMORPG stuff to grind and make it even longer, even if the game doesn't need it.
It's not just the length though: it's the QTEs, the crap story, and mediocre gameplay.
The thing is practically a paperweight.My guess is there is nothing to play on the PS4. People are salivating for something AAA good to play.
I'll buy it for no more than $18.86
Funny thing when I talk to casuals, this is the firat game that comes out of their mouths. This game gonna sell.
The game is a battle of ideologies. Those that have a irrational hatred of "cinematic" games against those that would prefer diversity of all types. It seems as some reviewers are using this game to send a message just to take a shot at a genre of gaming they don't like.
People bashing the short length, linearity and lack of multi/leveling up stuff/customization of The Order (specially if it doesn't sell) is sending a message to the devs: make more open world games with tons of hours of repetitive stuff to make it the game longer and MMORPG stuff to grind and make it even longer, even if the game doesn't need it.
They're game critics. Their job is to critique games for our enjoyment.It's okay to criticize if its constructive
But for fucks sake if you're part of the gaming media show some a little fucking tact and professionalism.
From what I've read, that isn't the main criticism at all--in fact, I haven't seen it discussed once. The problem with the game is that it assumes the player can't get by without extensive hand-holding, as well as attempting to tell a grandiose story and falling flat on its face. There are examples of linear games being held up as critical darlings--Bioshock Infinite and The Last of Us fit right in there--but they were actually good at what they did.
Somewhat. Solid gunplay, spectacular graphics, great voice acting. That's about it.
There's absolutely zero replay value. Like, there nothing to do after you beat it. Literally. There's also way to much hand holding and it's super linear.
Yeah that worked out well for DA:I
If they didn't have the strongest hardware at the cheaper price and if Xbox didn't have all those blunders early on PS4 would be really hurting right now.
We are just over a year in.
There's plenty to play.
People bashing the short length, linearity and lack of multi/leveling up stuff/customization of The Order (specially if it doesn't sell) is sending a message to the devs: make more open world games with tons of hours of repetitive stuff to make it the game longer and MMORPG stuff to grind and make it even longer, even if the game doesn't need it.
Yeah that worked out well for DA:I
Funny thing when I talk to casuals, this is the firat game that comes out of their mouths. This game gonna sell.
Are there reviews actually bashing it for those reasons?
It's pretty much like this early on in every generation. I wouldn't say that Microsoft's output has been anything sterling either, yet. The PS3 and 360, IMO, took a while to really get going. Nintendo is the only company that actually nails this aspect but apparently people don't care about that.
When does it go up on Netflix?
People bashing the short length, linearity and lack of multi/leveling up stuff/customization of The Order (specially if it doesn't sell) is sending a message to the devs: make more open world games with tons of hours of repetitive stuff to make it the game longer and MMORPG stuff to grind and make it even longer, even if the game doesn't need it.
It's pretty much like this early on in every generation. I wouldn't say that Microsoft's output has been anything sterling either, yet. The PS3 and 360, IMO, took a while to really get going. Nintendo is the only company that actually nails this aspect but apparently people don't care about that.
The 360 had Oblivion, CoD 2, Dead Rising, Saints Row, Ghost Recon, Rainbow Six Vegas, Condemned, and Gears of War all in a year.
Or maybe they game is mediocre as multiple reviews have said and rated as such?The game is a battle of ideologies. Those that have a irrational hatred of "cinematic" games against those that would prefer diversity of all types. It seems as some reviewers are using this game to send a message just to take a shot at a genre of gaming they don't like.
Well I'm done posting here, I really have nothing more to say until I play the game for myself and see if I agree with these reviews.
People are overreacting on all sides which I suppose is to be expected. Games come out every week that I consider to be medicore or uninspired, it's funny how I just ignore them. I think everyone just needs to worry less about what other people like/dislike.
Damn Sony's exclusives been shitting the bed with review scores. Maybe Bloodborne will turn the streak around.
Don't see Uncharted getting favorable reviews this gen either if reviewers are gonna be harsh on cinematic games.
Should I know who this person is?Gross and unprofessional:
Journalists are taking the piss now at this stage. Not fair on the devs who spent 5 years of their lives creating this game.
this is so fucked. one day before to game is released and reviews have sucked the hype completely out of this game. the people at RaD must be feeling pretty deflated right now.
I guess if the game sells well enough the reviews wont matter as much.