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The Order 1886 Review Thread

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IGN posted this on their Facebook page heh.

What the...

Gross and unprofessional:


Journalists are taking the piss now at this stage. Not fair on the devs who spent 5 years of their lives creating this game.

Man, I can't recall any game getting this kind of pile on after reviews were out. Seems excessive.


Gears and Oblivion, definitely, but the others (to me) were either mediocre as hell or just okay. I'm not saying that the 360 was weak but I do think both consoles got progressively better across their lifespan, especially the PS3 which just came out swinging later on.

Rainbow Six was amazing start of this gen.


Gears and Oblivion, definitely, but the others (to me) were either mediocre as hell or just okay. I'm not saying that the 360 was weak but I do think both consoles got progressively better across their lifespan, especially the PS3 which just came out swinging later on.

Some of those games you're calling mediocre has a meta above 85.

Personally, I thought all the games he listed were great games.


Duration :Almost 7 hours, without running, which is a bit short (knowing that cinematics is half the duration..).

This is just insane, not worth my money.


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
People bashing the short length, linearity and lack of multi/leveling up stuff/customization of The Order (specially if it doesn't sell) is sending a message to the devs: make more open world games with tons of hours of repetitive stuff to make it the game longer and MMORPG stuff to grind and make it even longer, even if the game doesn't need it.

No, not at all.

Shit doesn't need to be open-world.

The message is a mediocre game is mediocre.

Uncharted isn't great because it's cinematic, it's great because it has compelling gameplay to go along with it being cinematic.

You can approach combat in UC (or TLOU) in multiple ways.. it's not just a corridor shooter.. you can approach sections of the game completely different ways each time you play the scenario.


It's pretty much like this early on in every generation. I wouldn't say that Microsoft's output has been anything sterling either, yet. The PS3 and 360, IMO, took a while to really get going. Nintendo is the only company that actually nails this aspect but apparently people don't care about that.

Earlier in the thread somebody posted the metacritic results of both Sony and MS. They were both in the mid 70s.

So *shrug*. Nintendo is the only one with good results, but they also have a year head start . But Nintendo doesn't matter to a lot of people, such as I.
The game is a battle of ideologies. Those that have a irrational hatred of "cinematic" games against those that would prefer diversity of all types. It seems as some reviewers are using this game to send a message just to take a shot at a genre of gaming they don't like.

Again, I don't think we're seeing a trend starting or continuing here at all. We're seeing people with a variety of tastes, including those who usually eat up these kinds of games saying this particular one just happens to be boring. Boring is popping up as a descriptor in these reviews a lot more than "short" or "cinematic."

Also, some of us who generally dislike "cinematic" games still consider diversity and creativity of utmost importance for the future of the industry. It just falls beneath overall quality is all.


pip pip cheerio you slags!
Gears and Oblivion, definitely, but the others (to me) were either mediocre as hell or just okay. I'm not saying that the 360 was weak but I do think both consoles got progressively better across their lifespan, especially the PS3 which just came out swinging later on.

You trying to say Rainbow six and Condemned aren't GOATs dude?

Those are fighting words
The game is a battle of ideologies. Those that have a irrational hatred of "cinematic" games against those that would prefer diversity of all types. It seems as some reviewers are using this game to send a message just to take a shot at a genre of gaming they don't like.

What if they just felt it wasn't a great game? Why do people get emotional about these things? If you enjoy it, do you. I wouldn't mind playing it if I had gamefly or if Blockbuster still existed, but this game doesn't seem to warrant the money according to the reviewers. I bet if they priced out like Kojima priced MG they wouldn't be as harsh.


Gold Member
Calling it now: this game is going to follow Syphon Filter in its footsteps. Hyped, then derided at launch, then later loved and held as a great exclusive.
You trying to say Rainbow six and Condemned aren't GOATs dude?

Those are fighting words

I liked Condemned. I'm just saying that apart from Gears there weren't really many exclusives that set the console on fire (at the beginning). Of course there were a range of good games. My mistake for going into this sort of topic though. I was simply replying to the guy that said that Sony's exclusive output hasn't been great yet this generation but I think that rings true for other Playstation consoles. And not just Playstation but Nintendo as well, as the Wii U was pretty vacant there for a while and now it's swimming in amazing exclusives.
It is.

Idk why there is weird celebratory/gloating tone surrounding the mixed reception of this game.

Its not about GAF either...Just check twitter or other websites.Its awful.

It's probably because the tons of threads worth of controversy leading up to its release and people picking sides on whether the games would be great or not. For some it was time to pay the piper I suppose.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Never said the visuals were something "against" it.
Just that saying that literally no other game ever has looked this good is just being silly.
It's an individual thing, but IMO I can't disagree. No other game that went for this kind of look has looked this good.
That doesn't mean I'd ever disagree with someone saying that Okami looks better for example.


Gears and Oblivion, definitely, but the others (to me) were either mediocre as hell or just okay. I'm not saying that the 360 was weak but I do think both consoles got progressively better across their lifespan, especially the PS3 which just came out swinging later on.

COD 2 remains the definitive WWII shooter. It is most certainly not mediocre by any stretch of the imagination. If you didn't play it in it's era then I might forgive you.

Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood
Gears and Oblivion, definitely, but the others (to me) were either mediocre as hell or just okay. I'm not saying that the 360 was weak but I do think both consoles got progressively better across their lifespan, especially the PS3 which just came out swinging later on.

If most of the games from the post you quoted are "mediocre", you must hate a lot of games. Outside Saints Row, all those other games were fantastic. Let alone being launch year games. The 360's first year of titles seems criminally underrated.


Just can't figure out RAD's rationale behind focusing on cinema/fmv stuff and foregoing a substantial single player 3PS traditional gameplay campaign. The stuff they did sprinkled in with a Gears or Uncharted length type campaign would've been amazing.
The Order is a cinematic action game, a relatively short and condensed game with gorgeous visuals, great artistry and very good audio. It's not revolutionnary by any means, it has a functionnal and effective but already played/seen gameplay. It's not adressed to hardcore gamers at all, it's a laid back, mainstream game.

As a consummer, that's the review I want. I'm sorry but I don't give a shit about the gaming feelings of a journalist. I just want to know if a game fits my gaming typology by some specific criteria. I don't need to read 22 pages front and back of explanation of how the game work because, well, I'm not stupid so I will found out when I'll play it.

The short summary you gave is just as opinionated as the "feelings of journalists" you claim to hate. What is "gorgeous visuals" and "great artistry" to you is "dull and grey" to another. What is "functional and effective" to you is "boring and lacking depth" to someone else.

If you want just a short review synopsis of the game, then Metacritic is the perfect site for you. They take quotations from the reviews that summarize the feelings of the reviewer no different than the review that you want. But other consumers want explanations of why the review feels the way they do. WHY do they think it looks good/doesn't look good, WHY do they think the gameplay is good/bad/mainstream, WHY is it not meant for hardcore gamers? They like to read examples and explanations of the opinions so they can understand why they feel the way they feel about a game, and not just trust their opinion because it's 3 sentences long and fakes being an emotionless objective analysis.
People bashing the short length, linearity and lack of multi/leveling up stuff/customization of The Order (specially if it doesn't sell) is sending a message to the devs: make more open world games with tons of hours of repetitive stuff to make it the game longer and MMORPG stuff to grind and make it even longer, even if the game doesn't need it.
To any developers reading, yes these are your only two options: short games that wrestle control away from players and are chock full of cinematics, linearity, mediocre gameplay and c-tier writing, or overstuffed open world games full of grindy repetitive bullshit.

Choose wisely, developers.
If most of the games from the post you quoted are "mediocre", you must hate a lot of games. Outside Saints Row, all those other games were fantastic. Let alone being launch year games. The 360's first year of titles seems criminally underrated.

I don't hate a lot of games. The ones he mentioned just aren't particularly up my alley. I did say that they were good games in general but people are missing the point I was trying to make. Again, my mistake, I really should have known better. I'm not bashing the 360's early line up.


Man, I can't recall any game getting this kind of pile on after reviews were out. Seems excessive.

The hyping for this one was through the roof by the media, fans and companies involved plus it's an exclusive so that raises the stakes even more so. People were buying PS4's in advance for this.

The bigger they are, the harder they fall.


Adam Rosenburg is a bit of a hypocrite when it comes to QTEs.

digitaltrends 1886 review said:
The word “play” applies very loosely in the case of The Order, bloated as it is with excruciatingly dull cutscenes and mindless push-the-button-to-make-some-cool-thing-happen moments. Quick time events, or QTEs, as the kids of the ’90s and early Aughts called them.

The Order delivers its third-person, cover-based shooting in brief chunks, peppering in occasional QTEs (sigh), monster fights (repetitive), stealth (UGH).

digitaltrends ryse review said:
+Reward-driven execution QTEs a fresh idea for combat

Hit the right trigger to launch into a brief, randomly selected (and occasionally contextual) quick-time event that sees Titus brutally maiming his opponent before sending him off into the great beyond. Your enemy glows a light blue or yellow to signify which button needs pressing; it’s much more pleasing to the eye than a chunky button icon. It’s also a horrifically gorgeous display of violence in a way that only video games can manage.


Game never grabbed me with the hype and the way they built up to the release it seemed clear they weren't exactly confident themselves.

Reviews seem to pan that out, a real shame as for sure the thirst for a great AAA PS4 game is pretty real at this point. Although I thought Infamous was underrated, its been a long time since that released. I feel a bit sorry for the devs of the game as it isn't their fault they're essentially having to stand on their own and meet the hype. As a first 'AAA' outing you would probably say it is a good effort but yeah, there were some easy decisions that could have made things better it seems.

Soooo... Bloodborne it is, which again I wasn't sold on but the build up to the release is worlds apart. I have great confidence this will be at least a very good game now and massively turned around on it. *fingers crossed* Seems so long since I played a game properly now.


To any developers reading, yes these are your only two options: short games that wrestle control away from players and are chock full of cinematics, linearity, mediocre gameplay and c-tier writing, or overstuffed open world games full of grindy repetitive bullshit.

Choose wisely, developers.

Nothing stops the False Dichotomy Express!



A good rule of thumb would be to envision the thing you're making fun of being represented by the ISIS, and then think of what their reaction would be. If it results in someone not having a head, you're probably being too mean.

This is by far the stupidest post in this thread, and that's really saying something.

Are you even aware of various reasons ISIS has actually ended up killing people?
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