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The Order 1886 Review Thread

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I don't think co-op, at least, would be conducive to the kind of game they made. Multiple people doing QTEs? Watching three hours of cutscenes together?

A separate mode, maybe, but few of the reviews have said that the shooting is any good, most saying the opposite. Would have been a waste of resources and money to build that mode.
Coop is def out of the equation. Competitive multiplayer a la Gears, sure why not. Preordered the game and intend to play. Hopefully I can find more redeeming qualities than cinematics!


I thought reasons were legitimate things, i.e. they required the use of reason. It has already been reported by various media outlets recently that ISIS are more or less an apocalyptic doomsday cult. It made front page on CNN the other day.

[ree-zuh n]
- a basis or cause, as for some belief, action, fact, event, etc.

Nowhere is it defined as requiring reason as defined by "sound judgment; good sense."


Things really need to shake up internally at Sony's QA dpt. Let's cross our fingers that Bloodborne will deliver or...

Isn't QA for bugs and making sure the console doesn't catch on fire?I might be totally wrong though. The game sounds like it works great, the problem is the content.
why nearly 6500 posts lol In one day aswell!

Its an exclusive aswell so cant be from just playstation gamers replying as game isnt out until tmrw, Reviews mean nothing too me as the person reviewing will have different perceptions of games and how they are played.

Roll on tmrw when i get the game.


When you were dreading moderating this thread, did you ever think ISIS would come up

Only this one:


CliffyB's Cock Holster
I've always been sympathetic to that because I did the exact same thing and was stuck trying to fish for like a half hour. Why is the fishing trainer not at the beginner level fishing place? It is absurd.

I really like Nier.

Heh, it's funny really, I replayed Nier last year and honestly you'd be amazed how obvious it is where you are supposed to go. That being said, I remember being momentarily stumped the first time I encountered it, so I'm not entirely unsympathetic.

That being said, the rage-quit thing was so over-the-top that it really rankled me. It felt to way too "class clown-ish" and as someone who has worked in development I'm kinda touchy about media people taking cheap-shots at the best of times.

Nier's quite an interesting counterpoint to the way The Order's been received I think, one game got punished for its lacking visuals (as much as any element in it), whereas RAD's game is visually pretty much above complaint and yet its being used almost as a stick to beat the rest of the game with...

Critics. Can't stand the species! :D


Feels like the PS4 equivalent of Ryse, nice technical showcase but not much else.

But MS got their launch type games out the way at launch, whereas Sony are still putting out launch type games because so much shit got delayed, so there aren't as many excuses to be made for them being shallow.

If Driveclub (working) and The Order had come out closer to launch, I think their issues may have been given more leeway. But yeah, Resogun's still the best first party game on PS4. Great.


Slightly, but not completely OT.

IF anyone is looking for a 3rd person "shooter" for the PS4, I'll say I was VERY surprised by Sniper Elite III the last couple days. I had never played the series before.

If you can find it cheap, I'd say grab it and try it out. It's like Hitman and Metal Gear Solid had a baby.

You can go in on the ground and melee/silently kill enemies. You can snipe enemies. You can set complex traps up and lure your victims in. You can even go guns blazing if you want. The "levels" are like multiple Ground Zeroes each

Anyway, just a suggestion as a low-cost diamond in the ruff for me. I'm enjoying it a lot more than I expected, and probably would have completely overlooked it.

One of the few games on ps4 that supports stereoscopic 3D as well.


Watching my mate play on TwitcH. It's coma inducing at the moment. WEre it not for his funny commentary I would have fallen asleep ages ago.
His twitch name is VirtuousScimitar


When a creator puts out his work in the world, where everyone can see it, he should expect any and every kind of criticism. Journalists ridiculing your, apparently mediocre, product is par for the course.

I don't think anybody was sorry for Lair's developers at the time, or for Haze's ones (not the same score range but you get what I mean). What's with the sudden "poor devs" approach?
Feels like the PS4 equivalent of Ryse, nice technical showcase but not much else.

But MS got their launch type games out the way at launch, whereas Sony are still putting out launch type games because so much shit got delayed, so there aren't as many excuses to be made for them being shallow.

If Driveclub (working) and The Order had come out closer to launch, I think their issues may have been given more leeway. But yeah, Resogun's still the best first party game on PS4. Great.

That'll be rectified in a month.

*Cue The Office gif*


"A big upset" and "slaughter the game" are very subjective ways to describe reception.

For all we know they are happy with the reception, they knew what they were making.

It's a 6/10 game that's a technical marvel but meh at actual gameplay.

Not bad for a studio's first IP I'd say.

No, it's not subjective at all, RAD have been quite clear in their desire to make this a franchise and this will severely hurt the chances of that happening.

Not to mention many have cancelled their pre-orders based on these reviews or will wait until it drops sharply in price.

It doesn't matter how you want to phrase it, the reviews have been overwhelmingly negative and will hurt the game and any attempt at making this into a brand name.


People are entitled to their opinions, no matter how harsh it can be, as long as no one is being physically/mentally hurt in the process, I see no harm in it. Its the game industry and creators need to have thick skin if they want to improve. The creators can either take this criticism and grow from it or disregard it.

That's not a unique or helpful criticism though, it's literally an attempt to turn the game into a meme.


I think it's completely fair for this game to be poorly reviewed based on the mediocre gameplay, poor script, and lack of content. Actually, it's a big improvement from a few years back when games were highly reviewed nearly solely based on hype and AAA budget. This game has a lot of shortcoming, and it's a good thing to point them out.

But the petty insults, name-calling, making fun of passionate and talented -despite a few bad decisions- creators, ... we are bullies, aren't we ? This whole backslash has really showed how very immature and childish many players - and even some professional journalists - really are. It's really shameful.


Feels like the PS4 equivalent of Ryse, nice technical showcase but not much else.

How long did it take for people to convince themselves they liked Ryse?

I can't wait for the threads in a couple years "You know GAF, Ryse and The Order were way ahead of their time..."
How long did it take for people to convince themselves they liked Ryse?

I can't wait for the threads in a couple years "You know GAF, Ryse and The Order were way ahead of their time..."

GAF has ruined me, because I honestly expected this sentence to be "You know, GAF, we really are the Ryse."


Junior Member
Feels like the PS4 equivalent of Ryse, nice technical showcase but not much else.

But MS got their launch type games out the way at launch, whereas Sony are still putting out launch type games because so much shit got delayed, so there aren't as many excuses to be made for them being shallow.

If Driveclub (working) and The Order had come out closer to launch, I think their issues may have been given more leeway. But yeah, Resogun's still the best first party game on PS4. Great.

Have you forgotten about the master chief collection?

One of the worst game launches of all time. Probably the worst ever


Buying this game tomorrow right after work. The reason I bought a PS4 last month was to play this game... These reviews don't matter to me.... The games style draw me in when first announced years ago with its design. This game gets me hyped and can't wait to play it.


If this were $15 or something it would be received a lot better. This will probably be the first game I redbox.


Here's something a little different from the norm and it gets "lolololololololololol WTF is this shit moviessssnogameplay5hourcrap lol RAD fail"

And people wonder why developers don't take risk anymore.

It's probably because the tons of threads worth of controversy leading up to its release and people picking sides on whether the games would be great or not. For some it was time to pay the piper I suppose.

It seems there is huge pressure that comes with being :

1) AAA 2)Exclusive 3)New IP

It seems there is a sort of crack down on what the developers tried to achieve with this game.

If this were an indie/budget title it wouldn't get nearly as much flame but could actually be praised to the heavens.

Journey,the walking dead,gone home were all such games that are championed for being different.

The Order's status entailed a lot of expectations.A strict definition of what constitutes a game is being artificially applied in full force here.

It needed to be long,beefy and with a support of multitudes of online modes.It needed to be a "hardcore game".

I don't think there is anything wrong with a game being focused on sheer audio/visual beauty.Part of the enjoyment of art is simply taking everything in and appreciating it for what is.There doesn't need to be a consumerist view when evaluating everything that pertains to art.
A good rule of thumb would be to envision the thing you're making fun of being represented by the ISIS, and then think of what their reaction would be. If it results in someone not having a head, you're probably being too mean.

You are really something else. Let it go. Sony can survive without your knighting.


Slayer of Combofiends
That's not a unique or helpful criticism though, it's literally an attempt to turn the game into a meme.

Well I do agree with you, however, you can definitely slavage something from that statement as in: "Our game doesn't have enough of this or too much of that"

I know its harsh. I personally wanted to buy the game but when all I saw was cutscene after cutscene, the game just fell off my radar even though the art direction was spectacular.


While this is true it has to be a little unsettling to PS4 owners that some of Sony's big franchises like Infamous, LBP and Killzone have already come out and none are all that great. Especially when we also had sub-standard God of War and Gran Turismo games at the end of last gen. It's like, what is happening to Sony's studios? The only one that can really be relied upon right now is ND. When was the last time Sony released a really good game not by ND on console?

It just doesn't create a good outlook for the console when first and second party games are consistantly disappointing.

Much unsettling.
Very concern.
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