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The Order 1886 Review Thread

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it would come before that


"Will that complete your The Order 1886?"


We really need to get this out of the way: journalists are not reviewing the Order poorly because it does things differently. There are games that do things differently, even things the Order does, even games that came out for $60, even games that were short, cinematic experiences, that were not nearly as trashed.

The actual reviews outline their problems with the game. Let's just go through some of them.

And so forth.

This isn't "I am reviewing Football Manager and I can't even directly control the quarterback, 3/10." This is reviews saying that they did not find what was there engaging. We can agree that the third-person shooter parts are, you know, third-person shooter parts, right? Why, then, do they still do things that were oldhat by the middle of last generation? The precedence is there to follow, it's not a lack of innovation, it's a lack of ignoring established solutions.

This narrative that the media is out to get games that aren't a certain type, or as you put it

is madness. Shadows of Mordor was short and with no online multiplayer, it won Game of the Year in a ton of places. Long, beefy games like Destiny did not and were mostly panned. The Walking Dead was hailed as a revolution in game design and sweeped awards left and right, it is none of what you described. It's more like The Order than you would probably like to admit, but it doesn't fall down on its execution.

Gaming community, I am begging you, move off the idea that because someone disagrees with you, it is either because they are incompetent or have an agenda that leads to the ruination of all video games. Some people are clearly crazy, some people walk into biases, there is not a systematic institution in place to trash the game you happen to be hyped for at that specific moment. The Order is not being reviewed poorly because the point was missed, the point was just dull.

Thank you.


I honestly cannot tell if this is satire. I really hope it is.

The game isn't even technically out yet. The "gamers" you listen to are just people with their hands over their ears trying to ignore the obvious bad impressions of the game. This is getting just sad.

So the impressions thread where gaffers have played the game isn't a thing? Fuck outta here son.

Sorry I'm not one of those people who lust for hate on games especially when its shown to be fully functional if short and peppered with a few qte's. I'm not defending the game as I haven't played it but I never expected The Order to be some groundbreaking change to third person shooters or a big example of "Next Gen" atleast outside of graphics. Also I haven't taken stock in reviews since EGM ziff era and the gaming press hasn't exactly been the best at telling me if something was worth my money for a while.
Gross and unprofessional:


Journalists are taking the piss now at this stage. Not fair on the devs who spent 5 years of their lives creating this game.

The devs took such care in making this game, they gave each hour of the game a whole year in development! This journalist is a prime example of the kind of gamergate-esque bullying that RAD are facing


Slayer of Combofiends
"Devs need to have thick skin."

Really? Was that part of their education? They asked for nothing but to make video games. Now all of a sudden they're supposed to be punching bags, too? They aren't public personalities, they're game developers.

They do, having gone through the same education they have criticism is an essential part of game design. Of course ridiculing is one thing, criticism in another, additionally, I was referring to that twitter post about the game being 10 minutes long. It was really tame joke compared to a lot of the other crap that's being said.

Before I digress, you sadly, in this day and age of videogame making, have to take it all in and give it a positive spin. For the things that you can't, welp you can't do much about it, just take it and move on.


This isn't kindergarten. We aren't telling kids that their picture of a green circle is a great representation of a house. This is a developer, a team of creative folks who put out a product. Sure they were passionate about it, but sitting there and saying "there there, you are a superstar because you tried" is not how it works. I know when I fail to deliver or deliver something of poor quality my boss isn't coming to me and giving me a gold star because I tried. I am getting pulled into a conference room and reamed because what I delivered was bad. Hell I got reamed for stuff I didnt deliver but was associated to the project.

How else are RAD and other studios going to learn? And this is coming from someone who owns Knack, LBP3, Driveclub and The Order, 4 of the 6 exclusives that have launched on PS4 that have had middling to terrible reviews.

I never said they should be praised, stop quoting me if you are going to be putting words in my mouth. As I already said I just think its inappropriate for professional reviewers to make a mockery out of the game.

At least this serve as a reminder for me to be less toxic as well, The Order threads are tiresome.
ISIS brought up because a developer is getting a ribbing?



What the hell. Are people really that upset the game hasn't reviewed well and peoeple having a bit of fun at the developers expense that they've lost any semblance of rational thought?



We really need to get this out of the way: journalists are not reviewing the Order poorly because it does things differently. There are games that do things differently, even things the Order does, even games that came out for $60, even games that were short, cinematic experiences, that were not nearly as trashed.

The actual reviews outline their problems with the game. Let's just go through some of them.

And so forth.

This isn't "I am reviewing Football Manager and I can't even directly control the quarterback, 3/10." This is reviews saying that they did not find what was there engaging. We can agree that the third-person shooter parts are, you know, third-person shooter parts, right? Why, then, do they still do things that were oldhat by the middle of last generation? The precedence is there to follow, it's not a lack of innovation, it's a lack of ignoring established solutions.

This narrative that the media is out to get games that aren't a certain type, or as you put it

is madness. Shadows of Mordor was short and with no online multiplayer, it won Game of the Year in a ton of places. Long, beefy games like Destiny did not and were mostly panned. The Walking Dead was hailed as a revolution in game design and sweeped awards left and right, it is none of what you described. It's more like The Order than you would probably like to admit, but it doesn't fall down on its execution.

Gaming community, I am begging you, move off the idea that because someone disagrees with you, it is either because they are incompetent or have an agenda that leads to the ruination of all video games. Some people are clearly crazy, some people walk into biases, there is not a systematic institution in place to trash the game you happen to be hyped for at that specific moment. The Order is not being reviewed poorly because the point was missed, the point was just dull.

While I agree with these points, they don't explain how Driveclub got panned imo.
Enjoy Shuhei Yoshida at the head of SCEWWS.

OK I know this is baiting and I'm taking it hook line and sinker: couldnt the same be said of Spencer and MS? Presiding over last years poor Xbox One sales (compared to the market leader), fire sales, OK reviews if Titanfall and SO, the disastrous and potentially ruinous launch of MCC, lack of content until this fall, etc.


Honestly guys, the Order is breaking new ground, I've never seen such much hate for a game that is yet to be released, its unprecedented territory. Its setting the bar, anytime you see a new game get criticized, it will always be known that the Order 1886 was worse.

You are new here, so I guess its possible you missed the Ryse/Titanfall reactions. Besides that, hate does not equal criticism, so don't paint with such a broad brush, its absurd.


[*]Imagine the feelings of the developers. Be fair and criticize them, but not as much as you're thinking about criticizing about them, however much that is. That's too much. Remember that developers have families to feed. Imagine if reviewing a game poorly caused ISIS to besiege the developer's town. Imagine if the developers joined ISIS to make money because now their studio is shut down. Didn't think about that, did ya.

heh. This is pretty on point because of how many times I've seen this exact sentiment put out there.

Something clearly went wrong with the gameplay element of The Order for many people. There's no conspiracy here, just a game that is undercooked in every way outside of its visual engine. So many people want it to be different so question motives of the games reviewers, and it's perfectly plausible you might go out there and buy the game and love it. But these conspiracy theorist should accept that for many, many gamers, The Order is going to be a supremely mediocre game that just so happens to also be one of the best looking ones on a console. They put their time and energy into that engine, and it shows. Too bad about everything else.
Another Hot Reviews Tip:

If you can replace the name of the game with a minority group and it would sound bad to other people, then it proves that you're racist against that game.

For example:

Sounds fine, doesn't it? Well, just change a word and suddenly the true colors of mainstream reviewers are shown:

Nice job, Gerstmann. Nice job advocating slavery.

he was racist against Driveclub too -only European cars and only a 2/5? I WONDER WHY. Did he even SEE the rain?


So the impressions thread where gaffers have played the game isn't a thing? Fuck outta here son.

Sorry I'm not one of those people who lust for hate on games especially when its shown to be fully functional if short and peppered with a few qte's. I'm not defending the game as I haven't played it but I never expected The Order to be some groundbreaking change to third person shooters or a big example of "Next Gen" atleast outside of graphics. Also I haven't taken stock in reviews since EGM ziff era and the gaming press hasn't exactly been the best at telling me if something was worth my money for a while.

Sorry but this is already defending the game. The game has roughly 3 hours of gameplay, 3 hours of cinematics.


Another Hot Reviews Tip:

If you can replace the name of the game with a minority group and it would sound bad to other people, then it proves that you're racist against that game.

For example:

Sounds fine, doesn't it? Well, just change a word and suddenly the true colors of mainstream reviewers are shown:

Nice job, Gerstmann. Nice job advocating slavery.
This thread just keeps getting better.

I'm pretty sure it's more entertaining than the actual game now.
The devs took such care in making this game, they gave each hour of the game a whole year in development! This journalist is a prime example of the kind of gamergate-esque bullying that RAD are facing
You cannot bully a corporate entity. FFS already.

Unless he specifically names a member of the dev team, it is not bullying. I guess you feel some people are bullying Sony and the PS4 atm too, eh?

They have released shitty games always, it's inevitable, but the number has increased in recent years.
Talk about con-bending a situation.


How on earth did this turn into 132 pages?

I'm pretty sure it takes longer to read this thread than finishing the crappy game now.


OK I know this is baiting and I'm taking it hook line and sinker: couldnt the same be said of Spencer and MS? Presiding over last years poor Xbox One sales (compared to the market leader), fire sales, OK reviews if Titanfall and SO, the disastrous and potentially ruinous launch of MCC, lack of content until this fall, etc.

I don't know what Microsoft has to do with this. We were talking about Sony.
ISIS brought up because a developer is getting a ribbing?



What the hell. Are people really that upset the game hasn't reviewed well and peoeple having a bit of fun at the developers expense that they've lost any semblance of rational thought?


This thread is all kinds of embarrassing, can't believe people take gaming this serious


The devs took such care in making this game, they gave each hour of the game a whole year in development! This journalist is a prime example of the kind of gamergate-esque bullying that RAD are facing

We reached the "compare innocuous event to legitimate horrible stuff that is affecting many lives in a real way" part of the argument.


Wow, 132 pages already?

In all fairness, it seems people did that thing of getting totally invested in a single game and hyping it up because it has the typical exclusive brandishing and not much else is going on.

Then said people saw review scores and tried to rationalise it, abandon it or rebel against it, in ever audacious stretches.

All without actually having the game release, or playing said game.

I'm not sure why I started with "in all fairness"


Buying this game tomorrow right after work. The reason I bought a PS4 last month was to play this game... These reviews don't matter to me.... The games style draw me in when first announced years ago with its design. This game gets me hyped and can't wait to play it.

Same here, this is the only game that has interested me since it was announced. I mean the last game I bought was rocksmith lol. So I'm very picky what I invest in.


You cannot bully a corporate entity. FFS already.

Unless he specifically names a member of the dev team, it is not bullying. I guess you feel some people are bullying Sony and the PS4 atm too, eh?

Pretty much everyone talking about bullying in this thread is being facetious. It's especially obvious in the post you replied to.


La Risitas is the new Hitler Reaction video, ISIS comparisons replace Hitler for shitty arguments.

Groundbreaking developments in The Order 1886 Review Thread.


Next time you so called """""journalists""""" want to review a game, here are some helpful pointers from me, the man on "the streets":

  • Divide a game into six different categories: Graphics, Sound, Gameplay, Presentation, Replayability, and GamePro Face. Each of these scientific and objective scores should be then combined via an algorithm that mathematicians still aren't sure is real. If the final score doesn't match your opinion, that's proof that you were biased. This mathematical standard will hold up pretty well until a game I think I'll like is reviewed poorly under it, and then we'll need to restart all over again.
  • Review a game for what it is, not what it isn't. If you state that the game isn't good, then that's pretty unfair to the developers, who might not have wanted to make a good game.
  • Consider that by criticizing a game, you're criticizing every game in that genre by extension, and telling the developers not to bother making any game remotely like it ever again. Logically, it follows that we'll eventually reach a point where no games will ever be made again, and that's bad because I want to preorder more of them as soon as they're announced.
  • Imagine the feelings of the developers. Be fair and criticize them, but not as much as you're thinking about criticizing about them, however much that is. That's too much. Remember that developers have families to feed. Imagine if reviewing a game poorly caused ISIS to besiege the developer's town. Imagine if the developers joined ISIS to make money because now their studio is shut down. Didn't think about that, did ya.
Pffffffttt. Damn, thank god I'm using my phone not keyboard...
You cannot bully a corporate entity. FFS already.

Unless he specifically names a member of the dev team, it is not bullying. I guess you feel some people are bullying Sony and the PS4 atm too, eh?

Talk about con-bending a situation.

maybe not bullying but they are just being a bunch of trolls towards the game.


Why do designers still over use QTE's in 2015. Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

Bigger question is why make the focus of your entire game and PR campaign how 'cinematic' and engrossing the story is, but then have no one with any talent write the fanfic-level storyline and force people to watch endless cutscenes with endless QTEs so that they can pretend you're consistently engaged with the game. At least with Last of Us, we know that there is some talent for writing amongst Naughty Dog. Ready at Dawn clearly has not yet demonstrated otherwise.

It's like David Cage with Quantic Dream's script writing. It seems like there is no one at Quantic Dream with balls big enough to simply tell David Cage that he does not have a talent for writing. That he's straight up bad. He needs to be told this. Now he says going forward they're going to be making games like television series, with a team of writers bouncing ideas off one another. This is progress! He's not admitting he's bad, but at least there will hopefully be a buffer that softly leads him down a better direction.

To me part of the problem with The Order: 1886 is that nobody stood up and said "hey guys you know we're making a game with this astonishing visual engine, and the reason we're doing that is because we're making this cinematic game with a heavy focus on narrative. Like, has anyone told you guys yet that the narrative kiiiiind of sucks?"
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