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The Order 1886 Review Thread

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Junior Member
It's really disappointing that The Order fails in crtitical reception, because our industry needs new and fresh, risk taking IP more than ever, but it doesn't pay off for them for trying.

Hopefully this doesn't mean the end of completely new games from Sony with RAD . I would like to see RAD tackle smaller budget, but mechanically-focused games like Daxter. Or if they were to do The Order follow-up, learn from all the criticisms they acquired from the original.


XBOX 360 also had Rainbow Six Vegas, Condemned, Lost Planet, Halo 3 Beta and Fucking CHROMEHOUNDS! The 360 library in year one is godlike compared to Xbone.
Holy shit I knew I was forgetting some. Thanks for that. The 360 was a beast and last gen went on too long. Made people like me go out and buy a pc that makes these consoles look like trash. I believe the length of last gen is what crippled this one.

Anyway the order. Seems ok for ten pounds in 6 months or so
Walking back into this thread like


You're acting as if this is always the case with Japanese games. And that all western games are like The Order.

I'm not at all. This generation has been really bad on western Dev's while nintendo has been over their just consistently killing it. You can sure as hell bet bloodbourne will be a solid performing technically playing. Deep game. A lot of these games this gen have been horribly running. Or re hashed gameplay with graphics trying to hide it. Not deep systems of gameplay etc. Look at my other post post.there are tons of examples of great Western games in the past. Just not this gen in my opinion (triple a camp)


It blows my mind that a game with the budget, time and talent that was likely behind The Order 1886 can come out and be this unanimously panned.

Sony has been publishing games for almost 3 decades now - can they not see the writing on the wall at an earlier stage?

Ready at Dawn, while exclusively a PSP developer in the past, clearly has talent. But what happened to it?

This game has supposedly been in development for 3-4 years, and I've never seen SCE skimp on a games budget.

I mean, what the hell happened? They had all the makings of a winner. But what in the actual fuck happened?

To be a fly on the wall in the meetings where they inevitably realized that what they were making was just plain bad.

It reminds me of that mission in GTA: San Andreas where you're sneaking around Madd Doggs house and you can hear an NPC talking shit about a game that he's playing. It was clearly a jab at Driver 3, but I find myself doing the exact same thing now. I'm staring at this thread wondering, 'How could SCE and Ready at Dawn fuck up so bad?"

Because a Neogaf thread is the deciding factor for game's fuck-ups ? What will happen if this game sells more copies than Sunset Overdrive or Evil Within or Evolve ?


Man, watching the Giant Bomb quick look made me bored of this game already.

It was my deal breaker tbh. Jeff being really down on how badly they squandered the lore potential was a real bummer. Also, the forced 'walk and talk' without the talk is like, maybe my biggest gaming pet peev.

I'm legitimately cancelling an in-store pre order today, I don't know if I've ever actually done that for any game.

So disappointed.

Permanently A

Junior Member
After watching the stream, I honestly think this game should have been a playable tech demo. The graphics are incredibly impressive and everything else is lackluster. I don't know what the right approach to selling a tech demo would have been but trying to sell it as a $60 game seems to have backfired.


I'm not at all. This generation has been really bad on western Dev's while nintendo has been over their just consistently killing it. You can sure as hell bet bloodbourne will be a solid performing technically playing. Deep game. A lot of these games this gen have been horribly running. Or re hashed gameplay with graphics trying to hide it. Not deep systems of gameplay etc. Look at my other post post.there are tons of examples of great Western games in the past. Just not this gen in my opinion (triple a camp)

Uncharted 4 looks awesome. I hope Quantam Break turns out okay. Batman AK may turn out great. Witcher 3 may turn out great. I do not know why you are throwing all western devs under the bus for a poor game made by one developer this year.

Because a Neogaf thread is the deciding factor for game's fuck-ups ? What will happen if this game sells more copies than Sunset Overdrive or Evil Within or Evolve ?

May sell but any turd game with that marketing campaign's of Sony's for this game will sell more than Sunset Overdrive who's marketing campaign was non existant.


Uncharted 4 looks good. I hope Quantam Break turns out okay. Batman AK may turn out great. Witcher 3 may turn out great. I do not know why you are throwing all western dev's under the bus for a poor game made by one developer this year.

Those games aren't out yet and I'm totally with you. I'm not attempting toothpick them under the bus. They have done itbthemselves,so faR.

All those games look incredible to means I hope they will be. I have faith in western Dev's. Look at my other posts. A lot of classic western games. I'm saying this gen so far has been rough. Also I apologise for my posts I'm on my phone and it's just doing my head in lol

Gen X

Trust no one. Eat steaks.
I would not be surprised if I some day played this game through and found it pretty gud. Review scores often don't resonate with my view on a game.

Exactly. The media absolutely shat on DriveClub and that's one of the best racers I've enjoyed in years and the only racer I've 100% since cheevos/trophes came about;


It blows my mind that a game with the budget, time and talent that was likely behind The Order 1886 can come out and be this unanimously panned.

Sony has been publishing games for almost 3 decades now - can they not see the writing on the wall at an earlier stage?

Ready at Dawn, while exclusively a PSP developer in the past, clearly has talent. But what happened to it?

This game has supposedly been in development for 3-4 years, and I've never seen SCE skimp on a games budget.

I mean, what the hell happened? They had all the makings of a winner. But what in the actual fuck happened?

To be a fly on the wall in the meetings where they inevitably realized that what they were making was just plain bad.

This is what Ready at Dawn wanted to make, at least according to their PR.

They either believed in themselves that the story and presentation of this game was enough to gather critics praise, or they didn't care.

At this point they can at least look positively that they got the engine build so the next game they make for this gen will take less time and investment.

I don't understand people defending this game needing games to be well reviewed, the majority will not always share the same opinion as you. You should have known that a game like this could get panned, because it places game mechanics in the background as an afterthought and you can generalize about the audience a lot but usually games don't get a pass in that regard unless they are doing something else exceptionally. This game might be pretty to look at but so are CGI effects in movies but usually for a movie to be well received it has to hit other notes as well.


This game does look pretty boring in all honesty.

It just goes from an overly scripted story segment to gunplay that's been done better in other games.

It's very pretty though.
It's really disappointing that The Order fails in crtitical reception, because our industry needs new and fresh, risk taking IP more than ever, but it doesn't pay off for them for trying.

Funny, because if the reviews are to be believed, this game is anything BUT "risk-taking IP". It looks to be a generic TPS that banks mainly on graphics and presentation.
Funny, because if the reviews are to be believed, this game is anything BUT "risk-taking IP". It looks to be a generic TPS that banks mainly on graphics and presentation.

I believe the risk is focussing on cinematic presentation over traditional gameplay. Which isn't a bad thing, and it probably would've worked better if the cinematic nature of the game (including story, script, pacing) had been executed perfectly.


I haven't played the game and the reviews are kind of disappointing, however, as far as I can tell nobody is complaining about bugs or the game being unplayable. I think that's a plus at least and it goes against this terrible trend of releasing unfinished "open world" games.


It's really disappointing that The Order fails in crtitical reception, because our industry needs new and fresh, risk taking IP more than ever, but it doesn't pay off for them for trying.

Hopefully this doesn't mean the end of completely new games from Sony with RAD . I would like to see RAD tackle smaller budget, but mechanically-focused games like Daxter. Or if they were to do The Order follow-up, learn from all the criticisms they acquired from the original.

If the game sells, it will be given second chance for sure, Sony seem not to be that bothered about the reviews ever since the Playstation was born. Remember Shu's reaction do Drive Club reviews ?

Sure it would be better if their games scored higher but it is what it is. If the talent is there it means they don't hang on focus tests to craft their games and follow their own visions.

Unless You want the creative process to be aligned to pump 9-10/10 games with a little consideration about what they are, and tuned to receive great reviews no matter what.

See GT5, very average critics reception and millions of sold copies - its not like whole world is reading reviews making purchase decisions.


This is The Order review thread, not the OT for The Order, where game impressions should be posted, and not this week's console war. Get back on topic, please.
Kirk Hamilton is an abysmal reviewer. I'm not even sure it's accurate to say he reviewed The Order, it's more like he lazily threw out dimwitted insults and called it a "review"

That site should hire people who can act professional instead of petty ignorant children.

Kirk Hamilton is a douche and I hope he sees this.


That would explain why a friend of mine keeps labeling it Bloodbourne on Tumblr. I was like why do you keep doing that. There is no U!!!!!!

I thought it should be spelt with a u as well, but my English skills were just inadequate! Definitely no u....


Kirk Hamilton is an abysmal reviewer. I'm not even sure it's accurate to say he reviewed The Order, it's more like he lazily threw out dimwitted insults and called it a "review"

That site should hire people who can act professional instead of petty ignorant children.

Kirk Hamilton is a douche and I hope he sees this.

So to sum up, Kirk is abysmal, dimwitted, lazy, unprofessional, a child, petty, and ignorant. Oh, and a douche. You sure showed him who the mature one was, huh?

Rather than insult him, why not tell us why he's wrong?


Oh well, guess I'll pick this up sometime after getting my PS4 as opposed to an instant pick up. Can't help but think it'd be better received if it was longer. Shame.


Gold Member
So to sum up, Kirk is abysmal, dimwitted, lazy, unprofessional, a child, petty, and ignorant. Oh, and a douche. You sure showed him who the mature one was, huh?

Rather than insult him, why not tell us why he's wrong?

I could see why people think he's a "-"douche"-", but I don't think it's worth making fun of him. He probably isn't. I thought his segment with Adam Sessler was pretty good on SPOILED The Last of Us. I think some people think he's a douche because he's a young guy who looks like a Political Science major at a college. He uses various English language comparisons and he likes to point out what he likes versus anything else. He likes to define things with lots of words that sometimes derail your initial thought. I like my thoughts kept intact most of the time when I look at a review. Lots of people do the same things he does. If they like a game they'll make an article on it, be that game a classic or a newer game. I guess what sucks is how blunt people are getting. It's like social media = their job. They relay the message on their personal accounts. It's like the job went with them when they went home.

I've never met a journalist in real life outside a telephone call or over the internet during a segment. I did get to speak with Adam Sessler when he was at Rev3, but it was minor details and I didn't go into anything that crazy. He was a very nice person. He listened to me and answered my question, plus he gave me more input on the subject from his own personal experience.

I don't judge people like that and I really don't want to when it's about games or in life period. It just happens. You want to enjoy who you're listening to, but everyone has their own opinion. It's just everything is so close together. You're following someone and that first Tweet is something negative about what you spent your hard money on or something you know you'd like yourself.

Sometimes its like journalist are trying to show you up or hit on something you like just for the sake of exploiting it. Like sometimes I see IGN's news and think... "man they added in a girl to make this look cooler than it already is" or something like they're attracting young men with this stuff because it doesn't seem "too legit". Lately IGN has been going better. It's just part of everything that circulates the gaming world. That golden gem you thought you enjoyed the most was outdone the next day by the guy copying and pasting the JPEGs to his article or he's meeting with them for brunch. Those EGM interviews or those pics of the industry get together(s) where no one else really benefits from it. LOL the first couple pages of pictures in a issue of a Game Informer magazine. I do like those pics, but you feel like someone is trying to dumb you down somewhere in the industry.


Kirk Hamilton is an abysmal reviewer. I'm not even sure it's accurate to say he reviewed The Order, it's more like he lazily threw out dimwitted insults and called it a "review"

That site should hire people who can act professional instead of petty ignorant children.

Kirk Hamilton is a douche and I hope he sees this.

This guy sounds like an total moron if he really uses so many insults.


I think this really goes a long way to explaining why they showed the same demo for over a year to the press, even when that slice wasn't well received. For one, that was probably the only content that was in a playable state at the time, and secondly they probably didn't have anything to counter the complaints being raised within the demo.

Its a bit disappointing they didn't seem to address any of the concerns brought up in when showing the demo. I had chalked up those early previews as nitpicking a game before everything was ironed out. I guess RAD really believed in their vision.
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