So to sum up, Kirk is abysmal, dimwitted, lazy, unprofessional, a child, petty, and ignorant. Oh, and a douche. You sure showed him who the mature one was, huh?
Rather than insult him, why not tell us why he's wrong?
I could see why people think he's a "-"douche"-", but I don't think it's worth making fun of him. He probably isn't. I thought his segment with Adam Sessler was pretty good on SPOILED The Last of Us. I think some people think he's a douche because he's a young guy who looks like a Political Science major at a college. He uses various English language comparisons and he likes to point out what he likes versus anything else. He likes to define things with lots of words that sometimes derail your initial thought. I like my thoughts kept intact most of the time when I look at a review. Lots of people do the same things he does. If they like a game they'll make an article on it, be that game a classic or a newer game. I guess what sucks is how blunt people are getting. It's like social media = their job. They relay the message on their personal accounts. It's like the job went with them when they went home.
I've never met a journalist in real life outside a telephone call or over the internet during a segment. I did get to speak with Adam Sessler when he was at Rev3, but it was minor details and I didn't go into anything that crazy. He was a very nice person. He listened to me and answered my question, plus he gave me more input on the subject from his own personal experience.
I don't judge people like that and I really don't want to when it's about games or in life period. It just happens. You want to enjoy who you're listening to, but everyone has their own opinion. It's just everything is so close together. You're following someone and that first Tweet is something negative about what you spent your hard money on or something you know you'd like yourself.
Sometimes its like journalist are trying to show you up or hit on something you like just for the sake of exploiting it. Like sometimes I see IGN's news and think... "man they added in a girl to make this look cooler than it already is" or something like they're attracting young men with this stuff because it doesn't seem "too legit". Lately IGN has been going better. It's just part of everything that circulates the gaming world. That golden gem you thought you enjoyed the most was outdone the next day by the guy copying and pasting the JPEGs to his article or he's meeting with them for brunch. Those EGM interviews or those pics of the industry get together(s) where no one else really benefits from it. LOL the first couple pages of pictures in a issue of a Game Informer magazine. I do like those pics, but you feel like someone is trying to dumb you down somewhere in the industry.