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The Order 1886 Review Thread

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On the topic of journalists, I've known exactly three: one was an anchor who lived next to my mother for several years, she was all high and mighty. She looked down on everyone, but I suppose that's because she was a popular anchor woman for many years and was accustomed to people kissing her ass (an ex was her assistant-ish person for a year, she had some stories...). Another was a friend of my friend's family. He was OK, but crazily driven, and always tried to talk me out of CS and into journalism because he thought I wrote well and "had a face for television". Which, as he said, wasn't too good looking and was ethnic enough without being off-putting to older white viewers (I'm half white and Asian). At least he was honest. The last was a local "sports guy" columnist I went to highschool with. Colossal douchebag. I mean, just the worst kind of rich kid who always reminded everyone of how rich he was and didn't even need to work but just did because covering sports was easy and got him laid a lot.

I am going to guess that most games journalists are better people. At least they seem that way in the podcasts I listen to.
If this hits 1M views, this thread... crazy stuff. Probably more than The Order will sell this year.

1M views not for the |OT| of the game but for its Reviews. What the living fuck.

This reminds me where is viveks86? He worked overtime in all previous The Order threads hyping the game and deflecting any kind of criticism with his bare chest. Didn't see him posting in this thread, hah. Oh he did 4 posts only whereas he posted 66 times in the "impression" thread and 37 times in the "black bards" thread.
It's almost like they were written by different people
*mind blown*

I still look forward to play this, definitely one of the first games I will play once I finally get PS4. I don't mind too much if game is very linear or with nothing-to-write-home-about gameplay, that kind of games have have their place in my heart too. And at least I can buy it with much lower price then. Setting and world offers lot of possibilities for much deeper game too in future.
Poor RAD man.. I was so excited about their big shot at a console game. I can't believe how much hate this game is getting! RAD has been so awesome for so long, it sucks that they've flopped like this.


I'm sorry for the devs, I loved their PSP games. But I absolutely do love that it's substance over style here and that shows in the reviews. It is great. Now, if they would just apply that same attitude to technical aspects which makes a game more fun and are more important than graphical fidelity to immerse in a game.

Substance over shaders, everyday.
Let us not forget the likes of Heavenly Sword, Haze, and Lair. The situation is supremely similar though I do feel that The Order is a much better game than any of those (though Lair isn't as bad as reviews suggested).

Whereas I can agree that Lair, Heavenly Sword, Knack, Haze, The Order etc. are mediocre games I can at least applaud Sony for trying something new. It doesn't always work but hey they are new IPs.

I always welcome new IPs with open arms, just like new movies.

Disappointed only after they turn out to be garbage :(


Fun for a neanderthal possibly. I'm not saying that to be mean. There's a little neanderthal in each of us of course, and it's not the end of the world to indulge it a little bit. But it's still a game which embraces cynicism towards human capacity.

Wow. We would not get along in real life lol. It's a videogame set in the Lord of the Rings universe where you turn into a ghost who teleports around cutting off orc heads. Take it for what it is.


Mordor is okay, its only once you upgrade a bit that you realize how flawed the combat is. If they nerfed executions and made captains more of a threat it would be a much more engaging combat system.

I've never played a game that has a better, more impactful upgrade system than Shadow of Mordor. I found it to be really refreshing that my hard earned upgrade points were actually going towards something that made a huge impact on my performance. The combat was excellent, and a shit ton of fun. I can't believe there are people who thought the combat was bad. Baffles me.

This has gotten super off-topic so I'll bow out of this convo, but wow, that truly shocks me.

Kinda funny how this game is getting shit on by everyone and here I am still excited to play tomorrow. I am such a sucker for gorgeous games.
Thank God I have managed to cancel my order right after seeing the reviews pop up in Twitter. Saved some money for Batman Arkham Knight CE there


Gonna have to check it out at mate's. He preorderd.
Sure sounds like the Crysis 3 of PS4.

But I presonally dont resent the idea of just having some pretty but well working linear gameplay for a little while.... just spend majority of the time looking at the art, music, animations, effects, the environment rather than focusing on the rest of it. Different kind of entertainment, certainly not good advertisment from a game perspective , but ...


If this hits 1M views, this thread... crazy stuff. Probably more than The Order will sell this year.

1M views not for the |OT| of the game but for its Reviews. What the living fuck.

This reminds me where is viveks86? He worked overtime in all previous The Order threads hyping the game and deflecting any kind of criticism with his bare chest. Didn't see him posting in this thread, hah. Oh he did 4 posts only whereas he posted 66 times in the "impression" thread and 37 times in the "black bards" thread.

Why should he post here when this thread is filled with the dudes who don't want/get to play the order lol. The only reason this thread is still open is to contain all the driveby's and keep the fuming herd in place.


I had hopes for this game, after the reveal trailer/tease. Then my excitement just started to die off slowly, and now I have pretty much no interest to play the game.

Damn, it could have been so good. Like a game version of Penny Dreadful or something. Instead it looks like it's as dry as they made it up to look.


If this hits 1M views, this thread... crazy stuff. Probably more than The Order will sell this year.

1M views not for the |OT| of the game but for its Reviews. What the living fuck.

This reminds me where is viveks86? He worked overtime in all previous The Order threads hyping the game and deflecting any kind of criticism with his bare chest. Didn't see him posting in this thread, hah. Oh he did 4 posts only whereas he posted 66 times in the "impression" thread and 37 times in the "black bards" thread.
He's probably playing the game, which... Surprise.. Isn't as bad as these 'reviews' made it out to be.
I'm sorry for the devs, I loved their PSP games. But I absolutely do love that it's substance over style here and that shows in the reviews. It is great. Now, if they would just apply that same attitude to technical aspects which makes a game more fun and are more important than graphical fidelity to immerse in a game.

Substance over shaders, everyday.

The problem is that RAD in one of the interviews admitted that there main focus is to show the power of the PS4. It seems they were pushed by Sony higher ups to do so.


Whereas I can agree that Lair, Knack, Haze, The Order etc. are mediocre games I can at least applaud Sony for trying something new. It doesn't always work but hey they are new IPs.

I always welcome new IPs with open arms, just like new movies.

Disappointed only after they turn out to be garbage :(
If you put "the order" in the same category as the games above, then you deserve a job as a 'professional journalist' because that is either the most ridiculous thing I heard... Or you just really want to keep the shit post party alive in here.


all this reviews, mainly the negative ones, actually get me really hyped. looking forward to playing it this evening.

edit: to clarify, everything those reviews find negative, i actually think are good things FOR ME. i dont have time for a 100 hour, or even a 30 hour game. i like if a game has a good story (well, i will see if its good) and is well written and executed.

Sub-70 Metacritic?

Yeah, I can't justify a 60 dollar purchase with that.

I need to pass. Friggin shame really. I was so psyched up for this.


The problem is that RAD in one of the interviews admitted that there main focus is to show the power of the PS4. It seems they were pushed by Sony higher ups to do so.

Do you have anything to back that up ? If anything, all the devs I have heard talking about their relationship with Sony emphasized on how much creative freedom they had.

Ready At Dawn have always said that their vision was to create a cinematic experience, they were the one that said visuals took the precedent over gameplay, ... I really wouldn't put that all on Sony's imaginary requirements...

In the end, Sony just give them a check to accomplish their vision. Sometimes it works wonders, sometimes it doesn't. And frankly I applaud them for helping create so many different things, from the barely playable cinematic experience from David De Gruttola, to the hardcore fast-paced shoot them up by Housemarque.


all this reviews, mainly the negative ones, actually get me really hyped. looking forward to playing it this evening.

edit: to clarify, everything those reviews find negative, i actually think are good things FOR ME. i dont have time for a 100 hour, or even a 30 hour game. i like if a game has a good story (well, i will see if its good) and is well written and executed.

How can you not have time for a 30 hour game?
Unless you've got less than 30 hours gaming time left in your entire life it makes no sense.
I realise that people cam only play so many hours a day/week or what ever, but just spread the game over time.
This makes total sense.

Well, yes it does to me :p.
I had the same with Lair. Coming from The Starwars games, i just couldn't believe that game was actually as bad as other people and reviewers said.

That game was bad though imo.

I'm going to buy the Order too, to see for myself. I'll play it this weekedn and sell it on monday.
How can you not have time for a 30 hour game?
Unless you've got less than 30 hours gaming time left in your entire life it makes no sense.
I realise that people cam only play so many hours a day/week or what ever, but just spread the game over time.

Maybe he's just not unemployed and can't find the time to go back for a game over the span of months, when he finds enough spare time to play it.

I don't want to say that it's a good argument, yet I can understand it somehow.


The Birthday Skeleton
edit: to clarify, everything those reviews find negative, i actually think are good things FOR ME. i dont have time for a 100 hour, or even a 30 hour game. i like if a game has a good story (well, i will see if its good) and is well written and executed.

Then it is obvious that you didn't read the reviews that made you so hyped.

And this is not the only short game that exists in the history of games. If you really don't have that much time to play there are still enough short games out there that are actually good.


Fafracer forever
Kageshinzo said:
Funny, because if the reviews are to be believed, this game is anything BUT "risk-taking IP". It looks to be a generic TPS that banks mainly on graphics and presentation.
I'd argue being a new IP is risk in of itself.
I can think of several titles last gen that did everything reviews are saying the Order is doing, and get a free pass for it because they were part of major established IPs.
Heck one game in particular was almost entirely on-rails/scripted, with a short campaign, was not even a visual showcase and additionally launched as a technical mess with lots of issues and still managed a 70+ MC.


The problem is that RAD in one of the interviews admitted that there main focus is to show the power of the PS4. It seems they were pushed by Sony higher ups to do so.

Sure. But why do higher ups/marketing push developers to focus on graphical fidelity? Because they do believe, for whatever reason or some statistics, that good looking games sell better than good playing games. And if you look around here at GAF, you will find that the majority of people are absolutely fine with games which look great but play relatively bad or let's say, don't play as good as they could if more ressources were put in gameplay instead of graphics.


if you look around here at GAF, you will find that the majority of people are absolutely fine with games which look great but play relatively bad or let's say, don't play as good as they could if more ressources were put in gameplay instead of graphics.

I think that's because the only thing you can really do with great looking mediocre games is talk about them.
Maybe he's just not unemployed and can't find the time to go back for a game over the span of months, when he finds enough spare time to play it.

I don't want to say that it's a good argument, yet I can understand it somehow.

People getting offended at a game scoring low (defend the honor of thy favorite corporations) and at the same time we get posts like this.
You just suggested the guy you quoted is unemployed for god's sake.

It's all so deliciously ironic

This thread has been very entertaining especially with all the gifs coming out of it
If you put "the order" in the same category as the games above, then you deserve a job as a 'professional journalist' because that is either the most ridiculous thing I heard... Or you just really want to keep the shit post party alive in here.

You're right he shouldn't group them together.

Haze and knack were far more interesting games than the order, putting them together would be an insult to them.


If you put "the order" in the same category as the games above, then you deserve a job as a 'professional journalist' because that is either the most ridiculous thing I heard... Or you just really want to keep the shit post party alive in here.

I know you're emotionally invested and taking these scores badly judging by your posts in here and the official thread but try to chill out and enjoy the game (if you do), you'll give yourself an ulcer otherwise.
Well, on the bright side, the price will probably decrease so quickly that this might be free on PS+ in a few months. Maybe I will try it out when that happens.


Free on PS+???

Are you mad? Kack was worse reviewed than this game and it still isn't available on PSN like 16 months after launch.


It blows my mind that a game with the budget, time and talent that was likely behind The Order 1886 can come out and be this unanimously panned.

Sony has been publishing games for almost 3 decades now - can they not see the writing on the wall at an earlier stage?

Ready at Dawn, while exclusively a PSP developer in the past, clearly has talent. But what happened to it?

This game has supposedly been in development for 3-4 years, and I've never seen SCE skimp on a games budget.

I mean, what the hell happened? They had all the makings of a winner. But what in the actual fuck happened?

To be a fly on the wall in the meetings where they inevitably realized that what they were making was just plain bad.

The game clearly isn't bad, but it's entirely a victim of changing attitudes at a critical and consumer level. It's the first game of this generation to adopt last gen's big budget cinematic shooter blueprint, and it's suffering because it's a genre that was already starting to tire last gen. Even the steampunk fetish is way past its peak. It's also the victim of videogaming's Hollywood approach gone wrong- ie an attempt to bolt impressive production values to an assumed sure thing, which ends up coming off as a misguided vanity project.

I still want to play the game, because it looks superb, and I think the inevitable budget price it'll be at soon will vindicate a purchase, but like many, I'm not expecting to be wowed by new a new gameplay experience.
all this reviews, mainly the negative ones, actually get me really hyped. looking forward to playing it this evening.

edit: to clarify, everything those reviews find negative, i actually think are good things FOR ME. i dont have time for a 100 hour, or even a 30 hour game. i like if a game has a good story (well, i will see if its good) and is well written and executed.

But there are a lot of negatives in those reviews, besides just the game's length. The game is half cutscenes, full of QTEs, has only a couple of enemy types, has the camera so close to the character you're controlling that it's hard to see the enemies, etc. Plus it's letterboxed.
Seriously, this game makes me think of it as the "Lair" of PS4.

A beautiful looking game with a great premise and unique world, that is ultimately crippled by horrible design decisions.

In Lair it was things like the controls and play combat design. Here its things like the gameplay mechanic choices and the lame human combat.

I honestly have to say that latter thing is one design decision I am completely perplexed by.

Why make a game called The Order:1886 about a group of knights who are charged to fight monsters and then you spend 90+% of said game fighting humans. An utterly mystifying game concept. I mean really? Imagine if you went to go see the movie Ghostbusters and they spent 90+% of the movie fighting against humans.

A little bit of human combat would've been fine for mixing things up, but the primary gameplay foundation? Come on!
I think some of these reviews are just ridiculous in my honest opinion. I mean Splatterhouse is rated 62 on metacritic for gods sake. In no way do I think The Order should be 2 points higher than Splatterhouse lmao. That's ludicrous. Should be much higher.

This is simply just a game that critics were hoping to be really awesome and the setting got everyone excited, for it only to be a fairly run of the mill game. Nothing special in the gameplay department. And reviewers seem to be looking for the next gameplay revelation for some reason this generation.

I mean this is RAD's first console game if I remember correctly and yes I think they should of put more of their time on gameplay rather than graphics and cinematics, but for a first console game, I think they had a great crack at it. They stuck to their vision and rolled with it. Sure there are lessons to be learnt here and I really hope they get another shot for a sequel because with these lessons learnt, we could have something really special in a few years time.

We will see I guess!


I think some of these reviews are just ridiculous in my honest opinion. I mean Splatterhouse is rated 62 on metacritic for gods sake. In no way do I think The Order should be 2 points higher than Splatterhouse lmao. That's ludicrous. Should be much higher.

This is simply just a game that critics were hoping to be really awesome and the setting got everyone excited, for it only to be a fairly run of the mill game. Nothing special in the gameplay department. And reviewers seem to be looking for the next gameplay revelation for some reason this generation.

I mean this is RAD's first console game if I remember correctly and yes I think they should of put more of their time on gameplay rather than graphics and cinematics, but for a first console game, I think they had a great crack at it. They stuck to their vision and rolled with it. Sure there are lessons to be learnt here and I really hope they get another shot for a sequel because with these lessons learnt, we could have something really special in a few years time.

We will see I guess!

Read some of the reviews and the criticism of the gameplay. There's more to it just being boring or simplistic. It sounds pretty bad, especially the stealth segments. They don't deserve a pass for just looking so damn good.


I know the reviews are bad but i went to watch GB quick look anyway. Goddamn this game looks super boring.

It's not on an xbox. Of course you do. I'm sure this thread is like a bat signal to xbox fans.

I can't wait for my copy today. I know what this game is going in and I can't wait to experience it.


It's not on an xbox. Of course you do. I'm sure this thread is like a bat signal to xbox fans.



The quote under Jimquisition in the OP doesn't seem to actually be from his review, as far as I can tell. It also sounds significantly more positive than the vibe of the review itself! Is it from a different one, and if so, which?

Edit: Google helped out; that's from the Verge's review. Looks like a chunk of the OP got lost at some point? That one is broadly positive.


Everyone who wanted to play this game from the very first second they had eyes on him will play it regardless of reviews, im 100% sure of it, those who were in doubt will use the reviews to set them off and those who were bashing the game from day one will put the reviews in a flag like their were always fair, just and believable.
Read some of the reviews and the criticism of the gameplay. There's more to it just being boring or simplistic. It sounds pretty bad, especially the stealth segments. They don't deserve a pass for just looking so damn good.

1. I've read the reviews
2. I disagree with some of the reviews, some are pretty fair
3. At no point did I say it's boring or simplistic
4. At no point did I say they deserve a pass for the game looking really good
5. I've played the game (although I'll be trading it in on Saturday for money for Bloodborne)

Yes a fair few mistakes were made for this game and whilst it's not as good as everyone wanted it to be, some of these reviews are crazy. 40/100 is just insane to me lol. And looking at games on the same points on metacritic make it stick out even more.

But to be fair this generation reviews have been pretty polarising for me. There have been a fair few games that reviewers have panned but I've ended up really, really enjoying. /Shrug


I think that's because the only thing you can really do with great looking mediocre games is talk about them.

I'd say most people are conditoned on pretty looking things.

There is also substance to the technical aspects of a game which are not related to graphical fidelity. Framerate, input lag, image quality (native res, image supporting gameplay, f.e. FOV,) - these technical aspects are also compromised by solely focusing on more and more shaders and graphical fidelity as in "more detail". And there is substance in relation to the gameplay. But people mostly care only about fidelity.
Poor RAD man.. I was so excited about their big shot at a console game. I can't believe how much hate this game is getting! RAD has been so awesome for so long, it sucks that they've flopped like this.

Everyone I know personally who has played the game from start to finish has enjoyed the experience. Not sure how much widespread hate the game will get when gamers actually, you know, play it for themselves.
I finished the game last night, it's not a 5/10 game but I can see where all the other reviews are coming from. It's a cutscene heavy game and you will be interrupted a lot by cutscenes. If you're ok with that you'll like this game, I compare it to Heavy Rain without the choices with a bit of third persion action/cover shooting and a pinch of RE4 QTE. The story does feel like a big set up for a sequal though.

I dont regret buying the game since I enjoyed the playthrough but it is a short game and unless you want to platinum it there's really not much to return to once you beat it. A 7 is a good score for The Order if you like these types of games but if you're expecting a The Last of Us or Uncharted you will be disappointed.


Reviews all over the place, from the highs to really lows. I guess this is a game you need to play to make up your own mind if you like or not. I will certainly give it a go when price drops a bit.....
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