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The Order 1886 Review Thread

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Then it is obvious that you didn't read the reviews that made you so hyped.

And this is not the only short game that exists in the history of games. If you really don't have that much time to play there are still enough short games out there that are actually good.

i tried to avoid spoiler heavy reviews for the obvious reasons. i do know that there are a lot of really good short games out there, but this is the order thread after all.
I wanted this game to be good with every ounce of my being. I wanted a solid AAA narrative driven game to show they were still viable. I wanted league of extrodinary gentleman the game, with characters who wrestled with the concept of their near immortality, and the tireless struggle against the supernatural.

From the sound of it, it did not deliver what I wanted. But I guess I'll find out later today. Me and my buddy decided to share a single copy after reading some of the thread.
People getting offended at a game scoring low (defend the honor of thy favorite corporations) and at the same time we get posts like this.
You just suggested the guy you quoted is unemployed for god's sake.

It's all so deliciously ironic

This thread has been very entertaining especially with all the gifs coming out of it

I don't intend to suggest this.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
I finished the game last night, it's not a 5/10 game but I can see where all the other reviews are coming from. It's a cutscene heavy game and you will be interrupted a lot by cutscenes. If you're ok with that you'll like this game, I compare it to Heavy Rain without the choices with a bit of third persion action/cover shooting and a pinch of RE4 QTE. The story does feel like a big set up for a sequal though.

I dont regret buying the game since I enjoyed the playthrough but it is a short game and unless you want to platinum it there's really not much to return to once you beat it. A 7 is a good score for The Order if you like these types of games but if you're expecting a The Last of Us or Uncharted you will be disappointed.

Many reviewers noted that the game ended in an abrupt cliffhanger. True?

If there's one thing that I hate in a story-based game is an abrupt ending *and* a cliffhanger. To combine the both of them into one would be pretty damning.
Poor reviews haven't stopped other games. Look at Drive Club - if they bundle it, it will sell in huge numbers,

Driveclub is a pretty good game though (sorry, lol, 80 pages later but I had to say this).

as for The Order:1886, it really sucks for RAD because I truly believe they believed in what they were doing and they put everything they had into it. Hopefully it won't affect them in a bad way (as in get shut down) and they will pick up the pieces and produce a game as good as the GoW games on the Vita.

Hell, maybe even the sequel to this one will be a better game, as mr Jim Sterling states in his review!


This makes me worried generally about triple A games. I might be jumping the gun here but didn't most triple A games in the past year underperform?


This makes me worried generally about triple A games. I might be jumping the gun here but didn't most triple A games in the past year underperform?
Just be aware that every game can be bad, AAA, indie or what not. Don't pre-order, wait until reviews and opinions are out.


I think some of these reviews are just ridiculous in my honest opinion. I mean Splatterhouse is rated 62 on metacritic for gods sake. In no way do I think The Order should be 2 points higher than Splatterhouse lmao. That's ludicrous. Should be much higher.

This is simply just a game that critics were hoping to be really awesome and the setting got everyone excited, for it only to be a fairly run of the mill game. Nothing special in the gameplay department. And reviewers seem to be looking for the next gameplay revelation for some reason this generation.

I mean this is RAD's first console game if I remember correctly and yes I think they should of put more of their time on gameplay rather than graphics and cinematics, but for a first console game, I think they had a great crack at it. They stuck to their vision and rolled with it. Sure there are lessons to be learnt here and I really hope they get another shot for a sequel because with these lessons learnt, we could have something really special in a few years time.

We will see I guess!

Splatterhouse was enjoyable and a lot of fun to play. If anything Splatterhouse should be rated higher then the order.


Many reviewers noted that the game ended in an abrupt cliffhanger. True?

If there's one thing that I hate in a story-based game is an abrupt ending *and* a cliffhanger. To combine the both of them into one would be pretty damning.
Never play Halo 2.

Or make sure you have Halo 3 on hand to play right after.
Many reviewers noted that the game ended in an abrupt cliffhanger. True?

If there's one thing that I hate in a story-based game is an abrupt ending *and* a cliffhanger. To combine the both of them into one would be pretty damning.

It did end pretty quick yes, I don't know if I'd call it a cliffhanger but it does leave a lot of unanswered questions.


Seriously, this game makes me think of it as the "Lair" of PS4.

A beautiful looking game with a great premise and unique world, that is ultimately crippled by horrible design decisions.

In Lair it was things like the controls and play combat design. Here its things like the gameplay mechanic choices and the lame human combat.

I honestly have to say that latter thing is one design decision I am completely perplexed by.

Why make a game called The Order:1886 about a group of knights who are charged to fight monsters and then you spend 90+% of said game fighting humans. An utterly mystifying game concept. I mean really? Imagine if you went to go see the movie Ghostbusters and they spent 90+% of the movie fighting against humans.

A little bit of human combat would've been fine for mixing things up, but the primary gameplay foundation? Come on!
It's the Afrika of PS4


Gold Member
A lot of PS4 exclusives have been critically panned, and ready at dawn did such great work on psp, I can see why a lot people are in denial.

Sure score doesn't determine the enjoyability, but don't pretend like this game didn't fail to focus on what makes games great.


Can't beleive the Playstation twitter account was trying to generate some hype for its launch after the reviews.

Guess they have a job to do.


A lot of PS4 exclusives have been critically panned, and ready at dawn did such great work on psp, I can see why a lot people are in denial.

Sure score doesn't determine the enjoyability, but don't pretend like this game failed to focus on what makes games great.

Something isn't currently sitting right with the Sony first party developers and exclusive titles.
Do you have anything to back that up ? If anything, all the devs I have heard talking about their relationship with Sony emphasized on how much creative freedom they had.

Ready At Dawn have always said that their vision was to create a cinematic experience, they were the one that said visuals took the precedent over gameplay, ... I really wouldn't put that all on Sony's imaginary requirements...

In the end, Sony just give them a check to accomplish their vision. Sometimes it works wonders, sometimes it doesn't. And frankly I applaud them for helping create so many different things, from the barely playable cinematic experience from David De Gruttola, to the hardcore fast-paced shoot them up by Housemarque.

I am just speculating as there is no concrete proof that Sony specifically requested visuals over gameplay, however in this interview:
The Order: 1886 Stage Demo - E3 2014: http://youtu.be/xgr24fQHCfw

At minute 1:17, one of the devs says that the onus from the beginning is to showcase what the PS4 is capable to do visually.

I really cannot swallow that a developer such add RAD would intentionally put visuals over gameplay, they are comptent enough to make an awesome game, something doesn't add up here.


Gold Member
Something isn't currently sitting right with the Sony first party developers and exclusive titles.
I am not an insider or anything, but I think we're seeing the fallout from attempts to breach the divide between film and videogames. Not a Heavy Rain approach, but rather dynamic, controllable machinema. Uncharted 4 being the forerunner for accomplishing this.

I think more story is in the gameplay than they might imagine. Humans are extremely keyed into movement and dynamism. Thinking "Cinematic/Cutscene/QTE" synonymous with great storytelling is discrediting the storytelling soul of games, the gameplay.
Something isn't currently sitting right with the Sony first party developers and exclusive titles.

Ehhh, Ryse wasn't great either. I'd say it suffered very similar issues as The Order. The only first party exclusive so far this gen that seemed to garner universal praise was Sunset Overdrive - a game that doesn't take itself seriously and just focuses on being a fun game.

I think this is all a sign of a bigger problem in the industry. That no-one knows where to go from here. That games are so expensive to produce and need to sell millions of copies to be profitable that it's safer to be derivative than to take a risk on a new gameplay idea that may not work at all and could easily bankrupt a studio in the process.

Last gen we had AAA games trying to move things forward, and they had the freedom to half-fail in their first iterations (Assassin's Creed being the prime example). Some pretty much nailed it from the first attempt (Gears of War, Uncharted). This gen all we've seen from AAA titles are prettier versions of games we've already played. Destiny is one of the few games that's tried moving the medium forward, and although it didn't work out perfectly first time around I'm excited to see what they learn for a sequel (just like Assassin's Creed 2 was a huge improvement from the lessons learned). At least Destiny tried something new - The Order, Ryse, Killzone, Second Son, Dead Rising, AC Unity... they've all played like last gen games with new coats of paint =(
Ehhh, Ryse wasn't great either. I'd say it suffered very similar issues as The Order. The only first party exclusive so far this gen that seemed to garner universal praise was Sunset Overdrive - a game that doesn't take itself seriously and just focuses on being a fun game.

I think this is all a sign of a bigger problem in the industry. That no-one knows where to go from here. That games are so expensive to produce and need to sell millions of copies to be profitable that it's safer to be derivative than to take a risk on a new gameplay idea that may not work at all and could easily bankrupt a studio in the process.

Last gen we had AAA games trying to move things forward, and they had the freedom to half-fail in their first iterations (Assassin's Creed being the prime example). Some pretty much nailed it from the first attempt (Gears of War, Uncharted). This gen all we've seen from AAA titles are prettier versions of games we've already played. Destiny is one of the few games that's tried moving the medium forward, and although it didn't work out perfectly first time around I'm excited to see what they learn for a sequel (just like Assassin's Creed 2 was a huge improvement from the lessons learned). At least Destiny tried something new - The Order, Ryse, Killzone, Second Son, Dead Rising, AC Unity... they've all played like last gen games with new coats of paint =(

I don't think this will change anytime soon. If you are looking for new gameplay experiences you need to start looking at indie games, and steam to be perfectly honest. That's where I've been satisfying my urge to play something "different".

I mean games like Mind: Path to Thamalus, Fract OSC, Grow Home, The Banner Saga, The Stanley Parable, The Vanishing of Ethan Carter are new experiences that blew me away that I played on PC recently. Yes you will probably find these games and more heading to the PS4/Xbone but don't expect it in AAA space. It's just not profitable.


It's not on an xbox. Of course you do. I'm sure this thread is like a bat signal to xbox fans.

I can't wait for my copy today. I know what this game is going in and I can't wait to experience it.

If you are going to accuse people of being fanboys, do it over a better game.
I'd argue being a new IP is risk in of itself.
I can think of several titles last gen that did everything reviews are saying the Order is doing, and get a free pass for it because they were part of major established IPs.
Heck one game in particular was almost entirely on-rails/scripted, with a short campaign, was not even a visual showcase and additionally launched as a technical mess with lots of issues and still managed a 70+ MC.

For the sake of discussion, can you name these games?



Ok. We are very, very different people haha. Each to their own I guess.

Im very bias towards this ip. Have a lot of fond memories playing the game on the genesis as a kid :p Loved that they included the original 3 games with it. That alone makes the game a 10/10 for me.


Not trying to mock this game, just stumbled on this on twitter and thought it was pretty funny..



Considering all the negative scores and the non-existent replay value, I believe that very soon we will see keys of this game selling half of the price in gamedailydeal. There are PS4 bundles with The Order, right?


Just finished the game minutes ago, I'm watching the credits roll and can't help but think about one thing only. That is how much this game has reinstated the idea to never trust fucking review sites, or the so called 'gaming journalists' whether big or small.

Fucking idiots.


Just finished the game minutes ago, I'm watching the credits roll and can't help but think about one thing only. That is how much this game has reinstated the idea to never trust fucking review sites, or the so called 'gaming journalists' whether big or small.

Fucking idiots.
You're acting like they personally insulted you. Calling them fucking idiots because they disagree with you is pretty childish.


Just finished the game minutes ago, I'm watching the credits roll and can't help but think about one thing only. That is how much this game has reinstated the idea to never trust fucking review sites, or the so called 'gaming journalists' whether big or small.

Fucking idiots.

Just finished the game minutes ago, I'm watching the credits roll and can't help but think about one thing only. That is how much this game has reinstated the idea to never trust fucking review sites, or the so called 'gaming journalists' whether big or small.

Fucking idiots.

they have a different opinion on a game and they're idiots? ok.


Just finished the game minutes ago, I'm watching the credits roll and can't help but think about one thing only. That is how much this game has reinstated the idea to never trust fucking review sites, or the so called 'gaming journalists' whether big or small.

Fucking idiots.

I'm eagerly awaiting your review. What was good/bad?


Just finished the game minutes ago, I'm watching the credits roll and can't help but think about one thing only. That is how much this game has reinstated the idea to never trust fucking review sites, or the so called 'gaming journalists' whether big or small.

Fucking idiots.

So had they liked the game, would they still be "fucking idiots"?
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