Ehhh, Ryse wasn't great either. I'd say it suffered very similar issues as The Order. The only first party exclusive so far this gen that seemed to garner universal praise was Sunset Overdrive - a game that doesn't take itself seriously and just focuses on being a fun game.
I think this is all a sign of a bigger problem in the industry. That no-one knows where to go from here. That games are so expensive to produce and need to sell millions of copies to be profitable that it's safer to be derivative than to take a risk on a new gameplay idea that may not work at all and could easily bankrupt a studio in the process.
Last gen we had AAA games trying to move things forward, and they had the freedom to half-fail in their first iterations (Assassin's Creed being the prime example). Some pretty much nailed it from the first attempt (Gears of War, Uncharted). This gen all we've seen from AAA titles are prettier versions of games we've already played. Destiny is one of the few games that's tried moving the medium forward, and although it didn't work out perfectly first time around I'm excited to see what they learn for a sequel (just like Assassin's Creed 2 was a huge improvement from the lessons learned). At least Destiny tried something new - The Order, Ryse, Killzone, Second Son, Dead Rising, AC Unity... they've all played like last gen games with new coats of paint =(