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The Order 1886 Review Thread

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Just finished the game minutes ago, I'm watching the credits roll and can't help but think about one thing only. That is how much this game has reinstated the idea to never trust fucking review sites, or the so called 'gaming journalists' whether big or small.

Fucking idiots.

So if this game was at an 85 they would be trustworthy?


Just finished the game minutes ago, I'm watching the credits roll and can't help but think about one thing only. That is how much this game has reinstated the idea to never trust fucking review sites, or the so called 'gaming journalists' whether big or small.

Fucking idiots.




It's not on an xbox. Of course you do. I'm sure this thread is like a bat signal to xbox fans.

I can't wait for my copy today. I know what this game is going in and I can't wait to experience it.

I own PS4 and XB1. What are you trying to say? Most reviews agree with that. Calling people that won't help you justify your purchase.

Anyway, enjoy your movie.


I think it's funny really
Most of the posters had no intent on playing the game and there voice are the loudest

I don't think thats true; I also think this thread has been pretty civil? The craziest posts are people defending this game- against stuff? Game doesn't need a defense force, just enjoy it.

I think it looks pretty mediocre, and the most damning thing I've seen tbh is the GB quicklook which shreds it.

But I'll prob run through it sat or sunday, and flip it after I beat it.
Ehhh, Ryse wasn't great either. I'd say it suffered very similar issues as The Order. The only first party exclusive so far this gen that seemed to garner universal praise was Sunset Overdrive - a game that doesn't take itself seriously and just focuses on being a fun game.

I think this is all a sign of a bigger problem in the industry. That no-one knows where to go from here. That games are so expensive to produce and need to sell millions of copies to be profitable that it's safer to be derivative than to take a risk on a new gameplay idea that may not work at all and could easily bankrupt a studio in the process.

Last gen we had AAA games trying to move things forward, and they had the freedom to half-fail in their first iterations (Assassin's Creed being the prime example). Some pretty much nailed it from the first attempt (Gears of War, Uncharted). This gen all we've seen from AAA titles are prettier versions of games we've already played. Destiny is one of the few games that's tried moving the medium forward, and although it didn't work out perfectly first time around I'm excited to see what they learn for a sequel (just like Assassin's Creed 2 was a huge improvement from the lessons learned). At least Destiny tried something new - The Order, Ryse, Killzone, Second Son, Dead Rising, AC Unity... they've all played like last gen games with new coats of paint =(

I agree with you wholeheartedly although I don't think things necessarily need to be moved forward, as much as I think the issue with those games you listed (The Order, Ryse etc), is that it seems they just don't do anything particularly well and end up quite shallow and formulaic. Sunset Overdrive, Bayonetta 2, The Wonderful 101, Guilty Gear Xrd, Smash Bros 4...these are some of my favourite exclusives this generation and bar maybe Wonderful 101, none of them have done anything particularly innovative. They play more or less like their predecessors but from a mechanics and gameplay perspective they're EXTREMELY well made.

Developers are forgetting what makes good gameplay, more than anything.


You're acting like they personally insulted you. Calling them fucking idiots because they disagree with you is pretty childish.

Yes childish behaviour. The same type of childish behaviour that allows most of them to shit on any game (The Order aside) for idiotic reasons. Plenty of examples every year.

This thread is nothing but a shitdump. Or should I say a heaven for the herd mentality?

A really mature spot. More like a spit.


Yes childish behaviour. The same type of childish behaviour that allows most of them to shit on any game (The Order aside) for idiotic reasons. Plenty of examples every year.

This thread is nothing but a shitdump. Or should I say a heaven for the herd mentality?

A really mature spot. More like a spit.

Someone soaked up too much atmosphere


Just finished the game minutes ago, I'm watching the credits roll and can't help but think about one thing only. That is how much this game has reinstated the idea to never trust fucking review sites, or the so called 'gaming journalists' whether big or small.

Fucking idiots.

So hostile. You should try doing yoga sometime.
Yes childish behaviour. The same type of childish behaviour that allows most of them to shit on any game (The Order aside) for idiotic reasons. Plenty of examples every year.

This thread is nothing but a shitdump. Or should I say a heaven for the herd mentality?

A really mature spot. More like a spit.

You still haven't described a single thing you liked about the game.


Yes childish behaviour. The same type of childish behaviour that allows most of them to shit on any game (The Order aside) for idiotic reasons. Plenty of examples every year.

This thread is nothing but a shitdump. Or should I say a heaven for the herd mentality?

A really mature spot. More like a spit.


Just finished the game minutes ago, I'm watching the credits roll and can't help but think about one thing only. That is how much this game has reinstated the idea to never trust fucking review sites, or the so called 'gaming journalists' whether big or small.

Fucking idiots.

Instead of reflecting on the game during the credits, reviews come to mind. Seems like the game is forgettable.
Anyone know if people are camping out for this? Just passed a best buy and like 20 people are outside in the cold and wondered what else it could be today.
Played it for 3 hours so far and really liking it. Of course the gameplay is not as geat as it is in Uncharted but it's still fun.
Atmospere is amazing, grahpics are insane and the sound is great. It may be short and too linear but that doesn't make it a bad game.

I really hope it sells well. RAD doesn't deserve the hate they are getting.
I'm pretty disappointed with the reviews. Definitely can't justify spending 70 canuck bucks on the game.

A couple things that stand out to me now that the game has come to fruition:

People complained that the devs weren't showing much during the preview phases. Well it seems they were actually showing quite a bit of what there was. There just wasn't much to show at all as the game is content starved.

Remember when someone was going on about material physics? Yeah...about that. Seems like it only pops up in a couple of scripted sequences as per the gamespot review.

I'll pick it up when the game is sub $30. I still think it deserves a playthrough just to marvel at the visuals.

Funny thing is that I shit pretty hard on Ryse when it came out but that game looks like it has more gameplay than the order lol.


Played it for 3 hours so far and really liking it. Of course the gameplay is not as geat as it is in Uncharted but it's still fun.
Atmospere is amazing, grahpics are insane and the sound is great. It may be short and too linear but that doesn't make it a bad game.

I really hope it sells well. RAD doesn't deserve the hate they are getting.

Who's hating?


Neo Member
Just played about 4 hours of the game. It certainly isn't a 10 but the 5's and 6's this game is getting has me baffled. Those scores are typically reserved for bad games. This isn't a bad game. The story has me sucked in, the graphics are amazing and the gunplay is fun enough. Sure, it isn't breaking any ground in the gameplay department, but neither does CoD and it never gets scores like this. weird, i don't understand these horrible scores. oh well, i certainly don't feel like my money was wasted. I never play a game twice anyways so the "no replay" factor doesn't affect me at all.
Why should he? He enjoyed the game.

I'm old-fashioned, I guess I figured a discussion should be more than "No U" statements thrown back and forth.

He said he disagreed with dozens of people who expressed, at length, why they don't think the game is a must buy. Surely he, having finished the game, can express why he has such a strong a opinion in more than a series of grunts and swears.


Just played about 4 hours of the game. It certainly isn't a 10 but the 5's and 6's this game is getting has me baffled. Those scores are typically reserved for bad games. This isn't a bad game. The story has me sucked in, the graphics are amazing and the gunplay is fun enough. Sure, it isn't breaking any ground in the gameplay department, but neither does CoD and it never gets scores like this. weird, i don't understand these horrible scores. oh well, i certainly don't feel like my money was wasted. I never play a game twice anyways so the "no replay" factor doesn't affect me at all.

Why do people keep comparing the order to CoD?


Call of Duty Advanced Warfare - IGN 9.1 (Amazing), Gamespot 8 (Great).

The Order 1886 - IGN 6.5 (Okay), Gamespot 5 (Mediocre).

I stopped taking videogame media and scores seriously some time ago. With the advent of Youtube, reviews and opinions have become almost irrelevant; you can now see games directly in action and form your own view in seconds.

CoD has, outside of the usual SP campaign, a spec op/co-op mode and a huge multiplayer mode. Tons of replay value.


Just played about 4 hours of the game. It certainly isn't a 10 but the 5's and 6's this game is getting has me baffled. Those scores are typically reserved for bad games. This isn't a bad game. The story has me sucked in, the graphics are amazing and the gunplay is fun enough. Sure, it isn't breaking any ground in the gameplay department, but neither does CoD and it never gets scores like this. weird, i don't understand these horrible scores. oh well, i certainly don't feel like my money was wasted. I never play a game twice anyways so the "no replay" factor doesn't affect me at all.

5 is an average.

This whole 7-10 point scale has really screwed things up.


Yes childish behaviour. The same type of childish behaviour that allows most of them to shit on any game (The Order aside) for idiotic reasons. Plenty of examples every year.

This thread is nothing but a shitdump. Or should I say a heaven for the herd mentality?

A really mature spot. More like a spit.

Salty much? Why not explain what you found so good that make it worthwhile instead of getting angry at other people's opinions?


When I first saw the game I thought this was a story about the formation of the Order, kind of action horror with investigating elements of the lycans, but I don't understand shit in this game, is there some kind of backstory I should be aware of? Why are there werewolfs, what are the duties of this order, what is whitechapel? It's just name dropping random people and places at times.

It explains nothing and the story is run in the mill. Who wrote this amateurish screenplay?
Just finished the game minutes ago, I'm watching the credits roll and can't help but think about one thing only. That is how much this game has reinstated the idea to never trust fucking review sites, or the so called 'gaming journalists' whether big or small.

Fucking idiots.

Yes childish behaviour. The same type of childish behaviour that allows most of them to shit on any game (The Order aside) for idiotic reasons. Plenty of examples every year.

This thread is nothing but a shitdump. Or should I say a heaven for the herd mentality?

A really mature spot. More like a spit.

Man this thread is really something.


Why do people keep comparing the order to CoD?

Maybe because COD is the annual mediocre game that gets high review scores all the time.

Personally I dropped 5 hours into this game, so far so good. The graphics are the best I've seen on PS4, sometimes I'm having trouble telling whether its a pre-rendered CG or actual gameplay.

The gameplay is alright, it feels like a mix of Gears of War gameplay coupled with Heavy Rain type of QTE.

I don't think this game deserves to be slammed so hard on the reviews, it's actually a decent game.


Maybe because COD is the annual mediocre game that gets high review scores all the time.

Personally I dropped 5 hours into this game, so far so good. The graphics are the best I've seen on PS4, sometimes I'm having trouble telling whether its a pre-rendered CG or actual gameplay.

The gameplay is alright, it feels like a mix of Gears of War gameplay coupled with Heavy Rain type of QTE.

I don't think this game deserves to be slammed so hard on the reviews, it's actually a decent game.

Was advanced warfare mediocre? I thought people liked that one a lot.
Someone soaked up too much atmosphere
He's not wrong about one thing though, this thread has been a shit-dump.

Ehhh, Ryse wasn't great either. I'd say it suffered very similar issues as The Order. The only first party exclusive so far this gen that seemed to garner universal praise was Sunset Overdrive - a game that doesn't take itself seriously and just focuses on being a fun game.
Sunset and inFamous were both received with the same amount of praise (give that 1 point difference on Metacritic).

I'm actually enjoying this so far, it's a solid 7/10 so I don't necessarily disagree with the reviews but what I do disagree with is the unprofessionalism and vitriol that has been thrown at this game. At times I wondered if this game goes 'reviewers are cunts' somewhere towards the end which would explain the turgid ways which people have gone about criticizing the game. It's a fun game, nothing world-changing but it does some good things and it does some bad. The characterization, acting and writing is on-point even if the story feels pretty derivative and it has most definitely set the bar for atmosphere in a game. The combat is serviceable, nothing special but it does the job and the soft body physics plus the punchy-ness of the weapons make this somewhat forgivable. It needs a lot doing to make it worthy of an 8 or 9 out of 10 but I hope that they take the criticisms and really deliver a great game on their next outing because this game and this world feel as if they have a lot of potential.

Another thing which stuck out is the amount to which you're actually in control of Galahad, reading this thread you'd think it was all for 10 minutes rather than the huge majority of the game. Perhaps if people who have actually played the game were more involved in the commentary rather than people such as this:
Anyway, enjoy your movie.
then the conversation would be more worthwhile and this thread would reek of desperation to create a new 'meme' or to beat a dead horse.

Although I will admit to having a lot of fun reading shit-posts and doing a quick 'find more posts by...' to see where they have posted previously. I wouldn't hesitate to say that a lot of people in this regard have been quite sad, I would suggest that you do not waste so much time dedicating almost solely to hating things, this game or otherwise. It's much nicer to discuss things which you enjoy or rather spend your time attacking more important things than to waste time doing otherwise. Just my two cents. If you must, you can take the user above me and have a search for him, he has spent probably longer than the game would take to complete posting in this very thread, it's quite a curious thing.
Ehhh, Ryse wasn't great either. I'd say it suffered very similar issues as The Order. The only first party exclusive so far this gen that seemed to garner universal praise was Sunset Overdrive - a game that doesn't take itself seriously and just focuses on being a fun game.

I think this is all a sign of a bigger problem in the industry. That no-one knows where to go from here. That games are so expensive to produce and need to sell millions of copies to be profitable that it's safer to be derivative than to take a risk on a new gameplay idea that may not work at all and could easily bankrupt a studio in the process.

Last gen we had AAA games trying to move things forward, and they had the freedom to half-fail in their first iterations (Assassin's Creed being the prime example). Some pretty much nailed it from the first attempt (Gears of War, Uncharted). This gen all we've seen from AAA titles are prettier versions of games we've already played. Destiny is one of the few games that's tried moving the medium forward, and although it didn't work out perfectly first time around I'm excited to see what they learn for a sequel (just like Assassin's Creed 2 was a huge improvement from the lessons learned). At least Destiny tried something new - The Order, Ryse, Killzone, Second Son, Dead Rising, AC Unity... they've all played like last gen games with new coats of paint =(

Not to be "that guy", but since everyone seems to be pointing to Metacritic:

Are we really saying Second Son did NOT garner universal praise compared to Sunset Overdrive just because its at an 80 and Sunset is at an 81 on Metacritic?

I haven't played Sunset but it looked like Tony Hawk mixed with Saints Row 4. Which I think is further to the point of nothing that's come out has really forged new grounds. Actually, I would say Titanfall and to an extent Evolve have as the DoTA style gameplay had none been done in an FPS before (Titanfall) and I can't recall 4v1 style gameplay like Evolve before.


What hyperbole?

People can like the game. That doesn't stop others from having a different opinion.

Doesnt that street go both ways though?

Everyone I seen play it are constantly disregarding the reviews as being too critical.

Are these people(reviewers) such in a position of power that they cant be questioned?
Recieved my copy this morning, Man the visuals alone are worth the price!

So clear, So vibrant, And the audio is on point, Love the victorian setting, Accents, Attention to detail, I am going to work but gonna play it when i get back and the missus will be watching so we are both very happy campers.

On a side note i wish the audio came through the speakers on the DS4, Kinda got used to it with Dying Light, Minor nitpick tho

Also Go hard and aim assist off.


Just finished the game minutes ago, I'm watching the credits roll and can't help but think about one thing only. That is how much this game has reinstated the idea to never trust fucking review sites, or the so called 'gaming journalists' whether big or small.

Fucking idiots.
Whoa that was fast.
Just played about 4 hours of the game. It certainly isn't a 10 but the 5's and 6's this game is getting has me baffled. Those scores are typically reserved for bad games. This isn't a bad game. The story has me sucked in, the graphics are amazing and the gunplay is fun enough. Sure, it isn't breaking any ground in the gameplay department, but neither does CoD and it never gets scores like this. weird, i don't understand these horrible scores. oh well, i certainly don't feel like my money was wasted. I never play a game twice anyways so the "no replay" factor doesn't affect me at all.
Based on what I've read the story and gameplay go off the rails in he second half. Also there is a reason that reviewers take their time to finish a game and reflect on what they played prior to writing impressions.


I own PS4 and XB1. What are you trying to say? Most reviews agree with that. Calling people that won't help you justify your purchase.

Anyway, enjoy your movie.

There was no need for him to call them idiots. But then there is no need for you to wind him up more either.
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