Someone soaked up too much atmosphere
He's not wrong about one thing though, this thread has been a shit-dump.
Ehhh, Ryse wasn't great either. I'd say it suffered very similar issues as The Order. The only first party exclusive so far this gen that seemed to garner universal praise was Sunset Overdrive - a game that doesn't take itself seriously and just focuses on being a fun game.
Sunset and inFamous were both received with the same amount of praise (give that 1 point difference on Metacritic).
I'm actually enjoying this so far, it's a solid 7/10 so I don't necessarily disagree with the reviews but what I do disagree with is the unprofessionalism and vitriol that has been thrown at this game. At times I wondered if this game goes 'reviewers are cunts' somewhere towards the end which would explain the turgid ways which people have gone about criticizing the game. It's a fun game, nothing world-changing but it does some good things and it does some bad. The characterization, acting and writing is on-point even if the story feels pretty derivative and it has most definitely set the bar for atmosphere in a game. The combat is serviceable, nothing special but it does the job and the soft body physics plus the punchy-ness of the weapons make this somewhat forgivable. It needs a lot doing to make it worthy of an 8 or 9 out of 10 but I hope that they take the criticisms and really deliver a great game on their next outing because this game and this world feel as if they have a lot of potential.
Another thing which stuck out is the amount to which you're actually in control of Galahad, reading this thread you'd think it was all for 10 minutes rather than the huge majority of the game. Perhaps if people who have actually played the game were more involved in the commentary rather than people such as this:
Anyway, enjoy your movie.
then the conversation would be more worthwhile and this thread would reek of desperation to create a new 'meme' or to beat a dead horse.
Although I will admit to having a lot of fun reading shit-posts and doing a quick 'find more posts by...' to see where they have posted previously. I wouldn't hesitate to say that a lot of people in this regard have been quite sad, I would suggest that you do not waste so much time dedicating almost solely to hating things, this game or otherwise. It's much nicer to discuss things which you enjoy or rather spend your time attacking more important things than to waste time doing otherwise. Just my two cents. If you must, you can take the user above me and have a search for him, he has spent probably longer than the game would take to complete posting in this very thread, it's quite a curious thing.