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The Order 1886 Review Thread

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I am sorry but thid was coming miles miiiiles ago... Since first gameplay showing actualy...

Dont know what RAD was thinking when they decided to design a game that has a fucking cutscene everytime you interact with a door/ladder/whatnot, or a melee/stealth system that is a complete qte cutscene.

Cinematic my ass. If they want to see how a cinematic game with qte is properly done, they should probably play TLOU 15 times, or watch a ceminar or something.

This is deserving of the rental tag 100%
There was no need for him to call them idiots. But then there is no need for you to wind him up more either.

Yeah he got a bit passionate and he got called out for that. But to be fair look at that twitter exchange from "journalists" who reviewed the game. Pretty much insulting the devs direct. I think that's a bit more insulting than his little rant if I'm perfectly honest.
I just watched the review by Gametrailers. And again I do totally agree with them. They point out the pros and cons in an intelligent and seemingly neutral way and give a fitting score.

I've read most of the reviews while I wait for my CE copy to arrive later today. At this point it's difficult not to get overly negative about it before I even play it myself. As usual the Gametrailers review feels like one of the more reasonable and well-done reviews of the bunch, which is nice because it offers a rational counter-point to all the negativity swirling around at the moment. Jimquisition also did a fine job detailing highs/lows with nice rationale for his viewpoints. At any rate, I'll have the game soon and put it through its paces this weekend for a playthrough or two before selling/trading it. I'm not sure one more opinion is really needed at this point, but I'll probably report back here with my full impressions on Sunday.


It says a lot about how messed up scores are when a game that is averaging 6.5/10 has gamers up in arms about the media "hating" on what most people have described as a disappointing game.

There are people out there who genuinely believe if a game works it deserves a 7 minimum. I assume you are the same people that think every book deserves at least a 7 if the paper it is written on isn't torn.


If a reviewer gives this game lower than a 6, they really need to re-evaluate their scoring system. Or, don't give the game to that guy who hates nearly all videogames. Or hates tps's. Or hates story involved games.


If a reviewer gives this game lower than a 6, they really need to re-evaluate their scoring system. Or, don't give the game to that guy who hates nearly all videogames. Or hates tps's. Or hates story involved games.
Or... Maybe they didn't like it.
Ill wait til this drops in price. It looks great but with no replay value i dont see the need to shell out 60 bucks when Boodborne and i hate to say this..Hardline will give me my moneys worth.
Played for about an hour before work today, played until I meet up with Igraine, first impressions:

- Game looks gorgeous. Best graphics I've seen yet (and I've played Ryse, Unity, Crysis 3,etc on my GTX 970)
- Excellent animation, skeletal and facial.
- AA is probably the best I've seen on a console, I've noticed some aliasing on some vertical stuff, like doors, but only that.
- Streets are too empty and lifeless (well, Unity did spoil me)
- Most detailed NPCs yet I believe.
- I haven't seen a low res texture yet, everything is exquisitely high res, and I've seen some ugly textures even on the beginning on Ryse and Crysis 3 maxed.
- Pacing issues. The prologue is just too slow and drags for way too long. This is the biggest problem so far. I'd even say it's boring and the only thing you can do is grab some useless objects and look and rotate them.

Anyway, this is just the beginning, so I'm positive it'll get better eventually. I'll just have my time with the game.


Why because people are actually liking the game and calling bullshit( it seems) on reviews that dealt too much with hyperbole?

No. Rather it's the persecution complex people who like the game seem to have. Like everyone who reviewed the game is on some kind of witch hunt.

Doesnt that street go both ways though?

Everyone I seen play it are constantly disregarding the reviews as being too critical.

Are these people(reviewers) such in a position of power that they cant be questioned?

Anecdotal subjective evidence vs anecdotal subjective evidence in this particular case. I find the common negatives that are stated in reviews to be pretty damning in my eyes, even Dawg's(another GAF user's) positive review seemed to have some pretty powerful negatives.
There are people out there who genuinely believe if a game works it deserves a 7 minimum. I assume you are the same people that think every book deserves at least a 7 if the paper it is written on isn't torn.
I know that you probably posted this because you thought it made you seem rather clever but perhaps you should actually read what people have been saying as opposed to just posting a straw man.


If a reviewer gives this game lower than a 6, they really need to re-evaluate their scoring system. Or, don't give the game to that guy who hates nearly all videogames. Or hates tps's. Or hates story involved games.

So only people who are going to definitely enjoy the product should review it?

That's not a review. That's a fan club.


No. Rather it's the persecution complex people who like the game seem to have. Like everyone who reviewed the game is on some kind of witch hunt.
Kind of my issue.

It's like- I feel like I'm shitting on the game- but I'm really not. Just arguing that there is no predefined scale that reviewers shd adhere to. It's more about understanding what reviews are versus what this game is.
aren't there some chapters that are cut scenes only? maybe that's where the confusion lies.

Chapter 6 was short without anything that most would consider "gameplay", Chapter 7 was basically just a cutscene. At least, that's what I remember from earlier today, I could be wrong.


No. Rather it's the persecution complex people who like the game seem to have. Like everyone who reviewed the game is on some kind of witch hunt.

I disagree, I dont think its a console-war driven conspiracy, but it certainly seems that there is this mentality that certain elements should be perceived as being negative when they aren't(length for example.)


I disagree, I dont think its a console-war driven conspiracy, but it certainly seems that there is this mentality that certain elements should be perceived as being negative when they aren't(length for example.)
To you they aren't- but that's not an objective metric. I'm not even talking hours/dollars. I'm talking about whether it feels long enough/sufficient to tell the story they set out to tell/whether the length provided the reviewer with an enjoyable amount of encounters etc.


Just finished the game minutes ago, I'm watching the credits roll and can't help but think about one thing only. That is how much this game has reinstated the idea to never trust fucking review sites, or the so called 'gaming journalists' whether big or small.

Fucking idiots.

Yeah, the meta should be even lower.


Anecdotal subjective evidence vs anecdotal subjective evidence in this particular case. I find the common negatives that are stated in reviews to be pretty damning in my eyes, even Dawg's(another GAF user's) positive review seemed to have some pretty powerful negatives.

I mean sure, there are some legitimate concerns I have, and I look forward to backing up my opinion here in about an hour when I actually play it.

It does certainly seem that, without a number attached, that these are still opinions, the kinds that every one has. I've certainly read more "ok" opinions than I have damning ones.


I mean sure, there are some legitimate concerns I have, and I look forward to backing up my opinion here in about an hour when I actually play it.

It does certainly seem that, without a number attached, that these are still opinions, the kinds that every one has. I've certainly read more "ok" opinions than I have damning ones.
How can you have an opinion to back up when you haven't played it?


I disagree, I dont think its a console-war driven conspiracy, but it certainly seems that there is this mentality that certain elements should be perceived as being negative when they aren't(length for example.)

I do find the fact that some people are using this as a prime example of a cinematic game to be a shame, some of them even wanted it to be bad because of their perception of cinematic games. Games like Bioshock and Gears review well and have decent to great gameplay when they're both essentially cinematic games as well.

In either case, whether or not the length itself is an issue is subjective, it may not be an issue to you but that length coupled with the lack of replayable modes or multiplayer it's a major negative to a lot of people.
Yeah, the meta should be even lower.
You have 24 posts in this thread and 14 in the OT. From what I can tell every single one of them is you complaining and making silly statements.

Have you played the game? If not then I'd suggest you're wasting time where you could be doing something more productive. That is unless you hate something which you have not experienced so much that you feel this is a worthy way to spend your time.

Looking down your post history you have posted so often in every single Order thread even pre-release, pretty astounding.


You have 24 posts in this thread and 14 in the OT. From what I can tell every single one of them is you complaining and making silly statements.

Have you played the game? If not then I'd suggest you're wasting time where you could be doing something more productive. That is unless you hate something which you have not experienced so much that you feel this is a worthy way to spend your time.

Yes, I've already beat it and gotten the platinum. And if you didn't realize, I was joking with that post. But I edited it make it more clear.

And since I've beat the game I can say whatever the fuck I want regarding the title, positive or negative, thank you. I'm sorry if I didn't play the game with my Sony glasses on, but instead, like I always do, with my neutral glasses. Or glasses where I don't desperately try to justify my purchase. If I had to give the game a score, I would probably give it around the meta, so a 6.5 or something.


I know that you probably posted this because you thought it made you seem rather clever but perhaps you should actually read what people have been saying as opposed to just posting a straw man.

Ouch. No need to be snarky.

I was referring to comments such as "It certainly isn't a 10 but the 5's and 6's this game is getting has me baffled. Those scores are typically reserved for bad games" which have been repeated in a number of different ways over the thread. I probably should have quoted the specific posts but it seemed a little unfair to quote individuals when it's been an argument repeated frequently in a number of different threads.
Man... I am sick and just waiting for Amazon to drop off my CE of this game. I honestly trust Gaffers more than review sites and most people here have said the game should be played...


To you they aren't- but that's not an objective metric. I'm not even talking hours/dollars. I'm talking about whether it feels long enough/sufficient to tell the story they set out to tell/whether the length provided the reviewer with an enjoyable amount of encounters etc.

Well, let me say this because it teeters on something this recent review go through has reminded me of problem wise.

I've always been a little miffed at the notion of how people receiving free review copies are talking to me about value or worth. But more so than that, it reminds me of how idiotic price and perceived value are when discussing a game becomes. If you knock a game in your review for "not being worth $60" and judge it accordingly so than shouldn't your review change or alter depending on the contemporary price of the game. I remember some review giving Halo ODST a lower score just because he felt it didn't deserve a $60 purchase. Well, shouldn't that shit go up the longer its out for when the price decreases?

It's all realtive, which is why perceived value in reviews is nonsense.


I do find the fact that some people are using this as a prime example of a cinematic game to be a shame, some of them even wanted it to be bad because of their perception of cinematic games. Games like Bioshock and Gears review well and have decent to great gameplay when they're both essentially cinematic games as well.

In either case, whether or not the length itself is an issue is subjective, it may not be an issue to you but that length coupled with the lack of replayable modes or multiplayer it's a major negative to a lot of people.

Well these people are just awful and beyond ignorant.

Point them out to me so I can show them the error of their ways ;)


Well, let me say this because it teeters on something this recent review go through has reminded me of problem wise.

I've always been a little miffed at the notion of how people receiving free review copies are talking to me about value or worth. But more so than that, it reminds me of how idiotic price and perceived value are when discussing a game becomes. If you knock a game in your review for "not being worth $60" and judge it accordingly so than shouldn't your review change or alter depending on the contemporary price of the game. I remember some review giving Halo ODST a lower score just because he felt it didn't deserve a $60 purchase. Well, shouldn't that shit go up the longer its out for when the price decreases?

It's all realtive, which is why perceived value in reviews is nonsense.
I totally agree. My point was, if I wasn't clear, the length shouldn't factor into hours/money, but rather into considering whether it was a fulfilling experience. There can be 2 hour fulfilling and worthwhile experiences.


Looking down your post history you have posted so often in every single Order thread even pre-release, pretty astounding.

Well, I do that with every huge Sony title. That's because I'm a pretty big Sony fan, plain and simple. I'm not a fanboy though. So if a Sony exclusive has many negative/bad aspects of it, like with The Order 1886, I WILL point them out. I'm not going to suck it up to Sony just because. I'm not a soldier. There's way to many soldiers, even on NeoGAF, which is the reason as to why I don't trust the average GAF poster compared to the average review site.

You're going to see me in Bloodborne threads as well in the near future. But I'm mostly going to be positive there, because well, the game looks absolutely fantastic.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
Really? Are you telling me that if someone described The Order to you in detail you could mistake it for The Last of Us? In any case I did actually say that it should include some light assessment of how the features work otherwise, yes, you would be correct that it is not worth much. There is a balance to be struck. But right now it swings way too far one way.

Say Jimi are Eurogamer doing a review loves collectibles more than anything. He tells you Dragon Age: Inquisition is awesome; there is just so much to see and do you can never get bored. But you actually hate collectibles more than anything. What use was Jimi's opinion then? Whereas if he had actually just conveyed to you the information that there are a lot of missions revolving around collectibles in the game and he personally liked it are you not better informed on whether to get the game or not?

Say that you like good games, and dislike bad games; then what use is a description of the gameplay systems lacking any serious attempt to assess their quality? There isn't one. You can't 'decide for yourself' because a description is too thin on the ground to be helpful as a review.

As an aside, this 'objective reviews only please!' thing has come up twice recently (in a non-GG context). Both times have been the result of Sony exclusives doing more poorly with reviewers than expected.
Yes, I've already beat it and gotten the platinum. And if you didn't realize, I was joking with that post. But I edited it make it more clear.

And since I've beat the game I can say whatever the fuck I want, thank you.
No need to be so aggressive, I'm just baffled by the amount of time people are taking out of their days to complain about this and your post felt like a good jumping off point for me to make. Sarcasm just isn't that evident if you don't add something such as your edit.

Well, I do that with every huge Sony title. That's because I'm a pretty big Sony fan, plain and simple. I'm not a fanboy though. So if a Sony exclusive has many negative/bad aspects of it, like with The Order 1886, I WILL point them out. I'm not going to suck it up to Sony just because. I'm not a soldier. There's way to many soldiers, even on NeoGAF.
I wouldn't imply that you seemed like a fanboy of any sort I was merely observing that you seemed to have a lost invested in this game one way or the other.

Ouch. No need to be snarky.

I was referring to comments such as "It certainly isn't a 10 but the 5's and 6's this game is getting has me baffled. Those scores are typically reserved for bad games" which have been repeated in a number of different ways over the thread. I probably should have quoted the specific posts but it seemed a little unfair to quote individuals when it's been an argument repeated frequently in a number of different threads.
The issue being that a lot of people who I have seen giving their 'mini reviews' on Gaf have given fair reasons why they'd give the rating which they gave and instead you're acting as though it boils down to 'they game isn't broken, give it a 7!' which ignores most of what has been said even on the page you're posting.
Its single player campaign was one of CoD's better ones and comparatively long (took me ~8hrs while MW3 was 4:30).

Advanced Warfare's campaign rocked, loved the set piece moments(just incredible). The character models, gun models, the silky smooth 60fps, animation were all top notch. The narrative portion was good too, but the crown for the best single player experience from COD is held by Treyarch and their efforts with Black Ops1&2. Alex Mason and his son, they both talk during actual gameplay, while Mitchell refuses to speak a word during actual gameplay. I got COD:AW for it's campaign and I beat it 3-4 times as it's just very well paced!


I know that you probably posted this because you thought it made you seem rather clever but perhaps you should actually read what people have been saying as opposed to just posting a straw man.

Really not a straw man. Yesterday (dozens and dozens of pages ago) people were legit praising the game just because "It's a third person shooter" (basically genre alone) "It works" (hurray ?) or because the gore was nice. It's the equivalent of saying the Hobbit is a good movie because of the cool CGI dragon or because the movie started on time and had a beginning, a middle and an end.

It's fine to like the game. I've liked plenty of mediocre games, still do. One man's trash is another's treasure yadda yadda. But I'll try to be honest about the flaws of said games.

The Order is getting mediocre scores because it is what is is: mediocre as a video game. It's not bad, but around 6, 7 to be generous, out of 10 seems like a decent score for something that is pretty to look at but underachieves in every other aspect
Doesnt that street go both ways though?

Everyone I seen play it are constantly disregarding the reviews as being too critical.

Are these people(reviewers) such in a position of power that they cant be questioned?
No, by that logic couldn't we just disregard your friends opinions for not being critical enough? Who is to say what the right amount of criticism is? You can't question someone else's opinion unless you're calling out a factual inaccuracy that their opinion is based on.
Yeah he got a bit passionate and he got called out for that. But to be fair look at that twitter exchange from "journalists" who reviewed the game. Pretty much insulting the devs direct. I think that's a bit more insulting than his little rant if I'm perfectly honest.
Wait... Journalists were insulting the actual developers? I've seen some make fun of the game, but must have missed it when they went after the people who made it.


Well these people are just awful and beyond ignorant.

Point them out to me so I can show them the error of their ways ;)

Meh, don't feel like digging, you'd find posts like that without much trouble.

They're mostly like this though:

That's exactly why I'm happy to see those scores. Their vision of the future of video-games just plain sucks.They should move to the movie industry where they belong.


Wait... Journalists were insulting the actual developers? I've seen some make fun of the game, but must have missed it when they went after the people who made it.

They didn't insult the devs. They made fun of the game. It is pretty childish, I'll admit i'm not a fan. But at no point they insulted a dev directly
Wait... Journalists were insulting the actual developers? I've seen some make fun of the game, but must have missed it when they went after the people who made it.

no, the defence force for the game equated mocking the game on twitter to insulting the individuals who made it and wanting them to lose their jobs


Whoa that was fast.

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