Wolfgunblood Garopa
I thought dragon age was boring as all hell
If I worked at IGN and they gave me that game to review, I could write a 10 page article about how boring that game was to me and gave it a solid 5.
Guess what, that review would be inaccurate, it would be writing a review for a game I had no intention to play
Last of Us, beautiful game, extremely over rated to me.
Guess what my opinion does not matter, and neither do these 'scores'
Yet if someone did not pick up TLOU or Dragon Age because I did not like it, I would label that person as someone incapable of thinking for themselves.
The problem here, in this thread, in this little petri dish, is people confusing opinion for facts. Oh I know I know 'people just say they like it, justify their purchase' whatever spin you can put on it and helps you sleep at night, but you have to realize, people do enjoy it, are questioning the super critical reviews ect ect.
Of course reviews matter.
People don't have all the time in the world to play games. We have a certain budget of money and time for it, and it helps to have some guidance in using that budget wisely. Maybe you're on the fence, and even though you love the look of the game, you don't necessarily want to spend your limited gaming time watching a lot of cutscenes or having the control taken away from you.
DA:I might be be boring in some ways, but overall the game delivers on what it promises, and the game respects the player. The Order on the other hand is dinged in reviews specifically for that.
It's not just an opinion. It's an evaluation of the game's merit considering that people are looking to spend their gaming time wisely.