You mock the writing in Dragon Age but do you know how much more I care for my character than I do for protagonists in movies? A lot more, same goes for my Shepherd character.
Yes, we can emphathise with bad writing. That, in fact, is what saves videogame writing, I think. It's
just good enough that instead of being obviously laughable we can venerate these shoddily written plots, stilted dialogue, and the endless 'and so it begins...'-esque cliches.
I mean, 50 Shades of Grey has become a worldwide phenomenon despite having the literary quality of, well,
literally fanfiction. I'm sure that there are women out there for whom Christian Grey is the most significant male fictional character
ever written, but that doesn't make it good literature, it just means that humans have near-limitless imaginations and can empathise with extremely poor writing.
This, of course, is magnified by videogames like Mass Effect, because Shephard isn't just Shephard, he's
your Shephard, and chances are he looks different to mine, he has a different backstory, and he tackled situations differently. But at the end of the day, the writing in Mass Effect still makes the bad episodes of Battlestar Galactica look fucking amazing.