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The Order 1886 Review Thread

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Just like that I thought when I played the demo a few times.

A Gears clone that is very linear and with black bars that cover 2/3 of the screen.
It looks amazing but that is about all the game has to offer for a lot of people.

A shame because I really like the style and setting and I really like the gears games but this will be a December buy for about 15 euro or less.



You have zero respect.


Didnt a ton of people on GAf claim 12+ hours easily and now reviews indicate the opposite?

What happened there?

Something like 7-8 hours doesnt sound bad if the story is good. Id love a cinematic game with a great story in this style. But from what ive been reading all morning....it isnt a good story at all

The GAF average is currently 9 1/2 hours based on 11 or so play thoughs. Reviews are mentioning play times of anything between 7 and 11 hours, so actually they line up fairly well.
It's done. I'm sorry but it's done... But a little part of me now really doesn't care if they want to continue it. Obviously new IP exclusives are a dying breed.

No, it´s no where near done. And it does not matter if you care about the franchise or not. Millions do. You are in a thread about new IP, enjoy it. As if new IP = good games.
And what if it doesn't now? How many pessimistic people held off on preordering until the embargo? After the bad previews the game had, that number on its own would be pretty bad.

If the logic was good game sell good and bad games don't, Destiny and countless other turds wouldn't be so popular.

The Order is charting on all the Amazon sites at the moment and the sentiment towards this game had been awful for a while.


RAD became enamored with emulating Uncharted 2, took the cinematic aspect of it to an extreme, and never came out of that bubble for 5 years.

I am wondering if trying to outdo Naughty Dog's visual talent did distract them from making a good game. Maybe the next Order would be more focused on gameplay due to the engine being in place. At least we can say bravo RAD for making one of the most visually impressive console games of all time...
I liked IGN's review, (although I'm sad to hear they didn't love it as I usually hope any IP ends up doing well), but I want to hold onto this quote for when Uncharted 4 comes out.

The basic conflict at the heart of The Order: 1886 is that considerations for a cinematic approach are prioritized above the needs of basic gameplay. Its best aspects are its stunning looks, atmosphere, and style – which are truly fantastic – and entertaining fiction.

To me that sums up the last trilogy pretty well for me, and yet the reviews were always stellar. (Yes I know they had more gameplay then the Order, but I still find the games in an essence are comparable in that theatrics are valued over gameplay.) So unless Uncharted 4 adds a lot of gameplay depth with the use of vertical movement like they've mentioned, I'll be ready to refer to this.


Geez, would you look at all those reviews. So many un-professional reviews.

Shame for people who read these things and make their purchases based on them.

5 years.....for that ?

I can't believe that.

Yeah it's not like they made engine and all from scratch.


Nah, Lair was unplayable because of the control scheme.

I think it's more like the Haze of our generation.

nah Haze was a technical mess as well as having all the other issues. this is just a bog standard shooter. It seems this game is more in the ballpark of TimeShift. It does seem that reviewers are making an effort to sort out their shitty review scale so that a 5 is actually average.


What's with the sub 5/10 review scores? A 5/10 is understandable since that should resemble a mediocre game, but scores below that sound like the game is broken. Seems like a crap shoot when scoring these games when Unity and MCC get 8s.


Until Dawn will get 1's and 2's then. :(

Oh man, I didn't even think about this. I think that in that game's case it might get a pass because at least it's not masquerading as a shooter, and is much more upfront with where it's coming from. But.... That's something interesting to think about.


Some people here need to do some serious self examination with that shit. People were jumping down people's throats for saying it was under 6 hours long, even though we had a fucking video playthrough on Youtube of someone completing it in under 6 hours. And while that player may not have taken their time ot see every last detail, they also clearly were not rushing through the game either.

But somehow claiming it was under 6 hours long was "incorrect". It seems it's lack of length is a mercy given these reviews.

Ye, I mean they had multiple video evidence showing the length of the game, and the majority of Order supporters shall I say, still chose to believe the words of others because the videos were "speedrunning".
I was drawing parallels because of Drive Club's rather phenomenal UK sales.

Does that matter? Next time they're at the negotiating table, they'll be in a shit position and the deals they'll be offered might not make sense for them.

If your game is universally panned by critics, it is a HUGE Problem for developers. Sure, if the game sells 5m, they'll get to make another one, but it's difficult to see a game that's been ripped apart like that to go on and sell millions and millions of units.


Well I'm still excited to pick up my Premium Edition of The Order 1886 tomorrow. What, I'm suppose to change my mind based off some stranger's opinion? Nope. I'm way too much of an independent thinker to allow that madness to occur.

Gears of War was a product of it's time - that kind of gameplay just won't cut it anymore.
That is some straight up bullshit. Gameplay doesn't age. People might change and like different things but gameplay is either good or it isn't. If modern games mean boring lifeless open worlds, with a ton of monotone sidequests and meaningless RPG mechanics then I'll pass.


Junior Member
I really think Sony Japan has to step it up with some quality games, it's been over a year and the PS4 still doesn't have a decent first party title. Bloodbourne is coming in March but even that's by From Software. So far this gen both MS and Sony have struggled with their first party games.
so.... those of you who hide your true colors and those of you who constantly defend everything to the moon... how does the crow taste?? or are you still in denial?? Will you still be in denial after you already finish you 5 hour interactive movie??? It's cool... I bet you were the same quality of people that bashed games like Titanfall and Evolve for being Multiplayer only even though you never played it...You are the type that bashed something like Sunset because it wasn't "true 1080p"....your damage control is one of the other major reasons gaming continues to slip down the slippery slope....

Step up and make a damn example for once..... stop buying these overhyped exclusive piles of poop and tell Sony (and all these damn companies for that matter) to STOP OVER PROMISING AND UNDER DELIVERING.... this game has NO RIGHT charging $60.. you want to go for $20 ... ok cooooool... also LOL at the fact it was always hyped and advertised as a "shooter".... but hey its just Sony being Sony...
No crow, I'm still picking this up tomorrow day 1.
so.... those of you who hide your true colors and those of you who constantly defend everything to the moon... how does the crow taste?? or are you still in denial?? Will you still be in denial after you already finish you 5 hour interactive movie??? It's cool... I bet you were the same quality of people that bashed games like Titanfall and Evolve for being Multiplayer only even though you never played it...You are the type that bashed something like Sunset because it wasn't "true 1080p"....your damage control is one of the other major reasons gaming continues to slip down the slippery slope....

Step up and make a damn example for once..... stop buying these overhyped exclusive piles of poop and tell Sony (and all these damn companies for that matter) to STOP OVER PROMISING AND UNDER DELIVERING.... this game has NO RIGHT charging $60.. you want to go for $20 ... ok cooooool... also LOL at the fact it was always hyped and advertised as a "shooter".... but hey its just Sony being Sony...
Now this right here is why we have review threads. Wowzers.


Pretty much what was to be expected. I'll certainly pick the game up once I get a PS4, but by then it's should be budget priced anyway.


It is Driveclub all over again and it was predictable. If you have any faith in gaf, give this game a shot. My personal rating, for what is worth, is a solid 80: the game knows its goal and he does a good job to achieve it. As often happens, especially with Sony exclusives, we have sparse numbers in a wide range like 5 - 9 which tells me the absolute nothing.

Why do you think this happens particularly with Sony exclusives? I've seen this sentiment lobbied a few times, and it generally sounds like a persecution complex more than anything.
so.... those of you who hide your true colors and those of you who constantly defend everything to the moon... how does the crow taste?? or are you still in denial?? Will you still be in denial after you already finish you 5 hour interactive movie??? It's cool... I bet you were the same quality of people that bashed games like Titanfall and Evolve for being Multiplayer only even though you never played it...You are the type that bashed something like Sunset because it wasn't "true 1080p"....your damage control is one of the other major reasons gaming continues to slip down the slippery slope....

Step up and make a damn example for once..... stop buying these overhyped exclusive piles of poop and tell Sony (and all these damn companies for that matter) to STOP OVER PROMISING AND UNDER DELIVERING.... this game has NO RIGHT charging $60.. you want to go for $20 ... ok cooooool... also LOL at the fact it was always hyped and advertised as a "shooter".... but hey its just Sony being Sony...

Lol someone sounds so mad that some people just do like the game, have different opinions on games and doesn't have to listen to what everyone else has to say to like something.

This comment reads like someone who was forced to buy this game lol.
so.... those of you who hide your true colors and those of you who constantly defend everything to the moon... how does the crow taste?? or are you still in denial?? Will you still be in denial after you already finish you 5 hour interactive movie??? It's cool... I bet you were the same quality of people that bashed games like Titanfall and Evolve for being Multiplayer only even though you never played it...You are the type that bashed something like Sunset because it wasn't "true 1080p"....your damage control is one of the other major reasons gaming continues to slip down the slippery slope....

Step up and make a damn example for once..... stop buying these overhyped exclusive piles of poop and tell Sony (and all these damn companies for that matter) to STOP OVER PROMISING AND UNDER DELIVERING.... this game has NO RIGHT charging $60.. you want to go for $20 ... ok cooooool... also LOL at the fact it was always hyped and advertised as a "shooter".... but hey its just Sony being Sony...

This is just a very, very poor attempt at satire... right?

Regardless, I thought The Order looked very promising from its first unveil. I'm a sucker for "cinematic" games, and I'll be buying this tomorrow. I'm just a little bit dissapointed about the story complaints, but I'll make up my own mind on it.
I wonder if people even realise their gigantic confirmation bias when it comes to this. I've already seen a few posters in the impressions thread who were getting hyped from GAF impressions come in here and basically say "reviews don't matter", heh.

Are you really pretending that the confirmation bias couldn't be going the other way?

That even reviewers wanted to hate this game so much that they do?

You can't just call confirmation bias on something like this, because there's no way to know the reality.

Mr Moose

so.... those of you who hide your true colors and those of you who constantly defend everything to the moon... how does the crow taste?? or are you still in denial?? Will you still be in denial after you already finish you 5 hour interactive movie??? It's cool... I bet you were the same quality of people that bashed games like Titanfall and Evolve for being Multiplayer only even though you never played it...You are the type that bashed something like Sunset because it wasn't "true 1080p"....your damage control is one of the other major reasons gaming continues to slip down the slippery slope....

Step up and make a damn example for once..... stop buying these overhyped exclusive piles of poop and tell Sony (and all these damn companies for that matter) to STOP OVER PROMISING AND UNDER DELIVERING.... this game has NO RIGHT charging $60.. you want to go for $20 ... ok cooooool... also LOL at the fact it was always hyped and advertised as a "shooter".... but hey its just Sony being Sony...



I don't see the problem with that. Reviews don't matter to some people. It's not some "confirmation bias" thing.

I trust GAF impressions more then any review site.

I trust GAF consensus, a large amount of GAFers sharing a common line of thought. I don't trust a handful of GAF impressions, which are basically shorter versions of reviews and have zero accountability for the anonymous poster.


I'm really not surprise by these score...the game was looking to have no real meat other then spectacular graphic, presentation ans setting...
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