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The Order 1886 Review Thread

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Bought it for £36, can sell it to cex for £35. Lost a quid.

Buy it again when it's cheaper.

That luxury is very much the exception though. You've got to have been lucky to have got it for that cheap, coupled in with having the time to storm through it before the trade-in price goes back up.

Where did you buy it from?

Oh btw sell it to GAME. They'll give you a quid extra than CEX, so you'll have played it for free.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Shu is not having a good run right now with the PS4 games he has greenlit. He needs a win with Bloodborne.

Knowing how good the God of War PSP games are I am disappointed. I know they can make a great game but it feels like they lost their way with The Order.



Unconfirmed Member
To be fair a lot of films aren't that much better these days.

Television is where games should be looking, not movies. Good television shows take advantage of the format: they have multiple plotlines that stretch over an extended period, allowing the viewer ample time to explore the world of the show with a pace that a two hour film would never be able to accomplish.

Most AAA games simply take a movie script and insert twenty minute gameplay sequences between the dialogue scenes. If they take a longer form approach, they might be able to give the story some time to naturally expand within the longer length of a usual game (10 hours, about the length of a typical HBO season) and tell a much more fulfilling story.
Again it proves my long held position Gameplay > graphics. I can forgive an ugly game that is fun to play, I cannot forgive an pretty game that is boring.

I think it's one of those games you show off to your friends, but secretly can't wait until they leave so you can play something else

Navy Bean

Wow, these reviews are pretty rough. For some reason, even though I hate long cut scenes and QTE's I still kinda want to play it. Guess I'll wait for a sale or try a rental.


Neo Member
Hello everyone just thought id come in as someone who was probably part respinsible for hyping this game with my impressions and say erm well I stand by what I said.

Boohoo arbitary numbers didnt add up to what people expected (even though people expected low scores.... Honestly if the game looks good to you go and buy it, i dId.

Theres been plenty of games released that have reviewed poorly and gone on to have huge cult followings.

Beyond, Heavy Rain, Driveclub, Uncharted, Killzone shadow fall and so on.

I think when all the rubbish dies down well have a similar fall out of people who really dig the experience and would happily have a sequel and those of you who will forever remember the hype threads and forever consider it a failure.

Lets not forget Unity was crtically panned and the community was fiercely angry and it meant nothing and it still sold 10m.

Essentially the numbers will determine wheather its a success or not.

Personally I am still very very excited to play this and get stuck in. The reviews mean nothing to me as much as a strangers opinion would.


To be fair a lot of films aren't that much better these days.

I mean of course there are plenty of poorly written movies, but every every year I can find a few dozen that are genuinely good to great.

I can find maybe 7-to-10 well written games... ever. In the entire history of the medium!

You ever play Planescape: Torment Amir0x? We really do need better writing in games, because a good narrative can prop up an entire title.

Yup. My all time second favorite written game after Grim Fandango. That game is basically like reading a good book, really phenomenal work.

There was a short time where PC games especially were really starting to latch onto telling compelling stories, Longest Journey and whatnot, but that faded quickly and the place we are now is just painful. Hard to find anything even remotely competent. Nintendo games at least are delightful to read because the translations are so tongue-in-cheek, but they don't go very complex with their plots.


I've done the very deal to get it for £29 so I'm not too fussed as I'll compete it over the weekend and should at least get £20 for it after. I drop £10 on a bag of weed which lasts like 2 hours so £9 for an extra long interactive movie doesn't seem too bad.

However I hope Ready at Dawn get another chance, which they no doubt will. Clearly they are technically gifted as well as artistically, just hope they see that Gameplay is king at the end of the day.


I've read the reviews and I'm now more determined than ever this game is for me. Bad reviews from self proclaimed "RPG enthusiasts" and people who hate games trying to "emulate the Silver Screen". Bah

I feel so sorry for RAD at this point, I feel we live in a world of twitch gaming, hyper connectivity, endless customization options and collect-a-thons. It seems a game with such a singular focus just can't survive the media these days.

I know this game will be right up my alley.... looking forward to the spectacle.


To be fair, what was driveclub and what is now is like sun and moon. The game really needs to be reviewed, because its a solid 8.5/9 now.

It's a really surprise that RaD screwed so hard with this game. They even had help from Santa Monica Studios, so literally 2 devs worked in this game, what the hell happened?

And yeah, Sony needs to stop being so soft with their 1st party and funded thirds.

maybe SMS was for technical help on the PS4, doubt that they would interfere with RAD's vision of the game


PS4 has transistor (on console) exclusively, so it wins the console head to head match up by default.

You know, while Transistor is a marvellous game on any of it's platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux, PS4), if you took a step away from having to decided what is the "winner" and "loser" of your arbitrary consumer device match up, you may find that the developer and creators behind the game are the ones to be celebrated
My pre-order already got posted this morning so too late for me. Still i'll play through and platinum it and decide, it's rare I agree with reviews from websites anymore anyway.


And "tends to get -2" handicap? What?

It gets sort of sad when you realize it means the person who says it sees a quality gap of roughly "-2" in the games they look at on a platform across the spectrum of most reviewers, and assumes it's bias by everyone else rather than them. Also, that they very likely don't read the text of reviews.


Unlimited Capacity
I can't be bothered to fuck with metacritic anymore. This is the 2nd big game that reviewers don't understand. They knocked Driveclub because it wasn't open world and now they knock The Order because it isn't a "game". Well RAD made the perfect combination of cinema and cinematic game and these pos reviewers don't understand. The Order is my GOTY I can't wait to get it tomorrow.


I can't be bothered to fuck with metacritic anymore. This is the 2nd big game that reviewers don't understand. They knocked Driveclub because it wasn't open world and now they knock The Order because it isn't a "game". Well RAD made the perfect combination of cinema and cinematic game and these pos reviewers don't understand. The Order is my GOTY I can't wait to get it tomorrow.

hehehe :D


Man, over 2000 posts in two and a half hours. I'm surprised this game garnered so much attention in the first place; are people that starved for PS4 exclusives?

Well yes they are. I know I'm waiting for that true (what you expect of sony) exclusives that staples the console as a great gaming platform. It's even more of a problem, I believe, becuase of it's insane levels of sales.

We deserve a great classic console exclusive. The 360 survived just fine as a 3rd party machine tho (even tho it got ripped for its lack of exclusives) the ps4 is thriving as the best place to play third party games.


You ever play Planescape: Torment Amir0x? We really do need better writing in games, because a good narrative can prop up an entire title.

Probably not fair to bring up Planescape, CRPGs usually have great writing because there's no voice acting. They can refine, iterate and change stuff whenever the writer pleases, even up until the day it goes gold. Voice acting imposes so many limitations.


I can't be bothered to fuck with metacritic anymore. This is the 2nd big game that reviewers don't understand. They knocked Driveclub because it wasn't open world and now they knock The Order because it isn't a "game". Well RAD made the perfect combination of cinema and cinematic game and these pos reviewers don't understand. The Order is my GOTY I can't wait to get it tomorrow.



My copy is coming tomorrow will play it and try to platinum it then sell if off, I only tend to keep games that are rare or are rpg games anyway so I am good.
I can't be bothered to fuck with metacritic anymore. This is the 2nd big game that reviewers don't understand. They knocked Driveclub because it wasn't open world and now they knock The Order because it isn't a "game". Well RAD made the perfect combination of cinema and cinematic game and these pos reviewers don't understand. The Order is my GOTY I can't wait to get it tomorrow.

Thought you were serious until the last line, well done.
Well I have spent like an hour and a half readig reviews. I gotta say, I might pass. I might get it on sale a little down the line though.I do believe that this IP has potential though.
Bloodborne is so far away


I can't be bothered to fuck with metacritic anymore. This is the 2nd big game that reviewers don't understand. They knocked Driveclub because it wasn't open world and now they knock The Order because it isn't a "game". Well RAD made the perfect combination of cinema and cinematic game and these pos reviewers don't understand. The Order is my GOTY I can't wait to get it tomorrow.

OMG. These comments are incredible...its your GOTY and you haven't even played it yet???

I think my head may explode.

Edit: or this is a joke and i missed it


Why is there a Metacritic score in the OP, if it isn't going to be updated with the correct score?

It would be easier to just link to the page.


I've been saying that forever! <3

That's where I really want to see a new dawn of innovation in... game writing. It's in an apocalyptic state right now sadly. If so many developers are going to focus on cinematic/narrative driven titles, then it's time to go through a writing boot camp.

I think the problem is amplified in AAA games, in which writing takes a backseat and cheesy amateurish scripts prevail. This game is a prime example of lazy writing. When I first heard about the whole "filmic" focus of this game, I thought perhaps the game will tell an exceptional story because the developers are crafting a cinematic experience.

Little did I know that by "filmic" they meant your average summer blockbuster movie experience, an experience that is only memorable if you were fingering you SO during loud action scenes.


Unconfirmed Member
Enemy variety don't be a problem once the AI good and you get weapon variety to mix it up.
Seem this game has a problem with that..

This is true. The way gameplay progresses nowadays is the gradual roll-out of enemies with different weapons/armor types but that behave one-dimensionally. I wouldn't mind just having human-like enemies in an FPS if the enemies adjusted to your playstyle so you would need to utilize your full arsenal and continuously mix up your strategy to counteract your enemy at every turn.


I guess towards the 'bland' AAA-side of the industry I guess, seems to be overenthusiastic about that kind of stuff. Never really see him in indie or PC threads, usually what he's playing up is the next big homogenous AAA extravaganza that we've seen again and again, so you can't really blame him if you follow his hype into yet another one of these things.

Well, in that regard I'm somewhat similar to him. I tend to get excited about the games I'm interested in as well, particularly anything involved with Bioware like he does. I feel out of touch with the general negativity nowadays, whether it's here, FB, Twitter, or gaming websites' comment sections. It's a hobby that brings me joy, not grief. So, I see nothing wrong with being enthusiastic about a game you're looking forward to, even if the common consensus would be against it. Everyone doesn't see the same games as bland as others might.


Now we are comparing the exclusives of PS4/X1... AGAIN? *Sigh*

What's so difficult at deciding if a game is for you?
Ignore the scores; read the reviews, moreso read user impressions; watch gameplay videos; consider potential technical problems

After doing this: Does the idea of playing the game feel good to you? Buy it. If not, don't!

That's why I enjoyed Ryse, Murdered (well I'm not that far) and other "bad" games in my life. On the other hand I didn't have that urge to play a game with lots of the "best" (according to review scores) games but I bought them because of the good scores and was eventually disappointed. (Halo 4, Gears Of War and more) Simply listen to your gut when it comes to buying games even when you are overhyping it for yourself. You will never judge a game in a objective way and there will always be some kind of bias. It's nothing bad or something to be ashamed of for an individual person.
It'll be interesting to see how this performs sales-wise.

RAD are going to have to make massive wholesale changes in the sequel. They can't just have it SP only. Maybe have Co-op throughout the campaign.
This is sad to see. I cancelled my preorder as well but I still going to buy it. Just going to wait for the $30 price point before I do.

Still looks amazing though.
I can't be bothered to fuck with metacritic anymore. This is the 2nd big game that reviewers don't understand. They knocked Driveclub because it wasn't open world and now they knock The Order because it isn't a "game". Well RAD made the perfect combination of cinema and cinematic game and these pos reviewers don't understand. The Order is my GOTY I can't wait to get it tomorrow.

My brain...
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