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The Order 1886 Review Thread

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Wasn't there a recent Bombcast when an emailer counted FIVE PS4 exclusives in 2014, 2 of which were Infamous and First Light?

I had a friend over to check out the PS4. Told him it'll probably he a couple of years before there are enough exclusive games to be worth it for him (a former core gamer now too busy with real life responsibilities).

They have been on the market for a little over a year.

What the hell did you expect? 25 exclusives every year?

My point was, there are loads, unless you only think AAA retail games count for some reason.
I know this may sound strange but works of art which are universally praised kinda rubs me up the wrong way I mean pleasing everyone is a bit weird right!I Know I'm grasping at straws here but respect to RAD for creating a piece of art That's so polarizing and maybe that's how it should be done

"Guys, I'm actually glad that the game is bad!"


I guess TLOU, Resogun, and indies in general don't count. A game is a game, no matter what form it comes in.

Yea. As long as PS4 has incredible indies and third parties keep pulling through the PS4 can still be a great system, but Sony's first party output needs to shape up still. Sony's first party was always one of the advantages Sony had over Microsoft, so it's a shame to see the stumbles so far. At least Driveclub was great and Resogun. But yeah, not all the bugs worked out yet into PS4 gen obviously :p


Really liked Sterling's review. It does look like the game is just an introduction to a much better sequel I hope they get to make!
I can't be bothered to fuck with metacritic anymore. This is the 2nd big game that reviewers don't understand. They knocked Driveclub because it wasn't open world and now they knock The Order because it isn't a "game". Well RAD made the perfect combination of cinema and cinematic game and these pos reviewers don't understand. The Order is my GOTY I can't wait to get it tomorrow.
Heh, " don't understand" is a flawless explanation for the games lack of 10/10s
I don't get it....

Why spend so much time and money on cutscenes when you can probably make a few more levels in the same time with less people.

With regular map you have no need for new voice overs, one time use animations, new effects and camera proof visuals.

Such an odd decision.

Trying to one up naughty dog. Sadly the graphics were expensive and time consuming. But atleast the engine is set and ready to go. And the lore is ready. I expect this game to sell. Most people will feel like it's a 7-8.



This gen, man.


"Standards are higher today; the game deserves more!"
like said before I don't have a PS4, so i have no bias as far as this goes and my point goes beyond the order anyway, but it does feel like this gen reviewers went a lot more into a "we are super serious journalist" and either started rating games more harshly or they decided to use more than the 7-10 part of the score system, I often see games that a few years ago would have gotten 8s and 7s getting 6s and 5s (again, not saying they deserved a 8 now or that they didn't deserve a 6 back then)

I'm not a big fan of scores (or professional reviewers for that matter) anyway, so can't really comment if this is a great move or not, it does kinda paint an impression that games have gotten so much worse this gen, while to me it just looks like a shift in scoring methods

all imho of course


It's ridiculous how linear, cinematic AAA games like The Order and Ryse get panned these days by so-called game critics. I bet these same critics would give Half-Life 2 a 6 these days since it now fits their agenda.

Half life 2 doesn't have any cut scenes at all from what I remember. Everything is acted out introit of your eyes and is gripping/incredible. We can't really mention many games at all in the same sentence as half life 2


Absolutely not. At least that's not what I am reading.

Critics don't like big AAA linear story-focused games (Ryse, The Order, ...), and they usually like multi-centric arena games (TitanFall, Evolve, ...) and love collect-a-thon open world fedex games (SoM,AC,DA,...).

This really is a trend that I have seen more and more clearly, in the press and among players alike. Like a trend there are exception of course, but it's still a definite trend. I fear this may actually sign the slow decay of those kind of games, especially if reviews end up reflecting on sales.

How The Order will chart will be quite interesting to see, and may have huge consequences on the kind of AAA games will get in the future.

Being story-driven doesn't mean titles filled with QTEs and no room for exploration. I love story-driven games with great gameplay and you can find a lot of these in the market.


It's ridiculous how linear, cinematic AAA games like The Order and Ryse get panned these days by so-called game critics. I bet these same critics would give Half-Life 2 a 6 these days since it now fits their agenda.

I'll ask you the same question I've asked the detractors: Have you actually played the game? If not, you have nothing to say on the merits of the reviews.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
You know I had made this in preparation for today's events inspired by someone's request but it's quite...inaccurate.
Jim Sterling's review strikes me as an honest assessment.
The Order: 1886 is a primer, not a story that feels complete or particularly worthwhile. When it allows itself to focus on action, it can provide a stimulating round of pop-and-fire combat, at least before it allows itself to drown in common distractions and intellectually insulting button prompts. While clearly assured in itself as a concept, it doesn’t extend that same faith to the player, so eager it is to hold its audience’s collective hands and guide them through corridors of patronizing tutorials and arbitrary gates to progression.


I could forgive The Order for going for the cinematic experience (whatever that means) and make gameplay a secondary element ((as long as it's decent enough), but if you go for that route make damn sure there's a nice story to tell and the script is tight.

What I get from all the reviews, though, is that The Order seems to have a bad story and a poorly told one. That's too much.

This gen, man.

Literally only one non-remake/remaster game in that list, DAI. And those user scores are pretty damning, too. Not that Metacritic is the be all end all, but still it reflects the fact that neither the Xbone or PS4 have had a killer app in the year and a half of them being on the market.

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
Man, I'm disappointed at what I'm hearing. When I first saw game play I thought it was QTE/Cutscene heavy. I hoped they would change that, or that it wasn't throughout most of the game. It's a shame. I keep hearing how incredible the universe is. I wanted something amazing. I guess I'll just wait until the game is cheap to see how pretty it is.
Meh, I'm enjoying it for what it is.

My buddy in Korea finished it today and really enjoyed it, and he's extremely picky when it comes to games.

I can't even bring myself to care about this shit anymore.
RAD really shot themselves in the foot and fucked up their big chance at having an AAA, flagship exclusive.

Give it multiplayer.
Keep all the cutscenes you want but EXPAND THE GAME, reuse assets if you have to, be smart, people won't mind or even notice they are going through the same hallway with different props and colours. Make it 8 hours of gameplay at least.
Give it some replayability.
Give it multiplayer.

The main designers for this game really fucked up. Wasted the talent of the rest of the studio and a huge chance at being considered part of the best.



I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
The "last-gen gameplay" argument is pretty silly, but if the story is merely mediocre or even bad, as some suggest, that would be my biggest disappointment. I generally enjoy games where the gameplay takes a step back and lets the game rely on graphics and story. But then both of these need to shine. Let's see. So far I avoided spoilers.


Curious to see how Steamboxes do.

Because if the first party offerings continue to be this mediocre, I can see myself only owning that and a Nintendo console.

AAA gaming needs to change. Rough transition period for them.


Yea. As long as PS4 has incredible indies and third parties keep pulling through the PS4 can still be a great system, but Sony's first party output needs to shape up still. Sony's first party was always one of the advantages Sony had over Microsoft, so it's a shame to see the stumbles so far. At least Driveclub was great and Resogun. But yeah, not all the bugs worked out yet into PS4 gen obviously :p

PS gets better as it matures, we only have to look at last gen. I hope Bloodborne is the start of better things (even tho I liked Infamous and KZ:SF).
I'll never understand the weight people give game reviews. Watch Dogs was considered one of the biggest disappointments, I couldn't get into more than a couple of hours of it and yet it has an 80 on Metacritic. Kingsman is considered by many that have seen it to be an awesome movie one of the best action flicks they have seen in some time, yet it has a 59 on metacritic. So why the importance on game reviews? You can just as easily be misguided as guided when it comes to them. Also if are going to say game reviews are not using the full scale like other industries, then I say that has changed the past few years.

That is to say just like I am going to see the Kingsman today unaffected by its reviews, so too I am going to get The Order tomorrow. Two Galahads in one week!


RAD really shot themselves in the foot and fucked up their big chance at having an AAA, flagship exclusive.

Give it multiplayer.
Keep all the cutscenes you want but EXPAND THE GAME, reuse assets if you have to, be smart, people won't mind or even notice they are going through the same hallway with different props and colours. Make it 8 hours of gameplay at least.
Give it some replayability.
Give it multiplayer.

The main designers for this game really fucked up. Wasted the talent of the rest of the studio and a huge chance at being considered part of the best.



Get new gameplay designers. They let everyone else down.
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