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The Order 1886 Review Thread

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RAD really shot themselves in the foot and fucked up their big chance at having an AAA, flagship exclusive.

Give it multiplayer.
Keep all the cutscenes you want but EXPAND THE GAME, reuse assets if you have to, be smart, people won't mind or even notice they are going through the same hallway with different props and colours. Make it 8 hours of gameplay at least.
Give it some replayability.
Give it multiplayer.

The main designers for this game really fucked up. Wasted the talent of the rest of the studio and a huge chance at being considered part of the best.


Yeah right dude, it took them 5 years to get this mediocre 8 hour romp out. Imagine if they had to make a multiplayer game or replayability? 10 year development confirmed.
I never had much faith in this game but I didn't expect critics to be this divided. The plan hasn't changed though, I'll pick it up when I can get it for $10-15.



This gen, man.

What's the breakdown for all platforms? That's just the PS4.


So it would have been better off to rip out all gameplay and just have QTE do you(or anyone) think and make it more of a Quantic Dream type experience?

From watching the playthrough, even if they had done that and advertised it as such that would not have worked well unless the story was overhauled. The story was very disappointing given its potential. I think that will irritate those looking forward to the game the most, even knowing the gameplay is nothing extraordinary.


why the Santa Monica logo at the start of the game? just related to publishing stuff?

There are basically two aspects to SSM. One is being the developer of the God of War series, and the other is being a support studio for independent developers working with Sony. They also helped out on all of thatgamecompany's titles for the PS3, Sound Shapes, and others that I can't recall at this time.


And yet in spite of this wrongly assumed bias The Last of Us reviewed exceptionnally well. That alone throws a wrench in your theory, I'd hazard the guess that the game didn't review as it did without its fair share of good reasons but you will naturally conclude otherwise. It's telling you are trying hard to rationalize The Order's dismal reviews to avoid conceive that it may be not nearly as good as you want it to.

"Like a trend there are exception of course, but it's still a definite trend".

I truly believe that The Order has done a couple of very important things wrong. It's trying to be a film without a good script (despite a good universe/characters, which is a shame), and it's trying to be a game with terrible short-comings in some of the most important aspects (mostly level-design imo). I am quite disappointed, and certainly aren't defending the games' shortcomings.

I would also like to point out that The Last Of Us actually has plenty of sand-box elements, and I believe that was one of the reasons why it scored so high. Rightly so, because it was done perfectly imo. In terms of level design, it often gives you the impression of nearly open environements. In my opinion, one of The Last Of Us most important quality was this perfect balance between super-detailed kinda-open environements, and linear pacing and story telling. Something I believe more developpers should thrive to achieve.



This gen, man.

That is actually fairly damning, and fairly weird to look at.

Not sure how many decent games there were at the same point of the prior generation, but there does seem to be a large wait for strong new titles, with that space filled with a combination of "indie" and "remasters".


It's ridiculous how linear, cinematic AAA games like The Order and Ryse get panned these days by so-called game critics. I bet these same critics would give Half-Life 2 a 6 these days since it now fits their agenda.

There's a reason they got panned and it's not because they are linear or cinematic.


PS gets better as it matures, we only have to look at last gen. I hope Bloodborne is the start of better things (even tho I liked Infamous and KZ:SF).

If Bloodborne is a let down my heart will crush. That's one of the few games I legitimately am just assuming is going to be great, I have not even considered an alternative.

The demo was mad fun and further impressions continue to be positive, but I am worried now for no reason >_<

WoodenLung said:
Does this mean the age of sony is now actually finally over?

Petition to have drum roll and cymbal sound effect play every time this joke is made.


Half life 2 doesn't have any cut scenes at all from what I remember. Everything is acted out introit of your eyes and is gripping/incredible. We can't really mention many games at all in the same sentence as half life 2
locking you in a room while a guy blabbers on about some bullshit and you bunny hop around is a cutscene in my book


I like The Order 1886, it's classy - with that said there was so much hype, rudeness and people telling us how much crow we were going to eat after criticizing The Order, that I can't help but feel vindicated.

Yep pretty petty.
People jumped on me for saying this gen is pure wack sauce. It blatantly is. It's a turd right now being decorated by last gen roses

Playing Bayonetta 2 and sadly TLOU R made me realize just how inconsequential every gaming experience I have had this gen has been so far.

Haven't play Driveclub yet though.
Curious to see how Steamboxes do.

Because if the first party offerings continue to be this mediocre, I can see myself only owning that and a Nintendo console.

AAA gaming needs to change. Rough transition period for them.

Didn't think I'd ever see me as a primarily PC gamer, but I can see me giving up consoles for PCs within the next few years, just picking up the Uncharteds and Forza Horizons, everything else off Steam.


Oh ffs not again, first Ryse and now this? How can a game be so damn gorgeous and yet drop the ball so badly in every other department? I just don't get it.
RAD really shot themselves in the foot and fucked up their big chance at having an AAA, flagship exclusive.

Give it multiplayer.
Keep all the cutscenes you want but EXPAND THE GAME, reuse assets if you have to, be smart, people won't mind or even notice they are going through the same hallway with different props and colours. Make it 8 hours of gameplay at least.
Give it some replayability.
Give it multiplayer.

The main designers for this game really fucked up. Wasted the talent of the rest of the studio and a huge chance at being considered part of the best.

Given the game apparently ends out of nowhere and feels like it's missing the last act it seems more likely that the team was rushed to some degree. Will be interesting to hear development stories after some time has passed.


What exclusive bro there isn't one until later half of this year?

Since release not 2015, to this day Sunset overdrive has been spectacular. Ryse was beautiful and to me enjoyable. Dead Rising 3 was fun as hell. Horizon is amazing. MCC has 4 amazing campaign but broke MP though. Killer instinct. Those are the ones I played. Im sure theres a couple more too.

Forgot Titanfall, to date Titanfall has been my best MP experience of all time

back on topic, This may be the first game where I want to watch a play through. It looks good to me. This dev has a lot of potential


Guess nobody likes linear story-driven games anymore. Fine by me.
Stop with this bullshit. The Last of Us got 10s everywhere. There isn't some widespread hatred against linear story-driven games. The Order is not getting tepid reviews because it's a linear story-driven game, it's getting those reviews because it's a linear story-driven game that many critics aren't impressed by.
Yeah right dude, it took them 5 years to get this mediocre 8 hour romp out. Imagine if they had to make a multiplayer game or replayability? 10 year development confirmed.

Haha, I know what you mean, but I'm sure with some smarter planning they had enough assets to make it a lot better.

Lots of multiplayer assets are usually ripped straight from the main campaign, and they could've done such nice things with the mutants vs humans.

I know things take a lot of man hours to make, but I also think they could've planned and used their efforts in a smarter way without compromising their vision.


Yeah right dude, it took them 5 years to get this mediocre 8 hour romp out. Imagine if they had to make a multiplayer game or replayability? 10 year development confirmed.

Wait, is this true? This game has been in development for 5 years??

How? One hour of gameplay per year?

Does anyone have an estimated cost of development?
It's a wonder the consoles this gen can sell so well with so many remasters and cross gen games coming out.

It's a wonder people still don't realize that consumers buy consoles for multiplat games. Like it still boggles my mind when people can't look past their own bubble.


I hope RAD learns from this and Sony gives them another shot. I think they did a good job laying the foundation for a TPS with an interesting setting. I do think there's some talented people at RAD and that they will learn from this.


Called these scores a few weeks ago when having a discussion with a few of my fellow gamer friends. They were all convinced this is the next Gears of War and I told them not going to happen. I'll give this try when it hits bargain bins.
I'll ask you the same question I've asked the detractors: Have you actually played the game? If not, you have nothing to say on the merits of the reviews.

That's incorrect.

What is being questioned is the intention and integrity of the review(er)s, which actually has fuck all to do with me playing the game thanks.

What is being posited by some very silly people in this thread is that reviewers are shifting goal posts and that The Order would've got great reviews at some fabled point in time where great graphics and mediocre gameplay/story games were cherished.

Many reviewers don't think the game is especially good. There's no conspiracy or inconsistency here.
I'll never understand the weight people give game reviews. Watch Dogs was considered one of the biggest disappointments, I couldn't get into more than a couple of hours of it and yet it has an 80 on Metacritic. Kingsman is considered by many that have seen it to be an awesome movie one of the best action flicks they have seen in some time, yet it has a 59 on metacritic. So why the importance on game reviews? You can just as easily be misguided as guided when it comes to them. Also if are going to say game reviews are not using the full scale like other industries, then I say that has changed the past few years.

That is to say just like I am going to see the Kingsman today unaffected by its reviews, so too I am going to get The Order tomorrow. Two Galahads in one week!

Dying Light's metacritic isn't great, either, and for my money that's easily one of the best games out right now.

I don't even fucking understand this shit anymore.
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