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The Order 1886 Review Thread

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What's the breakdown for all platforms? That's just the PS4.

Since you asked




Given the game apparently ends out of nowhere and feels like it's missing the last act it seems more likely that the team was rushed to some degree. Will be interesting to hear development stories after some time has passed.

That's also true. I wonder too, how much of a rush they were put in. Bad call imho.

Late Flag

Well, this is disappointing. I was really hoping that this was just going to be a little rough around the edges, but still a good kick-off for a solid franchise, like Uncharted 1. The alternate-reality Victorian setting is great and had my interest piqued. "Short" would have been okay if the story was good and the gameplay was tight. Sounds like neither of those things panned out.

I may still pick this up when it's deeply discounted, especially if they patch in the ability to skip cutscenes (that's a big deal for me in terms of replayability). Still, it's a big let-down.

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
I'll never understand the weight people give game reviews. Watch Dogs was considered one of the biggest disappointments, I couldn't get into more than a couple of hours of it and yet it has an 80 on Metacritic. Kingsman is considered by many that have seen it to be an awesome movie one of the best action flicks they have seen in some time, yet it has a 59 on metacritic. So why the importance on game reviews? You can just as easily be misguided as guided when it comes to them. Also if are going to say game reviews are not using the full scale like other industries, then I say that has changed the past few years.

That is to say just like I am going to see the Kingsman today unaffected by its reviews, so too I am going to get The Order tomorrow. Two Galahads in one week!

I want to know what I'm buying before I buy it. That's why I put importance in game reviews. I've been reading them, and they don't sound like something I want to play. Sure in a few months to a few years, if I keep hearing good things about it, I'll pick it up. That won't change because of reviews. I won't pick it up day one though. Reviews are the earliest way you can judge a game. They don't make my decision to if I'm ever going to buy it. They just let me know if I'm going to buy it now, or wait until I see/hear something that makes me want to buy it.


I could forgive The Order for going for the cinematic experience (whatever that means) and make gameplay a secondary element ((as long as it's decent enough), but if you go for that route make damn sure there's a nice story to tell and the script is tight.

What I get from all the reviews, though, is that The Order seems to have a bad story and a poorly told one. That's too much.

The script *is* tight on a micro level. Dialogue is well acted and believable and the concept has legs. It looks like it starts going to interesting places in the middle of the game.

The real problem is the follow through. Nothing gets resolved and as one reviewer put it "It seems to stop at Act II".


Going to go through all the reviews later and make a decision on the game.

If they take points away for saying no multiplayer or too many QTE I will add them back to the review score.

So for me IGN actually gave the game 8.5


I was willing to give this game the benefit of the doubt over it being very cinematic, after all that's what the devs were aiming for. But judging by these reviews, the game even fails at that. This is dissapointing to see.

MLB 14 83
Infamous SS 80
LBP 3 79
Killzone Shadowfall 73
Driveclub 71
The Order 66
Knack 54

Average 72


Forza Horizon 2 86
Sunset Overdrive 81
Forza Motorsport 5 79
Dead Rising 3 78
Ryse: Son of Rome 61
Kinect Sports Rivals 60
Titanfall 86
Project Spark 73
Killer Instinct 73

Average 75

Neither output is that good, but lets not act like one of them is doing much better than the other

Fixed to only include games that are either 1st party, or $60 retail exclusives.

Now the list is more accurate, though your point still stands. X1 doesn't have that much better exclusives, though I think they have done a better job than Sony thus far...

But really if we are just talking about exclusives, shouldn't we include Nintendo?


RAD really shot themselves in the foot and fucked up their big chance at having an AAA, flagship exclusive.

Give it multiplayer.
Keep all the cutscenes you want but EXPAND THE GAME, reuse assets if you have to, be smart, people won't mind or even notice they are going through the same hallway with different props and colours. Make it 8 hours of gameplay at least.
Give it some replayability.
Give it multiplayer.

The main designers for this game really fucked up. Wasted the talent of the rest of the studio and a huge chance at being considered part of the best.


I don't agree. Sure, it wasn't an exclusive, but Wolfenstein didn't have multiplayer and sold very well on all platforms. The same goes for BioShock: Infinite (although the development costs were so high that it didn't have profit). A singleplayer game can have replayability and lots of room for exploration within a linear level design. As long as it is done well, critics will praise it.


I never gave a shit about this game but the Pachter prediction of 5 million has me rolling looking at these scores.

I don't think review scores will keep the Order from selling millions.
Marketing is there and graphics will sell the game.

I wasn't expecting it to be a very good game at all, tbh, but i hadn't imagined it would get such low scores either.


I mean it's difficult because everyone has a different standard. Like, i think the Metal Gear Solid games are pretty much terribly written, certain elements of MGS3 aside. But you list it here as a standard. To me they're a hodgepodge of independent influences from Hollywood, not at all competently slapped together to form an incohesive whole. The upside is I always thought Metal Gear Solid games had good gameplay and was so over the top and bizarre it had attractive B movie allure.

It's not the quality of the writing per say that makes the games stand out, It's the execution of the script, pacing, high and lows - the mesh of story and gameplay. Neither TLOU nor MGS, nor Uncharted are more than B-roll movies compared to an Oscar nominee type of script. It's how you tell the script through a video game. And the odd man out, Shadow of the Colussus, Journey...not your traditional grounded story but subtext.


Sadly that doesn't help Wii U sales.

It doesn't (which breaks my heart a little) but I'm sure glad I have one. Nothing fixes gaming disappointment like some Mario Kart 8 online matches. It turns frowns into rage faces! :p

I've played over 25,000 races since that damn game came out. 25 THOUSAND!! THAT is a good game. :)

I was all aboard the hype train for the Order. I wanted it to be awesome. SO disappointing. It looks like it's going to be a budget title for me now. Saving my money for Bloodborne. Don't let me down BLOODBORNE!! :eek:
What's the breakdown for all platforms? That's just the PS4.

Something like this?

According to the same metacritic, PS4 has more good games(>75/100) than Wii U.

PS4: 100

Wii U: 78

Xbone: 65

Keep also in mind that PS4 is a year less on the market.
RAD really shot themselves in the foot and fucked up their big chance at having an AAA, flagship exclusive.

Give it multiplayer.
Keep all the cutscenes you want but EXPAND THE GAME, reuse assets if you have to, be smart, people won't mind or even notice they are going through the same hallway with different props and colours. Make it 8 hours of gameplay at least.
Give it some replayability.
Give it multiplayer.

The main designers for this game really fucked up. Wasted the talent of the rest of the studio and a huge chance at being considered part of the best.


Sigh, it's not getting through to you. What it didn't have weren't the problems. Adding some horde mode wouldn't have fixed it. Its length wasn't the problem. It's what it did have that was still mediocre. Even with its short length, still got padding and repeat sections:



Sunset Instinct Bone and Bloodstationcharted 4.

Extremely expensive 1st party machines.

This is for the
idiots who can't wait


If Bloodborne is a let down my heart will crush. That's one of the few games I legitimately am just assuming is going to be great, I have not even considered an alternative.

The demo was mad fun and further impressions continue to be positive, but I am worried now for no reason >_<

Petition to have drum roll and cymbal sound effect play every time this joke is made.

Bloodborne will be my first Souls kind of game. I am ready to get my ass kicked over and over.


Pretty sad that the game isn't what it could of been.

More gameplay focused, double the 6 hour length, cinematics blending with gameplay seamlessly, rich and varied environments, multiple bosses, epic story.

Going by the reviews, it's like a cheap movie. Will rent or watch some YouTube vids.


Lady Gaia

I find the premise and the visual technology compelling enough that I know I'll play it at some point, but now I know I won't be paying full retail to do so. It's a shame, but it looks like a flawed game that has a lot of unrealized potential.


Yeah right dude, it took them 5 years to get this mediocre 8 hour romp out. Imagine if they had to make a multiplayer game or replayability? 10 year development confirmed.

No, he has a point.

They have the assets, the attention to details was maybe just too much. They should have opened up and complexified the environements a bit to make them more interessting to play in. They could have reused assets to do so, noone would have minded given the uncanny attention to details everything has in this game...

And the game would have been much better, and longer. It's cool to be so focused on every single detail, but at some point you have to be pragmatic about your game.


The script *is* tight on a micro level. Dialogue is well acted and believable and the concept has legs. It looks like it starts going to interesting places in the middle of the game.

The real problem is the follow through. Nothing gets resolved and as one reviewer put it "It seems to stop at Act II".

Huh... so on top of it all you get no conclusions whatsoever?
I still want to chek it out, but I'll wait for a significant pricedrop. I

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I hope RAD learns from this and Sony gives them another shot. I think they did a good job laying the foundation for a TPS with an interesting setting. I do think there's some talented people at RAD and that they will learn from this.

I think the only lesson to really learn hinges on sales of the game. If it's profitable, they can do it again. Reviews are only a small blip on there. As a business, if we judged it just by reviews, I wouldn't give them that kind of budget or dev time ever again. However the world of business ain't like that. If they've built a good foundation to iterate on QUICKLY, it can definitely be salvageable.

If RAD had any Metacritic bonuses though, they're not happening.


Pretty sad that the game isn't what it could of been.

More gameplay focused, double the 6 hour length, cinematics blending with gameplay seamlessly, rich and varied environments, multiple bosses, epic story.

Going by the reviews, it's like a cheap movie. Will rent or watch some YouTube vids.


I just wanted a PS4 GoW. Just make that game with mutiplayer.



Neo Member
I always viewed The Order 1886 as the pinnacle of the whole "cinematic" game (yes even more so than the interactive movie like games like Heavy Rain and Beyond Two Souls). Basically this proves that formula doesn't work when it's the focus. Uncharted utilizes the formula well and makes it work by delivering us a longer experience and a competent multiplayer component. Same with The Last of Us.

In the end video games are meant to be played, not watched. A one-and-done, linear, heavily scripted, cutscene filled, 5 hour long experience isn't worth $60.
like said before I don't have a PS4, so i have no bias as far as this goes and my point goes beyond the order anyway, but it does feel like this gen reviewers went a lot more into a "we are super serious journalist" and either started rating games more harshly or they decided to use more than the 7-10 part of the score system, I often see games that a few years ago would have gotten 8s and 7s getting 6s and 5s (again, not saying they deserved a 8 now or that they didn't deserve a 6 back then)

I'm not a big fan of scores (or professional reviewers for that matter) anyway, so can't really comment if this is a great move or not, it does kinda paint an impression that games have gotten so much worse this gen, while to me it just looks like a shift in scoring methods

all imho of course

I agree with this assessment. I don't think games all that worse, rather reviewers took notice that their review averages were WAY higher than other industries and they started to use the full scale again and they have also become more fans of open world game design.
I have the CE preordered and don't care about review. I like reading them though to see what others think and my god did any of theses reviewers graduate from anything?

And Gamespot says it's better to be bad than boring. WOW Boring could be depending on taste. Bad is bad!? No?
It's ridiculous how linear, cinematic AAA games like The Order and Ryse get panned these days by so-called game critics. I bet these same critics would give Half-Life 2 a 6 these days since it now fits their agenda.

The Bouncer got slammed back in the day too, and it's almost insulting to put Half Life 2 in the same sentence as the games you mentioned, especially given its focus on intuitive physics based puzzles, creative use of the weapons, and wide open combat spaces. Plus, HL2 never takes away player agency, you are never removed from first person, your character never does anything without your direct button prompts.
I wrote a follow up feature on The Order: 1886 which I hope that the mods will permit me to post here. Basically, there are four major problems with the game as far as I'm concerned: the gameplay fails to enhance the story, the combat's too old fashioned, there's not enough to interact with, and the plot falls at the final hurdle.

Ready at Dawn's onto something, but it needs to go back to the drawing board if it makes a sequel. Anyway, you can read the full article through here. Hopefully, it'll give you a bit more insight into the game, etc. I also hope the feedback will be valuable for RaD. :)
Playing Bayonetta 2 and sadly TLOU R made me realize just how inconsequential every gaming experience I have had this gen has been so far.

Haven't play Driveclub yet though.

Come on bruce TLOU took years to come out on last gen , we not even 2 years into this one yet if don't count wii u .
Thought BB will change that and play DC it's awesome .


Haha, I know what you mean, but I'm sure with some smarter planning they had enough assets to make it a lot better.

Lots of multiplayer assets are usually ripped straight from the main campaign, and they could've done such nice things with the mutants vs humans.

I know things take a lot of man hours to make, but I also think they could've planned and used their efforts in a smarter way without compromising their vision.

I think for them, they were getting used to new cutting edge console hardware and they kept their team size to a certain limit (I think somewhere near 100 with some subcontractors on top), whereas Ubisoft got 600 people to work on AC games.

So I don't think they could have done substantially more. It's a learning stage for them. They worked really hard on this amazing Engine, it's truly impressive no doubt. But they focused so much on that they forgot to refine the gameplay, which reviews are consistently complaining about in terms of controls that sometimes don't work, don't feel right. Gunplay that is basically completely unremarkable outside of the thermite rifle. Story that is really lame and cutscenes that go on forever for a story you have no investment in due to how lame it is. It seems like they made a really elaborate tech demo that just so happened to have cinematic aspirations, so the story went on forever.

But I know Ready at Dawn has talent. I know that if they focus on gameplay, we'll get a title worth playing. I just hope they get that chance.
i really thought this was review better... either way, my copy is being delivered tomorrow. i'm excited to check it out. i think i'll end up enjoying it.
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