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The Order 1886 Review Thread

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Are Reviewers starting to get a little to harsh on NEW IP`s ?

This is getting rediculous... can you simply enjoy a story driven games without bitching about this and that...

Jeez ! Still buying it !


Half life 2 doesn't have any cut scenes at all from what I remember. Everything is acted out introit of your eyes and is gripping/incredible. We can't really mention many games at all in the same sentence as half life 2

Half Life 2 was great, but it isn't some unassailable masterpiece. As for the lack of cutscenes, well, that actually reminds me of a conversation I saw on Twitter the other day.



The reason I never watch reviews is they pretty much don't even know their own scale. Compare the order with other games these websites gave a 5.5 to and you are like... Uh yeah. I mean score it whatever it deserves but their scales largely mean nothing.
I'd love to know what they gave cod aw meanwhile with completely unplayable lag fest mp



Will still purchase sometime this year.

Lol. The mustache-based disappointments make up for my actual disappointment tenfold.



5s and 6s review scores? my god, such a waste.

I got called out when I said 7.5 from the first review thread was high.


"Like a trend there are exception of course, but it's still a definite trend".
Wolfenstein has done reasonably well, yet this is an SP focused game. Your assessment holds little water in my opinion. You are just looking for excuses that one of the game you were looking forward has not lived up to many people's expectations.

I truly believe that The Order has done a couple of very important things wrong. It's trying to be a film without a good script (despite a good universe/characters, which is a shame), and it's trying to be a game with terrible short-comings in some of the most important aspects (mostly level-design imo). I am quite disappointed, and certainly aren't defending the games' shortcomings.
Jack of all trades, master of none situation. Or a case of misplaced design goals. It's not like visuals don't matter (and in that regard the game is irreproachable) but a game by its very definition it about interactivity and thus far it seems the game underperforms in that department. I'd agree that this is a missed opportunity considering the interesting setting.

I would also like to point out that The Last Of Us actually has plenty of sand-box elements, and I believe that was one of the reasons why it scored so high. Rightly so, because it was done perfectly imo. In terms of level design, it often gives you the impression of nearly open environements. In my opinion, one of The Last Of Us most important quality was this perfect balance between super-detailed kinda-open environements, and linear pacing and story telling. Something I believe more developpers should thrive to achieve.
Sand-box is pushing it. It has slightly more open environment from time to time but it does not deserve this qualification. I enjoyed it for what it was but it will not go down as one of my fondest gaming memory. I contest that it was one of the reason why it was widely acclaimed, in my opinion this boils down to quality writing and nearly flawless pacing.


It's a wonder people still don't realize that consumers buy consoles for multiplat games. Like it still boggles my mind when people can't look past their own bubble.

It's still blowing my mind. Every single one of my friends who picked up a PS4 did so for 'better' Fifa or Madden. That's all it took. Maybe they'll buy a CoD at Christmas afterwards if the ads are good. This is the mainstream market.

The fact that all the really great exclusives or 'hardcore' games of this gen have all been on the Wii U is completely irrelevant to 95% of the game buying population.

Anyway, I'm surprised at the surprise over these reviews. The media usually treats previews with kid gloves, but the preview of this game was seriously bashed. That (on top of my own opinion of videos/trailers) was enough to tell me that there was something badly wrong with the core design.


Neo Member
Dying Light's metacritic isn't great, either, and for my money that's easily one of the best games out right now.

I don't even fucking understand this shit anymore.

Well, Metacritic is just the mean score of a number of opinions. Try to find some reviewers that share your tastes and read those reviewers reviews. People will always have different opinions, especially when it comes to games that don't follow the norm.


Dying Light's metacritic isn't great, either, and for my money that's easily one of the best games out right now.

I don't even fucking understand this shit anymore.

Metacritic is either loved or hated depending on whether it matches an individual's opinion.

I'm enjoying the shit out of Hyrule Warriors, and that game is a 76% on Metacritic.
Dying Light's metacritic isn't great, either, and for my money that's easily one of the best games out right now.

I don't even fucking understand this shit anymore.

Couldn't have said this any better

I have some played some great games this gem and all Of them reviewed terrible.

All that really counts is if that "you" as the player enjoys yourself and has fun.

Fuck metacritic
Fuck game reviews


If Bloodborne is a let down my heart will crush. That's one of the few games I legitimately am just assuming is going to be great, I have not even considered an alternative.

The demo was mad fun and further impressions continue to be positive, but I am worried now for no reason >_<

There is no way that Bloodborne will be anything but awesome, right?


No way it can be bad.

This is From Software we are talking about. One of the last bastions for the hardcore gamer. If we lose From, then we have bigger problems than just complete lack of PS4 exclusives.
I can't be bothered to fuck with metacritic anymore. This is the 2nd big game that reviewers don't understand. They knocked Driveclub because it wasn't open world and now they knock The Order because it isn't a "game". Well RAD made the perfect combination of cinema and cinematic game and these pos reviewers don't understand. The Order is my GOTY I can't wait to get it tomorrow.

There is no way that Bloodborne will be anything but awesome, right?


oh man, it HAS to be amazing. just has to. i need a game that pulls me in like Demon's Souls once did.. i haven't had that feeling in a looong time. everything just feels kinda been-there-done-that.


Looks like a good game to Gamefly. I think I'd enjoy it for a playthrough, but I wouldn't buy it at fullprice. How long until it reaches the bargain bin price range of inFamous, Knack and co?



So of the three key aspects of a game - visuals, gameplay and story - which would you say was your priority with The Order 1886?

I think story and visuals are very high. Gameplay is something that... it's a game, we make games, we can't get around it.

Kinda expected this outcome.
In line with what I expected. I suppose it fills some sort of cavity in the platform's line up. Seems like a bit of a waste in 2015. Would've been passable at launch.


Still picking up my pre-order, on the strength of the world and the art design. I suspect I'll enjoy it, too. Length sounds about right for me at the moment.

My initial expectations was that this could be another Assassin's Creed 1 or Uncharted 1 ... a series launch that had more promise than polish, and would lead to good games down the line. These reviews might just kill that possibility. (Then again, after Destiny I'm not sure the correlation between reviews and sales.)
It's ridiculous how linear, cinematic AAA games like The Order and Ryse get panned these days by so-called game critics. I bet these same critics would give Half-Life 2 a 6 these days since it now fits their agenda.

I don't agree with this argument at all. I'm one of the few people that actually liked Ryse but it was rightfully panned for lacking deep game play.


It's a wonder people still don't realize that consumers buy consoles for multiplat games. Like it still boggles my mind when people can't look past their own bubble.

I sure did. I hoped the exclusives would be great, but so far they've mostly disappointed me(only Resogun has been worth a damn imo), but the third party titles haven't let me down at all. It's also a major reason why I enjoyed the 360 far more than the PS3. PS4 hasn't disappointed me. Perhaps I'm part of the problem, but Diablo, Minecraft, GTA, and Rayman Legends are my go-to games now. They're why I don't need to waste 60 dollars on games like this. I'm sure I'll also love playing Borderlands 2 again.


No way it can be bad.

This is From Software we are talking about. One of the last bastions for the hardcore gamer. If we lose From, then we have bigger problems than just complete lack of PS4 exclusives.

And on top of that from what I played and the more advanced play of other Souls players have told, the game plays legitimately good too. I can't imagine it's a failure. As long as the level design is good and it's challenging enough and has good boss and enemy design, it should be Sony's first indisputable win (I'd say outside Driveclub, but nobody can deny how disastrous its online launch was, no matter where you fall on its quality).


Fixed to only include games that are either 1st party, or $60 retail exclusives.

Now the list is more accurate, though your point still stands. X1 doesn't have that much better exclusives, though I think they have done a better job than Sony thus far...

You forgot MCC


Forza Horizon 2 86
Halo MCC 85
Sunset Overdrive 81
Forza Motorsport 5 79
Dead Rising 3 78
Ryse: Son of Rome 61
Kinect Sports Rivals 60
Titanfall 86
Project Spark 73
Killer Instinct 73

Average 76


Anyone else doubts this game will sell like hell despite the reviews?

Everything seems to be selling well this gen as people are looking for anything to play. I think it will sell well enough but below Sonys insane predictions for it.
It's a wonder people still don't realize that consumers buy consoles for multiplat games. Like it still boggles my mind when people can't look past their own bubble.

I said "cross gen", not multiplat. Learn 2 read what you reply to. 75-80% of cross gen stuff are being sold on the PS4Bone, they might've as well made them current gen only so the last 2 out of 10 people adopt the new consoles and we enthusiasts get them better graphics.

Also did you just deny the existence of system selling exclusives? lawl. I'm looking at Japan and that market will never move on to PS4 if cross gen keeps happening.
I always viewed The Order 1886 as the pinnacle of the whole "cinematic" game (yes even more so than the interactive movie like games like Heavy Rain and Beyond Two Souls). Basically this proves that formula doesn't work when it's the focus. Uncharted utilizes the formula well and makes it work by delivering us a longer experience and a competent multiplayer component. Same with The Last of Us.

In the end video games are meant to be played, not watched. A one-and-done, linear, heavily scripted, cutscene filled, 5 hour long experience isn't worth $60.

Now this post I can agree with.

Some people will love this game, but overall I think it does show that the formula doesn't work for the majority of people.
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