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The Order 1886 Review Thread

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Ouch, that score so far. I'm not going back on my purchase, but it sounds like a lot of outlets aren't too keen on the game.


Ayyy lmao, keep spending that money on linear cinematic games Sony.

Are you implying they should stoo making all the other games they make then? I personally enjoy The Last of Us and Uncharteds. Although they both have multiplayer. But then also the non heavy story little big planets, ratchet and clanks and all that.

Plus this isn't even a first party studio that made the order.


Since you asked





Jeez nothing but ports and remasters... I wish they would just start focusing on more good original games -___-


Hold on... is this actually true?

Yup. Around the time when Order was announced in 2013, Ready at Dawn CEO and Creative Director Ru Weerasuriya made a post in PlayStation Blog about how the game had been in development in some form since 2010. It's releasing February 2015, ergo... 5 years.


Still picking up my pre-order, on the strength of the world and the art design. I suspect I'll enjoy it, too. Length sounds about right for me at the moment.

My initial expectations was that this could be another Assassin's Creed 1 or Uncharted 1 ... a series launch that had more promise than polish, and would lead to good games down the line. These reviews might just kill that possibility. (Then again, after Destiny I'm not sure the correlation between reviews and sales.)

It's absolutely stunning visually, on a good calibrated TV it's jaw dropping even. For the rest, as I said before, it's a competent pop corn game. Not Revolutionary, no sophisticated gameplay mechanics either, but cool story so far (about 3 hours in last night), very cool setting, solid gunfight. Pop corn. It's enjoyable, you'll probably have a great time playing it, if you like a cool cinematic action game and of course, if you like the victorian gloomy era.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
I don't understand why people are afraid of BB disappointing.

You really can't compare the situations, one is part of a tried and true franchise, made by two very experienced studios, while the other is a new IP made by a studio that's never done their own home console game before.
Realistically I can see it getting criticism for reusing so many assets.

OG Loc

I always viewed The Order 1886 as the pinnacle of the whole "cinematic" game (yes even more so than the interactive movie like games like Heavy Rain and Beyond Two Souls). Basically this proves that formula doesn't work when it's the focus. Uncharted utilizes the formula well and makes it work by delivering us a longer experience and a competent multiplayer component. Same with The Last of Us.

In the end video games are meant to be played, not watched. A one-and-done, linear, heavily scripted, cutscene filled, 5 hour long experience isn't worth $60.

So many GUFU guys posting in this thread. Brings a tear to my eye.


I don't give a shit about what those stupid game "journalists" says. The games I'm most enjoying these gen had bad scores. "Journalists" know shit about games and most of them have an agenda.

So, I can't wait to play The Order 1886.
Damn lol


I can't be bothered to fuck with metacritic anymore. This is the 2nd big game that reviewers don't understand. They knocked Driveclub because it wasn't open world and now they knock The Order because it isn't a "game". Well RAD made the perfect combination of cinema and cinematic game and these pos reviewers don't understand. The Order is my GOTY I can't wait to get it tomorrow.

Mods I'm like 90% sure this was a joke and not ban worthy.


oh man, it HAS to be amazing. just has to. i need a game that pulls me in like Demon's Souls once did.. i haven't had that feeling in a looong time. everything just feels kinda been-there-done-that.

That's the real gem of the PS4, I'm betting a 93 score for it. Sony is confident on the title you can tell for the huge amount of footage they making avaible to media and huge amount of coverage already.


Well not a surprising score at all if we look at the gameplay videos. I guess the orgasmic presentation wasn't enough the carry the game.


Ayyy lmao, keep spending that money on linear cinematic games Sony.

....? How many of those have they been making lately?

Basically just this one you say? That's what I thought.

Killzone was hot garbage IMO, but there was some non linearity to the encounters.


So essentially they focused so much on making the game cinematic they forgot to make it fun. Kind of expected this, glad I tempered my expectations leading up to release.
I was a staunch defender of The Order but if it's rrallly a 7-10 hour game with very little in the way of replayability or variation then I can understand these scores. If you are going to do that then your core gameplay has to be super tight and engaging, and to a lot of folks that doesn't appear to be the case with this. I'll still play it myself as the setting and atmosphere look on point but it's disappointing to see some of these scores.

You can also see a sort of sea change in the industry with these kinds of games, and when you look at the landscape of what's out there and what is popular, I wonder how much longer publishers will see a point to funding super linear, guided experiences like this unless they have something to really make them stand out. Like you can spend all this time and money creating these Michael Bay esque set pieces and action scenes but it seems like in this day and age people would rather jump in GTA online and create their own.


After getting called out as a troll or whatever it's good to see that I'm not the only one not being completely blown away by the visuals since some reviewers think it's too 'drab and dark' and generally limited in scope too. Also all the previously lauded 'cinematic' effects negatively impacting the gameplay? Who would have thought. Still didn't expect the scores to be this low and for whatever reason I kinda want to pick it up tomorrow irregardless. Guess they chose a good release date with not a lot going on in the AAA-space, could save their asses (financially).


I don't get why people feel sorry for the Devs. They could have made a fun game you know. You should feel sorry for the people who actually dished out 60 dollars/euros for this game.


Sand-box is pushing it. It has slightly more open environment from time to time but it does not deserve this qualification. I enjoyed it for what it was but it will not go down as one of my fondest gaming memory. I contest that it was one of the reason why it was widely acclaimed, in my opinion this boils down to quality writing and nearly flawless pacing.

I don't think it's pushing it. It isn't open world, but some maps certainly gives you the illusion (Bill's town main street, the sniper section, ...), and they give you tons of gameplay options. They are essentially big corridors, but they are big enough to make things interesting to play in. I believe this is the kind of scale that linear game should aim for.

Something that RaD -and most other devs for that matter, but especially true for The Order- should have taken from Naughty Dog's game was the in-game story-telling. You don't need to show a cut-scene and steal control from the player every single time someone is speaking, or doing something quite inconsequencial. Make it all playable, and keep the cut-scenes / interactive QTEs for whenever something really special happen.

Anyway, huge missed opportunity here imo. If you want to go on Naughty Do'g's turf, try and take away what's so brilliant about their games.


RAD really shot themselves in the foot and fucked up their big chance at having an AAA, flagship exclusive.

Give it multiplayer.
Keep all the cutscenes you want but EXPAND THE GAME, reuse assets if you have to, be smart, people won't mind or even notice they are going through the same hallway with different props and colours. Make it 8 hours of gameplay at least.
Give it some replayability.
Give it multiplayer.

The main designers for this game really fucked up. Wasted the talent of the rest of the studio and a huge chance at being considered part of the best.


Naw, they just need a really good story. That would have been enough for the first game.
Still picking up my pre-order, on the strength of the world and the art design. I suspect I'll enjoy it, too. Length sounds about right for me at the moment.

My initial expectations was that this could be another Assassin's Creed 1 or Uncharted 1 ... a series launch that had more promise than polish, and would lead to good games down the line. These reviews might just kill that possibility. (Then again, after Destiny I'm not sure the correlation between reviews and sales.)

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune was a great game and an 88 on metacritic though.
I'll see if I like the Order myself soon enough.
And now imagine what would have happened if they didn't delay The Order at all. It's probably only not broken too because they took their time to polish it. If it came out as planned it would have been a mess.


I don't give a shit about what those stupid game "journalists" says. The games I'm most enjoying these gen had bad scores. "Journalists" know shit about games and most of them have an agenda.

So, I can't wait to play The Order 1886.

Or it could just not be a great game.

Nobody is saying that you should not enjoy the game you purchased
"Like a trend there are exception of course, but it's still a definite trend".

I truly believe that The Order has done a couple of very important things wrong. It's trying to be a film without a good script (despite a good universe/characters, which is a shame), and it's trying to be a game with terrible short-comings in some of the most important aspects (mostly level-design imo). I am quite disappointed, and certainly aren't defending the games' shortcomings.

I would also like to point out that The Last Of Us actually has plenty of sand-box elements, and I believe that was one of the reasons why it scored so high. Rightly so, because it was done perfectly imo. In terms of level design, it often gives you the impression of nearly open environements. In my opinion, one of The Last Of Us most important quality was this perfect balance between super-detailed kinda-open environements, and linear pacing and story telling. Something I believe more developpers should thrive to achieve.

I agree. If you go back and look at the UC4 demo we got, you can see that the level design is excellent, and very sandboxy.
Getting past enemies is like a puzzle that you can solve multiple ways (stealth, guns blazing, or a combination of both.)

It sounds like the encounter design for the Order was just bad/boring, and very linear in how the player has to approach each situation.

The fact that they have forced stealth sections just proves the point.
What would have been nice to see is sections where stealth is encouraged, but not mandatory that way the play has more options as to how he wants to beat the section, and it encourages replay.

I think Halo CE is one of the first games to do this very well to where an encounter felt different every time you played, and a lot of that has to do with making good AI, and on top of that, giving the AI more options on how they can flank you, and work together to combat you.

Cod, can be seen as quite the opposite, were a lot of times if feels like you just go into one room, shoot, and then go into the next and do the same.
From what little I have played, it felt a lot more linear, and therefore does not encourage replay....now of coarse Cod can get away with this because they have a lot more content to justify the $60 pricetag....

N° 2048

I don't get why people feel sorry for the Devs. They could have made a fun game you know. You should feel sorry for the people who actually dished out 60 dollars/euros for this game.

But but they have families and joooobbsss /s

I agree, crap games like this will not do the studio any good.


Sucks about the scores, I was hoping it would do well just for the sake of it being a new IP. I have it pre-ordered but I'll probably play it and use the 7 day return policy on it to exchange it for $100 towards my Bloodborne pre-order. Will still give it a play through, good or not it will be nice to see that eye candy.


Jeez nothing but ports and remasters... I wish they would just start focusing on more good original games -___-

My opinion on this is that many companies want to maximise their revenue and make sure the adoption of the machines is as high as possible before releasing their games. The remasters trend requires very little investment and has shown great returns as people wait for such releases, so companies are taking advantage of that, and likely will continue to do so.


is responsible for the well-being of this island.
ICO just removed his 'stache. And I shall shave mine tonight.



Well, reviews are about critiquing something. They wouldn't be very good if they just let all the faults oasis because it's a new ip.

They're not just bitching for the hell of it, there are genuine issues with the game.
Like how MCC got 9's when it deserved 5's?
I be fair and say that making it SP only is a bad mistake.

It is supposed to be a big budget release, no big budget release these days go without a MP (re-playability) mode, at least not $60 ones.

I hate this way of thinking Wolfenstein was fantastic and I loved all the bioshock games. Single player games can sell fine if they are good. I hate having multiplier especially coop stuffed into single player games to hit a check box.

If the order had a competent story and a few more hours of gameplay I'm sure it would have reviewed better. Some of these reviews are saying the story just stops on a cliff hanger. This game has been marketed with story in mind and it doesn't sounds like the devs wrote a good one.


Now the game's TV ad makes so much sense to me. Impressive graphics and a cinematic presentation are pretty much what this game is about.

Reading some of these reviews for The Order reminds me of something Miyamoto said:
These younger game creators, they want to be recognized. They want to tell stories that will touch people’s hearts. And while I understand that desire, the trend worries me. It should be the experience, that is touching. What I strive for is to make the person playing the game the director. All I do is help them feel that, by playing, they’re creating something that only they could create.

When you play a game, one moment you’re just controlling it and then suddenly you feel you’re in its world. And that’s something you cannot experience through film or literature. It’s a completely unique experience.


I can't be bothered to fuck with metacritic anymore. This is the 2nd big game that reviewers don't understand. They knocked Driveclub because it wasn't open world and now they knock The Order because it isn't a "game". Well RAD made the perfect combination of cinema and cinematic game and these pos reviewers don't understand. The Order is my GOTY I can't wait to get it tomorrow.

Post of the Year material right here.
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