Ayyy lmao, keep spending that money on linear cinematic games Sony.
Since you asked
just shelled out 70 for the game and now I come home and see this?
I believed in you Sony
Hold on... is this actually true?
Still picking up my pre-order, on the strength of the world and the art design. I suspect I'll enjoy it, too. Length sounds about right for me at the moment.
My initial expectations was that this could be another Assassin's Creed 1 or Uncharted 1 ... a series launch that had more promise than polish, and would lead to good games down the line. These reviews might just kill that possibility. (Then again, after Destiny I'm not sure the correlation between reviews and sales.)
Realistically I can see it getting criticism for reusing so many assets.I don't understand why people are afraid of BB disappointing.
You really can't compare the situations, one is part of a tried and true franchise, made by two very experienced studios, while the other is a new IP made by a studio that's never done their own home console game before.
I always viewed The Order 1886 as the pinnacle of the whole "cinematic" game (yes even more so than the interactive movie like games like Heavy Rain and Beyond Two Souls). Basically this proves that formula doesn't work when it's the focus. Uncharted utilizes the formula well and makes it work by delivering us a longer experience and a competent multiplayer component. Same with The Last of Us.
In the end video games are meant to be played, not watched. A one-and-done, linear, heavily scripted, cutscene filled, 5 hour long experience isn't worth $60.
Damn lolI don't give a shit about what those stupid game "journalists" says. The games I'm most enjoying these gen had bad scores. "Journalists" know shit about games and most of them have an agenda.
So, I can't wait to play The Order 1886.
I can't be bothered to fuck with metacritic anymore. This is the 2nd big game that reviewers don't understand. They knocked Driveclub because it wasn't open world and now they knock The Order because it isn't a "game". Well RAD made the perfect combination of cinema and cinematic game and these pos reviewers don't understand. The Order is my GOTY I can't wait to get it tomorrow.
oh man, it HAS to be amazing. just has to. i need a game that pulls me in like Demon's Souls once did.. i haven't had that feeling in a looong time. everything just feels kinda been-there-done-that.
More or less. It includes the time spent making the whole engine.
Ayyy lmao, keep spending that money on linear cinematic games Sony.
Poor RAD, wonder if Sony or any other big publisher will work with them ever again.
I don't give a shit about what those stupid game "journalists" says. The games I'm most enjoying these gen had bad scores. "Journalists" know shit about games and most of them have an agenda.
So, I can't wait to play The Order 1886.
Not sure if bait.I don't give a shit about what those stupid game "journalists" says. The games I'm most enjoying these gen had bad scores. "Journalists" know shit about games and most of them have an agenda.
So, I can't wait to play The Order 1886.
Sand-box is pushing it. It has slightly more open environment from time to time but it does not deserve this qualification. I enjoyed it for what it was but it will not go down as one of my fondest gaming memory. I contest that it was one of the reason why it was widely acclaimed, in my opinion this boils down to quality writing and nearly flawless pacing.
RAD really shot themselves in the foot and fucked up their big chance at having an AAA, flagship exclusive.
Give it multiplayer.
Keep all the cutscenes you want but EXPAND THE GAME, reuse assets if you have to, be smart, people won't mind or even notice they are going through the same hallway with different props and colours. Make it 8 hours of gameplay at least.
Give it some replayability.
Give it multiplayer.
The main designers for this game really fucked up. Wasted the talent of the rest of the studio and a huge chance at being considered part of the best.
Still picking up my pre-order, on the strength of the world and the art design. I suspect I'll enjoy it, too. Length sounds about right for me at the moment.
My initial expectations was that this could be another Assassin's Creed 1 or Uncharted 1 ... a series launch that had more promise than polish, and would lead to good games down the line. These reviews might just kill that possibility. (Then again, after Destiny I'm not sure the correlation between reviews and sales.)
Same here. GoW with that awesome setting and atmosphere. It would have been so easy -.-
For what it's worth guys, I'm enjoying the game.
I don't give a shit about what those stupid game "journalists" says. The games I'm most enjoying these gen had bad scores. "Journalists" know shit about games and most of them have an agenda.
So, I can't wait to play The Order 1886.
"Like a trend there are exception of course, but it's still a definite trend".
I truly believe that The Order has done a couple of very important things wrong. It's trying to be a film without a good script (despite a good universe/characters, which is a shame), and it's trying to be a game with terrible short-comings in some of the most important aspects (mostly level-design imo). I am quite disappointed, and certainly aren't defending the games' shortcomings.
I would also like to point out that The Last Of Us actually has plenty of sand-box elements, and I believe that was one of the reasons why it scored so high. Rightly so, because it was done perfectly imo. In terms of level design, it often gives you the impression of nearly open environements. In my opinion, one of The Last Of Us most important quality was this perfect balance between super-detailed kinda-open environements, and linear pacing and story telling. Something I believe more developpers should thrive to achieve.
I don't get why people feel sorry for the Devs. They could have made a fun game you know. You should feel sorry for the people who actually dished out 60 dollars/euros for this game.
Jeez nothing but ports and remasters... I wish they would just start focusing on more good original games -___-
lmao I'll show myself out
Welp, another $20 purchase.
Like how MCC got 9's when it deserved 5's?Well, reviews are about critiquing something. They wouldn't be very good if they just let all the faults oasis because it's a new ip.
They're not just bitching for the hell of it, there are genuine issues with the game.
I be fair and say that making it SP only is a bad mistake.
It is supposed to be a big budget release, no big budget release these days go without a MP (re-playability) mode, at least not $60 ones.
These younger game creators, they want to be recognized. They want to tell stories that will touch people’s hearts. And while I understand that desire, the trend worries me. It should be the experience, that is touching. What I strive for is to make the person playing the game the director. All I do is help them feel that, by playing, they’re creating something that only they could create.
When you play a game, one moment you’re just controlling it and then suddenly you feel you’re in its world. And that’s something you cannot experience through film or literature. It’s a completely unique experience.
that should be a good thing.
I can't be bothered to fuck with metacritic anymore. This is the 2nd big game that reviewers don't understand. They knocked Driveclub because it wasn't open world and now they knock The Order because it isn't a "game". Well RAD made the perfect combination of cinema and cinematic game and these pos reviewers don't understand. The Order is my GOTY I can't wait to get it tomorrow.