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The Order 1886 Review Thread

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If the exact same game was published by Ubisoft or EA, do you guys think it would be this scrutinized and receive such low scores?
Pretty much what I expected. I think I'll personaly enjoy it considering I've always enjoyed cinematic games. But I'm on a very tight budget so I don't think I can bring myself to spend $60 on it. I'm looking forward to renting it!

With that said I can't help but feel bad for Ready at Dawn. They seem to have put a lot of love and work into the game only for it to be critically panned. It's gotta be heartbreaking for the devs. Hopefully they learned from this experience and if given another chance they can make something better.


So the story's bad, too? That's a pretty damn severe mishap when you build and market your game as this great cinematic affair, seemingly at the expensive of gameplay.

As you said, the story in cinematic game like these are crucial. Without that, you have a game with shallow gameplay with a ho-hum story at best. What a poisonous combination to critical reception.

As a whole you could say the story arc is bad, it starts things (some interesting things) but goes nowhere at the end and leaves you hanging.

What is there, dialogue and some of the story beats are quite good.

The funny thing is that they hired a Hollywood script writer to do the script and it shows. The problem is that the overall story isn't.


Are people honestly shocked at these review scores? We've known it was an overly cinematic game since E3 last year. Every preview pointed it out.


I be fair and say that making it SP only is a bad mistake.

It is supposed to be a big budget release, no big budget release these days go without a MP (re-playability) mode, at least not $60 ones.

This is just flat out incorrect. Several well loved games in 2014 were SP only, like Wolfenstein, Mordor, Bayonetta, Alien, etc, and even several others like Dragon Age barely had their multiplayer talked about.


I don't think it's pushing it. It isn't open world, but some maps certainly gives you the illusion (Bill's town main street, the sniper section, ...), and they give you tons of gameplay options. They are essentially big corridors, but they are big enough to make things interesting to play in. I believe this is the kind of scale that linear game should aim for.
The key word here being "illusion". You ought to see beyond that, I'm not arguing The Last of Us is not a good game but the words used to qualify it in this context are not accurate in my opinion. Your underlying point is taken though : the game tries and succeeds at offering a motly experience.

Something that RaD -and most other devs for that matter, but especially true for The Order- should have taken from Naughty Dog's game was the in-game story-telling. You don't need to show a cut-scene and steal control from the player every single time someone is speaking, or doing something quite inconsequencial. Make it all playable, and keep the cut-scenes / interactive QTEs for whenever something really special happen.
But The Last of Us does have cutscenes robbing control from you. I would call upon Bioshock (the first one) when it comes to "in-game" narratives, or even Half-Life².
ND games are far removed from that and follow an already well established template.


I hate this way of thinking Wolfenstein was fantastic and I loved all the bioshock games. Single player games can sell fine if they are good. I hate having multiplier especially coop stuffed into single player games to hit a check box.

Could not agree more. I'd rather have a flesh-out SP campaign than a shoehorned MP. Wolfenstein was fantastic, as was Bioshock. So the lack of MP is not the issue, nor does it appear to be one with reviewers.

The Order was probably aiming for an 8 at the highest. I don't think it's being docked for MP, but for issues in the SP.


Look on the bright side, I can't be worse than CV: Lords of Shadow 2.

The Kotaku review name checked Beyond: 2 Souls, which I loved, so I might enjoy this game as well. Still going to wait to grab it for $20 though.




Excited for Tom Chick's 1 or 4 star review.


Guys, if you want something to play until Bloodborne comes out grab Monster Hunter 4. It's like a really idiosyncratic combination of Phantasy Star Online and Dark Souls. It's a great video game.
A statement saying what tho?

A statement explaining what happened. What they were going for. What they thought they were doing. What was the goal all along. What it is that they feel like The Order did for them.

If a game like this is doing this bad, I need to know what the devs themselves think. Reviewers are consumers just like us.


RAD really shot themselves in the foot and fucked up their big chance at having an AAA, flagship exclusive.

Give it multiplayer.
Keep all the cutscenes you want but EXPAND THE GAME, reuse assets if you have to, be smart, people won't mind or even notice they are going through the same hallway with different props and colours. Make it 8 hours of gameplay at least.
Give it some replayability.
Give it multiplayer.

The main designers for this game really fucked up. Wasted the talent of the rest of the studio and a huge chance at being considered part of the best.


This reads as satire for me. I dunno, maybe you were being sarcastic -- but these are all the things I HATE about games.
Please, don't add length to the game merely for the sake of adding length.
Please, don't tack on MP because you need that check mark on the back of the box.

Why does every game have to have what every other game has? I've never heard anyone complain about music not having certain instruments.
This is a strong argument as to why games aren't art. They're a consumable product.


Game play time aside, sounds exactly like I thought it would be, warnings were clear. The devs had a vision they wanted to do and stuck with it, so live and die by it.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
If the exact same game was published by Ubisoft or EA, do you guys think it would be this scrutinized and receive such low scores?
Hell yes it would.
Ofc we're already getting a Victorian London game from Ubi this year that'll pretty much be the exact opposite of linear and cinematic. They don't typically enjoy doing that anymore. :p

But The Last of Us does have cutscenes robbing control from you. I would call upon Bioshock (the first one) when it comes to "in-game" narratives, or even Half-Life².
ND games are far removed from that and follow an already well established template.
Actually in the last of us there are quite long stretches of gameplay where there are no cutscenes.
Man, over 2000 posts in two and a half hours. I'm surprised this game garnered so much attention in the first place; are people that starved for PS4 exclusives?

Well I am still waiting for that 'must have' exclusive to pick up a PS4...
I got an X1 because of Halo (I'm huge halo fan), and Wii U for Smash & MK8, so next is PS4, but seeing as I can already play most 3rd party games on X1, I am waiting for some good exclusives...
I think UC4 might do it for me, but still trying to keep my eye open for any other must have games.

I had high hopes for this one, and am now disappointed, but having said that, I will still probably pick it up in the future.

Navy Bean

I think now that people's expectations have been severely tempered that we will see personal impressions swing the other way...Kinda like every other game that gets destroyed by critics.


Not surprised. I was expecting 5.5 up to 7. So it seems about right. :p

Still going to play it, and looking forward to it. I expect the game will sell a lot, so RAD will survive this no problem.


kinda bummed the story/characters are apparently a let down after all that hype talk about them from dev interviews.

you had 1 thing to do!


Im excited for it and i like the idea of not having to unlock and level shit up. Feels like all i do these days is level shit up over and over.
Atleast i can start and finish and feel accomplished lol
Really wish it had coop though.....thats the biggest missed opportunity imo.

Sou Da

Guys, if you want something to play until Bloodborne comes out grab Monster Hunter 4. It's like a really idiosyncratic combination of Phantasy Star Online and Dark Souls. It's a great video game.
I wish it was made for WiiU, I'm sorry but the 3DS is just overall too bad of a system for it to be fun to play MonHun on.
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