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The Order 1886 Review Thread

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Man, over 2000 posts in two and a half hours. I'm surprised this game garnered so much attention in the first place; are people that starved for PS4 exclusives?



I don't give a shit about what those stupid game "journalists" says. The games I'm most enjoying these gen had bad scores. "Journalists" know shit about games and most of them have an agenda.

So, I can't wait to play The Order 1886.

Most of them, eh? Which ones do you think don't? And if they do have an agenda, what is that agenda?


The gameplay length isn't a huge issue for me, I could always buy it cheaper later on to balance that out. But after seeing these other complaints across the board, I don't think I'll be playing this game at any time for any price. Good luck to those who enjoy this type of game though.


I could forgive The Order for going for the cinematic experience (whatever that means) and make gameplay a secondary element ((as long as it's decent enough), but if you go for that route make damn sure there's a nice story to tell and the script is tight.

What I get from all the reviews, though, is that The Order seems to have a bad story and a poorly told one. That's too much.

So the story's bad, too? That's a pretty damn severe mishap when you build and market your game as this great cinematic affair, seemingly at the expensive of gameplay.

As you said, the story in cinematic game like these are crucial. Without that, you have a game with shallow gameplay with a ho-hum story at best. What a poisonous combination to critical reception.
I was a staunch defender of The Order but if it's rrallly a 7-10 hour game with very little in the way of replayability or variation then I can understand these scores. If you are going to do that then your core gameplay has to be super tight and engaging, and to a lot of folks that doesn't appear to be the case with this. I'll still play it myself as the setting and atmosphere look on point but it's disappointing to see some of these scores.

You can also see a sort of sea change in the industry with these kinds of games, and when you look at the landscape of what's out there and what is popular, I wonder how much longer publishers will see a point to funding super linear, guided experiences like this unless they have something to really make them stand out. Like you can spend all this time and money creating these Michael Bay esque set pieces and action scenes but it seems like in this day and age people would rather jump in GTA online and create their own.
Yup, this sounds on point.
I will probably give it a go myself once I get a PS4, and by then it should be a bit cheaper hopefully.


I be fair and say that making it SP only is a bad mistake.

It is supposed to be a big budget release, no big budget release these days go without a MP (re-playability) mode, at least not $60 ones.

Would have done nothing for me personally. I never even touched TLOU multiplayer and that was apparently great. Honestly, some DLC in 3-6 months or something would be nice, but I think there are no DLC plans of yet.


I don't give a shit about what those stupid game "journalists" says. The games I'm most enjoying these gen had bad scores. "Journalists" know shit about games and most of them have an agenda.

So, I can't wait to play The Order 1886.

What agenda is that?


Jeez nothing but ports and remasters... I wish they would just start focusing on more good original games -___-

To be fair, though, last gen was an outlier due to its length. Under 'normal' conditions a lot of those releases would have led on next gen consoles. Games like TLOU and GTA V sing & shine in ways that weren't possible on the older systems.


Seems like the type of game that will be EVERYWHERE used and cheap in about a month. Even if the experience is great, it doesn't seem like a game most people will keep around after they beat it.
I wish Sony would stop wasting their time with trying to make high budget movie games and fund more projects like Bloodborne and Gravity Daze. That first gameplay reveal told me everything I needed to know about this game.
well that isn't surprising me at all judging from all the game-play video i've seen.

This would have been a better movie perhaps. :) hope everyone who buys it enjoys it!


Gold Member
Well I can't say I surprised by the scores. I was hoping it would review better but everything I had heard pre launch was not very promising. I still want to play it but I'm going to wait until the price drops. I'm sure x box fans are laughing.
Ayyy lmao, keep spending that money on linear cinematic games Sony.
Sony had nothing to do with this. It was all RAD's idea, and Sony funded it. Other than Quantic Dreams, the only other studio that does this is Naughty Dog. One first party studio out of 13 (?). I personally prefer as much diversity as possible and like linear cinematic games.


Good thing these reviews weren't GAF posts. Mods would have been getting PMs asking for bans.

Anyway, I may get it cheap one day. I suspect that if there is a sequel it will be better received, a la Killzone 2.
So essentially they focused so much on making the game cinematic they forgot to make it fun. Kind of expected this, glad I tempered my expectations leading up to release.

It's not about forgetting, it's just not that easy. I think people are getting a bit too blasé about the quality games that are made - it's not that the top rated games had development teams who remembered to make it fun, it's that they tried bloody hard to make it happen.
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