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The Order 1886 Review Thread

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Seeing the wolves feasting on your buddy The Order but then remembering you bought Lair at full price.


This one works even better lol



I kinda expected this, but even if it didn't suck, it looks like the kinda game I wouldn't be into at all.

Blooborne needs to hurry up. Save us Miyazaki.


It's funny how no one can tell or even give examples of next gen gameplay but games are docked points for being last gen.

So stupid, are we supossed to expect current games to reinvent gaming conventions every year? Can't open world, corridor racers, linear games, cinematic games, etc. coexist? It seems as of some reviewers get caught up in the flavor of the month trends and condemn games that don't follow those trends.

Not only in this particular case mind you.
I don't get all the surprise, the game looked bad since the first time we saw gameplay. Sure it had some really cool graphics and art but there was always the message that they were going for 'cinematics' over gameplay.


Don't mind these scores, the positives listed make it seem like this game will be right up my alley. The review scores didn't stop me from enjoy Ryse and I think I'll have to pick up The Order now.


G***n S**n*bi
Yep, I saw this coming a mile away.

Ya know, I'm not even going to pat my self on the back about it though, because it was too obvious. Everyone and their mother should have seen the red flags when that RaD guy said something about gameplay getting in the way of their development. I was firmly on the hype train for this game until I read that horseshit. And how anyone could not see this coming after hearing a developer say some garbage like that about their own game is absolutely beyond me.

I'm still going to play this game though (rent). I got a new TV coming this week and I can't wait to test it out with some PS4 goodness. The Order 1886 is god damn gorgeous and I want to see it up close and personal. I'm actually pretty damn excited about it honestly.


Some Famous german Sites i normally go to:

Gamepro/ Star -> 81
They loved the atmosphere and presentation, but wished for a little crafting system and more wolfes.

Gamesaktuell -> 8/10
really like the game and how it draw him in

4players -> 59
They always tear games apart, so no suprise. They always want open-world, decision heavy games with impact. DA:I got around 56 from them

PC-Games -> 76
Gameplay is meh, but he overall loved how it is presented and graphics.

IGN Germany -> 7/10

I have the feeling some reviewers just want clicks and don't test Games for what they are, but what they want them to be. It is getting ridiculous. I am happy that we get linear games, because I don't like Open World at all. CoD gets away every year wtih a shitty campaign and brokesn multiplayer, while new IP struggle. Driveclub got torn, becaus it was just a racer. Sunset Overdrine was praised, because of the art desgin, but many people and player said it was boring after 10 hours, because it always was the same.

I am really looking for a cinematic , linear game. Uncharted would score 67 on metacritic these days---

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Too bad I already ordered the game, oh well.

I wonder what is the breakdown location wise of "cinematic" games, I bet most of them are west coast. Too many wannabe hollywood types in the games business.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. I love linear games, but they batter have excellent core mechanics and level design. How the hell do you make a game that looks this good and linear and not make it a bad ass playing ride? re4, tlou, uncharted 2 were linear games, but boy were they fun as hell.


A statement explaining what happened. What they were going for. What they thought they were doing. What was the goal all along. What it is that they feel like The Order did for them.

If a game like this is doing this bad, I need to know what the devs themselves think. Reviewers are consumers just like us.

It would just sound like whining at this point. Maybe do that several weeks or months from now, when the dust has settled and people have calmed down some. Right now it is a frenzy.
I really want to know how they are really feeling about this whole fiasco. The devs voice matter too just as much as reviewers.
Probably a bit bummed out. No one sets out to make a low reviwing game and everything from a technical level seems to be spot on but it's their first AAA console game. It's best to take what they have and build on it rather than focus on the negatives.


Guys, if you want something to play until Bloodborne comes out grab Monster Hunter 4. It's like a really idiosyncratic combination of Phantasy Star Online and Dark Souls. It's a great video game.

Or the best game on any of these current gen consoles, Guilty Gear Xrd.


Indies never count in list wars. Its like rule #1.

I guess the same goes for digital, sports, and FTP games as well, depending on the situation. ;)

Yea. As long as PS4 has incredible indies and third parties keep pulling through the PS4 can still be a great system, but Sony's first party output needs to shape up still. Sony's first party was always one of the advantages Sony had over Microsoft, so it's a shame to see the stumbles so far. At least Driveclub was great and Resogun. But yeah, not all the bugs worked out yet into PS4 gen obviously :p

From my point of view, the system has delivered in spades, as I have had a plenty of fun with the exclusive titles of all sizes. Currently counting seven of them, and eight multiplatforms in my library. It's all down to a matter of taste in games.


hmm after RAD:s good original GoW games I really expected more from this gameplay-wise. It just seems to tick of the boxes required for a third person shooter while also completely ignoring replay value (which is unusual today...)

Still. The setting, graphics and story interest me enough to look out for a future sale


This is just flat out incorrect. Several well loved games in 2014 were SP only, like Wolfenstein, Mordor, Bayonetta, Alien, etc, and even several others like Dragon Age barely had their multiplayer talked about.

I agree. Lack of MP doesn't seem to be even in the top 5 problems that this game has.
(you can make the case for lack of co-op, but not competitive).


could never
that guy worked for "Official Xbox Magazine" though, but I won't get in that journalist witchhunt garbage

that game looks boring to me and he's saying it's boring, so there

Oh I just find it hilarious is all. Boring it does look indeed.

A 1 though, ayyyy lmao.
But I heard the core mechanics were sound? I mean, it's possible they didn't offer enough varied, creative uses for them in the campaign (bland mission structures and ho-hum campaign) and that's what some of these reviewers are trying to say, but the actual controls, gun physics etc. have been said to be very solid by everyone who played it.

So what are some of these reviewers even talking about if they can't articulate what they really want to say?


Disappointing really thinking back to when this was revealed at the PS4 event, man i had high hopes, monsters and werewolfs and stuff in that cool setting. But if it lacks the fun gameplay then whats the point. Restrictive linear short games want to have some amazing gameplay when they cost 70euro new.

I was a staunch defender of The Order but if it's rrallly a 7-10 hour game with very little in the way of replayability or variation then I can understand these scores. If you are going to do that then your core gameplay has to be super tight and engaging, and to a lot of folks that doesn't appear to be the case with this. I'll still play it myself as the setting and atmosphere look on point but it's disappointing to see some of these scores.

You can also see a sort of sea change in the industry with these kinds of games, and when you look at the landscape of what's out there and what is popular, I wonder how much longer publishers will see a point to funding super linear, guided experiences like this unless they have something to really make them stand out. Like you can spend all this time and money creating these Michael Bay esque set pieces and action scenes but it seems like in this day and age people would rather jump in GTA online and create their own.

Yeah, maybe if sony have anymore of these games in mind for the future, they try and do something cool in the VR space with them.


Looks like my original fears and hesitations came to pass exactly as I had feared.

What a shame. I'll still get it, anyway, but I've always secretly hoping I would be wrong about this game.


It reviewed worse than I thought it would.

I always knew this would never be a game for my tastes, based on the interviews RaD gave during the development of the game, but I thought reviewers would fall for the cinematic experience and for the graphics alone. I still might buy it at some point in time if there is a good deal (and I mean a GOOD one) to play it and check it by myself, and also because it is a nice showcase for the PS4. But again, it will have to be a good, deal.
It would just sound like whining at this point. Maybe do that several weeks or months from now, when the dust has settled and people have calmed down some. Right now it is a frenzy.

There's no such thing as whining when you get to explain what went wrong. Or what you feel went wrong. It's already bad enough that the other thread was made out to make them seem like they said something extremely wrong but they didn't.


Holy shit, really? You're saying Ryse is a good game?

I'm with Laboured. Ryse was a great game. And I'm still very hyped to play The Order. Linear games that focus on good settings, characters, lore are some of my favorite games. Again, reviews are just opinions and people need to stop letting reviews sway their decisions. Form your own opinion people.


Now WHO didn't see this coming? It became very clear this was going to suck since they started talking about the "gameplay"

Not to mention that every demo/trailer that they showed was always bad, but people were always finding excuses saying that the next one would be better (lol), or that it was a really old demo (after the mild reaction from the press in that preview event that they held)

edit: nevermind, that was a fake interview lol


I thought the Order would at least get 7s but it looks like its getting lots of 6s instead. The Order seems to be a massive failure critically. General consensus of cons were pretty much what we feared would happen.
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