Seeing the wolves feasting on your buddy The Order but then remembering you bought Lair at full price.
This one works even better lol

Seeing the wolves feasting on your buddy The Order but then remembering you bought Lair at full price.
Well that is truly surprising.
That comment: "Fucking cocksucker , how ms pay u ?"
What other high budget movie games have they funded?
Now that's ridiculous. The graphics alone give it minimum score of 3/5.
Holy shit, really? You're saying Ryse is a good game?
Now that's ridiculous. The graphics alone give it minimum score of 3/5.
So now Im sitting at my desk with an empty carton of deceased leftovers next to me and a document full of words staring out from the computer monitor and Im still not sure what to say.
Uh, no? Scores should be based on fun.Now that's ridiculous. The graphics alone give it minimum score of 3/5.
both equally meh.
Sounds about right, this gen is just meh.
Now that's ridiculous. The graphics alone give it minimum score of 3/5.
A statement explaining what happened. What they were going for. What they thought they were doing. What was the goal all along. What it is that they feel like The Order did for them.
If a game like this is doing this bad, I need to know what the devs themselves think. Reviewers are consumers just like us.
Now that's ridiculous. The graphics alone give it minimum score of 3/5.
I can't wait for an Angry Joe review
Probably a bit bummed out. No one sets out to make a low reviwing game and everything from a technical level seems to be spot on but it's their first AAA console game. It's best to take what they have and build on it rather than focus on the negatives.I really want to know how they are really feeling about this whole fiasco. The devs voice matter too just as much as reviewers.
Guys, if you want something to play until Bloodborne comes out grab Monster Hunter 4. It's like a really idiosyncratic combination of Phantasy Star Online and Dark Souls. It's a great video game.
Now that's ridiculous. The graphics alone give it minimum score of 3/5.
Indies never count in list wars. Its like rule #1.
Yea. As long as PS4 has incredible indies and third parties keep pulling through the PS4 can still be a great system, but Sony's first party output needs to shape up still. Sony's first party was always one of the advantages Sony had over Microsoft, so it's a shame to see the stumbles so far. At least Driveclub was great and Resogun. But yeah, not all the bugs worked out yet into PS4 gen obviously![]()
This is just flat out incorrect. Several well loved games in 2014 were SP only, like Wolfenstein, Mordor, Bayonetta, Alien, etc, and even several others like Dragon Age barely had their multiplayer talked about.
that guy worked for "Official Xbox Magazine" though, but I won't get in that journalist witchhunt garbage
that game looks boring to me and he's saying it's boring, so there
I was a staunch defender of The Order but if it's rrallly a 7-10 hour game with very little in the way of replayability or variation then I can understand these scores. If you are going to do that then your core gameplay has to be super tight and engaging, and to a lot of folks that doesn't appear to be the case with this. I'll still play it myself as the setting and atmosphere look on point but it's disappointing to see some of these scores.
You can also see a sort of sea change in the industry with these kinds of games, and when you look at the landscape of what's out there and what is popular, I wonder how much longer publishers will see a point to funding super linear, guided experiences like this unless they have something to really make them stand out. Like you can spend all this time and money creating these Michael Bay esque set pieces and action scenes but it seems like in this day and age people would rather jump in GTA online and create their own.
It would just sound like whining at this point. Maybe do that several weeks or months from now, when the dust has settled and people have calmed down some. Right now it is a frenzy.
Holy shit, really? You're saying Ryse is a good game?
I wish it was made for WiiU, I'm sorry but the 3DS is just overall too bad of a system for it to be fun to play MonHun on.