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The Order 1886 Review Thread

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I am DEAD!!


I'm with Laboured. Ryse was a great game. And I'm still very hyped to play The Order. Linear games that focus on good settings, characters, lore are some of my favorite games. Again, reviews are just opinions and people need to stop letting reviews sway their decisions. Form your own opinion people.

I would if there was a demo.


Now WHO didn't see this coming? It became very clear this was going to suck since they started talking about the "gameplay", especially after this interview that has mind boggling quotes like:

"we’re still restricted to the archaic nature of the video game with its need for gameplay"

and this gem:

"we’re not going to fall for the trap of trying to create interesting mechanics when we could be spending that time focusing on the character animations."

Not to mention that every demo/trailer that they showed was always bad, but people were always finding excuses saying that the next one would be better (lol), or that it was a really old demo (after the mild reaction from the press in that preview event that they held)

This is one example of the interviews I mentioned earlier. I always knew it wasn't the type of game I usually enjoy, but I thought at least reviewers would like it.
it seems that soon we will get 0/10 reviews soon enough for click bait reasons.
Are you calling the Digital Trends review click bait? Or 0/10 reviews click bait? Just making sure here that you've read the review and still consider it click bait (even though it's well argued imo) or that 0/10 reviews would mean click bait.

Sou Da

Is there an ignore feature on here cause for sure you just invalidated any past or future post with that absurd statement.

Hopefully this makes my post clearer?

I like the 3ds, but I don't think Monster Hunter isn't fun to play on it. It's a weak (hardware wise) system and the game suffers for it, Monster Hunter 3 ultimate was fantastic and I would prefer a Monster Hunter built from the ground up for WiiU.
Now WHO didn't see this coming? It became very clear this was going to suck since they started talking about the "gameplay", especially after this interview that has mind boggling quotes like:

"we’re still restricted to the archaic nature of the video game with its need for gameplay"

and this gem:

"we’re not going to fall for the trap of trying to create interesting mechanics when we could be spending that time focusing on the character animations."

Not to mention that every demo/trailer that they showed was always bad, but people were always finding excuses saying that the next one would be better (lol), or that it was a really old demo (after the mild reaction from the press in that preview event that they held)
The reviews rightfully reflect the lack of effort towards gameplay.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Lol almost feel bad for the devs, all the stuff about bullying and what not only for the mob to be "proven right" with these reviews.
This is why you create a great game to prove the "mob." wrong.

Really? I remember that being posted on gaf.
You're referring to
"Well...gameplay...that's just something we can't get around."

P4Gaming is like the Onion of video games


Now WHO didn't see this coming? It became very clear this was going to suck since they started talking about the "gameplay", especially after this interview that has mind boggling quotes like:

"we’re still restricted to the archaic nature of the video game with its need for gameplay"

and this gem:

"we’re not going to fall for the trap of trying to create interesting mechanics when we could be spending that time focusing on the character animations."

Not to mention that every demo/trailer that they showed was always bad, but people were always trying finding excuses saying that the next one would be better (lol), or that it was a really old demo (after the mild reaction from the press in that preview event that they held)

That's exactly why I'm happy to see those scores. Their vision of the future of video-games just plain sucks.They should move to the movie industry where they belong.


On the one hand, i'm not surprised. This is exactly what I was banging about for a while now (ad nauseum :p) and well, Ready at Dawn's shaky PR didn't help too. It's too bad but sometimes, even if you love something you make, you don't get first prize.

On the other, I agree with Jim. I do genuinely believe in their vision and story. I think they had some really good ideas and concepts and a smashing setting. That was setback too much by poor design choice. But it's there, and it would require like a proper sequel that fixes all that. I'm a bit sad for RAD who seem genuinely passionate about their thing but seems also maybe too much in their own bubble to acknowledge it, and the poor score will seriously hinder them for the future, as well as not working favorably towards their reputation


Given the game apparently ends out of nowhere and feels like it's missing the last act it seems more likely that the team was rushed to some degree. Will be interesting to hear development stories after some time has passed.

I really don't think game development works that way. It's not as if they just start working on chapter 1 and work there way trough to the end. I guess most levels are just being developped simultaneously.

Also, I agree the game ends on an open note, and some plotthreads are unresolved. But as I stated in another topic before, the main story arc of Galahad had it's conclusion at that point in a classic three act structured way. So apart from the ending lacking an 'all bets are of climax' that topples anything before, which makes it feel like it ends suddenly, I think it was pretty much planned from the get go to end the game at that point in the story. They just fail to build up to the ending like most movies do.

You can compare the story a bit with A New Hope. That one had many unresolved plot threads too (it's not like the Rebellion won, they just had one victory for once), that builded up to the sequel. But the Death Star fight did have a sense of ending. It's more that kind of climax the Order lacks, then a rounded story arc.


Now WHO didn't see this coming? It became very clear this was going to suck since they started talking about the "gameplay", especially after this interview that has mind boggling quotes like:

"we’re still restricted to the archaic nature of the video game with its need for gameplay"

and this gem:

"we’re not going to fall for the trap of trying to create interesting mechanics when we could be spending that time focusing on the character animations."

Not to mention that every demo/trailer that they showed was always bad, but people were always finding excuses saying that the next one would be better (lol), or that it was a really old demo (after the mild reaction from the press in that preview event that they held)

this has to be a fake, right?


impressions from fellow gaffers is the only unbiased way

we live in a world were games like the MCC and AC Unity get rewarded critically despite being sloppy, half hearted mediocre efforts.

meanwhile the order 1886, despite being a polished, bug free product gets dragged through the mud.

I know we are in different times, but back there, bart's nightmare feeled like a beta or even an alpha sometimes, but it's unquestionable the fun the game delivered back then.

A game being super polished should be a requeriment, not a feature.


I'm honestly ok with reviewers calling out a boring, short game with a shit story and pretty graphics for exactly what it is. Sony needs to learn not to greenlight these cinematic "barely-games".

I don't want Sony first party games propped up with good reviews just based on the fact that Sony is supposed to have good first party.

But it also sucks when shit like broken MCC gets glowing reviews.



That has got to hurt.

To be honest I wasn't really too sure about this game, since hearing some peoples impressions from the demo. But damn, didn't think it would be this bad. Glad I waited until the reviews came out.


What in the fuck? Why would anyone support a team that says shit like this? You're making fucking video games.

Now WHO didn't see this coming? It became very clear this was going to suck since they started talking about the "gameplay", especially after this interview that has mind boggling quotes like:

"we’re still restricted to the archaic nature of the video game with its need for gameplay"

and this gem:

"we’re not going to fall for the trap of trying to create interesting mechanics when we could be spending that time focusing on the character animations."

Not to mention that every demo/trailer that they showed was always bad, but people were always finding excuses saying that the next one would be better (lol), or that it was a really old demo (after the mild reaction from the press in that preview event that they held)

Do you see what you've done? You've made your gullibility contagious.


What in the fuck? Why would anyone support a team that says shit like this? You're making fucking video games.

it's a parody site. Look at the articles on that site.

Not that Ready at Dawn didn't say plenty of legitimate shaky stuff about focusing on The Order's cinematic nature, but nothing that extreme. :p
So now Gamespot and Giantbomb can't be trusted, huh? Yea right . . .
As much as Gamepur can haha. It's still the opinion of a single individual. Doesn't hold much weight except in these console wars.

The problems is that demos seem to be a thing of the past which is such a shame because they were great for finding out if the core gameplay would be something you'd like.
Game that got mediocre impressions from a developer with no track record turns out to not be very good, despite what we were told by a small group of vocal fanatics and GAF "insiders." Shocking.
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