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The Order 1886 Review Thread

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bu-but Naughty Dog makes cinematic games.


Naughty Dogs knows how to craft a cinematic experience along with great gameplay.

I think this should be a wake up call to devs who want to explore the cinematic aspects. While that's totally fine, don't forget the gameplay which should have precedence over everything else. It's a game we're playing after all, and if the game part's not good or even downright terrible, it doesn't matter how shiny the turd shines.
Well I am a bit disappointed this isn't getting the greatest reviews but at the same time I'm somehow not surprised for some reason. I think I will eventually pick up this game just because I like the style of it. A real shame though.


God of War, Uncharted and Last of Us are all very cinematically driven games in a lot of ways, but those all have fun core gameplay. I sort of would like to see Sony mix it up a bit more on the 1st party side and maybe they are. Bloodborne is next month and not really like anything else Sony has put out recently, and the 1st party stuff they've highlighted recently (Everybody's Gone to the Rapture, Rime, The Wild) seem to not be in the same mold we've seen from them.

Right. But I'm not sure what the alternative here is.

Those 1st parties have their wheelhouse and can innovate or execute really well within that. The Order is a clear example of a studio not working in their wheelhouse and getting things wrong.

Ultimately you can choose to see 1st parties go really wild and often getting things wrong or staying relatively safe and executing really well (and innovating within those constraints).

It isn't like MS and Nintendo studios really go outside of their wheelhouses. Those stranger projects are reserved for all the smaller studios.


I said it was all graphics, and the critics have vindicated me.

Ryse 2.0

Woo wait. Ryse was an great experience and it was not a 5 hours game full of QTE. And there was online matchup and other stuff to do too. The Order doesnt seem to have that. I will grab it when it hit the 30$ mark. i expect it to see a special very soon. Hell Best Buy and Future Shop already give a 20$ card when u buy the game, it must mean something.


That's exactly why I'm happy to see those scores. Their vision of the future of video-games just plain sucks.They should move to the movie industry where they belong.

In a way I agree with this. Perhaps the Order should have been a movie.

Games that focus on non-interactivity before interactivity should not be rewarded (no, QTE does not count)


As mediocre as the game seems, I still have to tip my hat to SCE for having the balls to lift the review embargo before the game releases.
It's funny how no one can tell or even give examples of next gen gameplay but games are docked points for being last gen.

So stupid, are we supossed to expect current games to reinvent gaming conventions every year? Can't open world, corridor racers, linear games, cinematic games, etc. coexist? It seems as of some reviewers get caught up in the flavor of the month trends and condemn games that don't follow those trends.

Not only in this particular case mind you.

I consider 'next gen' gameplay anything that is a lot different than the previous generation's trends, or just gameplay elements that have not been seen before, and shake up old formulas to make a genera feel fresh again.

Destiny and Titanfall are good examples of "next gen' gameplay, however, they are both poorly executed mainly because they both lack the depth and content needed to make them great.

I think SSO could also be considered next gen in it's gameplay as it is a lot different then what we have seen in previous games with it's heavy emphasis on traversal through an open world set in the awesome-pocalypse.

Evolve also comes to mind with it's 4 v 1 concept where a few underpowered characters have to work together to take down a much more powerful character, and the longer you take to kill the beast, the harder it becomes....Once again though, the concept is not fleshed out enough to make it a "great game".


This is one example of the interviews I mentioned earlier. I always knew it wasn't the type of game I usually enjoy, but I thought at least reviewers would like it.

The reviews rightfully reflect the lack of effort towards gameplay.

That's exactly why I'm happy to see those scores. Their vision of the future of video-games just plain sucks.They should move to the movie industry where they belong.

What in the fuck? Why would anyone support a team that says shit like this? You're making fucking video games.
It's a parody site guys.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Oh my goodness. Game just raked over the coals. However, after the latest round of interviews...I don't feel bad for them. Not one bit. Guess this $100 Steak just was not that good in the end.

I know what they meant by that analogy.
Because when something actually works when you buy it, doesn't mean that product deserves an automatic gold star for fucks sake. Games that work can be incredibly flawed, this has been the case for around 40 years.

totally missed the point

the two games I mentioned were in an unfinished state yet they recieved higher scores.

give me a damn good reason why MCC and ACU deserve better scores than the order

you cant


It's pretty sad when you can start to tell really early in the press cycle that a game will be mediocre at best... And then the reviews confirm that.

Man I wanted this game to be good. At least I'm only Gameflying it. :/


heh.. I knew this game is gonna get blasted in reviews.. But not expecting it to be as bad as Ryse.

Good thing I bought the game before review hits as im loving it so far. Seeing these reviews might persuade me to get it 2nd hand instead.
Woo wait. Ryse was an great experience and it was not a 5 hours game full of QTE. And there was online matchup and other stuff to do too. The Order doesnt seem to have that. I will grab it when it hit the 30$ mark. i expect it to see a special very soon. Hell Best Buy and Future Shop already give a 20$ card when u buy the game, it must mean something.

I just mean that GAF got a lot of people to pretend that Ryse was a great game because so many people couldn't stop drooling over the graphics.

Once that wore off, we were left with a mediocre repetitive borefest.
Now WHO didn't see this coming? It became very clear this was going to suck since they started talking about the "gameplay", especially after this interview that has mind boggling quotes like:

"we’re still restricted to the archaic nature of the video game with its need for gameplay"

and this gem:

"we’re not going to fall for the trap of trying to create interesting mechanics when we could be spending that time focusing on the character animations."

Not to mention that every demo/trailer that they showed was always bad, but people were always finding excuses saying that the next one would be better (lol), or that it was a really old demo (after the mild reaction from the press in that preview event that they held)

You should probably edit this seeing as its from a fake interview from a parody site. This is like FUD's final form and tons of people are falling for it.


This is why you create a great game to prove the "mob." wrong.

You're referring to
"Well...gameplay...that's just something we can't get around."

P4Gaming is like the Onion of video games
Oh shit, I think that was it. lol

But my other points still stand.

You should probably edit this seeing as its from a fake interview from a parody site. This is like FUD's final form and tons of people are falling for it.

I just did
Dang. Seems like people were actually out to just get the game.

Really sad. A lot of talent and work went into this title.

The gameplay design was definitly misguided. But the artists were all top notch. I completely understand not liking it, but 1/5 4/10? That seems a little dissensitive for a new ip from a smaller studio.

There are games that have had less gameplay. I dont understand why that has to be a full killer.

Really strange and im pretty bummed.

For the record I really loved it. And its still worth seeing for its beautiful visual experience.


Some positivity from The Verge:

I actually agree, that lately open-world games have been a chore for me. We're at the point where linearity and simplicity is actually "refreshing". I don't know what to think of reviews, luckily I have enough disposable income to shell out 60CHF for the game, and I love the idea of a cinematic experience. I'll get it tomorrow and finish it on the weekend and even if it's an enjoyable gorgeous pulp fiction, then it's good enough for me.
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