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The Order 1886 Review Thread

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Holy shit this is worse than I imagined. I thought it'd get 7s at least but this... this is pretty brutal. Pinning it in definite mediocrity, goddamn.

Can't wait to get it tomorrow made me piss myself


I hope someone cancels their SE from the store i preordered so i can get it instead, the were sold out yesterday.

Using reviews to validate an argument is silly, i use them to get an idea of what to expect, i can usually tell if i'll enjoy a game after watching a couple of videos, i have never bought a game i wasn't hyped for only cause it got amazin review scores and i will not stop buying them when they get low scores either.

Review scores in an age when we see so much about games before they release are getting more and more redundant.

We need a next gen review method lol.


I can't understand why gamers give such an importance to reviews ? I never do. And not because I'm some kind of super gamer but because a game reviewer who don't know me, neither my taste or what makes me tick in a game (and it can be a variety of things depending on the game) can't possibly tell me what I'm gonna like. It's not possible unless he or she is a remote mind reader but so far I never met one. I always read the reviews afterward and sometimes I agree and sometimes not.

So I buy the games that I think I will like because I know the kind of gamer that I am. Sometimes it leads me to sadness like when I bought Excalibur on PS1 and sometimes it's a pleasing surprise. In the case of The Order, I was hoping for a good cinematic game with a generic (but effective) gameplay and I got exactly that. Nothing more, nothing less. Plus the visuals are jaw dropping.
Halo MCC wasn't exactly broken before launch. I reviewed it and I had no problem whatsoever pre-launch to get into matches. Offcourse, those were organised by MS for the press to check out the online mode. At the moment we had no way to know they would fuck up so hard that the great experience we had online would turn into a broken mess once the game came out.

Did you update your review score after seeing the clusterfuck that was the online play? If not, why?


8.5 from

The Order: 1886 offers one extreme end of the spectrum, and despite a few flaws and questionable design choices here and there, it’s a highly enjoyable take.

Ready at Dawn definitely succeeded in laying the foundations for a potentially very special franchise, with an absolutely charming setting and lore. Whether a possible sequel will allow The Order to fully bloom or not, time will tell.

Yet, this is a high-quality first chapter of a promising new IP that fully deserves a chance from all lovers of an exceptional story and tight, fun cover shooting gameplay.


The lack of PC gaming on my part is one of the reasons for why the PS4 library has been good to me. I'd also consider both Infamous titles very good games, but I agree with your sentiment on DC being the cream of the crop. It's definitely the exclusive I've played the most. As for LBP3, I skipped it because the previous ones just weren't to my taste.

I could play the indies on PC now, as I recently bought a new laptop, but playing on it after staring the same screen for the better part of the day just doesn't appeal to me. That's why I'm waiting for The Vanishing of Ethan Carter to hit the PS4.

Bloodborne looks and sounds great, but I still doubt if its gameplay is to my liking, ie. too frustrating to my taste.

Yeah definitely if you're not into challenging games, the Dark/Demon Souls/Bloodborne's of the world are probably experiences best sat out on. They're not unfair, if you're patient and really take the time to learn the mechanics it's actually rather hard to die outside of bosses (if you follow basic rules), but most people are used to frantically rushing through corridors and so the methodical approach takes many by surprise (or is not particularly fun besides).

I think PS4 is a good system (because despite my needs being particular, I respect that the library itself remains fantastic if you count indies and third parties for being one year on the market), but Wii U is my favorite next-gen system right now. It consistently has game experiences no other platform has much of, including PC. That makes it particularly invaluable to me.


By the game review score standard, this is a bad game (lol @ anything < 8). However, the reviews lend it as mediocre (outside of a few of the lower scores). I'm still looking forward to playing this in the future at some point. I had no plans to preorder and have no plans to buy at full price.

All of that said, I'm glad this game was made. People saying that cinematic games shouldn't be made for whatever ridiculous reason just shouldn't play them. I'm sure these are the same people that rip on Gone Home any time it is mentioned in the context of it being a game. If someone wants to make a game, they should make a game. Don't let other people control your vision when you have the choice.


This reminds me of Ryse. Spectacular game to buy at a discount play through once and trade.

I really dont like how some reviewers are docking points for lack of needless stat upgrades and stuff. Not all games need xp and in thus type of game it would have felt superficial imo.

I don't think they are. They are just using that as an example of "extra stuff to do." Nobody seemed to spend more than like a couple words on such a request.


Some positivity from The Verge:

I actually agree, that lately open-world games have been a chore for me. We're at the point where linearity and simplicity is actually "refreshing". I don't know what to think of reviews, luckily I have enough disposable income to shell out 60CHF for the game, and I love the idea of a cinematic experience. I'll get it tomorrow and finish it on the weekend and even if it's an enjoyable gorgeous pulp fiction, then it's good enough for me.

I think this could be a case where AAA development cost vs value proposition really comes into play. If this was a $20-30 downloadable game, it would probably be a lot more palatable but you can't do that presentation level and launch at that price point.
Hindsight is 20/20, of course, but I could see this coming -- comments from the developer and brief gameplay clips provided a clear suggestion of what kind of game this would be.

I was simply hoping that the full game would deviate from these early glimpses. At the end of the day, no one should beat themselves up over this. It's just one game. Remember Lair? Heavenly Sword? How much did their shortcomings affect your satisfaction with gaming (and the PS3) in the long run?


Why is it so hard for Sony to understand that we want innovative games which focus more on gameplay than story? Death to cinematic games!

Really? There have been quite a few games that can be called cinematic that have great gameplay, like Gears of war and TLOU. The Order being bad does not suddenly mean that all cinematic games are trash.
Seems similar to Knack reviews. I thought Knack was a great rental, so I'm still quite optimistic. :)

Also all the reviews that say what Order doesn't do are just stupid. They can say that there's not enough of this game or what is there is not enjoyable, but complaining about not upgrade weapons is just insane...

Well, this thread makes me feel sad. Despite the sentiments, it's very obvious that that The Order is a real passion-project, not a cynical cashgrab. I think there's still enough in it for me to enjoy, so I'll definitely play it at some point in the future. I just hope that Ready At Dawn can weather the storm, because they've always been a great team.

pretty much this


I saw his score coming since the very first gameplay trailer, it always looked extremely generic with a total lack of identity as far as mechanics go. It has a decent setting, but one it doesn't do enough with but the gameplay is barely there.




So of the three key aspects of a game - visuals, gameplay and story - which would you say was your priority with The Order 1886?

I think story and visuals are very high. Gameplay is something that... it's a game, we make games, we can't get around it. We love games, but we also love telling stories, so I think story is always going to be at the top because it's what we start with. It's at the top of the pyramid and everything else supports that. I think it'd be more challenging to make a game for the gameplay's sake, then try to make a story that fits in there.
Damn, was really hoping this would be good. I'll get it eventually but the way these games have been dropping in price so quickly I can wait another month or so.


Junior Member
I don't get this either... why not include some quality weapon upgrade / item crafting systems... and carry that into a good New Game + mode. Unlockable costumes, hell, customizable costumes! Would be cool if all cutscenes are real time and you see your custom costume in use..

There are so many fairly simple ways they could have guaranteed people would want to play through the game at least twice...

These are some pretty good ideas. They should of taken a page from Wolfenstein: The New Order in how to include and handle New Game Plus.
Yes it is, but parody is an exageration of some of the truth. Some comments from RAD were not that far off.

You're still condemning them for things that they didn't say... Close or not, they didn't say it. Get mad at them for the things they did say, which are not anywhere near as bad as what's from the parody.


The set piece heavy cinematic big budget game is already feeling dated, and it's only been like six years since Uncharted 2. The industry should move away from that trend I guess. This makes me worried about Uncharted 4 too.
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