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The Order 1886 Review Thread

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Woah wasn't expecting this turnout.




I'm hoping that if they get a sequel, they implement that stuff and learn from this.

This feels a bit like Killzone's situation on the PS2

Oh yeah, they learned from that too. I think the thing that worries me is that PS2 gen Sony could stand to be a bit more generous and allow for mistakes. Five years in development, definitely big budget, but if it gets poor sales on top of poor reception... how forgiving will Sony be? Will there be a second chance? If they do, given that they have an astonishing engine in place, can they make a genuinely good game this time around?

I think they can. It's not faith per say, I've played their other games and know talent is there. I think this was a lot about pressure, being unprepared for the big time and having a poor focus. I think a lot of this can be fixed with lessons learned from Order development.

That last line is a perfect way to put it. While I agree it's astonishing to look at, it's just not what I'm into game's first for. I want that compelling game play. Then make it as pretty as you need/can with the time left. If they get a second chance for a sequel, I really hope they focus on doing something with the game play. Dropping QTEs would go a long way with me.

I mean I am a graphics whore, I do play games for visuals and I'm sure The Order will be one such game I play for visuals. But in order for that to be the case, it has to make up for the mediocre gameplay not just in visuals but in story. The problem seems to be that the plot is really, truly awful. It was always B movie schlock conceptually, but it takes itself too seriously and the writing simply does not hold up well enough to do the work. It falls apart.


Yeah... fuck different ideas and genres evolving video games as a medium. Gosh... how can you be that self-righteous?

The Order is evolving games into what exactly? Corridor shooters are nothing new. And the story is just run of the mill fantasy. I'm all for different concepts.
They didn't say this. They did say some really dumb things but nothing this bad.

They said something close, so dial back any potential scathing directed at RAD by a couple of notches and those words still stand. It's not really about them or The Order; it's about the trend The Order embodies. It's not a good trend for gaming.

Neither is the pricing and DLC scheme for Evolve, another game that perfectly embodies some of the worst aspects of a particular trend atm.


I really dont like how some reviewers are docking points for lack of needless stat upgrades and stuff. Not all games need xp and in thus type of game it would have felt superficial imo.

Well clearly they felt like the game needed something added to it. A 'cinematic' experience is all fine and dandy but if there is no reason to go back to the game then it deserves to be docked points.
- no multiplayer
- no coop (hotseat or online)
- no collectables or branching paths
- no multiple playthroughs with different characters using different playstyles (sniper, sapper, heavy, etc)

Even lukewarm received games like Ryse had a lot of these things and yet people believed The Order to get similar scores? I don't see how, and I didn't even mention that a lot of review complaints were that the story was disjointed and ends poorly.
Really disappointed with this release. I can't even fathom how you can release a game that's only 7 hours, 3 hours of that are cinematic sequences you can't skip and on top of all that not even giving us a co-op at THE LEAST? I gotta question where all those 5 years of work went to? And to ask people to spend $60 on this? Sorry guys, not happening.

I honestly hope this game tanks, as gamers, we deserve more.
Shu made some wrong bets early this generation. Like releasing PS3 only games during the PS4 launch, which hampered their sales (GT6 did 5x lower than GT5 in the UK) and of course PS4 ended up with exclusive droughts. The amount of exclusives so far has been historically low, even the "no game" PS3 had more by February 2008. On top of that, the greenlit games have been getting mediocre scores.

Not happy with Sony's output this gen at all, it's been awful.
While I applaud Sony for supporting the PS3 right up to and beyond the release of their new platform. I agree wholeheartedly with this post.


I honestly don't know why people go with review scores to justify there purchase. I honestly go with my personal feelin of I'd like the game and is it something i'll enjoy. I've seen gameplay and intrigued by it. But nowadays people tend to put too much weight on scores. I'd still buy a game if it gets a 2, if its something i'll enjoy. Give it a chance, GAF.
Some positivity from The Verge:

I actually agree, that lately open-world games have been a chore for me. We're at the point where linearity and simplicity is actually "refreshing". I don't know what to think of reviews, luckily I have enough disposable income to shell out 60CHF for the game, and I love the idea of a cinematic experience. I'll get it tomorrow and finish it on the weekend and even if it's an enjoyable gorgeous pulp fiction, then it's good enough for me.

The Verge preferring style over substance. Who would have guessed.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
It's reviewing about as bad as my pessimistic prediction was. My hope/optimisic prediction would peg it around 80 at most, but at least some critics I've heard of on MC seem to like it on that end of spectrum, so hopefully I will too.


Did you know:

• I have never seen a trailer or a screenshot for The Order
• I have seen the box art and heard it's about vampires and you have to kill them or something
• I like Pokemon


Surprised someone hasn't altered that GIF Of the Jurassic Park big pile of shit. Was interested in this game Don't have a PS4 but It might have been A game I would have picked up when I got one. Guess im watching a Let's Play.


I don't understand this... Why pay for ANYTHING in the world if it isn't good? why feed in to this as they'll only keep producing more dribble in the future?

I just dont understand throwing money away

Oh I'm sorry I cannot spend my money on the game that I want now?

I actually don't mind the QTEs (Tomb Raider reboot had plenty of those and look how people enjoy that), I love the setting and I'm a sucker for shiny new graphics, so I don't think that I'm throwing money away at all. The game where my money was wasted was actually GTA5 because I don't like its setting, world and characters. That's right, I said it, GTA5 is a waste of money for me personally.

Now, please, let me enjoy the linear experience that I like and fund the next game which I hope will only be better since the engine and assets are already there.
Eh, a few of my buddies that got review copies say to not rely on the review scores. It's a cinematic game and, if you're expecting CoD or an open-world shooter, you'll be disappointed. That said, it's like playing a movie. If that isn't for you, it's a skip.

Personally, that sounds kind of cool. Not something I'd want all the time, but a good change of pace.
And here we are, with the legions of "I told you so"s. Were there ever this many naysayers during the hype phase?

I'm not going to defend the game, because this was exactly how I expected and preached it would turn out; anyone who had a go-around on one of the builds already warned of it being overwhelmingly average, and playing through the final game hasn't changed my early impressions from those.

At the same time, I'd have to wonder if this is part of an all-encompassing, unconscious reaction to 2014's abysmal trend in games, and game journalism respectively. The Order probably has one of the most critical of receptions I've seen for a triple A title in recent years, where it was previously common practice for incredibly vapid and sub-standard titles to get more leeway. Have all the broken products and maligned trends finally break the camel's back?


I think though if they ever do a genuine retrospective on the development of Ready at Dawn's The Order, I do think it'd be one of the clearest cases ever of a game where they focused so much on that astonishing cinematic visual engine that they did overlook compelling core gameplay mechanics. Definitely style over substance case study imo.

I think that's why they overpromised early on talking about material-based destruction being a major part of the gameplay (like destroying walls in special ways to progress, how different items being destroyed in different ways is key to solving obstacles). I think that was in their plans, but they were so obsessed with perfecting this cinematic illusion that they sort of kept getting derailed at ever seriously implementing these gameplay features. They just didn't have the time or manpower to do it.

The presentation is astonishing. I feel like it keeps getting repeated, but it really is true. it is outrageous the level of polish it showcases. But it's like a giant boat in which one side is so heavily weighted with gold that it tips over and sinks. They put all their gold on one side of the boat.

So much all this. Nice way to put it.

Such a shame.


totally missed the point

the two games I mentioned were in an unfinished state yet they recieved higher scores.

give me a damn good reason why MCC and ACU deserve better scores than the order

you cant

Beyond the issues the games are simply more fun and enjoyable. A game can still be fun with bugs and performance issues.

You can't make a boring experience fun. You can fix bugs.


You can also see a sort of sea change in the industry with these kinds of games, and when you look at the landscape of what's out there and what is popular, I wonder how much longer publishers will see a point to funding super linear, guided experiences like this unless they have something to really make them stand out. Like you can spend all this time and money creating these Michael Bay esque set pieces and action scenes but it seems like in this day and age people would rather jump in GTA online and create their own.

I wonder how healthy that is for this industry. Reviewers shouldn't be swayed by what is the most popular genre or what type of game is in vogue, when they make an assesment of quality.

Like in the movies industry, you should asses what kind of game the developer was aiming for and with that in mind, judge how well realized the end product is.

The goal posts can't keep being moved in regards to what is acceptable for a game to aim towards. The sooner we accept that this industry has room for all types of experiences and encourages that, the sooner publishers will be more willing to try different things.


I wonder how different the mentality would be if this was 5 points higher at a 70 rather than a 65.

It's not the overall score for some of us, it's the content of the reviews.

I don't care if a game got a 6/10 or "thumbs down/no". All of the reviews are basically saying the same thing but in different words. The game just isn't that good. There is a bit of fun to be had but not much.
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