Oh my God, 64?
l knew something was wrong when even DF commented on the gameplay,or is not that?
totally missed the point
the two games I mentioned were in an unfinished state yet they recieved higher scores.
give me a damn good reason why MCC and ACU deserve better scores than the order
you cant
Did you know I love youDid you know:
I have never seen a trailer or a screenshot for The Order
I have seen the box art and heard it's about vampires and you have to kill them or something
I like Pokemon
Beyond the issues the games are simply more fun and enjoyable. A game can still be fun with bugs and performance issues.
You can't make a boring experience fun. You can fix bugs.
Gameplay is something that... it's a game, we make games, we can't get around it.
- Dana Jan, Game Director
And I wonder where it all went wrong.
those games are still broken to this day
It's not the overall score for some of us, it's the content of the reviews.
I don't care if a game got a 6/10 or "thumbs down/no". All of the reviews are basically saying the same thing but in different words. The game just isn't that good. There is a bit of fun to be had but not much.
The Pachter curse lives on.
That makes no sense whatsoever and people need to stop asking for objectivity when reviews are inherently subjective. These games don't exist in a vacuum and if there are similar games out there that do things better, then that should be taken in consideration when reviewing.Yeah, if there's any use for professional critiques is that they look at the games on their own merits. Judge them as objectively as possible, and impartial to other games .
Lately though, it seems more and more like game critics utilize their personal favourites as the metric for which other games need to be measured, and using the PR environment surrounding the game's release to craft the narrative in their reviews. Like Jeff G. from Giabtbomb comparing DriveClub to FH2 and citing the game's delays and deeming it "not good" as such.
It's just a piss poor job of actually assessing a game's merits.
Now that's ridiculous. The graphics alone give it minimum score of 3/5.
There is no way that Bloodborne will be anything but awesome, right?
If there is a god somewhere between now and next month this game and bloodborne will swap graphic engines.
So it's a non-broken game, made with skill. its average length, and it's a 1/5? But they gave MCC a 90? It's hard for me to take the site seriously.
Beyond the issues the games are simply more fun and enjoyable. A game can still be fun with bugs and performance issues.
You can't make a boring experience fun. You can fix bugs.
It's not the overall score for some of us, it's the content of the reviews.
I don't care if a game got a 6/10 or "thumbs down/no". All of the reviews are basically saying the same thing but in different words. The game just isn't that good. There is a bit of fun to be had but not much.
Seems similar to Knack reviews. I thought Knack was a great rental, so I'm still quite optimistic.
Also all the reviews that say what Order doesn't do are just stupid. They can say that there's not enough of this game or what is there is not enjoyable, but complaining about not upgrade weapons is just insane...
Ryse was short and repetitive but it wasn't boring for one or two playthroughs especially on the highest difficulty. I really thought that the Order would surprise people who where turned off by all the shitty gameplay footage they kept showing but it seems to have confirmed my concerns. Its sad that such a beautiful game had to be lackluster. The positive in all this is that gameplay still matters to people and a pretty game isn't going to get great scores for presentation without substance. Interactivity is still a foundational aspect of this medium and that wont ever change. Also on the positive side bloodborne should be amazing and uncharted isnt too far off.This reminds me of Ryse. Spectacular game to buy at a discount play through once and trade.
I really dont like how some reviewers are docking points for lack of needless stat upgrades and stuff. Not all games need xp and in thus type of game it would have felt superficial imo.
I honestly don't know why people go with review scores to justify there purchase. I honestly go with my personal feelin of I'd like the game and is it something i'll enjoy. I've seen gameplay and intrigued by it. But nowadays people tend to put too much weight on scores. I'd still buy a game if it gets a 2, if its something i'll enjoy. Give it a chance, GAF.
That kind of game isn't really dated, but certain trends relating to it are. It seems The Order takes all the bad trends and capitalizes on them, hence the backlash. Uncharted has always taken the good aspects of that and built on them, which is why they're successful critically and commercially.The set piece heavy cinematic big budget game is already feeling dated, and it's only been like six years since Uncharted 2. The industry should move away from that trend I guess. This makes me worried about Uncharted 4 too.
I don't remember the first 1 1/2 years of PS3 1st-party games being too incredible iirc.Wow I'm really disappointed so far by PS4's first party performance, let's hope the rest of this year can turn that around. Everybody's touting this thing as PS2's spiritual successor yet PS3's first party seemed stronger at this point and that shit was nearly impossible to develop for.
It's actually pretty damn amazing to me that people were so firmly on the hype train after that nonsense. I was 100% on board for this bad boy, and then that happened.This is when I lost faith in this game:
- Dana Jan, Game Director
By looking at the pathetic scores for The Order, the reviewers agree with me.Who's "we"? Do you have someone in your pocket?
I hope he expects Bloodborne to bomb.
Why is it so hard for Sony to understand that we want innovative games which focus more on gameplay than story? Death to cinematic games!
Not first party.Wow I'm really disappointed so far by PS4's first party performance, let's hope the rest of this year can turn that around. Everybody's touting this thing as PS2's spiritual successor yet PS3's first party seemed stronger at this point and that shit was nearly impossible to develop for.
The reviews keep getting more brutal. Can't wait for some one to stitch all the cutscenes together.
If there is a god somewhere between now and next month this game and bloodborne will swap graphic engines.
I can't understand why gamers give such an importance to reviews ? I never do. And not because I'm some kind of super gamer but because a game reviewer who don't know me, neither my taste or what makes me tick in a game (and it can be a variety of things depending on the game) can't possibly tell me what I'm gonna like. It's not possible unless he or she is a remote mind reader but so far I never met one. I always read the reviews afterward and sometimes I agree and sometimes not.
So I buy the games that I think I will like because I know the kind of gamer that I am. Sometimes it leads me to sadness like when I bought Excalibur on PS1 and sometimes it's a pleasing surprise. In the case of The Order, I was hoping for a good cinematic game with a generic (but effective) gameplay and I got exactly that. Nothing more, nothing less. Plus the visuals are jaw dropping.
So it's a non-broken game, made with skill. its average length, and it's a 1/5? But they gave MCC a 90? It's hard for me to take the site seriously.
Here's your source
EDIT: Woop, sorry, thread is going super fast, didn't see someone already asnwered
ACU is most definitely not still broken, it's not as polished as this linear game but it's definitely more than playable now. And it's shocking that even with five years of dev time/two years of full production, that they created a short campaign that leaves plot threads open with only two types of human enemies that you fight throughout the game, with very short samey lycan encounters on top of at best competent TPS gameplay. With little replay value or secrets. Basicallyso you prefer your games rushed out of the gate ala MCC & AC U?
those games are still broken to this day
Beyond the issues the games are simply more fun and enjoyable. A game can still be fun with bugs and performance issues.
You can't make a boring experience fun. You can fix bugs.
By the game review score standard, this is a bad game (lol @ anything < 8). However, the reviews lend it as mediocre (outside of a few of the lower scores). I'm still looking forward to playing this in the future at some point. I had no plans to preorder and have no plans to buy at full price.
All of that said, I'm glad this game was made. People saying that cinematic games shouldn't be made for whatever ridiculous reason just shouldn't play them. I'm sure these are the same people that rip on Gone Home any time it is mentioned in the context of it being a game. If someone wants to make a game, they should make a game. Don't let other people control your vision when you have the choice.