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The Order 1886 Review Thread

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yeah but this is what game reviews have turned into, seems more and more they review a game for what they wanted it to be not what it is

not saying The Order deserved 8+ scores but a 1/5? that seems insane

If reviewer really feels like he wasted 5 hours struggling through the game he didn't enjoy 1/5 could be justifiable... It's really just an opinion. :)

So it's a non-broken game, made with skill. its average length, and it's a 1/5? But they gave MCC a 90? It's hard for me to take the site seriously.

I can't take anyone seriously who gives a broken game a 9 out of 10.



Wow. Bravo!


and yet the order 1886 is a fun experience which doesnt need bug fixing :)

it works properly out of the gate

Great! It works! Too bad the gameplay is apparently bland and the story supposedly sucks.

I haven't played the game, but if I can't find enough reasons to think that the gameplay and story are worth my while, then why should I?

I like Halo (referring to MCC), and I'll be damned if I haven't had a ton of fun with MCC despite it's issues.


Maybe my minimum 3/5 for the graphics alone was too much, but this is not a 1/5 game. Thats like a score for a broken game.
So many posts in this thread read like high fives and fist bumps. Lol

Feel bad for RAD. What desire would any dev have to make anything better for people after getting spit on like this?

Agreed. Disappointment is expected and justified but there's also a faint whiff of celebration in here.


Wow I'm really disappointed so far by PS4's first party performance, let's hope the rest of this year can turn that around. Everybody's touting this thing as PS2's spiritual successor yet PS3's first party seemed stronger at this point and that shit was nearly impossible to develop for.
Just an FYI, The Order is not a 1st party game. It is an exclusive by a 3rd party.


looks like a fair bit of "gameplay isn't next gen" type stuff, which may or may not be a viable criticism, but nonetheless is one I don't care about. I'll play this and form my own opinion.

really not seeing any of that. Just people saying it isn't fun/good to play.

Just an FYI, The Order is not a 1st party game. It is an exclusive by a 3rd party.

You sure about that? Isn't Ready at Dawn owned by Sony?


Damn, I can honestly say I didn't see the scores being this bad. I still want to pick it up to play through it but I'll hold off for a while.
Those are awful scores, I knew it was gonna go one way or the other but goddamn you fucked up big time RAD. I've got this coming in the post tomorrow as a rental and don't even think it's worth bothering to stick the PS4, might just return and get Far Cry 4.

Might just play through the game tonight anyway, will have it finished in no time.


Aliens ate my babysitter
Disappointing reviews, but I'll probably still pick it up eventually to see the visuals. And an on the rails tps sounds refreshing after all the open world games I've played. And will play when Witcher 3 comes out.
Why is it so hard for Sony to understand that we want innovative games which focus more on gameplay than story? Death to cinematic games!

That's toxic. Games can have both... And I don't think you understand how much all games have taken from cinema. The entire concept of a camera in video games was heavily influenced by cinema as well as plenty of other aspects. But sure, I don't mind games going back to being text-based. Zork's gonna make a big comeback because "we".

I love cinema, hell, I hardly play games anymore (I'm of the group that browses GAF more than I play games) and I've just become somewhat of a cinephile in the past few years. This game may not be for you, but it might be for me. God forbid there be variety. And this isn't a mobile game that's gonna rake in billions, devs aren't rushing out to make an expensive, cinematic game when this one is likely gonna be a critical failure. But sure, screw the idea of people wanting to make that one game that fills a very specific niche.



Well, since The Order doesn't have multiplayer and MCC includes four campaigns with some of the best gameplay out there along with co-op and upgraded visuals, maybe the disparity is indeed justified.
Dude, if Order runs above 17 FPS it's already better than ACU. And I finished ACU for some stupid reason... What a waste of time...

The Order - 30fps
AC Unity ~ 24fps

The Order - about 6 hours long
AC Unity - about 12 hours long

The Order - 648,000 total frames
AC Unity - 1,036,800 total frames

AC Unity wins.

You can't argue with that logic.

Too be fair from what I read the reviewers were told multiplayer would have been fine by launch, and that's not uncommon so they'd have no reason not to believe them. It's shitty that it happened, but it's not hard to understand why 4 games with busted multiplayer reviewed better than 1 game with busted everything but graphics.


I'll pass judgement this weekend when I play it.

By far the worst game I've played this gen was Thief which has a 67 MC score and unless The Order is a broken mess, I can't even comprehend how this could be worse.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
The thing about Knack is even if you felt the gameplay in it was only okay, there was still a lot of it. It did adhere to old-school principles of design even though it had a lot of cutscenes. There was some meat on the bones.

Knack-mediocre isn't the same as Ryse-mediocre.


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
I'm still in. The scores are a tad (~10%)lower than I expected but the content of the reviews is pretty much on target. The game is what I thought it was and I'm fine with that.

The main thing I'm disappointed with is
the apparent "blue-balls" nature of the ending
. It sounds like they're operating under the impression that a sequel is in the bag. I hope they're right but I'd obviously prefer
them to not cliffhang
it to the extent some say they did.

Seeing shit like this is fucking disgusting

Yeah, that rubs me the wrong way too. The impressions and the content of the reviews all seem to point to a game that is 'decent' at what it does, or was trying to do. It looks like a lot of people aren't fans of what they're trying to do, which is completely fine, but it would be nice to see a more objective approach.

Of course, maybe I'm seeing something that isn't there. It's just that scores like that are typically reserved for games that are outright abominations. I just can't see how this game would fit in that category. Maybe I'm wrong. (To be clear, I don't have an issue with the Halo scores... Just with the insanely low scores that insinuate the game is hot garbage)


Yeah definitely if you're not into challenging games, the Dark/Demon Souls/Bloodborne's of the world are probably experiences best sat out on. They're not unfair, if you're patient and really take the time to learn the mechanics it's actually rather hard to die outside of bosses (if you follow basic rules), but most people are used to frantically rushing through corridors and so the methodical approach takes many by surprise (or is not particularly fun besides).

I think PS4 is a good system (because despite my needs being particular, I respect that the library itself remains fantastic if you count indies and third parties for being one year on the market), but Wii U is my favorite next-gen system right now. It consistently has game experiences no other platform has much of, including PC. That makes it particularly invaluable to me.

Well, I am if they're challenging in the way Driveclub and Resogun are. ;) It's the punishing of the player, by inserting checkpoints further back, that I don't find enjoyable. I'm still cautiously optimistic about Bloodborne, and I've actually pre-ordered it. The lure of getting the soundtrack with it was just too strong. It remains to be seen if it throws me into tearful fits of rage. =D

There's definitely been some good multiplatform releases on these systems as well, like Destiny, Alien, DA:I, and Resident Evil, which I wouldn't have wanted to miss out. As for Wii U, there isn't much for me, apart from Zombie U and Fatal Frame.


So will this be a PS+ game within six months or will they wait until after they throw it in as a bundle game this winter?


The reviews rightfully reflect the lack of effort towards gameplay.

Gunplay is awesome, with great feedback and sound. Cover system works perfectly fine, controls are fine too. In this regard they did a good job. Flaws are, in my opinion, a basic IA, level design and melee because they opted for a QTE system that even if it makes sense in the overall design of the game, even if animations are good and flow very well together, even if they're various enough, they feel lazy and a easy way out. A system like TLOU could easily fit without hurting the formula and it would've been better, though I know I'm not mentioning the average, easy to do melee system. This applies also to the dodge animation and similar, those who played it know what I'm talking about.
This narrative that RAD gives no shit to gameplay should stop, really. To post over and over again that quote, decontextualized, is just lame and same goes for the comparison with TT's games that have nothing to do with it. :|

I don't get this either... why not include some quality weapon upgrade / item crafting systems... and carry that into a good New Game + mode. Unlockable costumes, hell, customizable costumes! Would be cool if all cutscenes are real time and you see your custom costume in use..

There are so many fairly simple ways they could have guaranteed people would want to play through the game at least twice...

Post game maybe, but not during the first run. From a mere gameplay perspective, these are always nice additions but it seems to me that TO wanted to flow from start to end avoiding any.. "downtime". Just my opinion.


A company being excited for their new game is a huge slap in the face to all the fans that liked their old games.
That makes no sense whatsoever and people need to stop asking for objectivity when reviews are inherently subjective. These games don't exist in a vacuum and if there are similar games out there that do things better, then that should be taken in consideration when reviewing.

I strongly disagree. Opinions are subjective. Reviews are pragmatic assessments. This game receiving a 4/10 is nothing short of fueled by strong personal convictions, which have no place in a professional critique.
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