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The Order 1886 Review Thread

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You're right, The Order should've been way lower. The single player is at least 4 times shorter, with worse enemy AI and encounters, no co-op and got around a broken multiplayer by just not including that mode at all.

Or maybe they're just completely different games that were measured on their strengths and weaknesses by the reviewer at the time.
Really gotta wonder what the higher ups at rad were thinking when they conceived this project.

-qte's? :(
-cinematics that is half your game? :(
-no sort of skill system, unlocks? :(
-no mp or coop or anything? :(
-no reason to play this game again :(
-not even that fun to play? :(

But hey,atleast it's pretty.

its going to be one of those games in which used copies are outselling newer at retails in 1-2 weeks. pretty sad for the developers but its great for the consumers.. it will force Sony into cutting the price to the level it deserves.


Ok, this is not going to change anything, people that were expecting a cinematic shooter with gorgeous graphics and an interesting story will be happy, people expecting a "good" game may be dissapointed, the Order 1886 is going to sell very well, its overall going to be better recieved than Destiny on the gaming community.

That's almost impossible not to achieve.


A company being excited for their new game is a huge slap in the face to all the fans that liked their old games.
Chû Totoro;152756864 said:
It's their job and it's business. They earn big money doing what they do. A lot of people here are spending their own hard earned money so I know it may be hard for RAD but it's mostly jokes and of course RAD can live with it. The game may sell a lot more what people are expecting (don't think so but... maybe) and RAD may make one of the best game of this gen next time.

We shouldn't be sad for companies. For people who did work really hard on the game of course since it's sad regarding all their efforts but it's like saying you shouldn't be happy for the Superbowl winner because the other team has lost hence all its players and supporters are sad...

If someone at RAD want to switch its salary/job with some of the people who were planning to buy their game and now are making jokes about reviews then I'm sure a lot would be ok to do it.

Edit : yeah strange post with bad comparisons but you get it > company so jokes are ok, people harsh or personal jokes are bad (imo)

You obviously have no idea what work and talent it takes to get to create and release a game like this.

They shouldn't be celebrated, but they shouldn't be lynched either.

hemo memo

You can't die before your death
4 hours in honestly I expected worse. (So Far)
Cutscenes - Gameplay ratio
- Linear (this is coming from someone who love Uncharted)

[Limited edition] if that matters.
Gamesradar Review


"No respect for player involvement"



I feel bad for RAD because these guys and girls worked hard on this game and were so happy that it went gold and everything, but it's just not a good game. It's pretty but great graphics don't make a game good. And now they have to deal with a lot of people shitting on something they put so much work into but that's life in the big leagues.

Yeah, it's unfortunate. They had a great vision that just didn't pan out as well as it could of. The game is wonderful to look at, but the gameplay simply isn't up to snuff. If they work hard to improve on a few things and learn from this experience which I'm sure they will, I think they'll go on to make some incredible games in the future. The potential is there.


Despite MCC being broken online still for some people there is no denying that the Campaigns worked.

Ignoring Multiplayer, you are getting 4 long campaigns, 3 of them excellent (Not played 4 yet).
The Order doesn't have multiplayer and a very short campaign.

MCC deserved its scores on the campaigns alone, although I agree they should be more affected by the mess of online play its still a very playable game.

I'd like to add that The Order is probably only as long as one of the campaigns included in MCC. MCC has 4 more, AND multiplayer.


You're right, The Order should've been way lower. The single player is at least 4 times shorter, with worse enemy AI and encounters, no co-op and got around a broken multiplayer by just not including that mode at all.

Or maybe they're just completely different games that were measured on their strengths and weaknesses by the reviewer at the time.



Critics are out for blood with this game. I can understand not liking a game and the reviews are showing critics obviously don't... but 1/5 for a game that's not broken by any stretch? That's like Big Rigs level.

I'm playing the game tomorrow, and I won't say I'm not disappointed with what could have been, but this game is just bringing about something else in everyone.
Metro said:
It features what are possibly the most technologically advanced graphics ever seen in a console game, and yet those stunning visuals are wasted on an old-fashioned and ruthlessly uninteresting Gears Of War clone.

The Metro reviewer after writing that piece.

Ignoring that "so basically X > Y" posts are frowned upon, the MCC is 3 historically great (and one decent) co-op SP games running and looking better than they ever have on console. Almost no one reviewed the matchmaking multiplayer after the servers were live, they probably played a few maps, said "yep, this is Halo" and called it a day.


What's weird to me is that although there seems to be a huge emphasis on a cinematic story-telling approach.

The plot isn't much to behold according to reviewers.
I had a bad feeling because of all the stuff going on and the hate this game was getting. But this is just brutal. Hope it sells well despite the reviews. RAD deserves better than this.

The Order haters must be really happy.


It's actually pretty damn amazing to me that people were so firmly on the hype train after that nonsense. I was 100% on board for this bad boy, and then that happened.

This isn't even hindsight. There were a shit ton of people who saw the writing on the wall. But my god were there still an army of folks ready to still "believe".

Then again, I really shouldn't be amazed by this. I've seen the same thing happen (just never on this scale) to other poor to mediocre games like Too Human, Ryse, Knack, etc. Like, anyone with even the faintest bit of common gaming sense should have known those games were going to range from poor to mediocre before they released. But you still had(have) people fighting the good fight despite all the tell tell signs... *shrugs*

That's what happens when you have people who get too emotionally invested in a developer or platform. Even when the writings on the wall, people will cling on until the end...


Despite MCC being broken online still for some people there is no denying that the Campaigns worked.

Ignoring Multiplayer, you are getting 4 long campaigns, 3 of them excellent (Not played 4 yet).
The Order doesn't have multiplayer and a very short campaign.

MCC deserved its scores on the campaigns alone, although I agree they should be more affected by the mess of online play its still a very playable game.

Came to ask this, as I will be picking up the game during the sale this weekend. I thought it was just the MP when grouping with friends that is borked and 343 is hiding its head in the sand.

I don't get the correlation to it being compared here to a game that has no MP and is not even the same genre of game


Neo Member
If graphics were king and that's all people truly cared about...indie games wouldn't be as big as they are. I think RAD and other big companies need to realize that. We open our wallets not because of how the game looks, but because how it plays and how much we can get out of it.


Bummed out about this so much promise in the reveal. The writings been on the wall for this for at least 6 months though I guess it will sell well though so at least people aren't getting fired for this. I'm going to through a proper tantrum if bloodborne is a let down though.
They said something close, so dial back any potential scathing directed at RAD by a couple of notches and those words still stand. It's not really about them or The Order; it's about the trend The Order embodies. It's not a good trend for gaming.

Neither is the pricing and DLC scheme for Evolve, another game that perfectly embodies some of the worst aspects of a particular trend atm.

Cinematic games are one of the least destructive trends in gaming as far as the big picture goes. I'm more worried about DLC, mobile, etc. than a small subset of games putting cinema in front of gameplay. I actually see open world as being an even worst trend since something like a dozen of them released just last year (terrible level/mission/enemy encounter designs, etc.), but that's just me.

And most games for the past 2 decades, including Nintendo games, use some things taken from cinema. In those 20 years, only a handful of games have put cinematic qualities above gameplay. It doesn't really feel like a trend to me.


Yooo, not having played this game I think a score of 1 is messed up if the game functions correctly with no bugs. Like...damn son. Oh well, shit happens. Certainly not going to entertain conspiracy theories, I just think that's wild.


Came to ask this, as I will be picking up the game during the sale this weekend. I thought it was just the MP when grouping with friends that is borked and 343 is hiding its head in the sand.

I don't get the correlation to it being compared here to a game that has no MP and is not even the same genre of game

At some point the mp on halo will be fixed. There is no way they will let it languish for forever. If you are willing to wait, i would pick it up.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
I don't know how many times it has to be said that you shouldn't preorder games based on hype alone, but, yeah.


curious how this game compares to binary domain.

both single player only 'gears of war style shooters' that scored in the 6's 7's. Although binary domain developed a cult following.

Just wondering if The Order has a big bo


I strongly disagree. Opinions are subjective. Reviews are pragmatic assessments. This game receiving a 4/10 is nothing short of fueled by strong personal convictions, which have no place in a professional critique.

I strongly disagree with your opinion on reviews. Game reviews should not pragmatic assessments. That has been tried by various review sites in the past and always turns out to be a mess. I want a well thought out subjective opinion about the game from a reviewer not a pragmatic assessment of each individual part of the game. If any reviewer does actually have a bias it will be apparent to someone who is actually paying attention.
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