Well, the text fits pretty well with the score.
The reviewer basically said it's a pretty but entirely boring game. Seems reasonable...
Reasonable for a 3 or a 4, but 1? That's really harsh IMO.
Well, the text fits pretty well with the score.
The reviewer basically said it's a pretty but entirely boring game. Seems reasonable...
Broken games are certainly much worse than a "bad" game.
You obviously have no idea what work and talent it takes to get to create and release a game like this.
They shouldn't be celebrated, but they shouldn't be lynched either.
DerZuhälter;152758718 said:
Shinobi seems to have a pretty distinct bias, it's probably best to take what he says with a pinch of salt.
Heh, that's pretty presumptious...I guess towards the 'bland' AAA-side of the industry I guess, seems to be overenthusiastic about that kind of stuff. Never really see him in indie or PC threads, usually what he's playing up is the next big homogenous AAA extravaganza that we've seen again and again, so you can't really blame him if you follow his hype into yet another one of these things.
Made another GIF to sum up the reviews.
Some of the best games I've ever played have been short. I pay for good, memorable experiences, and this sounds like it will provide that for me. 5-7 hours is the perfect length for this type of game.
Also, while I do also enjoy longer and more complex games, I don't need branching story lines or to level characters/weapons to have a good time. Those things end up getting in the way of my enjoyment in a lot of scenarios anyway.
Definitely picking it up tomorrow.
Reasonable for a 3 or a 4, but 1? That's really harsh IMO.
curious how this game compares to binary domain.
both single player only 'gears of war style shooters' that scored in the 6's 7's. Although binary domain developed a cult following.
Just wondering if The Order has a big bo
"No respect for player involvement"
It's been 4 months right? And they're hard at work on halo 5... Guarantees are out the window
well having watched the bridge sequence posted by gamersyde, it makes sense. was like watching a dog being driven to a kennel."No respect for player involvement"
GiantBombs review title sums it up "There's a word for games like The Order: 1886. Rental."
you're feeding a developer for a half assed product. why?
I actually don't mind the QTEs (Tomb Raider reboot had plenty of those and look how people enjoy that), I love the setting and I'm a sucker for shiny new graphics, so I don't think that I'm throwing money away at all. The game where my money was wasted was actually GTA5 because I don't like its setting, world and characters. That's right, I said it, GTA5 is a waste of money for me personally.
Now, please, let me enjoy the linear experience that I like and fund the next game which I hope will only be better since the engine and assets are already there.
I strongly disagree. Opinions are subjective. Reviews are pragmatic assessments. This game receiving a 4/10 is nothing short of fueled by strong personal convictions, which have no place in a professional critique.
Heh, that's pretty presumptious...
"Bland" is one opinion anyway. Do you consider games like Uncharted, Halo, Fallout, Elder Scrolls, Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Bioshock, The Last of Us, etc bland? If so then sure, guilty as charged. I'm just a big fan of story driven games. Story is a huge factor for me in regards to overall enjoyment, hence why I mostly like to discuss them. I have no damn "bias", I just like to talk about things I really like. Right now I'm loving Apotheon and especially Transistor which is a pretty incredible game. Still play some Resogun, played The Swapper, looking forward to games like Rime and The Witness...come on. Don't really like that label. I love all games.
DerZuhälter;152758718 said:
If you're criticizing someone's hypocrisy, you should probably verify that the source is the same.
Unlike the game, these reviews ain't pretty.
Thankfully I didn't pre order this game. I feel sorry for anyone that spent full price for a game that should retail for $30.
But how come this game got so much hype when the developer was known for making PSP versions of God of War? Did you honestly expect a game that was going to be AAA?
Running through corridors seems to make up 90% of The Order's gameplay.
The Order - 30fps
AC Unity ~ 24fps
The Order - about 6 hours long
AC Unity - about 12 hours long
The Order - 648,000 total frames
AC Unity - 1,036,800 total frames
AC Unity wins.
You can't argue with that logic.
So you subjectively prefer Bloodborn because of the art style? Perfectly fine. But that's a really strong preference; it's not like The Order doesn't have an art style, but it obviously has a more photorealistic one.Even in it's current state, I think Bloodborne looks better than this game. I consider art far more than technical prowess. For instance, I've been playing Majora's Mask 3D and have been consistently going through areas saying, "wow, this is beautiful".
Graphics are more than particle effects and motion blur.
What? You shouldn't feel sorry for people enjoying the game.
Made another GIF to sum up the reviews.
Early walkthroughs and the reviews have hurt this game. Not even able to make it to the front page of twitch in terms of viewers.
If graphics were king and that's all people truly cared about...indie games wouldn't be as big as they are. I think RAD and other big companies need to realize that. We open our wallets not because of how the game looks, but because how it plays and how much we can get out of it.
Early walkthroughs and the reviews have hurt this game. Not even able to make it to the front page of twitch in terms of viewers.