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The Order 1886 Review Thread

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Thankfully I didn't pre order this game. I feel sorry for anyone that spent full price for a game that should retail for $30.

But how come this game got so much hype when the developer was known for making PSP versions of God of War? Did you honestly expect a game that was going to be AAA?
that might hurt a bit....


ahh f**k it, i´ll buy it anyway
You obviously have no idea what work and talent it takes to get to create and release a game like this.

They shouldn't be celebrated, but they shouldn't be lynched either.

Like I said not the people but RAD is a company. A lot of people are bashing Comcast are you sad?

And I've also said that it's mostly jokes. It's like making memes of celebrities. It's not so dramatic.
Shinobi seems to have a pretty distinct bias, it's probably best to take what he says with a pinch of salt.
I guess towards the 'bland' AAA-side of the industry I guess, seems to be overenthusiastic about that kind of stuff. Never really see him in indie or PC threads, usually what he's playing up is the next big homogenous AAA extravaganza that we've seen again and again, so you can't really blame him if you follow his hype into yet another one of these things.
Heh, that's pretty presumptious...

"Bland" is one opinion anyway. Do you consider games like Uncharted, Halo, Fallout, Elder Scrolls, Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Bioshock, The Last of Us, etc bland? If so then sure, guilty as charged. I'm just a big fan of story driven games. Story is a huge factor for me in regards to overall enjoyment, hence why I mostly like to discuss them. I have no damn "bias", I just like to talk about things I really like. Right now I'm loving Apotheon and especially Transistor which is a pretty incredible game. Still play some Resogun, played The Swapper, looking forward to games like Rime and The Witness...come on. Don't really like that label. I love all games.

Edit: And I'm not in PC threads because I don't have a gaming capable PC, nothing against PC gaming at all dude.

Driveclub-positivity is more a GAF-thing, isn't it? It has it has it's (probably deserved) loyal audience here, but in general the gaming press, the average gamer as well as people who are big into racing games agree that Driveclub is not a stand-out good game.

I doubt that The Order will find it's loyal audience though. It would have needed reasons to replay it over and over for that.


Some of the best games I've ever played have been short. I pay for good, memorable experiences, and this sounds like it will provide that for me. 5-7 hours is the perfect length for this type of game.

Also, while I do also enjoy longer and more complex games, I don't need branching story lines or to level characters/weapons to have a good time. Those things end up getting in the way of my enjoyment in a lot of scenarios anyway.

Definitely picking it up tomorrow.

You can buy the game if you want but did you ignore everything said about the game except length? Length is the least of the game's worries.


Reasonable for a 3 or a 4, but 1? That's really harsh IMO.

I personally agree. I think that score should be reserved for shit-ass games that are broken, or awful shovelware that took a few months to cobble together.

Not a game by a respected developer that took 5 years to make.
curious how this game compares to binary domain.

both single player only 'gears of war style shooters' that scored in the 6's 7's. Although binary domain developed a cult following.

Just wondering if The Order has a big bo

Well, Binary Domain has an avarage of 10 hours of gameplay, very small amount of cutscenes, different endings and replayability thanks to the different character interactions depending of how your treat them.
I would say that they are like night and day.


"No respect for player involvement"


Developers need to understand that there is a fine line between making a game that looks and feels like a movie and making a movie that lets you push some buttons from time to time. Naughty Dog understands this and their games are cinematic but still awesome to play. Heavy Rain was ok but Beyond Two Souls went way pass that line and I hated it. The Order seems to have crossed that line as well. I hope they learn their lesson. I'm still going to play this but I'm selling it ASAP.


GiantBombs review title sums it up "There's a word for games like The Order: 1886. Rental."

you're feeding a developer for a half assed product. why?

Your are really trolling me, aren't you? I wrote it in my previous answer, that you ignored!
Here it is again, please, read carefully.

I actually don't mind the QTEs (Tomb Raider reboot had plenty of those and look how people enjoy that), I love the setting and I'm a sucker for shiny new graphics, so I don't think that I'm throwing money away at all. The game where my money was wasted was actually GTA5 because I don't like its setting, world and characters. That's right, I said it, GTA5 is a waste of money for me personally.

Now, please, let me enjoy the linear experience that I like and fund the next game which I hope will only be better since the engine and assets are already there.


I strongly disagree. Opinions are subjective. Reviews are pragmatic assessments. This game receiving a 4/10 is nothing short of fueled by strong personal convictions, which have no place in a professional critique.

So you're saying reviewers shouldn't give this game a 4/10 even if they think the game deserves a 4/10?

Why does this game not deserve a 4/10 when others do? You realize you are dismantling your own argument, because subjectivity is necessary for to be able to claim that the 4/10s are "fueled by strong personal convictions". How do we measure if a 4/10 is "deserved" or not, in your review system, other than subjectivity?
Heh, that's pretty presumptious...

"Bland" is one opinion anyway. Do you consider games like Uncharted, Halo, Fallout, Elder Scrolls, Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Bioshock, The Last of Us, etc bland? If so then sure, guilty as charged. I'm just a big fan of story driven games. Story is a huge factor for me in regards to overall enjoyment, hence why I mostly like to discuss them. I have no damn "bias", I just like to talk about things I really like. Right now I'm loving Apotheon and especially Transistor which is a pretty incredible game. Still play some Resogun, played The Swapper, looking forward to games like Rime and The Witness...come on. Don't really like that label. I love all games.

You and I are kindred spirits sir.


If you're criticizing someone's hypocrisy, you should probably verify that the source is the same.

yeah but I don't see the hypocrisy at all. liking MCC and not liking The Order seems perfectly reasonable to me. I get that some people are trying to make the case that MCC was broken yet still got good reviews but that's not the whole story.
I'm tried of people saying.

1886 is too short = Everyone wants Ubisoft checklist gameplay

I wanted it to be like TLOU gameplay wise. It has the elements but it lacks execution. I don't want a fucking Ubisoft game. It's such an asinine thing to say and I've seen mutiple people say it.


Thankfully I didn't pre order this game. I feel sorry for anyone that spent full price for a game that should retail for $30.

But how come this game got so much hype when the developer was known for making PSP versions of God of War? Did you honestly expect a game that was going to be AAA?

What? You shouldn't feel sorry for people enjoying the game.


Running through corridors seems to make up 90% of The Order's gameplay.

But, but... it has atmosphere.. right?

Yeah, I was just messing around as well. I, probably similar to you, do not think the games are comparable in such a way. I guess it comes down to the game being fun or not.

Imho the difference for many people here is that while ACU was buggy and one of the worst AC games it was still fun, while The Order on the other hand is working fine technically, and that is great and should get acknowledged, but is just not that much fun. Now if only more games today managed to deliver both.


The Order - 30fps
AC Unity ~ 24fps

The Order - about 6 hours long
AC Unity - about 12 hours long

The Order - 648,000 total frames
AC Unity - 1,036,800 total frames

AC Unity wins.

You can't argue with that logic.

Wait, you forgot the economic analysis:

The Order - $60/648,000 = $0.000093/frame
AC Unity - $60/1,036,800 = $0.000052/frame
Hollywood movie (~2 hours) - $12/172,800 = $0.000069/frame

Conclusion - Watching Armageddon is a better value than buying the Order :)
Looks like outlets remembered the other end of their metric lol

In all seriousness, it's not surprising. A game doesn't have to be innovative or have tacked on modes to fit a checklist, but it should accomplish the goals set by not only what it is, but what it was touted as.

I am a bit disappointed, but unsurprised, at all the linear game hate and saying how it's such a problem in the industry after coming off a years-worth of open world games that struggled to get their footing and relying on some of the less savory elements to fill out the 'experience' (and possibly seeing the same this year). It's not the game's genre, style, or platform, but how it's developed and presented that matter when it comes to quality.

And it doesn't seem like RAD was able to make that work out. Not that it wasn't possible for The Order 1886 to be a good game. There seems to be promising foundations laid out both in narrative and gameplay, but unfortunately they seem bare at even the most passing of glances.

As Amir0x brought up, a post-mortem on RAD's development of The Order 1886 would be interesting to see. Of 5 years of development, how much as spent on the engine and pre-production? When did the actual production start? Was the game's story intended to be as unsupported as it was from getting more or less a finalized idea of the actual game, or did something set the team back in fleshing out the rich potential of it that seems better supported in the marketing web pages? Perhaps it is 'style over substance', but gameplay never seemed to be an issue with RAD in the past for it to be as cut and dry as it would appear.

All that said though, a 1/5 is probably as ridiculous as a 5/5 for the game lol, probably as ridiculous as the Bloodborne 'concern' that was earlier in the thread.
Glad I waited for reviews on this one. I had a bad feeling about it for a long time, some subtle comments from Giant Bomb over the last few months pretty much confirmed my fears. I think this past weekend someone made a thread praising the game and it came off as pure PR(not an accusation, that's what it sounded like). It was ridiculous and raised a red flag for sure. No more hype trains and I'm done pre-ordering games unless it's something I know I'm guaranteed to enjoy.


It's amazing how this game turned out exactly how everyone thought it would. I wish I knew more about game development so I could understand how you can listen to the same complaints for nearly two years and still deliver a game that seems to have doubled down on what people were telling you they didn't like.


As a ps4, and xb1 owner, I think that Sony needs to re evalute Shu's performance, first party games are what Sony is known for. I could always tend to overlook them not focusing on online multiplayer games, because of the quality and variety that Sony usually puts out with their exclusives. Driveclub, and the Order should have been launch window games. Driveclub, while great now, was delayed a year, and launched broken. So many people look at reviews when deciding to buy a game. So although the game is great now, it should have never released in the state it did. And no way Shu should have let that happen. The order, looks to be Sony's ryse. How does this happen. No multiplayer, no co-op, delayed 6 months, and getting scores of 5, and 6. Killzone another example , graphics outstanding, gameplay, bad. Knack , and Imfamous, I will give a pass, although once again, no multiplayer, and reviews were merly average.

Dont get me wrong, the ps4 is selling well. But I would argue that people buy a playstation for their quality, and diversity. Some of the indie games have been great, and maybe Bloodborne turns out great. But the performance by Sonys exclusives have been disappointing in comparison to their competitor, and that is new territory for the Playstation.
Even in it's current state, I think Bloodborne looks better than this game. I consider art far more than technical prowess. For instance, I've been playing Majora's Mask 3D and have been consistently going through areas saying, "wow, this is beautiful".

Graphics are more than particle effects and motion blur.
So you subjectively prefer Bloodborn because of the art style? Perfectly fine. But that's a really strong preference; it's not like The Order doesn't have an art style, but it obviously has a more photorealistic one.

And on the technical level, it is the best-looking console game currently available and will probably remain that way for the rest of the year. Yes, even more than UC4.

However, it's perfectly sane if many prefer UC4 over The Order based on art style alone, especially if you prefer your stuff to be more colorful. I can see people preferring Bloodborn to The Order for its more stylistic, quasi-anime influenced visuals, perfectly acceptable.

But you can't say that either game bests The Order on the technical level. UC4 comes close and may do so eventually however, but I don't see it in The Order. And neither game needs to honestly; so long as they're technically proficient enough to carry their art styles, that's all they need.


Neo Member
People hate reviews whenever they don't get their way. The game has problems and I am glad the reviews didn't get swept up by the hype. I know I will get flak for this but so many users here were buying into the hype and defending the developers mainly because it was a PS4 exclusive or had pretty graphics. If anyone looked at this game objectively and past the graphics it was quite clear, it was going to fail. (Yes, 6/10 in the gaming community is considered like a D grade) I got laughed at in the impressions thread for suggesting that this game would flop for the very same reasons most of the reviewers say.

In the long run, The Order game sales will definitely be hurt by these reviews and Sony will have to learn from this and invest their money more carefully in better exclusives. Live and learn.

Trust me I am too waiting for a PS exclusive worth buying.


If graphics were king and that's all people truly cared about...indie games wouldn't be as big as they are. I think RAD and other big companies need to realize that. We open our wallets not because of how the game looks, but because how it plays and how much we can get out of it.

And yet people hate cross gen games because of graphics.
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