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The Order 1886 Review Thread

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Damn. I expected mostly sevens and eights. It's reviewing a lot worse than I thought. I was kinda hoping that it would have a story so good that it would mitigate some of the other lackluster elements but so far I haven't seen a lot of praise for it's story. I have a feeling I'll be getting this at some point but right now I think my money is better spent elsewhere. Not to say that I base my purchase decisions solely on reviews. I could end up loving the game but I only have money to spend on one game this month so I'll go with something more "safe". Hopefully RaD will consider injecting their next game with more interactivity and player agency, but holy shit did they get the graphics right. I mean goddamn it's gorgeous and reading the DF performance article the performance is solid too.


I'm still buying it. I love RAD and the game still looks great to me. I can't handle multiplayer modes in every single game I buy these days. Besides, who has time for that shit??!?!


Made another GIF to sum up the reviews.


Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Reading that "At a Glance" makes it sound more like 0.5/5 or 1/5

An example of why focusing on the graphics in a medium ironically called video games, can be a mistake. The only thing preventing games from being movies is the interactivity. Without the interaction, the visuals have no point.

Some will say "but I don't care about the gameplay; I like cinematic games". That's just fine. And there are a number of high profile cinematic games that demonstrate being cinematic doesn't mean abandoning gameplay. But even if it's worth it to an individual to pay $60 just to watch expensive graphics stream by for a few hours, in a critical review a game with good graphics and poor interactivity deserves to be take its lumps.


That kind of game isn't really dated, but certain trends relating to it are. It seems The Order takes all the bad trends and capitalizes on them, hence the backlash. Uncharted has always taken the good aspects of that and built on them, which is why they're successful critically and commercially.

UC4, from that PSX demo alone, has absolutely nothing to worry about (and if you worry for that, you should worry for RotTR and Quantum Break as well). I felt that demo, in a way I haven't for anything regarding The Order other than visuals sadly.

Same thing for those games. With Uncharted, there's always the fun multiplayer and puzzles. From what we saw from that PSX demo, it just looks like they are going back to the Uncharted 1 design approach to fire fights and building off of that. Uncharted 1 did have some open areas you fought in. But in 4, the set pieces are peppered here and there.

Now keep in mind, it's like I said with The Order, I'll judge it based on the intentions of the developer. If they can deliver on what they are promising, then they'll succeed in my eyes.


Wow. I was expecting mediocre-decent reception for this game. Seeing lots of places really shitting on it, especially that Kotaku review. Damn.


problem is, tomb raider had actually gameplay. this does not deliver in that area

So out of all the arguments I made that I personally do not consider my purchase a waste of money, as you are trying to coerce me into thinking, you only choose the one which has no link with the initial premise and is, by all intends a purposes, an off-topic comment that I put into the brackets? Wow...


MCC multiplayer still broken after 100 days, so now you can just compare 4 SP games to the 1 interactive movie.

As much as I pile on MCC for being broken after 4 months- This is very true.

You're still getting a fuckton of great content in the MCC, and as far as I know the single player is mostly fixed.


I had a bad feeling because of all the stuff going on and the hate this game was getting. But this is just brutal. Hope it sells well despite the reviews. RAD deserves better than this.

The Order haters must be really happy.

There is a reason for all the "hate". I would rather call it legitimately criticism/concerns. Not everyone is "hating". And why do they deserve better than this?


The Order - 30fps
AC Unity ~ 24fps

The Order - about 6 hours long
AC Unity - about 12 6 hours long

The Order - 648,000 total frames
AC Unity - 1,036,800 518,400 total frames

AC Unity The Order wins.

You can't argue with that logic.

I patched your post as I think I stumbled upon a few bugs here and there:

Changelog v1.0.45693: If you'd cut out the time of running from point A to point B for the 100th time over and over again ACU is back at 6 hours of actually doing stuff as well. Open world games really get away easily with adding playtime that is actually empty in most games and repetitive after doing it once.

Guess you can't argue with that even more absurd logic 1.0.45693.


At some point the mp on halo will be fixed. There is no way they will let it languish for forever. If you are willing to wait, i would pick it up.

As long as the sale is in place I am buying it this weekend, my son is finally old enough and has never played a Halo game ; ) As long as the SP is working it is a treasure trove for me.

I had $50 PSN credit just waiting to be spent,so I was waiting on reviews for this but I think I will opt for the telltale collection. This game will almost certainly be on PS+ at some point this year


Gold Member

The "no respect for player involvement" bullet is something that I'd love for all developers be more careful of if they're intent on making a cinematic game. It's something that I have grown to despise. Having control taken away from me constantly is one of the most frustrating things about a lot of modern games.



The campaign in Halo is much better and LONGER than the order 1886. Has coop and replay value.

I don't know how many times it has to be said that you shouldn't preorder games based on hype alone, but, yeah.

Don't preorder games, especially digital preorders.
Let me patch your post as I think I stumbled upon a few bugs here and there:

If you'd cut out the time of running from point A to point B for the 100th time over and over again ACU is back at 6 hours as well.

Guess you can't argue with that even more absurd logic 1.0.45693.

Running through corridors seems to make up 90% of The Order's gameplay.


I have no problem with this. Halo's campaigns worked fine and on their own present much better value than The Order.

I get what he's saying though, and agree. It wasn't packaged and sold as "The Master Chief Campaigns (Only)". People wanting that multiplayer goodness expected it to work, and it didn't. MCC is probably up there with Orange Box in terms of value, but the "complete package" doesn't work, and so the reviews at the time of release should reflect that fairly.

People that want more content from The Order are not getting it, but it wasn't promised and then delivered broken either, it's just non-existant.
It was always B movie schlock conceptually, but it takes itself too seriously and the writing simply does not hold up well enough to do the work. It falls apart.
Whats there does I guess, but the real problem is there barely is a story to begin with. For all their ambition not much happens here. Like Jim Sterling put it the entire game feels like a prologue.


Some of the best games I've ever played have been short. I pay for good, memorable experiences, and this sounds like it will provide that for me. 5-7 hours is the perfect length for this type of game.

Also, while I do also enjoy longer and more complex games, I don't need branching story lines or to level characters/weapons to have a good time. Those things end up getting in the way of my enjoyment in a lot of scenarios anyway.

Definitely picking it up tomorrow.

Mikey Jr.

Any 6/10 reviewed game that sold 5M units in one year (Patcher The Order prediction)?

Probably some worse Ass. Creed instalment or Call of Duty?

Established franchises can get away with crappy reviews. New ip's don't have that same advantage.

Rad should be ecstatic to hit 1 million worldwide.
curious how this game compares to binary domain.

both single player only 'gears of war style shooters' that scored in the 6's 7's. Although binary domain developed a cult following.

Just wondering if The Order has a big bo

Don't compare this to binary domain.

They have very little, if anything in common.
So out of all the arguments I made that I personally do not consider my purchase a waste of money, as you are trying to coerce me into thinking, you only choose the one which has no link with the initial premise and is, by all intends a purposes, an off-topic comment that I put into the brackets? Wow...

GiantBombs review title sums it up "There's a word for games like The Order: 1886. Rental."

you're feeding a developer for a half assed product. why?


Neo Member
What a shame. The atmosphere, attention to detail, and idea for this game intrigued me, but I canceled my pre-order last week because of how impressions were going.

I hope nothing bad happens to RaD because of this, and that they get a chance to learn from their mistakes. Also, that they handle the criticism in a mature manner.


After beating the game, it's actually pretty evident that every section where you are forced to walk, and almost every instance of QTE outside of fights was meant to elongate the games length because of how short it is. I honestly think RAD knew how short lived the game was, and actually went back to add the above to draw it out just a little bit longer.

The issue with the game is not the length nor the gameplay-cutscene-gameplay-cutscene nature of it all. The issue is how even the pure gameplay segments of the game feel like RAD and it's "cinematic vision" have a vice grip on how you play the game. The only freedom this game gives to you. the player, is the ability to push the analogue stick forward. And even then, those force walks agitate even that.


I'd be in the dick
I've always wondered what it must be like in the office of the studios when reviews come out. Especially when they are negative.

I remember when Shadow Fall came out. Several of the devs were tweeting about how excited they were to see the verdict on the culmination of 10 years of work. They just went silent as soon as reviews hit.
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