As a ps4, and xb1 owner, I think that Sony needs to re evalute Shu's performance, first party games are what Sony is known for. I could always tend to overlook them not focusing on online multiplayer games, because of the quality and variety that Sony usually puts out with their exclusives. Driveclub, and the Order should have been launch window games. Driveclub, while great now, was delayed a year, and launched broken. So many people look at reviews when deciding to buy a game. So although the game is great now, it should have never released in the state it did. And no way Shu should have let that happen. The order, looks to be Sony's ryse. How does this happen. No multiplayer, no co-op, delayed 6 months, and getting scores of 5, and 6. Killzone another example , graphics outstanding, gameplay, bad. Knack , and Imfamous, I will give a pass, although once again, no multiplayer, and reviews were merly average.
Dont get me wrong, the ps4 is selling well. But I would argue that people buy a playstation for their quality, and diversity. Some of the indie games have been great, and maybe Bloodborne turns out great. But the performance by Sonys exclusives have been disappointing in comparison to their competitor, and that is new territory for the Playstation.